Diet Pegano with psoriasis
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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As you know, psoriasis is classified as an autoimmune disease that can not be cured. However, in reducing the intensity of the manifestation of its symptoms - a characteristic rash on the skin - nutrition can help in accordance with the principles on which the diet of Pégano is based on psoriasis.
General information of the diets of Pegano
To explain the essence of the diet, which almost forty years ago developed and successfully applied the American physician John O. Pagano (John O. Pagano), should briefly highlight his views on the pathogenesis of the disease, which is still considered a "dermatological riddle."
In his famous book "Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative", Pegano wrote that psoriasis is only an outward manifestation of the body's attempts to get rid of internal toxins, and outlined his version of the natural relief of patients' condition.
According to Pegano, if you look at psoriasis "from the inside out," this disease can be seen as a result of an overload of the body's defense mechanism, which can not cope with the excretion of toxic products of vital activity through the intestines, liver and kidneys. Accumulation of substances harmful to tissues and organs leads to an increase in intestinal permeability and toxins entering the lymph and blood. And then, according to Pegano, our skin is trying to remove toxins from the body. That is, the integuments act as a reserve system of excretion, but, since for them this is an impossible task, psoriasis becomes a reaction.
The goal that the Pegano diet should achieve in psoriasis is internal cleansing, release from endogenous toxins accumulated in the body (including in the intestine), and restoring the correct balance of alkaline and acid-forming foods coming with food. Vegetables and fruits (alkalinizing products) should account for two thirds of the diet, and for meat and cereals (acid-producing products) - one-third.
The best way to start a diet is with a three-day cleansing, which consists of eating apples (three days you need to eat only apples - without the restriction of quantity). You also need to drink plenty of water: 6-8 glasses a day. And then it is necessary to switch to the use of only allowed products, and to avoid what should be excluded from the diet.
What can and what can not?
So, what can you eat with the diet of Pegano? You can eat an unlimited amount of alkaline foods, such as vegetables, leaf salads and greens, various fruits. It is better to eat them raw or after a minimal culinary treatment.
It is allowed to eat low-fat mutton, chicken (only white meat) and turkey, sea fish, mushrooms, legumes, cereals (in moderation), buckwheat and brown rice, bread (whole-grain, bran, bezdorozhzhevoy), pasta from durum wheat , citrus fruits.
You can and should drink fresh (that is, not pasteurized or sterilized) fruit juices, carrot juice and celery juice.
Vegetable oil (for dressing salads) can be any, but best of all, of course, olive. Nuts, seeds, and almonds can be eaten two or three times a week for 50-60 g.
Consumption is restricted: dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, butter, yoghurt, etc.), eggs (no more than two boiled eggs a week), cereals, caffeinated drinks.
By the way, salmon, broccoli, carrots, garlic, sweet potato, turmeric, chicory (leaves), turnip and linseed oil are listed in the list of products that contribute to the reduction of psoriasis plaques, compiled by the FDA.
And in the list of what can not be eaten with the diet of Pegano, all kinds of red meat, by-products, sausages, ham, cold-boiled pork, lard, and the like got into the diet; mollusks and crustaceans; fried and deep-fried food; whole milk; White rice; potatoes, tomatoes (including tomato juice and ketchup), eggplant, pepper (all nightshade vegetable crops); white bread, biscuits, cookies, cakes, cakes, etc .; citrus fruits and strawberries; sugar, candy, chocolate, honey. And, of course, canned food, fast food, breakfast cereals (snacks) and alcoholic beverages.
Recipes of the diet of Pegano with psoriasis
All the recipes of the diet of Pegano with psoriasis are collected in the book "Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook. " Here are a few recipes for simple dishes recommended for patients who adhere to this diet.
Onion and apple soup
In a saucepan with a thick bottom on medium heat, heat one tablespoon of vegetable oil; add a finely chopped onion and a small stem of leeks and fry until golden. Pour 1.5 cups of vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Add peeled and cut into small cubes two apples; reduce heat and cook for 10-15 minutes until cooked. At the end of cooking, put some fresh (or dried) rosemary and thyme in the soup.
Carrot and beetroot salad with ginger
Grate one raw beets and carrots on a medium grater (in a 1: 2 ratio). Mix the vegetables and season with a mixture made from two tablespoons of apple juice, a tablespoon of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger and salt (to taste).
Chicken soup with rice and broccoli
Boil 500 grams of chicken, take out the meat, and bring the chicken broth back to the boil and put in a pan: 100 g of cold-browned and washed brown rice, diced celery stems (100 g), grated carrots (100 g), broccoli 200 g) and a small onion (ground).
Reduce the heat, cover the pan and cook over low heat, stirring until the rice becomes soft. Add chopped boiled chicken and cook for about five minutes.
Menu for the week of the Pegaso diet with psoriasis
Sample menu for the week of the diet of Pegano with psoriasis (1. - breakfast, 2. - lunch, 3. - afternoon tea, 4. - dinner) looks like this:
- Oat porridge on the water, dried fruits, tea.
- Vegetable soup, boiled chicken.
- Fresh fruits.
- Baked fish with vegetable salad.
- Boiled egg, yoghurt.
- Chicken broth, buckwheat porridge, apple juice.
- Fresh fruits.
- Vegetable stew, tea.
- Porridge, toast with jam, coffee.
- Soup, a bit of turkey with salad, compote.
- Fresh fruits, nuts.
- Vegetable salad with boiled chicken, compote.
- Cottage cheese casserole with apples, tea.
- Vegetable soup, steam fish with pasta.
- Fresh fruits.
- Chicken cutlet with stewed vegetables, tea.
- Boiled egg, yoghurt, tea.
- Vegetable soup, veal fricassee with vermicelli, juice.
- Fresh fruits.
- Fish cutlet with salad.
- Buckwheat porridge, toast with cheese, tea.
- Soup, fish cutlet with cereal garnish, juice.
- Fresh fruits, nuts.
- Pea puree with boiled chicken, compote.
- Pancakes with fruit, coffee or tea.
- Lenten borsch, chicken cutlet with garnish, juice.
- Fruit salad, nuts.
- Vegetable stew, compote.
Reviews of the diet of Pegano with psoriasis
It should be borne in mind that the fulfillment of the prescriptions of this diet is not guaranteed a positive result. However, reviews of the diet of Pegano in psoriasis indicate that in most patients who have been able to show perseverance and patience, the skin condition has improved. Some had a remission, others had almost all the spots, and the skin stopped flaking.
As they say, you risk nothing if you try to stick to such a diet. The chances that the diet of Pegaso with psoriasis will help you, high enough.