Why are my eyes itchy and watery and what to do?
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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It happens that for no apparent reason a person begins to feel bad: there is discomfort, lethargy, and most importantly - the eyes itch and watery, so much so that it is impossible to do even ordinary household chores. What can be caused by such a malaise? Is it a disease or some physiological reaction?
In fact, there are many reasons, so read this article carefully.
Causes of the itchy eyes and tearing
Everyone knows that there are tears from grief or joy. But, besides emotions, there are other causes of tears, for example:
- during high winds;
- in the cold;
- for trauma;
- when tiny particles such as dust or sand get into the eye.
Such causes can provoke not only the release of tears, but also itching or burning.
Many people get itchy and watery eyes from exposure to sunlight, prolonged computer or smartphone use, impaired vision and the use of inappropriate eyeglasses.
Smokers have itchy and watery eyes because of smoke that irritates the mucous membrane of the visual organs. The same phenomenon is observed if there are vapors of paints, acids and other chemicals in the air.
Itching and tearing can also indicate the presence of a disease. For example, the "culprit" may be:
- conjunctivitis; [1]
- increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma); [2]
- inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis); [3]
- inflammation in the cornea (keratitis). [4]
The most common cause of itchy and watery eyes is allergies, such as the use of cosmetics and detergents, or hypersensitivity to pollen, animal hair, etc., which can cause the eyes to itch and water.
Tearing and unpleasant sensations in the eyes sometimes bother people of old age, which is due to age-related decrease in the tone of the eye muscles, impaired function of the lacrimal glands.
In addition to all of the above, it is not uncommon for eyes to itch and watery in acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory diseases, vitamin B2 deficiency in the body.
Risk factors
There are factors that increase the risk of tearing and itchy eyes:
- tendency to allergies, the body's hypersensitivity to certain substances, conditions or products;
- frequent stay in public places, potential contact with sick people;
- unfavorable living conditions, non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic recommendations;
- use of eyeglasses, contact lenses;
- living in an environmentally unfavorable zone, near large industrial facilities, highways;
- old age;
- work associated with occupational hazards, regular contact with chemical and other irritating agents;
- smoking.
The lacrimal gland system is localized in the outer-upper zone of the eye socket, which is formed by the frontal bone. It is these glands that produce liquid lacrimal secretion, which is discharged behind the lower eyelid and dispersed throughout the organ: "excess" tears enter the nasolacrimal duct. A small amount of this fluid is secreted around the clock, in an amount of approximately up to 1 ml. During crying, tear secretion can reach a volume of 8-10 ml.
Constant tear production provides protection for our visual organs. As a result of this process, a kind of protective layer is formed on the ocular surface, which protects it from unfavorable external influences. At the same time, the mucosa of the eye and nasopharyngeal area is moisturized.
In addition, tears provide the strongest antimicrobial action. Among the basic components of the liquid there is lysozyme, a powerful antibacterial enzyme that protects the organs of vision from the encroachment of pathogenic flora.
When the eyes become watery from stress, the excess hormonal substances that were synthesized during the stress attack are excreted along with the tear fluid. This is necessary to avoid oversaturation of the body with such substances, because as a result, the psyche of the person may suffer. Such a reaction occurs with any strong release of adrenaline into the blood.
Eyes tear also to provide moisture and trophic processes in the cornea, an area that lacks its own blood network.
It can be confidently stated that 99% of people on the planet at least once in their lives have experienced such a condition, when the eyes itch and tear. This symptom is especially common with the onset of cold weather, as well as in periods of epidemic invasion of viral diseases.
According to statistics, among all patients who seek medical help for lacrimation and discomfort in the eyes, 65% have conjunctivitis. In the winter-spring period, the number of such patients increases to almost 80%, which is explained by the spread of acute respiratory viral infections and other viral infections.
The most common cause is infection of any origin. The second place is occupied by visual impairment, and in particular - improperly selected glasses. In the risk zone are those patients who use contact lenses or spend a long time at a computer monitor.
When the eyes are itchy and watery, but the unpleasant symptoms quickly pass, you can not worry, because this condition is most likely not pathological. But painful symptoms indicating the presence of a disease, it is necessary to notice in time to quickly take appropriate therapeutic measures.
The first signs of the beginning of the inflammatory process:
- The appearance of discomfort in the eyes (pain, itching);
- redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
- discomfort in the eyes when trying to look at light;
- tear production;
- The appearance of purulent, mucous discharge, depending on the etiology of the disease;
- swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva, small hemorrhages, sometimes - enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.
If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear within 1-2 days, then you need to see a doctor without delay.
In most patients, the visual organs are affected bilaterally, and only in some cases (for example, in microbial conjunctivitis) at the initial stage of the disease, pathological symptoms are detected on one side. For example, at an early stage, the right eye itches and tears, but the next day the inflammatory reaction affects the left side, although the disease in the second eye may be somewhat milder.
In some cases, when the eyes water and itchy eyelids, there is also a decrease in visual acuity. This disorder may be transient in case of timely intervention.
In the acute form of conjunctivitis, there is a sudden onset of the disease: the eyes are red, watery and itchy, the general condition is disturbed, headache and weakness, lethargy may bother. With the viral nature of inflammation, there is a painful symptomatology on the side of the upper respiratory tract. Viral infectious disease lasts from 7 to 20 days, after which there is a full recovery.
Thus, if itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose becomes obvious, and a fever and sore throat occur, a viral infection can be suspected. The causative agent may be adenovirus, herpes virus or measles. The clinical picture develops quickly, with increasing intensity of manifestations.
In microbial lesions, the eyes are sore, watery and itchy. The causative agents can be bacilli (diphtheria, intestinal, or Koch's bacillus) or coccus flora represented by gonococci, pneumococci, staphylococci or streptococci. For microbial inflammation is typical not only abundant lacrimation, but also photophobia. The mucous tissues become red, edematous, single visible burst capillaries are possible.
You can suspect the fungal nature of the disease if the nose itches and watery eyes at the same time. Such an inflammatory process is provoked by spores of fungal flora represented by mold, yeast-like fungi, actinomycetes and so on. Such infection is usually activated against the background of weakening of the general immunity in the body.
The eyes become very itchy and watery in allergic processes caused by allergens. The "culprits" can be medications, cosmetics, household chemicals, as well as dust or vapors, pollen, etc. In severe allergies, the whole body may suffer: reddening of the skin, general itching, skin rashes, etc.
Swollen, watery and itchy eyes are not only in conjunctivitis: such a symptom is not uncommon in chronic digestive disorders, helminthic diseases, sinusitis and maxillary sinusitis.
Depending on the nature of the course of the pathological process, different variants are distinguished:
- Acute pathology - occurs abruptly, lasts no more than 3 weeks, after which recovery occurs.
- Chronic pathology - starts gradually, does not go away for a long time (lasts 4 weeks or more). For example, at first, slightly itchy eyelashes and watery eyes, then other painful symptoms join. Treatment is prolonged and complex.
Symptoms of some eye diseases are inconsistent, and periods of exacerbation may be replaced by periods of remission. This is especially true for pathologies of allergic etiology, as well as those associated with increased intraocular pressure.
In any case, if the eyes are itchy and watery in the child, then the doctor's consultation should follow necessarily.
Diagnostics of the itchy eyes and tearing
When the eyes are itchy and watery, it is important to see a doctor (ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist) in time for diagnostic manipulations. Often the diagnosis is established already in the course of listening to the patient's complaints, collecting anamnesis, as well as after a thorough objective examination, including ocular biomicroscopy.
To make a definitive diagnosis and to determine the true cause of tear production, additional examination consisting of such procedures is performed:
- general clinical blood and urine tests;
- immunologic blood test with determination of immunoglobulins A and G to infectious agents;
- allergy tests if allergic nature of lacrimation is suspected;
- microscopic examination of a smear impression or conjunctival scrape.
Instrumental diagnosis may be supplemented by other procedures individually recommended by an otolaryngologist, allergist, phthisiatrist, etc.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out between diseases that have similar signs - in particular, when the eyes itch and tear at the same time. It is important to distinguish between such pathologies:
- uveitis;
- keratitis;
- glaucoma (acute form);
- dacryocystitis;
- conjunctivitis;
- ingestion of a foreign body.
Treatment of the itchy eyes and tearing
When itchy and watery eyes, the doctor directs treatment to address the underlying cause of this symptom:
- In case of viral origin of lacrimation, external antiviral agents are used:
- Interferon (two ampoules of the drug diluted with one ampoule of dissolving agent) is dripped 2 drops in each eye up to eight times a day until painful signs disappear;
- Interferonogens: Pyrogenal 100 MPD (1 ml ampoule) 2 drops six times a day, Poludan (1 ampoule diluted with 2 ml of water for injection) up to eight times a day;
- γ-globulin drops six times a day;
Ointment preparations Florenal, Bonafton, Tebrofen, Zovirax are placed behind the eyelid up to four times a day for a week.
- In case of bacterial etiology of tearing, laboratory method determines the sensitivity of pathogenic flora to antibiotic therapy. Until the results of the analysis are ready, a solution of 0.25% Chloramphenicol and 30% sodium sulfacil is dripped into the eye (first - hourly, then - up to 8 times a day with 2 drops). Alternative injection of 1% solution of fusidic acid twice a day is possible. Before the procedure, the eyes are rinsed with a weak solution of manganese or furacilin.
- Allergic lacrimation is treated with antihistamines. Glucocorticosteroid drops, such as Sofradex, are used for the eyes.
- In tear production caused by fungal infection (which should be confirmed by laboratory) prescribe treatment Nizoral and other antifungal agents.
What should I do if my eyes itch and water?
First of all, the watery eye should be washed with antiseptic solutions: furacilin, weak solution of manganese, or even ordinary saline solution is suitable. In the acute form of bacterial conjunctivitis, there is a need for antibiotics. The most common scheme of eye drops:
During the first 24 hours of the disease - every 1-2 hours;
On average six times a day.
If the eyes are itchy and watery, it is necessary to keep the eyelids closed for two minutes after injecting the medication solution. Do not choose drops on your own, so as not to aggravate the situation, so it is better to consult a doctor.
In addition to medicated injections and patching, you can rinse the eyelids with various strong infusions and decoctions: chamomile flowers, oak bark, calendula, or even strong black or green tea (must be natural, without additives and dyes). Such remedies should be neither hot nor cold - the optimal temperature is the temperature of the human body.
It is forbidden to put any bandages on watery eyes: they prevent the natural excretion of fluid and can worsen the situation. It is also forbidden to warm the eyelids with hot bags of salt, cereal, and boiled eggs (such recipes can be found on the Internet). These procedures can significantly aggravate the pathology.
Medicines that your doctor can prescribe
Sodium sulfacil |
Drops based on sulfacetamide - an antimicrobial sulfonamide agent with a wide range of effects. The drug is safe, it is allowed to be used in pediatric practice, as well as in pregnancy and lactation. Drops are dripped behind the lower eyelid, about 5-6 times a day. Side effects are rare: there may be slight local irritation, redness, burning in the eyes, which passes in a few seconds after application of the drug. |
Vial |
Drops based on tetrizolin. They are prescribed for allergic irritation of the conjunctiva, for the treatment of nonspecific conjunctivitis, relief if the eyes are itchy and watery after exposure to dust, smoke, chlorinated water and so on. Children from six years old and adults drop 1-2 drops of the medicine up to 3 times a day. The optimal duration of treatment is 3-4 days. With longer treatment, tissue irritation, redness and burning may occur. |
Levomycetin drops |
The drug is based on levomycetin (chloramphenicol) - an antimicrobial agent with a wide range of activity. Drops can be prescribed to patients with conjunctivitis, keratitis, other infectious lesions. Standardly drip 1 drop in each eye three times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 10-14 days. Possible side effects are limited to rare episodes of allergy in isolated cases. |
Tobrex |
The drug is based on the aminoglycoside tobramycin - an antibiotic with a wide range of antimicrobial action. It is administered 1-2 drops in each eye according to an individually selected scheme depending on the intensity of the inflammatory reaction. Tobrex is not used for the treatment of patients who are allergic to aminoglycosides, as well as in pregnancy and breastfeeding. |
Zovirax |
Eye ointment for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis. A small amount of ointment is placed under the lower eyelid (in the conjunctival sac) every four hours. Therapy is completed no sooner than 3 days after the disappearance of the main pathological signs of viral infection. Treatment may be accompanied by a slight burning in the eyes after application of the ointment, which does not require withdrawal of the drug. |
Taufon |
A combination drug prescribed for dystrophic processes in the cornea and retina, increased intraocular pressure, cataract, corneal trauma. Dosage and frequency of use are determined individually, depending on the disease. Treatment is sometimes accompanied by hypersensitivity reactions, eyelid redness, discomfort. |
If the eyes are itchy and watery, the drug of choice is most often drops. But few people know how to use them correctly, so that the benefits are maximized. Doctors give the following recommendations in this regard:
- If the doctor has prescribed several types of drops, they should not be pumped at the same time: it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 10 minutes;
- It is not recommended to use more than three types of eye drops in one course of treatment;
- It is essential to wash your hands before injecting;
- drops are dripped under the lower eyelid (to do this, pull it down a little), or in the area of the inner corner of the eye;
- If the patient suffers from lower eyelid drooping, the upper eyelid should be pulled back to inject;
- If the eyes are itchy and watery, it is necessary to wipe the tears before injection: the patient should close the eyes and blot them with a clean tissue or cotton disk, in the direction from the outer corner to the inner corner.
When itchy and watery eyes, you should think about the need for a proper and healthy diet, which helps to saturate the body with useful substances and strengthen the immune system. Among vitamins, vitamins A and D, which are present in the necessary amount, are of particular value:
- in fatty fish, oysters, cod liver;
- in cabbage, unrefined vegetable oil, flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, dairy products and eggs, garlic and ramson, calamus berries.
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe multivitamin preparations:
- Doppelgertz Active Blueberry;
- Visio Balance;
- Optix with lutein;
- Pro-Visio;
- Optix forte;
- SuperOptic;
- Ocuvate Complit, et al.
It is also important to exclude from the diet foods that can cause allergies, as well as sweets, the use of which creates a favorable environment for the activation of fungal infection.
Physiotherapy treatment
Physical therapy methods are sometimes used in the combined treatment of the disorder, in which the eyes itch and watery. The procedures are aimed at eliminating the process of inflammation, relieving unpleasant sensations, reducing hypersensitivity reactions.
To inhibit inflammatory activity, drug electrophoresis with antibiotics is prescribed. Penicillin or cephalosporin preparations with a wide range of antibacterial activity are suitable for this procedure. Immediately before treatment, the eyes are thoroughly washed with sterile saline, removing all pathological secretions. The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour, with repetitions once every two days and a total of sixteen to twenty sessions.
If the eyes are not only watery, but also very itchy, electrophoresis with dimexide, novocaine, lidocaine is prescribed. Treatment consists of twenty procedures, which are repeated every day.
The following types of physical therapy are used when an allergic process is diagnosed:
- ultraphonophoresis with corticosteroids (e.g. Dexamethasone), daily sessions of 5-8 minutes, for ten days;
- electrophoresis with antihistamines (e.g. Dimedrol), with a session duration of 12 to 15 minutes, for 10 consecutive days.
Folk treatment
Since the eyes itch and watery for different reasons, the treatment of the disease is always different. At the same time, the main advantage of folk methods is that they can not harm and are suitable for the treatment of different eye diseases. Therefore, folk treatment can safely be called universal. But we must not forget that any therapeutic methods, including folk methods, must be approved by your doctor.
Here are the recipes that folk medicine offers if your eyes are itchy and watery:
- Take a quarter of a teaspoon of honey, 50 ml of boiled water and a little sea salt. The ingredients are dissolved in boiled warm water. The solution is dripped into the eyes 1-2 drops about three times a day.
- Prepare ordinary black or green tea, without additives and fillers, without sweeteners and other third-party ingredients. Soak cotton pads in warm tea and apply them to the eyes for about 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
- Squeeze the juice from the lower leaves of aloe. Dilute the juice with boiled water at room temperature, adhering to the ratio of 1 to ten. Use as lotions 2-3 times a day.
In various eye diseases successfully use medicinal plants. However, you should first make sure that there is no allergy to one or another plant preparation.
Herbal treatment
Herbal infusions and decoctions are successfully used if the eyes are itchy and watery, even in children and pregnant women. Herbal infusions can be used to make compresses or simply used for rinsing.
- Take dried flowers of chamomile, calendula and dill seeds, brewed as a tea. It is used for making compresses, having previously made sure that there is no allergy to these plants.
- If the eyes are watery due to bacterial inflammation, it is good to help infusion consisting of 2 tbsp. Linseed, the same amount of elderflowers and blue cornflowers. Raw materials are poured 0.5 liters of boiling water, kept under a lid overnight, filtered and used for lotions. You can drop a few drops of infusion in each eye. According to herbalists, not only stop itching and watery eyes, but also noticeably improves vision.
- Prepare an infusion of plantain seed: 2 tsp. Crushed seed poured 100 ml of boiling water, insist until cool, carefully filtered and used to put lotions.
Homeopathic remedies are appropriate for the treatment of infectious or allergic processes, in which the eyes itch and watery, red and sometimes swollen. In chronic and acute eye diseases it is recommended to contact a professional homeopath, who will optimally select the treatment and monitor the dynamics of recovery. In general, homeopathic remedies are considered absolutely safe, they do not cause negative side effects and can be used to treat both children, as well as the elderly and pregnant women.
The following homeopathic remedies are recommended:
- Apis mellifica - helps with burning, sore eyes, and swollen eyelids.
- Argentum nitricum - used if the eyes are itchy, watery, swollen, or sensitive to light.
- Belladonna - prescribed for the management of acute inflammatory processes.
- Euphrasia - used for sensations of foreign body in the eye.
- Ferrum phosphoricum - suitable for conjunctivitis in children.
- Hepar sulfuris - used to treat bacterial inflammation.
- Pulsatilla - used in pediatrics, if the child's eyes are itchy, watery, the emotional background is disturbed, and the discharge acquires a yellowish-greenish tint.
Generally, one dose of 12C or 30C is administered every three hours up to six times a day. Treatment is discontinued if painful symptoms disappear.
If there is deterioration of vision, pain, asymmetrically dilated or dilated pupils, or suspected eye trauma, you should seek qualified medical attention.
Surgical treatment
A surgeon's help may be required only in the most difficult cases - for example, if the eyes itch and watery due to serious diseases, such as:
- atheroma, papilloma, ptosis, chalazion, cyst, epicanthus;
- dermoid cyst;
- complete or partial obstruction of the tear duct, dacryocystitis;
- cataracts, glaucoma;
- retinal detachment.
Often the surgeon uses an operating microscope (high-precision, high-resolution) as well as microsurgical instruments.
Local anesthesia is acceptable for adult treatment. Pediatric ophthalmic surgery requires the use of endotracheal anesthesia.
The need for surgery (microsurgery) in each case is assessed individually. Beforehand, it is necessary to perform all diagnostic manipulations, determine the risks: only then a decision is made on the nature and extent of surgical intervention.
Complications and consequences
If the eyes are itchy and watery as a result of an inflammatory process, and the ailment is accompanied by redness of the eyelids, swelling and photophobia, it is necessary to consult a doctor to start treatment in time to avoid further complications. What these complications will be, even an experienced doctor can not predict. In order to give such a prognosis, it is necessary, at least, to have an idea of the cause of the problem.
For example, the most dangerous complication of viral conjunctivitis is often keratitis, an inflammatory reaction in the eye cornea. The disease is characterized by blurring, pain, redness and ulceration.
The development of complications in preschool children is especially dangerous. They have a particularly weak, immature immune defense, so the superficial form of keratitis in them can very quickly transform into a deep form, in which the inflammation involves the inner layer of the cornea. This process may cause scarring, deterioration of visual function up to its complete loss.
Any eye disease, regardless of its type and complexity, if untreated, can negatively affect the condition of the entire body. Therefore, if the eyes are itchy and watery even without an apparent reason, it is better to visit a doctor and consult him about the need for treatment. Timely therapeutic measures are the key not only to good health, but also to health in general.
If the eyes itch and watery because of a viral or bacterial infection, you should know that such a disease can be contagious and can be transmitted to healthy people through personal hygiene items, hands and so on. You can prevent the problem by following certain preventive rules:
- Each family member should have their own individual towel and use only that towel;
- It is undesirable to use cloth handkerchiefs: disposable paper napkins are much more hygienic;
- bedding, particularly pillowcases, should be washed regularly and frequently;
- women should not use untested or even someone else's eye makeup;
- All principles of contact lens care should be followed when wearing contact lenses;
- You should not try to choose eyeglasses on your own: there are a lot of precise methods for this purpose, which are applied by an ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist during a medical consultation;
- When choosing sunglasses, it is necessary to focus on their quality and the degree of protection of the eyes from ultraviolet radiation;
- eyes should be carefully protected from mechanical and chemical damage, from dust and other foreign particles;
- when working at a computer for a long time, you should periodically distract yourself from the screen, do "eye" exercises, or just look away (for example, out the window).
In case of signs of allergies or viral infections, treatment should be started as early as possible: for this purpose, you should consult a doctor in good time.
Inflammatory processes in the organs of vision in most cases are accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms when the eyes itch and watery. Treatment in this case must necessarily follow, since independently the above painful signs will not disappear forever. Therapy is etiological, aimed at neutralizing the factor that provoked the disease. The medications used are, as a rule, special eye drops or ointments, and sometimes oral tablets.
With infectious etiology of the disease, the prognosis can be considered favorable, provided competent, timely therapeutic intervention. With an allergic component, the case is somewhat more complicated, but the need for treatment is not excluded: it is carried out in any pathological situation when itchy and watery eyes.