Why do women more often suffer from constipation?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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As already mentioned, women become victims of constipation more often than men. In women, the possibility of developing this disease is 3-4 times higher than that of the stronger sex. Why do women more often suffer from constipation?
What characterizes female constipation?
Often, constipation in women can occur at a young age or immediately after childbirth, while men, in turn, face this problem only in adulthood. It turns out that in women, constipation can be formed not only because of problems with the intestines, but also with a certain constitutional predisposition. What is the problem then?
In some women, with the normal size of the intestines and its proper functioning, the stool can move slowly, which means defecation occurs infrequently even in childhood and adolescence. Often the occurrence of constipation is associated with operations in the abdominal cavity.
Age - intestinal problems
Every year, the time interval between bowel movements increases, and already at a mature age a person defecates no more than once a week, and then thanks to enemas and laxative drugs. The main signs of constipation are pain in the intestine and a strong stretching of the abdominal wall.
Very often, the course of this disease becomes too heavy a burden, both from a psychological point of view and from a physical one. After all, the fight against constipation takes up most of the free time of a person, and sometimes such a struggle leads to nervous disorders. The treatment of such patients becomes an extremely difficult task, which can only be solved by a specialist who is comprehensively suited to solving the problem. Not in all cases, treatment leads to a decent result.
Constipation with hormonal disruptions
Women suffering from constipation may also have a certain imbalance of hormones in the body. The consequence of this imbalance are painful periods, passing without any periodicity. Women with a similar problem are very difficult to endure the initial period of pregnancy.
Analyzes in this case show failures in the sex glands. The blood may contain too much of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of breast milk, as well as decrease the content of the female hormones estrogen and estradiol. If this is the case, then the treatment of constipation should be combined with a visit to the gynecologist.