Treatment of vomiting and abdominal pain in adults and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the abdomen and vomiting are just symptoms that indicate poor health and require medical consultation and examination, since only a particular disease can be treated, and not its manifestation.
However, in most cases, such symptoms are caused by various food poisoning or intestinal infections in a mild form, which we often cope with at home without contacting the doctor. So what if the stomach and vomiting hurts? It is better not to take risks, and if the patient does not get better within two to three hours, call an ambulance.
The patient must ensure peace, putting it so that the head was much higher than the body (semi-sitting position). He is not recommended to give anesthetics (so as not to distort the symptoms) and in no case put on the warmer on the stomach, you can put a cold compress. The same goes for folk methods of treatment. You can not before the ambulance wash your stomach or do an enema. Do not try to feed and drink. You can wet your lips or rinse your mouth with a strong thirst. If the pain is very severe, it is allowed to give the No-shpy pill and be sure to inform the doctor about it.
If necessary, the patient immediately undergo surgery, in doubtful cases, they will be placed for several days under observation in a surgical hospital. If severe pathologies are found, the patient is hospitalized in the appropriate department, in more mild cases, an outpatient treatment is prescribed.
Medications for abdominal pain and vomiting are prescribed depending on the diagnosis.
The main means for the treatment of intestinal infections (food poisoning) are rehydration solutions that allow replenishing the losses of water and electrolytes that occur during vomiting and diarrhea. The composition of solutions include sodium and potassium salts, sometimes - extracts of medicinal plants or herbal tea. In pharmacy solutions, a balanced composition of the necessary elements, dilute them according to the attached instructions. The temperature of the solution for admission should approximate the body temperature of the patient. For oral administration, you can use Regidron, Normogidron, Glucosolan, Citroglucosolan and others.
Enterosorbents are also used to neutralize microbial toxins, for example:
- Enterosgel, the main active ingredient of which is methyl silicic acid, absorbs toxic components from the stomach cavity, without affecting the beneficial components of the gastric flora (digestive enzymes).
- Polysorbent - a sorbent based on silica, working on removing toxic substances, not only contained in the gastrointestinal tract, but also due to their concentration and osmotic gradients, removes into the stomach toxins that circulate in the physiological fluids of the organism, binding them there and eliminating them.
Smecta is a function of the enterosorbent and the protector of the epithelial surface lining the digestive canal. As the active ingredient contains a double silicate of aluminum and magnesium stereometric structure. Protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from the aggressive effects of toxic substances due to its high enveloping and binding ability.
Disturbed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is reconstituted with probiotics Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin.
Complex preparation Lactofiltrum with two active substances: sorbent - lignin hydrolysis, absorbing various toxins, as well as excess toxic products of metabolism; prebiotic lactulose, which normalizes the intestinal microflora, since it is a nutrient medium for lacto- and bifidobacteria, the reproduction of which inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Antibiotics for intestinal infections are rarely prescribed, with cholera, dysentery and giardiasis, the presence of blood in the feces.
Diseases accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting are numerous and in their treatment are used drugs of different groups - hepatoprotectors, restoring damaged liver cells (Essentiale, Phosphogliv, Resalute Pro), cholagogue (Tsikvalon, Ursofalk, Osalmid), drugs that have a complex effect - (Gepabene, Hofitol), enzymatic (Pancreatin, Festal), anticholinergic and antihistamines and many others depending on the established diagnosis.
The therapeutic scheme necessarily includes vitamins, because during the vomiting the body loses many useful substances, and with diseases of the digestive system, their absorption and production is impaired.
Physiotherapeutic procedures are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs, in the rehabilitation period after operations (drug electrophoresis, inductothermy, UHF, galvanization, electrosleep, mud therapy). For example, after surgery on the pancreas for acute pancreatitis, laser therapy proved to be well established.
Physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually, based on the diagnostic conclusion and contraindications.
Folk treatment
Folk remedies are used if the causes of abdominal pain and vomiting are known.
For example, with exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer, you can drink decoction from the seed of flax. At night brew two teaspoons of seed with a glass of steep boiling water. Do not filter. Drink this portion for three meals during the day for 1/3 cup. Before use, stir to allow the seeds to be in each serving.
Pancreatitis, acute and chronic, is recommended to be treated with chicory. For this purpose is suitable for ordinary ground chicory without additives. Drink a drink from it better before eating, several times a day all the time. This will stimulate the production of digestive enzymes. But with this treatment, you must always follow a diet, otherwise there will be no result.
With pain in the abdomen and vomiting of neurotic origin, treatment with herbs is recommended. For example, ivan-tea has calming and disinfecting properties, in addition, the decoction of this plant is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Decoction from the leaves of the willow-tea is prepared as follows: take a tablespoon of dry vegetable raw material pour boiling water in the volume of the glass, boil on low heat for five minutes, leave to cool naturally (for about an hour), filter and take ½ cup before eating in the morning and in the evening. Breakfast or dinner can be in 20 minutes.
Infusion from berries of a guelder-rose: the basic ingredient in volume of five table spoons knead to a puree state, make boiling water (700ml). Leave to infuse for four hours. Thoroughly filter. Take for half an hour before each of the four meals.
When liver disease is useful decoction of whole grains of oats: pour 150g of washed oat seeds into boiling water (1.5 liters), simmer on tiny fire for 20 minutes, turn off the fire and put in a warm place to infuse for three hours. Strain. Drink a two-week course before meals three times a day for two glasses (a dose of approximate, you can slightly reduce it). You can take it an hour after you take it.
Cooked also oatmeal jelly. There are many recipes for this dish, it is a whole storehouse of vitamins, minerals and is useful not only for digestive organs, but also for the heart, blood vessels, immune system.
Homeopathy can help in cases when surgical treatment is not required, however, the decision to consult a homeopathic doctor does not exclude a thorough modern examination and the establishment of a correct diagnosis.
In conditions accompanied by pain in the abdomen and vomiting, different drugs are used. Symptomatically such conditions can correspond to:
Aconite (Poisonous fighter), Arnika (Barannik mountain), Belladonna (Krasavka) - pain and vomiting of traumatic genesis;
Arsenicum albumum (Arsenic white) - is prescribed for gastric ulcer, acute poisoning with poor-quality food;
Bismuthum subnitricum (bismuth basic nitrate) - morning vomiting with pain radiating to the back;
Brionia alba (White crab), Hamomilla (Chamomile) - are prescribed for vomiting with bile;
Iris (Iris Pestry) - with pathologies of the pancreas;
Mercurius Corrosive (Sulem, Living Silver), Mercurius cyanatos (Cyanide Mercury) - with gastric bleeding and vomiting with blood;
Ipecacuan (vomiting root), Rus toxicodendron (Sumah poisonous) - central vomiting;
Phosphoricum Acidum (Fosoric acid) - pain in the abdomen and vomiting of a psychogenic nature;
Cresotum (Beech tar), Veratrum album (Chemeritsa white), Brionia alba (White crust) - appendicitis, peritonitis, hepatic colic.
From drugstore combined preparations for acute poisoning, pathologies of the digestive organs, removal of intoxication and restoration of the normal process of digestion, we can recommend the drug Nux-Vomica Gomakkord. In addition to the main homeopathic remedy for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract Nux Vomica (Chilibuha vomiting), the medicine includes:
- Bryonia (Creep white) - as a symptomatic remedy for headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, coughing, vomiting, pain in the liver and heaviness in the stomach;
- Lycopodium (Plune clavate) - normalization of the digestive process;
- Kolotsintis (Pumpkin bitter) - relieves spasms, pains, cramps, eliminates vomiting.
Since the age of six, a single dose of the drug is ten drops, diluted in a teaspoon of water. Children under the age of two are given three drops, two to five full years - five. A portion of the drug is dissolved under the tongue three times a day. As a variant of reception - a daily portion is diluted in half a glass of water. It should be drunk three times every eight hours, delaying for a while in the mouth.
For the relief of acute symptoms, a single dose can be taken every quarter of an hour during the first two hours.
The drug is taken before meals (15 minutes) or an hour after.
For the purpose of more effective detoxification the drug can be combined with Lymphomyosot, Renel H and other means depending on the patient's condition.
Attacks of pain and vomiting of a psychogenic nature are stopped by drops Ignacy Gommakord. They contain different homeopathic potencies of two ingredients: vegetable - the tincture of the beans of St. Ignatius (Ignatia), and the animal - the musk of the musk deer (Moschus).
This composition has a calming effect, suppresses uncertainty, anxiety, raises emotional and psychic stability. The patient does not feel painful spasms, vomiting and other somatic manifestations. There is an activation of metabolic processes in the cells of the brain
It is not prescribed for allergies to the ingredients of the drug and children under the age of two. The future mothers and women in the lactation period should be used only as prescribed by the doctor.
Take the drug before three meals at least 20 minutes or an hour later, dissolving a single dose in a spoonful of clean water. Swallow a portion, delaying for a while in the oral cavity. It is recommended to dose as follows: children from two years of age to five full years - 5-7 drops; from six to eleven - for 7-10 drops; patients over 12 years - ten drops. It is recommended a monthly course of admission, prolong treatment is fashionable only after medical appointment.
Homeopathic drops and Galsten tablets have the ability to restore damaged liver tissue, normalize its work, eliminate pain syndrome, relieve inflammation and increase the outflow of bile.
Taking the drug is a good prevention of cholelithiasis.
The composition of the drug includes natural substances of vegetable (Dandelion medicinal, Milk thistle, Cleanser large) and mineral (Sulfate of sodium and Phosphorus) origin.
It is indicated for use in acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas and gall bladder, with drug intoxication, and also in recovery after operations on these organs.
Has no age restrictions for admission, drops are given to children from birth. Suitable for long-term use. Pregnant women can take as directed by a doctor. Contraindicated in persons with chronic alcoholism, and also with sensitized patients.
The drug is sublingually half an hour before meals or an hour after. Infants are given one drop, children 1-4 full years are prescribed from two to four drops, 5-11 years - from five to seven drops, patients at the age of 12 and older - ten drops per session. The acute condition is removed, giving a single dose with an interval of half an hour-hour, however, this method is admissible no more than four times. Then they go to the reception - three times a day.
Tablets are given with a one-year-old age. Children aged 1-4 full years are given a quarter tablet, 5-11 years - half, patients aged 12 years and older - for the whole at a time. The acute condition is removed, giving a single dose with an interval of half an hour-hour, however, this method is admissible no more than four times. Then go to the reception - one or two doses per day.
Pain in the abdomen and vomiting are signs of conditions related to the syndrome of the "acute abdomen" and requiring the execution of an emergency operation. Patients with such symptoms are hospitalized in the surgical department. Patients who are in serious condition are trying to restore vitally important parameters of the functioning of the body before the operation, however, in the case of massive blood loss preoperative preparation is not carried out.
Emergency surgery is performed in acute cases:
- appendicitis;
- perforation of ulcers, hollow organs;
- mechanical obstruction caused by tumors, curvature of the intestines, infringement of hernia, etc .;
- destructive cholecystitis;
- diverticulitis;
- hemorrhagic pancreatitis;
- obstruction of mesenteric vessels;
- peritonitis;
- abscessed salpingitis;
- apoplexy of the ovary;
- impaired ectopic pregnancy;
- bleeding from the stomach or intestines;
- anorectal hemorrhages;
- tumors of intraperitoneal organs;
- blunt injuries with injuries to the digestive system;
- penetrating injuries of the peritoneum and retroperitoneal space.