Treatment of sinus arrhythmia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Treatment of sinus arrhythmia is carried out exclusively according to the doctor's prescription, according to his recommendations. A healthy person always has some uncertainty in this indicator. But if the deviation exceeds the permissible 10%, then it is a sinus arrhythmia. This phenomenon should be present, it bears the name of heart rate variability. A person's heart works like an hour, if the rhythm is knocked down, this indicates the presence of heart failure or ischemia.
Preparations for sinus arrhythmia
Treatment of sinus therapy should be performed directly according to the rate that the specialist appointed. If the violation was triggered by psychological shocks, then sedative medications act actively. The reason lies in heart damage? It is necessary to begin to eliminate the problem with special tranquilizers. It is recommended to resort to antiarrhythmic drugs.
So, sedatives. You can take them as intended by the specialist, and as a preventive measure. Usually, medications of this level stabilize sleep, soothe, relieve unnecessary anxiety. And the effect of the drugs is moderate, not causing general inhibition. To prefer is tinctures, tablets. So, the most common remedies are motherwort and valerian. You can take them several times a day, for 20-30 drops. It all depends on the state of man. True, we will have to follow our own condition. Despite the special prevalence, tincture on these herbs can not all be approached and lead to a worsening of the condition. Therefore, more universal medicines should be considered.
- Antares 120. The product is available in the form of tablets. Its active ingredient is the extract of the root intoxicating pepper. Accept it with increased excitability, nervousness, problems with the heart and sleep. Use the drug is not necessary with a special hypersensitivity to the main component. As a side effect, retardation may occur. Overdose - nausea, vomiting.
- Altalex. This drug is a mixture of active ingredients. It contains peppermint, lavender, sage, essential oils. Indications for him are similar to Antares. 120. Take the drug in an amount of 10-20 drops, adding them to tea. It is enough 1-2 applications. Use in case of persistent intolerance of active ingredients is prohibited. Under question is the reception during pregnancy and lactation.
- Persen. Apply 2-3 tablets 2 times a day. Dosage can be individual and depend on the person's problem. Take the drug can not be with individual intolerance, as well as children up to 3 years. As side effects - constipation, but they occur solely with prolonged medication.
- New Passit. As a tincture, one teaspoon is used 3 times a day. If a person is tormented by a retardation, the morning and daily dose is reduced by half. Do not take the drug to people with hypersensitivity, muscle weakness and children under 12 years. Side effects: dizziness, retardation, nausea, vomiting, constipation, convulsions.
In severe cases, tranquilizers are used. They are used in those cases when a person is persistently intolerant of the main antiarrhythmic drugs. Tranquilizers can not only have a sedative effect, but also reduce the heart rate. Dosage of drugs is prescribed individually for each patient. Taking this medication without the knowledge of a doctor is strictly prohibited. Often, they prescribe Diazepam, Seduxen, Phenazepam, Elenium.
- Diazepam. Applied in no matter the use of food, washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. Usually appoint it in a dosage of 2.5 mg 3-4 times a day. This is an approximate dose, it varies depending on the specific case. You can not use medicines for people with individual intolerance, pregnant women, people with impaired renal and liver function. A number of side effects are possible. They manifest in the form of muscle weakness, lethargy, allergic reactions, nausea, hallucinations.
- Seduxen. It is taken 2-2.5 mg 1-2 times a day, has a powerful effect. It can not be used for individual intolerance, pregnancy, kidney and liver problems. Properly prescribed dosage will never lead to side effects. With an increased dose, problems with the digestive system, in particular nausea, vomiting, constipation, can not be ruled out. Allergic reactions are possible, in the form of urticaria.
- Phenazepam. Assign 0.25-0.5 mg 2-3 times a day. Use of medication is prohibited in cases of severe muscle weakness, pregnancy and liver and kidney problems. Side effects include muscle weakness, drowsiness, and bowel disorder. Elenium. Usually prescribed 5-10 mg per day. If necessary, the dose may increase to 30-50 mg. Take the drug is not possible for acute kidney and liver diseases. Great risk of fetal pathology in pregnant women. Side effects include drowsiness, nausea, constipation.
If a person has an organic lesion of the heart, then tranquilizers can be omitted. In this case, antiarrhythmic drugs are used . They actively struggle with pain and reduce the frequency of attacks. Often, Aymalin, Lidocaine, Etmozin are prescribed.
- Aymalin. It is administered intramuscularly, at 0,05-0,15 grams per day. Intravenous by 2 ml. Dosage is calculated on an individual basis. Take the remedy is not possible with severe heart damage, inflammatory processes of the heart muscle. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure.
- Lidocaine. It is applied in an individual order, by appointment of a specialist. It can not be used if there are problems with kidneys, liver. The risk group includes pregnant women and women during lactation. May cause side effects: depressive conditions, nausea, vomiting, myocardial infarction.
Treatment of sinus arrhythmia by alternative means
Treatment of sinus arrhythmia can be carried out with the help of alternative medicine, but with extreme caution. There are several common recipes. So, for the preparation of a good remedy you will have to get one lemon, 200 grams of dried apricots. For the best effect, get 5 tablespoons of honey, zhameney raisins and walnuts. All ingredients are mixed together (from the lemon flesh is taken, dried apricots). Instill the remedy for 3 hours. It is taken exclusively in the morning for 2 tablespoons. Duration of treatment is a month.
A good recipe is based on walnuts. The main ingredient should be taken 100 grams and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting powder is mixed with 500 ml of honey. The mixture is taken 3 times a day for half a tablespoon. Do everything until there is relief.
Asparagus actively fights with heart pathologies. A tablespoon of this ingredient is crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water. Then boil for 2 minutes. The resulting broth is flavored with two teaspoons of dry asparagus and infused in a warm place for 2 hours. Take the drug can be 3 times a day, 30 minutes before eating 2 tablespoons. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.
You can grind the onion head and add a grated apple. Onions are also pre-ground. All this is mixed and used 2 times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed a month.
Treatment of sinus arrhythmia by leeches
To date, people suffering from the problems of the cardiovascular system are not so few. And the age of the ailment significantly younger. The heart plays an important role in the human body. It must be constantly maintained.
Now the medicine has confidently stepped forward. Especially in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But, non-traditional medicine, including treatment with leeches, was also very popular. This method is called hirudotherapy. This method is given special attention. It is used for heart disease, ischemic disease and myocardial infarction. It has long been known about the medicinal properties of leeches.
The most basic component of the secret of leeches is hirudin. It can be called one of the most powerful. It not only eliminates the disease, but also prevents their development. The leech neatly bites the skin of a person at special points. It introduces the role of a live syringe. After all through biting the leech saturates the body with useful components.
The composition of the leech secret also includes hyaluronidase. It greatly increases the permeability of blood vessels. Due to this, edema, inflammation, pain disappear, the pressure stabilizes. It should be noted that the leech is one-time. After all, despite its effectiveness, there is a risk of contracting AIDS. After the problem is eliminated, the leech will be destroyed. Such treatment is appointed exclusively by specialists. Independently to catch leeches and to try to fasten them on a skin it is not necessary.
Electropulse treatment of sinus arrhythmia
To restore sinosovogo rhythm actively apply the technique of electrical impulse elimination of the problem. Adjusting the problem in this way has a really positive result. In recent years, the technique has been able to enter the confidence of many specialists. Moreover, it can be scientifically proven that it really helps.
Impulse recovery is more effective by 80-90%. A positive result is achieved when they are refractory to quinidine (another procedure for stabilizing the sinus rhythm). If a person experiences hypersensitivity to quinidine, the setting is possible only with electric pulse. Calling this technique justified is difficult, because restoring the rhythm is good, but you need to keep it in this position. It is not always possible to achieve this result. The result is extremely unstable.
For successful elimination of the problem, it is necessary to supplement the electropulse treatment with the quinidine method. Scheduled treatment should be done only within 2-3 weeks.
Treatment of sinus arrhythmia in children
The treatment of sinus arrhythmia has always been divided into traditional and non-traditional. Before making a choice in favor of this or that technique, it is worth getting at least a consultation of a child therapist. Treatment must have started as early as possible, this will prevent possible complications. Many experts recommend giving preference to antiarrhythmic drugs. Frequently written out means have been described above. Usually, they contain enough minerals and vitamins.
You can resort to a reflex method to solve the problem. It will significantly reduce the heart rate. The technique is based on the tension of the eyeballs. They need to be pressed and held for a few minutes. You can use a neck massage. In rare cases, use of pacemakers.
Caution should be taken to physioprocedures. Often the child is prescribed a course of hanidine and adrenaline. Restriction of physical activity should be mandatory. To eliminate possible complications, it is necessary to resort to prophylaxis. A child should follow a diet, for this they simply refuse fatty foods. It is advisable to eat several times a day little by little. In no case can you overwork. Walking in the fresh air will have a positive effect on the general condition of the child.
Treatment of severe sinus arrhythmia
For a qualitative solution to the problem, you need to seek help from a doctor. He will conduct a comprehensive examination and identify the main causes of the disease. Drug treatment is not always necessary. It is important to follow a diet rich in potassium. A person should equally rest and work. Any physical activity is agreed with the doctor.
In some cases, special sedatives are used. It can be motherwort, valerian, Novo Passit, Persen. Their description was presented above. They also resort to tranquilizers. But the best way to do is to prevent the problem, rather than eliminate it. To do this, it is enough just to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise moderately and completely abandon bad habits. Sometimes it is enough to normalize rest, sleep and nutrition, as the problem goes away on its own. But the reason may not be so harmless, so it is important to diagnose it correctly.
Often resorted to the help of electrocardiostimulation. It significantly reduces the heart rate. As for medicines, they are selected for each case individually. It is desirable to give preference to natural products.