Treatment of tracheobronchitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When choosing a medicine to eliminate tracheobronchitis, an integrated approach is used. So, if the malaise is caused by viruses or bacterial infection, then medication is indicated. The choice of the drug depends entirely on the factors that caused the inflammation.
The main groups of medicines:
- Antiviral and antibacterial agents are drugs with a wide spectrum of action that are active against many viruses and bacteria: Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol.
Read more about the use of antibiotics in tracheobronchitis here.
- Preparations with antitussive and expectorant action - mucolytics effectively excrete phlegm from the lungs. The most commonly prescribed Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Gedelix or Bromhexine.
Well proven phytotherapy. For the removal of unpleasant symptoms use steam inhalation and inhalation with infusions of medicinal herbs. As a rule, to improve the well-being it's enough 5-7 procedures, the average duration of which is 5-10 minutes. You can use ready-made inhalers or nebulizers. The latter spray medicinal particles that penetrate the affected parts of the bronchi and trachea.
Cycloferon is an immunomodulatory, antiviral agent. It is a high-molecular inducer of endogenous interferon formation. Has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitumor, antiproliferative effect. It is produced as a solution for injections in ampoules, tablets and ointment for external use.
- To eliminate inflammation in the bronchi and trachea take 2-4 tablets once a day. About 10-20 capsules are used throughout the course. Treatment of tracheobronchitis is combined with expectorant, antipyretic and analgesic agents.
- Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, for internal administration and parenteral administration with decompensated liver cirrhosis or allergic reactions to the components of the medication.
Salbutamol in tracheobronchitis
Salbutamol - stimulates bronchial beta-adrenoreceptors, has a bronchodilator effect, but does not cause cardiovascular disorders. Produced in the form of tablets, syrup, metered aerosol, powder for inhalation, solutions for inhalation and injection.
- Effective in upper and lower respiratory tract infections of a chronic and recurrent nature.
- Dosage is selected individually for each patient. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, if necessary, the dose increases. When inhaled, the dosage depends on the dosage form. Aerosol helps to remove bronchospasm and facilitates breathing with dry cough.
- In case of an overdose, side effects occur: trembling of limbs and muscles, rapid heartbeat, widening of peripheral vessels. Use with caution in diseases of the thyroid gland, during pregnancy and lactation, arterial hypertension.
Berodual with tracheobronchitis
Berodual - a preparation with pronounced bronchodilator properties. The active substances are ipratropium bromide and fenoterol. Fenoterol has a bronchodilator effect, excites beta2-adrenergic receptors of the bronchi, and the second substance eliminates the cholinergic effect on the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. The complex of these ingredients significantly increases the therapeutic effect of any treatment.
- It is used as a maintenance therapy and in the prevention of respiratory failure and obstructive respiratory infection. Helps reduce bronchospasm, systematic asthma attacks. It can be used as a preparatory agent before aerosol administration of mucolytics, antibiotics or corticosteroids.
- Adults and children over 3 years of dosed aerosol prescribed 1-2 doses three times a day. Solution for inhalation - 2-8 drops 3-6 times a day with a break of at least 2 hours. With simultaneous use with corticosteroids, the therapeutic effect of all medicines is enhanced.
- The main side effects: visual impairment, limb tremor, palpitations, tachyarrhythmia and increased intraocular pressure. Contraindicated in pregnancy and simultaneously with noncardioselective beta-blockers or xanthine derivatives.
Inhalation with tracheobronchitis
Inhalation refers to effective methods of eliminating chronic, acute and obstructive inflammation. The therapeutic effect is due to direct exposure to the focus of the disease with medicinal and biologically active substances. Inhalations have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and mucolytic effects. The procedure reduces the viscosity of phlegm and facilitates its excretion, removes puffiness and spasms of the bronchial tree.
The main types of medical inhalations:
- Steam - the therapeutic effect has a vapor, with the help of which therapeutic substances penetrate into the bronchi by inhalation. This reduces irritation of the mucosa, speeds up the circulation and improves metabolism. For the procedure use decoctions of medicinal plants and essential oils.
- Heat-waves - the mucous membrane is affected by high temperature and steam. It eliminates dryness and irritation, dilutes and removes phlegm, increases blood circulation. To do this, apply solutions of medicinal herbs, antibiotics, mineral salts and other products.
- Oily - rarely used, but help to create a protective film on the affected mucosa. This prevents the harmful effects of mechanical and chemical stimuli.
- Wet - inside the bronchi penetrate aerosols, bronchodilators, painkillers, antibiotics and enzymes.
For inhalation use infusions, aromatic oils, mucolytics and antibiotics. The procedure can be performed with a nebulizer, using 4% gentamicin, 0.5% dioxidine, interferon, flumucil, and other agents. Mucolytics dilute sputum and help her expectoration, eliminate dry cough. For the procedure is suitable Lazolvan, mixed with saline or Atrovent. Any of the means can be used only for medical purposes with accompanying indications. At home, essential oils, soda and medicinal herbs are used for inhalation. For recovery, 6-8 procedures are recommended for 5-10 minutes.
Inhalation with fluimycil for tracheobronchitis
Fluimucil is a remedy for inflammatory diseases, including the treatment of tracheobronchitis. It is produced in the form of a solution with a weak sulfuric odor. Included in the group of expectorant mucolytic drugs. It liquefies and facilitates the excretion of sputum, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient is acetylcysteine, it is released in ampoules.
Acetylcysteine affects the upper and lower respiratory tract:
- Strengthens the production of phlegm.
- It liquefies the mucous and purulent-mucous sputum on the surface of the trachea, bronchi and in the paranasal sinuses.
- Does not apply to antibiotics, but with combined treatment has an antimicrobial effect.
- Clears the paranasal cavity and bronchi.
- Due to activation of immune cells has anti-inflammatory effect.
Ampoules are diluted with saline or boiled water 1: 1, the solution should be used within 48 hours. For children over 12 years and adults appoint 3 ml twice a day, the course should not exceed 10 days. Fluimucil is contraindicated to combine with intramuscular antibiotics such as ampicillin and tetracycline, as the effectiveness of all medications is reduced.
Inhalations are not performed at the risk of pulmonary hemorrhage, spastic lesion or bronchial asthma. Absolute contraindications are: allergic reactions, pregnancy, lactation, the age of patients under two years and diseases of the hematopoietic system.
Pulcicort for tracheobronchitis
Pulmicort is a synthetic drug from the category of glucocorticosteroids used for inhalation. Most often it is used for bronchial asthma and upper parts of the respiratory system, as it affects all links of the pathological process. Glucocorticosteroid receptors regulate the synthesis of various substances, due to which the therapeutic effect arises. It has a low lyophilicity, so it easily penetrates through the mucous secret in the bronchi. Penetrates into the tissue, but its metabolites are not carried by the plasma, which indicates a high selectivity for the lung tissue.
- Powder for inhalation reduces bronchial obstruction in allergic reactions of early and late degree. The substance reduces the expression of puffiness, sputum formation and hyperreactivity of the respiratory system. Used to eliminate and prevent damage to the respiratory system of varying degrees.
- Suspensions are used for inhalation through a nebulizer. Dosage is individual, but should not exceed 1000 mcg per day. For children from 6 months, 250-500 micrograms per day are used, for adults 1000-2000 micrograms per day. The maintenance dose is 250-2000 μg per day for children and 500-4000 μg per day for adults.
- The medicine is well tolerated, but side effects are possible. Most often there are candidiasis lesions of the oral cavity and pharynx, irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and cough. From the side of the central nervous system there is nervousness, headaches and depression. Also possible allergic and dermatological reactions.
- It is forbidden to use for individual intolerance of active ingredients. With special care appoint for cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary tuberculosis (active, inactive form), viral, bacterial and fungal respiratory diseases. During pregnancy can be used only if the benefit to the mother is higher than the risks to the fetus.
- In case of an overdose, there is no clinical symptomatology. If the overdose is chronic, then suppression of adrenal function, weight gain, muscle weakness, striae and hypertension is possible.
Compresses for tracheobronchitis
The effectiveness of compresses is explained by the absorption of medications through the skin surface directly into the inflammatory focus. They relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory muscles and bronchi, improve blood circulation. Compresses must be properly applied, since the effectiveness of eliminating painful symptoms depends on this.
- They are applied to the feet, chest and back, used for this mixture is forbidden to apply directly to the body.
- Compression should be well fixed if it is put on overnight. It is recommended to wrap the site of application well.
- Heating compresses are contraindicated at elevated temperature.
Alternative recipes:
- Take the head of garlic, crush it and mix it with the beaten egg. The mixture is smeared with two pieces of soft tissue, and placed on polyethylene. Apply to the chest and back, fixing with a towel. After removal, the skin needs to be washed and applied with a nourishing cream.
- Mix flour, honey and mustard powder in equal proportions. Blend the mixture into a flat cake and place on the chest. This tool is more effective than mustard plasters, perfectly warms the bronchi, can be used to treat children.
- Lubricate the breast with liquid honey, and top with a napkin moistened in vodka diluted with water 1: 1. Top should be applied cellophane and wrap. Compresses are put twice a day, are allowed to use only in adults.
Gorchichniki with tracheobronchitis
Mustards have a local irritating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Since the composition of mustard powder includes essential oils, then when interacting with heat, they are released and irritate the nerve endings of the skin. This increases blood circulation and accelerates the production of biologically active components that resist the infection.
Mustard must not be used in the presence of malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis, lung cancer, fever and bleeding. They are forbidden to put on birthmarks, birthmarks, bony protrusions, the heart, breast and kidneys. Do not prescribe to children of childhood, as this can cause skin burn.
The technique of setting mustard plasters:
- Water should be warm, as high temperatures lead to the fact that the mustard loses its properties.
- Sachets with mustard powder wet in water, tightly pressed to the skin and covered with a towel.
- Located on the top of the chest, on the back, between the scapula and under them.
- The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes, but with pain or sensitive skin, it is better to shorten the procedure time. Moderate heat and burning are normal sensations.
- At the end of the period, the mustard must be removed, the skin thoroughly wiped and the remnants of the medicine removed. Redness of the skin should be moderate and pass through a couple of hours. During treatment, it is worth noting the bath and taking a shower.
Syrup with tracheobronchitis
The syrup is effective at the initial stage of the inflammatory process, with its help the treatment passes without complications and much faster. As a rule, patients use anti-inflammatory and expectorant syrups. The action of medicines is aimed at removing sputum, viruses and bacteria from the bronchi. This restores the functions of the upper and lower divisions of the respiratory tract, reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane and spasms.
It is best to use plant-based syrups: Lazolvan, Bronchollitin, Ambroxol, Bronchipret, Flavamed, Evacbal. Such syrups can be given to children and used during pregnancy.
- At the initial stage of the disease, when there is a dry cough, syrup on the basis of plantain will help to remove unpleasant symptoms. The medicine turns a dry cough into wet, displays phlegm. It is allowed to use after reaching two years.
- Syrup based on licorice root not only relieves cough, but also has a beneficial effect on the lungs, bronchi and trachea. It has no toxic effect on the kidneys and liver.
- Combined preparations, for example, syrup Bronchollitin combines several components at the same time. It is made on the basis of glaucine and basil oil. Has a soothing, thinning and decongesting effect. Promotes the widening of the airway lumen and facilitates breathing. Assign with moist cough, because it has antibacterial properties.
Please note, only a qualified doctor can choose an effective syrup.
Treatment of tracheobronchitis by alternative means
Especially popular and effective are the alternative means for eliminating the inflammatory defeat of the upper respiratory tract. As a rule, with the inflammation of the thin tracheal sheath and large bronchi, such ingredients of alternative medicine are used: potatoes, cherry leaves, apricots and cabbage, for making infusions, compresses, inhalations. There are also decoctions of juniper, clover or white mozhnotki have expectorant action, so are indispensable for a strong cough.
But do not forget about the individual intolerance of some herbs. So, some nettles cause diarrhea and painful symptoms from the digestive tract, while others have a mother-and-stepmother. Therefore, before using a prescription, it is better to consult a doctor.
Collection of herbs, roots and flowers of plants for inhalation:
- With the help of herbal inhalations it is possible to get rid of a cough and quickly withdraw the sputum accumulated on the bronchial tubes. For this, garlic is the best. A pair of teeth must be crushed, placed in a mug and breathed 5-7 minutes 1-2 times a day. After five days of such therapy, painful symptoms will go away. This method can be used in the season of exacerbation of colds.
- Mix 15 g of mullein, 10 g of string and plantain, pour 120 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. The infusion is filtered through three layers of gauze and used for inhalation.
- 5 grams of branches and leaves of a ledum are combined with 5 grams of motherboard and 10 g of coltsfoot, pour boiling water and insist 6-8 hours. After this, the medicine must be filtered and inhaled.
- 2 g grass herb, 3 g root althea medicinal, yarrow and 1 g of thyme leaves, pour boiling water, let it brew, strain and use for inhalation.
Parmelia from tracheobronchitis
Parmelia or cut grass is an overground lichen. Medicinal raw material is thallus, which is harvested in the spring. The plant has a unique chemical composition. Thallus contains usnicovuyu acid, which is a natural antibiotic and vitamin C. The composition includes tannins and carbohydrates (in composition close to the fiber).
The plant has antiseptic, bactericidal, hemostatic, softening and wound-healing action. With external application, the decoction perfectly cleanses ulcers and purulent wounds, stops bleeding.
Alternative recipes using parmelia:
- Decoction on milk helps with tuberculosis and chronic cough. Mix a spoon of crushed thallus with 500 ml of milk. The mixture should be simmered in a water bath for an hour and infused for 2 hours. After that, strain, add two spoons of honey or propolis syrup. Take ½ cup of broth before meals until five times a day.
- The broth can be cooked on the water. To do this, the spoon of the plant needs to be poured with 300 ml of water, boiled for an hour in a water bath and insist for 1.5-2 hours. Take a medication for 2 tablespoons before each meal. The course of treatment is 30 days. The ready-made broth can be stored for no more than two days.
In rare cases, parmelia causes allergic reactions. The agent is not used for individual usinic acid intolerance. With extreme caution apply in the treatment of tracheobronchitis during pregnancy and lactation, with persistent hypertension and in children under six years old. The medicine has no psycho-emotional effect and does not affect the rate of reactions.
If you do not have a special inhaler, then steam procedures can be used. But for this it is necessary to adhere to safety rules: to inhale air from 30-40 cm from dishes with tincture.