Washing the eyes of children
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Children are more prone to traumatization and eye irritation. The washing procedure is the simplest and at the same time effective method to eliminate the problem. Irrigation of the conjunctival sac is performed with inflammatory diseases, increased lacrimation, purulent discharge and other painful conditions.
Particular attention should be paid to the choice of eye treatment solution. The safest and most effective eye wash liquids are:
- Furacilin - take 1 tablet of the drug and pour 100 ml of boiled water. As soon as the tablet is completely dissolved, the agent can be used to rub the affected eye, after first filtering the solution through several layers of gauze.
- Manganese (potassium permanganate) - to prepare a washing solution, take a small amount of potassium permanganate and dilute in boiled water at room temperature (the recommended proportion is 1: 5000). The finished liquid should be pale pink. For the treatment of the eyes, moisten the cotton ball in the solution and apply to the eyes of the child.
- Fizrastvor (sodium chloride) - this medicine can be prepared on its own or buy a ready-made solution in the pharmacy. Take a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in a glass of warm water. The drug is effective for conjunctivitis of bacterial and viral origin and as a fluid for the leaching of foreign particles from the eyes.
There are also alternative recipes based on herbs for the treatment of the organs of vision:
- Chamomile - from it prepare broths and infusions. Take a spoonful of dry raw material and pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling, strain and use for installations or eye baths. Chamomile removes inflammation, reduces eyelid edema and redness, fights pathogenic microorganisms.
- Calendula - 10 g of plant flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat. After cooling, filter. The broth can be used for compresses or washings. The product has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
- Tea - for the preparation of medicinal solution you can use both black and green leaf tea without flavorings or additives. Spoon large sheet material pour a glass of boiling water and allow to brew until cooling. The drink is suitable for compresses and irrigation.
In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to follow certain rules when preparing solutions for washing. First of all, you can use only boiled or filtered water. Ready-made fluids should be comfortable temperatures, too hot or cold can increase irritation of the cornea and painful sensations.
With inflammatory lesions, treatment should be performed for both eyes, even only one is sick. It should also be taken into account that if eye damage is caused by an infectious or bacterial lesion, only rinsing will not help. A child should be shown to a pediatrician and an ophthalmologist who will make up a suitable therapy plan.
Washing of eyes in newborns
An obligatory procedure for the necessity of which young parents face is the washing of the eyes in newborns. Pitch processing is part of the daily toilet, as well as a method of preventing inflammatory and infectious processes.
Some babies have such a problem, like purulent discharge, accumulating in the corners of the eyes. Suppuration is most often associated with such factors:
- Conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral, infectious).
- Dacryocystitis is a congenital inflammation of the mucous membranes due to their obstruction.
- Allergic reactions due to the action of external stimuli (detergents, dust, animal hair).
The above conditions are accompanied by abundant lacrimation, photophobia, eye pruritus and increased anxiety of the child.
The procedure should be carried out following certain rules:
- Mom should wash their hands well and prepare sterile gauze disks, napkins and washing solution in advance.
- For the convenience of the newborn should be well swaddled. In this case, the child should not sleep, because touching a wet compress can scare him.
- Washing is carried out from the outer corner of the eyes to the bridge of the nose.
- For each eye, a separate compress and napkin is used. Excess liquid is gently dabbed with a soft cloth.
- When instilling the medicine, you need to carefully pull the lower eyelid and drip 1-2 drops closer to the corner of the eye. Then the eye is closed and carried out by massage movements from the temple to the nose.
When choosing a fluid for installations, you should consult a pediatrician. For the care of the eyes you can use warm boiled water, saline solution, vegetable decoctions. The procedure is performed by wiping the closed eyelids with a sterile wadded disk, which is abundantly moistened in the solution.
If there are inflammatory reactions, then it is contraindicated to use breast milk, hydrogen peroxide, any alcohol solutions and physiological liquids (urine, saliva), hormonal or vasoconstrictor drugs. It is also forbidden to use wet wipes, which are used to care for a newborn's skin.