What should you do if your face has become swollen?
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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If your face has become swollen and you don’t know the exact reason of it, or not sure about it, you are gradually becoming anxious about the question: “What should you do if your face has become swollen?»
It is better to visit the doctor who will diagnose and prescript the necessary preparations. However, there are some general recommendations, following which it is possible to deal with the face oedema at home.
To get rid of edema of the face, it is necessary to remove the primary causes of this state:
- Control salt balance in food products, to avoid the accumulation of liquid in tissues.
- Give up too spicy, smoked food and the products with the abundance of preservatives, chemicals, colorants, because they hamper the process of leading out of liquid from an organism.
- Consume more fruits, vegetables and berries which assist the proper work of the excretory system (watermelons, melons, vegetable marrows, bananas, tangerines, etc.).
- Have your supper not later than 3 hours before going to bed.
- A strong edema can be eliminated by use of diuretics and infusions preparations (bearberry or bottle brush is poured with boiled water, as a tea. Drink it during a day).
- Wipe your face every morning with the block of ice from a freezer, it activates the circulation of blood and quickly eliminates the absorbed liquid.
- It is possible to make a compress out of a strong green tea, it provides a sedative effect and improves the local circulation of blood.
- Warm pounded potato mask as well as any dairy products is also a good method.
- Arrange the contrast shower alternately with cold and hot water.
- The contact of antihistaminic preparations is recommended in the presence of the allergic origin of edemata.
- If a face has become swollen after a tan, it is possible to use a sour cream mask, or to inflict medical preparation Panthenol that is prescriped in similar situations.
Nevertheless, it is important to find out certain reason of swelling of the face, to make the treatment more complex.
If the face swells after a sleep, watch after your actions attentively, for example, determine, how much of liquid you drink for the night. Morning edemata often signals about the retention of water in tissues for any reason.
Late supper or abundant tea-drinking before a dream, the attacks of night thirst or overeating the next morning, show up as an unpleasant swelling of the face.
Tempomixa of organism, the accumulation of mineral salts, diseases and disorders of metabolism, also worsen the morning edema of the face. All these problems can be successfully resolved by control over your lifestyle, daily regime, nutritious feeding and timely rest.
It is necessary to decrease the amount of consumed salt, especially during an evening meal in order to balance the usage of liquid in any form.
However, if the manifestations of morning edema become regular, it is recommended to visit a specialist, nephrologist or endocrinologist and pass necessary inspections to find out veritable reasons of tissues swelling.
What should you do if your face has become swollen because of the sun?
A tan is not only the beauty of the body and a bronze tint of skin, but possible consequences after a wrong tan are able to make all your exhausting attempts to become stunning vain. As a result of influence of an aggressive sunlight, forehead, eyelids and face can swell fully.
To prevent the origin of such an unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
- Sunbathe at a less dangerous time (evening or early in the morning, avoiding the periods of surplus sun activity (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
- Sunbathing under a burning sun is also dangerous, Move in shade for a while, to give a rest to the organism and skin; try not to fall asleep during sunbathing as it may cause not only the edema of the cutaneous covering but also the serious skin burns.
- The application of the special facilities may prevent the sunburn and protect the cutaneous covering from the negative influence of ultraviolet rays and overheat.
- In the period of sunbathing it is not needed to drink alcohol, because it only strengthens the negative influence of ultraviolet on a skin.
What should you do if your face has become swollen because of an allergy?
An allergy strikes different areas of the face, usually lips; an edema can simultaneously affect large areas of the body.
The allergic edema of the face’s cutaneous covering can be caused by the consumption of medicamental preparations, some food products, bites of insects, wool of animals etc. The temperature extremes are considered to be the predisposing factor.
An angioneurosis edema can emerge directly on face, or be of overall character; a skin above swelling does not change or becomes a bit bloodshot.
Quincke's disease is able to develop instantly, in this case the face swells up sharply, eyes and cheeks are becoming swollen a skin tint may be strained and purple. An epipharynx, tongue, mucous membranes of the nose and throat can also become swollen, that causes the difficulty of respiratory and swallowing functions.
First aid in case of the angiooedema must be done immediately, because the consequences of the sharp edema of tissues can be mortally dangerous.