What can and can not be done with psoriasis?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Answers to the question of what can and can not be done with psoriasis should be grouped into "gastronomic" and others, not concerning food products. Let's start with the first ones, since nutrition problems with this autoimmune disease are the subject of a great number of studies and do not cease to interest patients with psoriasis.
We will try to bring only proven from the medical point of view the facts or the most reasonable opinions of specialists, confirmed by cases from their clinical practice.
What can and can not be used for psoriasis?
Being manifested on the skin, which is one of the immune barriers of the body, psoriasis actually begins "inside" the immune system: if the T-cells (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes or T-killers) fail to protect the body from infections and ensure the triggering of immune reactions.
Another large immune barrier is the gastrointestinal tract. Both the skin and the intestines protect the body from potentially harmful substances. It has been established that certain foods are triggers of psoriasis, and, given that what can and can not be done with psoriasis, the frequency and severity of exacerbations of the disease can in some cases be reduced.
Is it possible to drink alcohol with psoriasis?
Alcohol is recognized as one of the strongest irritants in psoriasis, so the answer to the question - whether it is possible to drink alcohol with psoriasis - is unambiguously negative.
Among the reasons for the negative effect of ethanol on the skin condition in psoriasis, such versions as temporary dehydration of the body (including skin) and the expansion of blood vessels, leading to the infiltration of activated immune cells into the epidermis are considered. And if you rely on the theory of the emergence of psoriasis associated with the process of releasing the body from internal toxins through the skin in conditions of a violation of the acid-base balance of the body, it should be borne in mind that any dose of any alcohol shifts the pH of blood and all liquids to the acidic side. And the activation of T cells occurs just when the pH is lower than 7.35-7.4.
Is coffee possible with psoriasis?
Caffeine is capable of provoking different conditions in humans and in some cases leads to an increase in rashes in psoriasis. Inflammatory reaction in the form of hyperproliferation of keratinocytes is largely the result of the interaction of innate immunity with acquired. The specific mechanism of the influence of coffee and caffeine on this process is only being studied, and it is difficult to say how different levels of caffeine affect different people suffering from psoriasis.
Many researchers believe that coffee increases the level of omega-6-unsaturated fatty acids in the body, exacerbating inflammation. In addition, coffee refers to beverages that acidify blood.
In almost half of patients, the condition improves significantly when they stop drinking coffee. It can be assumed that this is the result of stopping the intake of toxic to the skin and CNS pyridine, which is formed in the process of roasting coffee beans from the alkaloid trigonelline.
Is it possible to have milk with psoriasis?
Among the foods that are recommended to avoid psoriasis patients - along with red meat, processed foods and refined sugar - include milk and dairy products (sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream). These products can lead to increased manifestations of the disease.
Psoriasis loves such an indispensable amino acid as tryptophan: when tryptophan is not present, the disease regresses.
The content of tryptophan in milk is 16.7 mg% (in curds it is 3.8 times more, in hard cheeses - 14 times more). From tryptophan, the hormone melatonin that activates the immune system is synthesized, which in itself is harmful in autoimmune pathologies in cases of increased intake of this amino acid (with meat, fatty fish, and milk food). The results of recent studies of the Dermatology Laboratory of Rockefeller University (New York) indicate that tryptophan metabolism can to some extent alter immune responses with an increase in the activity of the enzyme L-kynurenin.
Also, with psoriasis, the natural regulation of the metabolism of fatty acids is disrupted. This applies to the arachidonic acid contained in milk, which refers to omega-6 acids. Arachidonic acid is the "raw material" for the synthesis of many mediators of inflammation, including prostaglandins.
So the milk with psoriasis is better not to drink or use it occasionally and skim.
Is it possible to honey with psoriasis?
The answer of specialists to the question is whether honey with psoriasis is a definitive "no", and that's why.
We have already talked about the significance of the acidity level of products used in this disease, and so, the average pH of honey is 3.9 (varies depending on the variety from 3.4 to 6.1).
People who have psoriasis should not take medicine inside, but its external use can be a natural option for the treatment of rashes: in honey, traces of aldehyde pyruvic acid (methylglyoxal) with antibacterial and healing properties are found.
In New Zealand, a balm consisting of honey, beeswax and cold pressed olive oil is used to treat psoriatic rashes and reduce skin irritation. Clinical trials of this agent have shown positive results in more than 60% of the patients examined.
Is it possible to grenade with psoriasis?
By the level of influence on the acidity of the blood, garnet refers to neutral fruits - like apples, plums, pears or peaches. But you only need to eat ripe garnets: the ripe the fruit, the its alkalizing properties are higher.
Garnet is a good source of zinc, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the skin. Zinc regulates the growth of basal cells that develop into mature skin tissues and help in healing lesions. Zinc also promotes the activation of superoxide dismutase - an antioxidant that protects the skin from damage. Polyphenols and eryagic acid of pomegranate are useful for the skin, which have a sun-protective effect and protect the skin from damage by free radicals.
One medium garnet provides 1.1 mg of zinc - about 15% of the recommended daily allowance. By the way, pomegranate oil, added to the cream, quickly restores the elasticity of damaged skin.
Is it possible to have tomatoes with psoriasis?
Many doctors believe that nightshade vegetables - pepper, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants - increase inflammation in psoriasis. Accused of this is contained in solanine solanine - a toxic protective glycoside. However, this substance is found only in tomatoes that have not reached maturity.
To date, the question of whether tomatoes are possible with psoriasis remains relevant, although dermatologists estimate that nightshade vegetables adversely affect about 5% of patients with psoriasis. However, some people who refused tomatoes and whole tomato, it helps. And all because solanine is a steroidal alkaloid and can irritate the intestinal mucosa, increasing its permeability.
One more version should be borne in mind, according to which carotenoids are to blame for everything: they increase the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, and the main carotenoid of tomatoes is the red pigment of lycopene.
Is it possible to have beets with psoriasis?
The presence of ascorbic acid in the beet, more than 0.4 mg% of zinc, and moderately alkaline (pH 7.5-8), obviously compensate for the presence of histidine amino acids (referred to above) in this root crop and stimulating the immunity of arginine.
In addition, its purple-crimson color provides an antioxidant pigment beta-cyanin, which helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the liver.
So against the use of beets in psoriasis, no one objects (of course, if you personally do not have allergies to it).
Is it possible to eat radish with psoriasis?
Radish is, in fact, radish (Raphanus Sativus), only small ... Radish contains such important for psoriasis trace elements like selenium and zinc, as well as almost all the vitamins of group B. But most of all in this root of ascorbic acid: 100 grams fresh radishes provide 18% of the daily norm of vitamin C.
Its sharp taste and the smell of radish is due to mustard oil (isothiocyanates), its glycosides (glucosinolates) and the myzinase enzyme. As these substances act on psoriasis, it is not known, but high concentrations of isothiocyanates reduce iodine uptake by the thyroid (which leads to goiter), and can also damage the liver.
Western nutritionists believe that in small quantities you can eat radish with psoriasis.
Is it possible to grapes with psoriasis?
Experts of the Swiss fund of psoriasis refer grapes to products acceptable for this pathology, as these berries alkalinize blood (pH> 8.5). Grapes contain selenium, which maintains the elasticity of the skin and prevents its excessive dryness.
It is proved that grape seed extract, as a natural histamine antagonist, can help control the signs of allergic reactions. The extract also inhibits the release of prostaglandins, which generate inflammation.
In addition to grapes (preferably sweet green varieties), you can eat fresh apples, peaches, apricots, pears, most berries (including cherries and gooseberries), watermelons and melons, pineapple, mango, bananas (ripe).
Can mushrooms be used in psoriasis?
No diet for psoriasis has introduced mushrooms into the "black list" of banned foods. Perhaps, almost neutral pH (7,0) of this product is taken into account.
And perhaps the total composition of the fungal protein, which includes almost two dozen amino acids, including leucine and methionine.
Also, the ability of consumed fungi to affect the hyperactivity of immune cells by blocking the formation of molecules of intercellular adhesion is not excluded. As a result, the leukocytes providing immune protection do not so quickly fall into the focus of inflammation and produce cytokines.
In addition, the mushrooms are rich in vitamins of group B, selenium, copper and zinc. They are also a good source of vitamin D (in the form of D2) and dietary fiber.
Can sunflower seeds be used for psoriasis?
In some patients with psoriasis, the symptoms of this disease can be aggravated by seeds and nuts, since these are foods that provoke allergies. In this case, seeds can not be consumed with psoriasis, but it can only be determined by experimentation (that is, it is possible to click the seeds and follow the skin condition). By the way, this is the most correct way of determining those products that do not suit you.
The effect of omega-3 fatty acids - alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic - on the course of psoriasis has been studied for a long time, but the results of studies are ambiguous. In addition, clinical research is needed, and not just a statement of individual cases.
On the one hand, alpha-linolenic acid, contained in sunflower seeds and pumpkin, can affect the immune system, reducing inflammation in psoriasis. On the other hand, the case rests on tryptophan. So, sunflower seeds contain this amino acid more than 145 mg% - 20% more than beef; In addition, histidine in their composition is more than 630 mg%.
And in pumpkin seeds, the level of tryptophan is even higher - 240 mg%, which is 3.4 times more than in the kernels of walnut.
Is it possible to drink turmeric in psoriasis?
In addition to the fact that turmeric is used as a spice, this is one of the most important ingredients of Ayurvedic medicines.
Therefore, doctors say that you can drink turmeric in psoriasis: every day, a teaspoonful (half a teaspoon of powder in the morning and closer to the evening), mixed with warm water. But you can add turmeric powder to the juice.
The active ingredient of turmeric - curcumin - has an anti-inflammatory effect comparable to steroids. That is, curcumin inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and reduces the inflammatory skin reaction associated with psoriasis. Turmeric also helps to cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins.
Many foreign experts and experts from the National Institute of Health of USA state that turmeric can be an effective treatment for psoriasis.
What can and can not be done with psoriasis?
Psoriasis refers to diseases that require certain adjustments and restrictions in the way of life.
I wonder what response patients expect to hear when they ask a doctor if it is possible to smoke with psoriasis. Return to the section on the dangers of coffee in this disease and make the right conclusion. In addition, note that tobacco belongs to the plants of the Solanaceae family, which can cause deterioration of the skin, and the pH of the tobacco is acidic (from 6.0 to 6.5). So if you have psoriasis, quit smoking!
Can I go to a tanning salon with psoriasis?
Ultraviolet irradiation with the use of psoralen is used in dermatology in the treatment of a few lesions that do not respond to local therapy.
However, going to a tanning salon with psoriasis is strongly discouraged. According to research published in 2014 in the journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, vitamin D helps counteract the body's response to psoriasis. But the excess of this vitamin can be dangerous. And it can be promoted by intense UV irradiation: under its influence, endogenous provitamin D (7-dehydrocholesterol) is transformed into cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), so in people with psoriasis, too large doses of sunlight can cause exacerbation. With this disease, doctors recommend to stay in the sun for no more than a quarter of an hour a day.
Can I go to the bath with psoriasis?
If psoriasis is not in an acute stage, it is not forbidden to visit a bath or sauna with this disease. Only no manipulation on the damaged parts of the skin can not be done, for example, rub with a washcloth, whip yourself with a broom in a therma.
The standard time for bathing procedures is recommended to be reduced by half. And after the bath it is necessary to treat the diseased skin with moisturizers.
Can I go to the pool for psoriasis?
This issue is more theoretical in nature, since people with such a diagnosis of spots on the body (not to mention psoriatic erythroderma) try not to put on display ...
However, swimming in public pools is not entirely for another reason: the water in them is disinfected with chlorine, which can also damage healthy skin, causing dryness and irritation. But in the river or the sea, swimming with psoriasis is useful.
Can I do tattoos for psoriasis?
In the presence of psoriasis tattoos, even in healthy areas of the skin (as well as piercing) are strictly prohibited.
Can I dye my hair with psoriasis?
If psoriatic rashes are present on the scalp, hair dyeing, which can worsen the condition, is not advised by dermatologists.
Is it possible to massage with psoriasis?
In principle, massage with psoriasis is not contraindicated, but the obligatory condition of its holding is not to touch the skin areas with rashes. It is also better not to take risks during a period of exacerbation of the disease.
Can I get vaccinations for psoriasis?
Children with this diagnosis of vaccination (except for oral polio vaccine) should not be done, as any mechanical damage to the skin can trigger an increase in existing papules and plaques and the appearance of new ones.
Is it possible to be a donor for psoriasis?
According to the rules established in transfusiology, psoriasis is included in the list of diseases that are an absolute contraindication to blood sampling.
Can I play sports with psoriasis?
Most sports to patients with psoriasis, primarily with psoriatic arthritis, are contraindicated. If, before the defeat of the joints it did not happen, do not engage in sports with a high risk of injury (for example, boxing); Also it is necessary to exclude long loads (football, basketball, track and field athletics, sports aerobics, etc.). In addition, it should be remembered that increased sweating can adversely affect the skin condition, leading to increased itching.
Activity can be supported by swimming, rowing, walking, cycling. Regular physical activity, according to leading experts, is able to stabilize the course of the disease. First and foremost, it is important to maintain optimal body weight, since even with a slight obesity, there is an increase in the level of interleukin-6 and anti-inflammatory cytokines (adiponectin and TNF-alpha) that play an important role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
Is it possible to give birth in psoriasis?
Psoriasis should not stop women from realizing the desire to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. Clinical experience suggests that pregnancy gives some women (up to 60% of cases) a nine-month "postponement" of rashes: an increase in progesterone during pregnancy extinguishes a hyperactive immune response that causes symptoms of psoriasis.
However, just as each pregnancy is different, psoriasis behaves differently, and 10-20% of pregnant women with psoriasis experience a worsening of their condition.
Can I get a disability with psoriasis?
According to the Instruction on the Establishment of Disability Groups (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 561 of 05.09.2011), it is possible to receive a referral to the medical and social expertise (ITU) for determining the disability in psoriasis if the degree of the disease meets several criteria, in particular:
- - the disease is progressive and does not respond to treatment,
- - the patient was disabled for at least five months during the year (or stayed on the hospital for four months in a row),
- - the consequence of the disease is a decrease in the level of qualifications,
- - life (ability to self-service) is limited.
You can get a disability in psoriasis only if psoriatic arthritis or psoriatic erythroderma is present with a large area of skin lesions.