Types of asthenia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In clinical practice, a functional and organic form of the disease is distinguished, which are subdivided into several other forms.
1. Organic form
It occurs in 45% of patients, is associated with chronic somatic diseases or progressive pathologies. From a neurological point of view, there is a background of infectious and organic lesions of the brain, severe craniocerebral injuries, vascular disorders and degenerative processes.
- Infectious diseases
- Endocrine
- Hematological
- Neurological
- Neoplastic
- Hepatology
2. Functional form
Occurs in 55% of patients and is considered reversible, that is, a temporary condition. The disorder is called reactive, because it is a reaction of the body to stress, physical fatigue or an acute illness.
- Acute stress, overstrain at work
- Chronic - withdrawal syndrome, postpartum depression, postinfection period, a sharp decrease in body weight
- Psychiatric - insomnia, anxiety, depression.
Neurocirculatory asthenia
The neurocirculatory form of the asthenic syndrome has many other names, the most common is the da Costa syndrome or the soldier syndrome. Both names ailment received in honor of Jacob Mendes da Costa, who was engaged in the investigation of the consequences of the American Civil War.
- Cardiological defects
- Problems of autonomic regulation of heart rhythm
- Disorders of vascular pressure and regulation of blood pressure
- Breathing disorders
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system
- Problems of thermoregulation
- Neurotic syndrome
Symptomatology is similar to cardiovascular disease, although it is not found when examining pathologies. The disease occurs with nervous and emotional stresses of acute and chronic nature, physical factors, chronic intoxication, dyshormonal disorders, infectious diseases, trauma and organic somatic disorders.
Functional asthenia
Primary or functional psychopathological disorder occurs in perfectly healthy people due to the influence of certain factors and is characterized by reversibility. So, if it appeared after infectious lesions, severe operations or childbirth, then this indicates its somatic nature.
This form is subject to people with increased mental, physical and intellectual stress. And also those whose work requires increased attention, emotional overstrain or is associated with a shift work schedule, which violates biological rhythms. Long-term anxiety and mild depression are also related to risk factors.
Classification of functional asthenia:
- Sharp - overload at work, stress, the change of time zones.
- Chronic - postinfection, postpartum, postoperative, a sharp decrease in body weight.
- Psychiatric - depression, anxiety, insomnia.
The disease is characterized by emotional weakness, increased fatigue, affective lability. Symptoms can be so pronounced that ordinary light, soft sounds and other irritants destabilize the patient's condition.
Mental asthenia
The mental form is characterized by an increased exhaustion of mental processes and a slow restoration of their normal functioning. Often it is combined with emotional lability and mental hyperesthesia.
The symptomatology of mental disorders is diverse, we consider the main signs of the disease:
- Violation of sensory cognition, that is, perception, perception and sensation - hyperesthesia, hypesthesia, hallucinations and illusions.
- Disorders of the thought process - inhibition of thinking, difficulty in formulating speech.
- Problems of memory, sleep, self-awareness, failure of biological rhythms, responsible for peace and wakefulness.
Causes of pathological changes can be various infectious diseases that act directly on the brain (meningitis, encephalitis). Exposure can result from intoxication or secondary infection, when the infection enters the brain from other organs and systems. The impact of chemicals, drugs, food components or industrial poisons is another possible cause of the pathology.
Neurotic asthenia
The neurotic type of asthenic syndrome is one of the phases of the development of the disease. That is, if pathology occurs against the background of neurasthenia, then it is not true, since weakness, impotence, loss of strength and other symptoms are only a visible phenomenon. Pathology disrupts the mechanisms of mental activity, which leads to behavioral changes and affects the quality of life. The ailment is characterized by constant complaints about inexplicable fatigue, loss of strength, decreased vitality, weakness, intolerance of previously used loads. There is an increased sensitivity to external stimuli, physiological sensations and loud sounds.
The causes of psychopathological disease, as a rule, are associated with traumatic events, prolonged exposure to the body of irritants, which lead to nervous overexertion. Treatment provides for an integrated approach consisting of psychotherapeutic, pharmacological and general restorative therapy. In severe forms, the recovery process takes place in special specialized institutions. With regard to prevention, it involves the creation of favorable conditions for neutralizing emotional stress and stress.
Postinfection asthenia
Postinfectious asthenic syndrome arises as a result of the transferred diseases of an infectious nature or to it accompanying. An ailment can occur after the flu, sore throat, hepatitis and other diseases. The patient complains of severe weakness, headaches, decreased performance, ankle in the legs and back.
- It occurs in 30% of patients who complain about physical fatigue.
- The first symptoms appear 1-2 weeks after the infectious disease and persist for 1-2 months. If the original cause was of viral origin, then periods of temperature fluctuation are possible.
- The main signs are physical, that is, a feeling of general fatigue, weakness, irritability prevails.
This is due to the fact that after curing the underlying disease in the body there are minor violations of energy and metabolic processes, which also provoke the development of malaise. If the asthenic syndrome is ignored, then its progression can cause a secondary infection, which will significantly worsen the immune system.
Treatment involves a full recovery period after the infection. It is mandatory to strengthen the immune system, immunotherapy, nutrition, healthy sleep and rest.
Asthenia after a viral infection
Very often, viral infections lead to the development of psychopathological disorders. Acute respiratory viral infections account for 75% of all cases of pathology.
The main symptoms are:
- Causeless headaches of compressive nature
- Sharp mood swings
- Fatigue, apathy
- Low working capacity
- Dizziness
- Pain in the joints and bones
- Changes in the cardiovascular system
- Functional disorders in different organs and systems
The vegetative disorder is caused by a viral infection that has remained after the course of therapy. This happens if the patient tolerates the disease on his legs, does not take medicines stimulating the immune system, lives in constant stress and nervous tension.
The syndrome has three degrees, each of which is characterized by aggravation of clinical symptoms.
- Easy - patients complain of fatigue, weakness, weakness, minor problems with sleep.
- Average - fatigue and fatigue are amplified and are systematic. Problems with sleep become permanent, it is difficult to fall asleep and wake up, headaches are agonizing.
- Expressed - it is impossible to fulfill any physical or mental load. Light loads cause tremors, problems with breathing, nausea, tachycardia. Sleep becomes alarming, it is difficult to wake up and fall asleep.
For the treatment of mild forms it is recommended to have a good rest and food. With moderate and severe - systematic treatment aimed at eliminating neurological and psychological problems.
Asthenia after the flu
Increased fatigue, fatigue and headaches - these are the symptoms that accompany us after the flu. The asthenic syndrome after the transferred disease is a neuropsychic and physical weakness. Discomfort appears without any stress, but does not go away after a full rest and sleep.
Similar symptoms last for 2-4 weeks, not only after the flu, but also after bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. The causes may be associated with metabolic acidosis and tissue hypoxia due to viral intoxication. Deficiency of oxygen causes disturbances in energy metabolism at the cellular level. In addition, there is accumulation of oxidation products, which reduces the uptake of oxygen by tissues.
Violations of protein metabolism, also refer to factors that provoke the disease. In the blood, the level of ammonia rises, which adversely affects the central nervous system, reducing the activity of transmission of nerve impulses and disrupting the regulation of energy metabolism. For the treatment of this condition, medicinal preparations of a combined type and anti-asthenic drugs are used.
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Nervous asthenia
Asthenic disease of the nervous type often occurs as a result of traumas, brain pathologies, infectious diseases, neurasthenia, as well as physical, mental and emotional overload.
- Irritability
- Apathy
- Anxiety
- Vegetative disorders
- Excitement
- Sleep disorder
- Weakness and exhaustion
In addition to the above characteristics, there are sharp mood changes. If the ailment is accompanied, for example, by atherosclerosis, then the symptoms are aggressive, the patient is difficult to control emotions. The nervous form is characterized by constant fatigue, soreness and inhibition of thinking. This is because short-term memory suffers.
Neurasthenia causes excessive sweating, hot flashes, palpitations and changes in blood pressure. A mandatory symptom is a headache. The number and peculiarity of the pain sensation depends on the accompanying ailments. Patients complain of tightening pain that occur at any time of the day.
When the disease progresses, the patient becomes apathetic, secretive. If neurasthenia is accompanied by vegetative-vascular dystonia, then there is anxiety and various phobias. In addition, there is meteorolability, that is, the dependence of the psychophysiological state on the differences in atmospheric pressure, temperature and weather conditions in general. There are pains in the joints and limbs, pressure jumps. Treatment of all signs of ailment is directed not only to the elimination of pathological symptoms, but also to identify and eliminate the underlying cause.
Cerebral asthenia
Cerebral psychopathology appears in patients who suffered various injuries and injuries, for example, bruises or concussion of the brain. Ailment can be the result of infection, problems with cerebral circulation, intoxication or poisoning. The peculiarity of this form is that the symptoms then appear, then disappear, which is not the case with other types of malaise. The symptomatology does not depend on the type of activity of the patient or his mood.
When examining the nervous system, it is possible to detect defects of many reflexes that work without apparent cause. As a rule, pathologies concern abdominal reflexes, coordination problems and pain similar to migraine are possible.
If the disease appeared as a result of concussion, then there may be attacks of unjust aggression. Atherosclerosis there is an unstable emotional state and tearfulness. In addition, braked brain work is possible, difficulties in trying to navigate in simple situations.
Cardiovascular asthenia
Asthenic vegetative disorder in cardinal type is characterized by rapid heart rate, tachycardia attacks, shortness of breath and lack of air. Pathology is accompanied by regular crises, the duration of which is up to ten minutes.
The disease develops under the influence of such factors:
- Regular nervous tension
- Alcohol abuse and smoking
- Hormonal disorders
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Hereditary features of the organism
To restore the body using medicamentous drugs, but before that you must completely exclude any stressful situations and depressive conditions. Useful properties are physical exercise, proper nutrition, healthy sleep and positive emotions.
Sexual asthenia
Asthenic syndrome of the sexual type is characterized by a decrease in sexual activity. Pathology can be caused by various infectious agents, diseases of the genitourinary system, transferred stresses or prolonged physical exertion.
Mental and emotional stress, hormonal changes, recovery from complex operations, the change of time zones and non-observance of the rest and work regime, is another cause of the disease.
The disease can arise because of sexual experiences, fears, anxieties and problems in your personal life. Full rest and appropriate therapy of the primary cause of the syndrome can restore sexual health and the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.
Vascular asthenia
Vegetative vascular psychopathological pathology is characterized by headaches, painful sensations in the heart, redness or blanching of the skin. Gradually arterial pressure and temperature rise, the pulse becomes more frequent, chills begin. Possible causeless fears and anxiety that arise against the background of general weakness, dizziness, sweating, nausea, darkening in the eyes.
- Pain in the left side of the chest
- Dizziness and headaches
- Unreasonable weakness, fatigue
- Problems with sleep
- Weakness of muscles and the whole body
- Temperature fluctuation
- Arrhythmia
- Blood Pressure Jumps
- Tachycardia
- Anxiety, Depression
- Heavy breathing
- Polyuria
The above symptoms indicate a progression of the disease. Attacks last from a few minutes to 1-3 hours and pass by themselves. Lack of sleep, overfatigue, inadequate nutrition, frequent stress and nervous experiences provoke seizures, and exacerbate pathological symptoms.
Organic asthenia
Organic asthenic syndrome or cerebral arises due to a malfunction in the functioning of the psyche and the nervous system. Maladies appear after severe illnesses, chronic somatic lesions or organic pathologies. The main reasons - organic brain damage of different etiologies, that is, craniocerebral trauma, intoxication, bacterial and viral infections, atherosclerosis.
The main symptom is muscle weakness, fatigue, absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate. In addition, there is a quick temper, irritability, conflict. But at the same time, patients are characterized by indecision, insecurity in themselves and their own strengths. There is a decrease in memory, problems with sleep, frequent dizziness, vegetative lability, decreased appetite.
For an accurate diagnosis, superposition scanning of the brain is used. The procedure makes it possible to identify imbalances, determine the amount of neurotransmitter and enzyme maintenance necessary for normal brain function. Treatment involves establishing the true cause of the ailment. Therapy is complex, consists of a course of medications, psychotherapeutic techniques, therapeutic physical training and other physiotherapy procedures.
Physical asthenia
The physical form of psychopathological malaise arises from prolonged and severe overexertion. The peculiarity of the pathology is that it causes rapid physical exhaustion, along with the psychological signs characteristic of the ailment.
- Loss of appetite
- Constant thirst
- Weight loss
- Problems with sleep
- Mental disorders
- Inhibition of consciousness
- Decreased libido
- Headaches, dizziness
- Attacks of nausea
The syndrome can appear after the transferred diseases, after an operation intervention, traumas, strong stress, an intoxication of an organism. Therapy consists in revealing the main cause of the disease. Patients are recommended to review the regime of the day, eliminate stressful and irritating factors. The doctor prescribes a set of medications, as a rule, these are tranquilizers, antidepressants and sedatives. A prerequisite for recovery is the creation of favorable psychological conditions that will support mental health at an appropriate level.
Chronic asthenia
A chronic asthenic condition is a pathology requiring serious attention and medical care. As a rule, a defect occurs when there are such factors as:
- Somatic, mental, endocrine, infectious, chronic and any other diseases.
- Postponed operations, regular heavy loads and stressful situations, improper rest and sleep, duration of drug use.
- The defeat of the immune system by viruses and other bacterial microorganisms that penetrate various organs and systems, changing the structure of cells.
All the above reasons lead to the fact that there is a feeling of fatigue and weakness, which do not pass after sleep and rest. The thing is that most people are carriers of viruses, but the pathological syndrome develops only in those who have a weakened immune system.
The symptomatology of the disease is similar to its other forms. First of all, it is causeless weakness, fatigue, irritability, depressive state, headaches and dizziness, malaise in the absence of physical exertion, muscle pain, loss of concentration.
Diagnose pathology in the presence of several symptoms at the same time. Treatment is long and begins with the identification of the root cause. Further therapy consists of regular physical activity, which must be performed regardless of the state of health or mood. It is necessary to properly organize the regime of the day, that is, work and rest. Do not forget about nutrition, minimizing stressful situations and nervous shocks.
Muscular asthenia
Muscular asthenic syndrome manifests as fatigue, decreased endurance. When it progresses, it becomes impossible to perform any actions with the help of muscles. The patient feels a decrease in strength, which is necessary for normal work. Often, the disease appears as a result of a stroke or with muscular dystrophy. Nervous exhaustion causes symptoms that manifest as chronic fatigue.
The patient complains of sleeping problems, depressive condition, exacerbation of chronic cardiovascular diseases. The mechanism of pathology lies in the scarcity of energy necessary for the work of the muscular system. The main reasons: sedentary lifestyle, aging, infectious diseases, pregnancy period, exacerbation of chronic diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular system, anemia. In addition to muscle weakness, there is increased anxiety, apathy, chronic pain. In some cases, taking medications leads to the development of the syndrome.
General asthenia
Asthenia of a general type is impotence, weakness and fatigue, pathologically affecting the functioning of all systems and organs. The psychopathological condition is manifested by irritability, low mood, headaches, problems with sleep and other vegetative-somatic symptoms.
To date, there are two types of general psychopathological disorder:
- Hypersthenic - intolerance of loud sounds, light, increased excitability, irritability, sleep disturbances.
- Hypostenic - the threshold of excitability is significantly reduced, lethargy, daytime drowsiness, weakness, fatigue are observed.
The main symptoms of malaise are causeless weakness, progressive fatigue, decreased performance, headaches, muscle weakness, sleep disorders. The main principle of treatment is symptomatic complex therapy. The patient is prescribed drugs that boost the immune system, normalize sleep and improve mental performance.
Prolonged asthenia
Long-term course of asthenic syndrome is characterized by the progression and aggravation of unfavorable symptoms. The disease requires medical attention and serious diagnosis. As a rule, a prolonged psychopathological disorder passes through three stages, each of which is characterized by an increase in pathological signs. Thus, mild headaches and unreasonable fatigue at the first stage are transformed into systematic pains of a crushing nature, the inability to concentrate and perform the usual work.
Depending on the provoking factor, that is, the root cause of the ailment, the patient may suffer from irritability, short temper, muscle weakness, depression, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, temperature fluctuations, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Treatment is long, as it is necessary to establish the cause and eliminate it, to conduct symptomatic therapy of the above symptoms and restore normal functioning of the organism after a disturbed one.
Asthenia of mixed type
Mixed type of asthenic syndrome is most often found in patients of a young age during hormonal adjustment. Pathology is a functional disorder that is based on the pathology of adaptation and neuroendocrine regulation of the body. Causes can be either internal or external factors.
Mixed type is a clinical picture of cardiac, hypertensive and hypotensive psychopathological disorders. For this form, the characters have a variety of symptoms. Patients can complain of pain in the heart, frequent headaches, exhaustion of the body, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, dizziness, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, sweating, irritability and much more.
This pathology presents difficulties in the diagnosis process, since it has signs of many diseases. They treat the disease with the help of complex therapy, which is aimed at restoring the vegetative mechanism of the body.
Somatogenic asthenia
Psychopathological disorder of somatogenic type occurs when exhausting chronic lesions of the endocrine system and internal organs, as well as in traumas, surgical interventions.
In the ICD 10, the disease falls into the category F06.6 - "Organic emotional-labile (asthenic) disorder caused by somatic disease". The disease is called organic, symptomatic or secondary asthenia. Symptomatology depends on the dynamics of the main somatic lesion.
The main symptoms are:
- Exhaustion of mental functions - increased fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, decreased efficiency.
- Anxiety, irritability, a feeling of tension and other emotional-hyper-aesthetic phenomena.
- Vegetative disorders - tachycardia, high blood pressure, hyperhidrosis.
- Decreased libido, changes in appetite and body weight, absent-mindedness, decreased memory.
Therapy provides for the elimination of the true cause of the disease. Patients are recommended to eat fully, establish a mode of work and rest, minimize experiences, nervous disorders and stressful situations.
Asthenia in schizophrenia
Very often schizophrenic disorder is accompanied by various concomitant pathologies, most often an asthenic syndrome. The pathological state is characterized by increasing personality changes. There is a psychological exhaustion, a decrease in activity and an increased mental strain.
The malaise occurs with nervous overstrain and stressful situations. Postponed viral and infectious diseases, predisposing genetic factors and metabolic disorders are the main causes of the disease. Patients complain of weakness, decreased concentration of attention, memory and performance, sudden mood swings, irritability, unreasonable fatigue, decreased libido. When it progresses, there are hallucinations (auditory and visual), somatic passivity.
The disease has several stages, each characterized by an increase in pathological symptoms. As a rule, treatment is carried out in special clinics. The patient is waiting for a long course of drug therapy, various physiotherapy and recovery course.
Morning asthenia
Increased fatigue, general weakness and irritability that occur in the morning, indicate the development of asthenia. Morning neuropsychiatric weakness often occurs when violations of the usual sleep and wakefulness. The reason may be night work, stress, experience, the change of time zones, the recently transferred diseases and much more.
In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to adjust your daily routine, get enough sleep and avoid stressful situations. But if you are awake, and the signs of ailment are already making themselves felt, then simple gymnastics will help restore vitality.
- Close your eyes, slowly stretch in the bed. This will stretch and warm up the muscular system, which will prepare the body for day work and will fill with energy. But most importantly, thanks to a simple sipping, the pleasure hormone begins to develop, which promotes a good mood.
- Take a couple of deep breaths and breaths, hold your breath for a while. Blink your eyes 30-40 times. Using your palm, rub the bridge of your nose until you feel a light heat.
- Squeeze your hands into fists and unclasp, repeat 5-10 times. Relax, alternately strain the muscles of the feet, calves, thighs and buttocks. Pull your knees to your stomach, wrap your arms around them. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale.
After the morning exercises it is recommended to take a contrasting refreshing shower, have breakfast and with a good mood to meet a new day.
Asthastric asthenia
Asthenic agastral syndrome is a combination of psychoneurological and trophic symptoms. The ailment appears as a result of the disturbance of metabolic processes and absorption necessary for the normal functioning of the body of substances. In patients there is a progressive decrease in body weight, there is weakness, fatigue, problems with appetite. In addition, hypotrophy of subcutaneous fat and muscle is noted. With a full diagnosis, you can identify iron deficiency anemia, problems with the immune system.
The ailment adversely affects the central nervous system, causing changes in character, anxiety, suspiciousness, irritability and tearfulness. Problems with sleep take a systematic character, against a background of memory loss there are headaches, dizziness, fainting attacks. The patient suffers from thirst, frequent urge to urinate, a disorder of thermoregulation and fluctuations in body temperature.
Treatment and prevention provides dietary nutrition, necessary to provide the body with all the necessary substances. The patient is prescribed a complex of vitamins, amino acids, iron preparations and various psychotropic drugs for restoring the nervous system.
Traumatic asthenia
The traumatic form of the asthenic condition occurs as a result of craniocerebral trauma. But there are a number of factors that contribute to the development of the disease, alcoholism, intoxications, infectious lesions and vascular disorders. Pathology appears as a result of a degenerative change in the brain tissue. The severity of neuropsychiatric signs depends on the severity and location of the injury, the age of the patient and other factors.
The pathologies of the neurological system are expressed as epileptiform seizures, hypertensive syndrome, and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics disorders. The patient complains of a decrease in working capacity, irritability, emotional lability, autonomic and vestibular disorders, somatic disorders. This symptomatology can appear immediately after the injury or several months later, or even years.
Treatment provides for a sparing regimen of life. Patients are prescribed general restorative therapy, various medications for restoring and calming the nervous system, drugs to improve the protective properties of the immune system and regular exercise to maintain a tone.
Asthenia after pneumonia
Asthenic syndrome after pneumonia occurs very often. Pneumonia refers to common diseases, in diagnosis and treatment, which causes a lot of difficulties. This is due to the variety of pathogens and variants of its course. In addition, a wide range of medicines and antibiotics have different effects on the recovery of the body, causing a number of side effects, including psychopathological ones.
Inflammation of lung tissue manifests itself by different clinical and radiological signs, which requires a long course of antibiotic therapy. The disease is caused by autonomic dysfunction and refers to post-infectious disorders. After the transferred illness for 2-4 weeks, the patient complains of increased weakness, fever, drowsiness, headaches, loss of strength, increased sweating, decreased efficiency.
In some cases, errors in the conduct of drug treatment lead to various pathologies and relapses of infection. Therefore, after a course of basic therapy, the patient is prescribed preventive and restorative procedures, that is, massages, vitamin therapy, healthy sleep and rest, minimum stress and healthy nutrition. This helps restore the protective properties of the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Asthenia with osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis and psychopathological condition are similar in mechanism of development, as both diseases cause degenerative processes. When osteochondrosis, dystrophic processes occur in the cartilaginous and bone tissue, usually in intervertebral discs. Bone blood supply worsens, bone tissues do not absorb calcium and against the background of such pathological processes, various vegetative disorders occur.
Since osteochondrosis can arise as a result of trauma, infection or chronic physical overstrain, then the accompanying asthenic syndrome can be post-infectious, traumatic or chronic.
- Frequent headaches and dizziness
- Pain in the joints and muscles
- Nausea
- Painful sensations in the region of the heart
- Weakness
- Reduced performance
- Mood swings
- Temperature fluctuations
- Decreased sexual function
Therapy uses a complex approach, which involves medication, physiotherapy, reflexology, curative gymnastics. Compulsory is a healthy sleep, a minimum of stress and a full meal, rich in vitamins and minerals.
Spring asthenia
Seasonal depletion of the body or spring asthenic state is a problem that arises from the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent stresses and nervous disorders, and an irregular working day. The syndrome is accompanied by a painful condition, fatigue, reduced working capacity, problems with sleep, irritability.
Main features:
- Anxiety
- Increased nervous excitability
- Decline and weakness
- Apathy
- Headaches and dizziness
- Dissipation, difficulty concentrating
Since most often the disease occurs due to a lack of vitamins, it is necessary to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body. To do this, pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes that are rich in vitamins C, group B and A are suitable. Despite the fact that the disorder causes increased weakness, it is not recommended to lie days off at home. For therapeutic purposes, a 1-2 hour walk in the fresh air is perfect. This will eliminate the deficiency of oxygen in the blood and improve blood circulation. Particular attention must be paid to nutrition. In the diet should be present fresh vegetables and fruits, natural juices and healthy herbal decoctions. Do not forget about a full sleep and rest.
Asthenia after antibiotics
The use of antibiotics, especially prolonged, negatively affects the functioning of all body systems. The medicine causes many adverse reactions, negatively affects the central nervous system, provoking vegetative disorders in the form of a psychopathological malaise.
The appearance of violations depends on many factors. This is the dose of the agent used, the individual characteristics of the body, the duration of use, the form of the drug (tablets, injections), as well as the disease for which the drugs were used. Sometimes a vegetative disorder occurs due to withdrawal syndrome, after stopping the taking of tablets.
In any case, side effects, regardless of their severity, require medical attention. The patient is given additional diagnostics and prescribes means for the safe restoration of normal body functioning.