Treatment of psoriasis with baths: turpentine, coniferous, radon, hydrogen sulphide
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most effective procedures for improving the condition of the epidermis is baths with psoriasis. Consider the indications and techniques of their conduct, species, useful properties.
Psoriasis (scaly lichen) refers to chronic dermatological diseases. It affects not only the skin, but its appendages: hair and nails. It is characterized by frequent relapses against the background of temporary improvement of the condition. It is not transmitted to others (not infectious nature) and is not associated with the action of harmful microorganisms.
Most often, the disease occurs at the age of 15-45 years in people with fair skin. Every 25 inhabitants of the planet suffer from it. Pathology is caused by the body's own immune cells. The skin becomes inflamed, the cells of the epidermis grow and small capillaries are formed. The disease manifests itself in the form of red spots, that is, psoriatic plaques. They are dry to the touch, covered with white coating and rise above healthy tissues.
Scientists and doctors from all over the world are engaged in studying and treating this pathology. Baths with psoriasis with various additives are included in the therapeutic complex. They relieve painful symptoms, relieve itching and burning, moisturize the skin. Water procedures are carried out only after consultation with a dermatologist, who gives recommendations on this treatment method and its predicted effectiveness.
Can I take baths with psoriasis?
Many patients, faced with the most common dermatological disease, are wondering whether it is possible to take baths with psoriasis? Scaly lichen strikes skin with reddish dry spots that cause discomfort and painful sensations. Water procedures should be carried out during the remission period, as with exacerbation the skin is most vulnerable.
The essence of therapeutic baths is to moisturize the skin and remove harmful substances from the body through the pores. For these purposes use salt, turpentine, medicinal herbs, magnesia and other components. The main advantage of this therapy is that it can be performed at home. Of course, completely get rid of the disease does not work, but you can significantly extend the period of remission and improve the appearance of the skin.
Benefits and disadvantages of baths in psoriasis
All the advantages and disadvantages of baths in psoriasis depend on what substances are used for the procedures and how well the technique is followed. If we consider this type of therapy as a whole, then with its help you can achieve such results:
- Softening of coarsened dry plaques.
- Anti-inflammatory effect.
- Soothing of affected tissues.
- Improve lymphatic drainage.
- Removal of toxins and other harmful substances.
- Reduction of irritation, painful sensations, itching and flaking.
As for the deficiencies, with improperly selected medicinal supplements, it is possible to worsen the skin condition and provoke a relapse of the disease. Similar can occur and at the raised concentration of medicinal components. Therefore, before conducting water procedures aimed at treating and preventing psoriasis, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.
Indications for the procedure
The main indications for the appointment of baths in psoriasis are associated with the therapeutic effect of the components used to conduct them. The type and duration of water procedures depend on such factors:
- The age of the patient and the characteristics of his body.
- The form of the disease, degree and severity.
- Number and frequency of relapses.
- Localization and size of plaques.
Baths have calming properties, restore and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues of psoriasis.
Technique of the baths for psoriasis
Water treatment procedures for psoriasis, aimed at improving the condition of the skin, can be carried out both in a hospital or resort and sanatorium institutions, and at home. The technique of their conduct depends on the type: leg, sessile, general. The most commonly used lying baths, which allow you to relax the body and completely immerse it in water.
What kind of baths the dermatologist decides to take. Also the doctor gives recommendations and acquaints with the general rules of water treatment:
- The water in the bathroom should not be more than 38 ° C, otherwise this procedure will have an increased load on the cardiovascular system.
- Baths are therapeutic, not hygienic procedures. That is why before they are carried out, it is necessary to thoroughly wash under the shower, having cleansed the skin of dead cells. This will allow the therapeutic solution to penetrate deeply into the epidermis and intensively affect the skin.
- Carry out treatment after eating. The last meal should be 1-2 hours before the bath.
- Therapy is carried out every other day, the total duration of the course is determined by the doctor. The optimal time for one procedure is not more than 20 minutes.
- After the healing bath, the skin needs to be treated with a moisturizing cream or a medication prescribed by a doctor.
Observing the treatment technique described above, one can achieve lasting results, improve the skin condition and overall well-being, increase the remission period, or even put the disease into a sleeping state.
Salt baths with psoriasis
To heal microcracks on the skin, eliminate itching, burning, relaxing and toning the body use salt baths. With psoriasis, they relieve irritation and contribute to strengthening the nervous system. For the healing solution, rock salt, marine or English (magnesia), which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is suitable. The concentration of the solution depends on the stage of the disease and individual tolerability.
- Exacerbation - procedures are performed daily for 30-50 days.
- The stationary period (there are no new rashes, but painful feelings persist) - 3 times a week every other day.
- Regression (plaques decrease, desquamation and pain descend) - one procedure is recommended in 3 days.
- Remission and off-season periods - once a week.
At the beginning of therapy, use a weak saline solution (200-300 g salt per 200 liters of water) and gradually increase its concentration. The positive effect will be noticeable in a week. With the passage of 2-3 courses may come remission.
Sea baths with psoriasis
Very often, for the treatment of squamous lichen, sea baths are used. In psoriasis, they have antiseptic and healing effect, improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, relieve itching and flaking. Unlike table salt, sea salt contains many micro and macro elements, among which: potassium, calcium, iodine, bromine, magnesium and others. Sea salt rejuvenates the skin, makes it supple and smooth.
General recommendations for the procedure:
- In 10 liters of hot water, add 1 kg of salt. After dissolving it, pour in the solution with a filled bath.
- The water temperature should be no higher than 40-45 ° C. If necessary, you can pour hot water.
- Take a bath should be for 15-20 minutes, immersing in water all parts of the body with psoriatic plaques.
- Immediately after the procedure, rinse with fresh water and pat dry skin with a towel.
- In a week it is recommended to carry out 3 procedures, the general course of treatment is 3 months.
To achieve the maximum therapeutic result, it is better to use boiled water or pre-established water for a bath. While bathing, gently massage the inflamed skin with a soft sponge or sponge, removing the keratinized layer. In the water, you can add a couple drops of iodine, which will enhance the antiseptic properties of the salt solution.
Soda bath with psoriasis
A reliable assistant in the treatment of many dermatological diseases is a soda bath. With psoriasis, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens affected areas of the skin, soothes, relieves irritation and itching, removes harmful substances from the body.
To make a bath, take 250 g of soda and dissolve it in warm water 36-38 ° C. Swim for 15-20 minutes. In this case, immediately after the procedure, it is better not to wipe the skin, but let it dry naturally. Treatment should be done once every two days.
In addition to soda baths, with scaly lichen, you can use soda ointments:
- Take 10 grams of soda and 25 grams of fir oil, 250 grams of chicken fat, 50 grams of drug bile and the same amount of birch tar. Add to the above ingredients 3 raw yolks, 50 grams of laundry soap and ½ cup chaga. Boil the fat, add to it chaga and all other ingredients except bile. After cooling the ointment, add bile and mix thoroughly. The cooled off agent should be applied to the site of the rash every day before going to bed.
- With soda, you can prepare a therapeutic lotion. Mix in equal amounts of soda and olive oil. Apply the product on the skin and cover it with plastic wrap overnight. Procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a week.
Soda can be used not only for outdoor, but also for indoor use. Only before the beginning of such therapy it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and a gastroenterologist, since the incorrect application of soda can cause disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Turpentine baths with psoriasis
Effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and warming properties are possessed by turpentine baths with psoriasis. To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to buy a yellow turpentine emulsion in the pharmacy. The solution is prepared according to the instructions that come with the emulsion. The procedure is contraindicated under reduced pressure and in the acute phase of the disease. The course of treatment is 30 days, the baths are taken every other day, starting from the minimum concentration (25 ml per 200 liters of water) and up to a maximum dose of 170 ml.
Before taking a bath, it is necessary to close or treat open wounds, sexual organs with Vaseline. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. The patient should immerse himself in the treatment solution as much as possible, the water temperature up to 39 - 40 ° C. Gradually add hot water to the bath. This is necessary to increase body temperature and activate the body's defense systems. This method of treatment enhances the positive effect of the bath.
Immediately after the procedure, the skin can not be wiped, it must dry itself. It is necessary to wrap yourself in a warm robe and drink a hot herbal drink. This will contribute to increased sweating and elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. After 1-1.5 hours, you should wash yourself under the shower or wipe the skin with herbal infusion (chamomile, sage, turn), you can also apply a moisturizing cream on the body.
Hydrogen sulfide baths with psoriasis
With many dermatological diseases, hydrogen sulphide baths are used. In psoriasis, such procedures relieve inflammation, improve the skin condition, eliminate itching, burning and flaking. Hydrogen sulphide is a natural antioxidant with oxidizing properties. During the oxidation process, the substance forms sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid. Therapeutic baths have a positive effect on the whole organism:
- Normalization of blood pressure.
- Acceleration of blood flow and improving the functioning of the blood supply.
- Activation of metabolic processes.
- Increase skin elasticity, eliminate allergic rashes.
- Acceleration of the restoration of cartilaginous tissues.
- Normalization of sugar levels in crocs.
- Improvement of the general condition of the body.
Hydrogen sulfide baths activate the enzyme system and accelerate the recovery processes. The therapeutic effect is achieved through active components that penetrate the body through the pores of the skin and the respiratory system. For the treatment of psoriasis, you need to collect a bath of water and add hydrogen sulphide to the required concentration. The procedure should last 10-15 minutes, at a water temperature of 35-37 ° C. The course of treatment 10-15 procedures in 1-2 days. Repeated therapy can be performed after 4-6 months.
Despite the useful properties and health-improving effect, treatment has a number of contraindications. It is not performed for tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, oncological and allergic diseases, angina pectoris. The final decision on the possibility of treatment with hydrogen sulphide should only be taken by a dermatologist.
Radon baths with psoriasis
Treatment with radon baths for psoriasis, as a rule, is conducted in a sanatorium-resort environment under medical supervision. Radon is a radioactive chemical element. It belongs to the rarest natural gases formed during the decay of radium. When used correctly, the microdoses of radon penetrate the skin, providing a healing effect.
The temperature in the treatment bath should be 34-36 ° C, and the specific activity of radon 0.2-7.4 kBq / l. For 200 liters of water, use 100 ml of concentrate. The duration of bathing should be 7-10 minutes, the duration of the course is 10-15 sessions. Immediately after the procedure, rest and sleep are necessary. Such therapy can be carried out once a year. Treatment is contraindicated in seasonal forms of psoriasis and for patients whose work is associated with increased exposure to ionizing radiation.
In the process of bathing radon absorbs into the skin and gradually penetrates into the subcutaneous fat layers, dissolving and getting into the systems of vital activity of the body. The effect of radon baths can be compared with ionization. The substance activates internal processes, and in particular regeneration. After such therapy, there is an improvement in skin condition, minimization of inflammatory processes, acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues. Radon has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular system, it has a restorative effect.
Oat baths with psoriasis
Oatmeal is a natural and effective herbal remedy for skin care of face and body. On its basis, various masks, scrubs and other cosmetic preparations are prepared. Oat baths with psoriasis have an emollient and soothing effect, relieve itching and irritation.
To prepare the bath you can use: oats with husk, oat flakes and even oat straw. The most popular methods of preparing medicinal baths:
- Fist a handful of oat straw in 10 liters of water and add the resulting broth to a warm bath. Such a tool helps to reduce peeling and restores normal skin color.
- Bake in the thermos of the oatmeal until it slippery. The resulting liqueur is poured into a warm bath, and add 50-100 ml of olive oil. The procedure should last for 15-20 minutes, during its carrying out, the skin should be gently rubed with oatmeal.
- Take the gauze, fold it twice and fill it with 250 g of oatmeal. Well tie gauze and put in a warm bath. In addition to oatmeal, 500 g of table salt should be added to the water. After such procedure the skin becomes smooth and soft, psoriatic plaques turn pale.
- Take a liter of milk and boil 250 grams of oatmeal. After boiling, the product should be infused for 30 minutes. Chilled porridge pour into a warm bath. This will improve the condition of the epidermis, brightens the plaques, moisturizes and softens the skin.
Oatmeal contains high amounts of fiber and proteins, which improve metabolic processes and inject toxins and toxins from the body. The above-described recipes can be used both in the period of remission, and with exacerbation of the disease.
Baths with magnesium for psoriasis
The English salt or magnesium sulfate is the drug most often used for hypertension. Baths with magnesia in psoriasis relate to warming up procedures that remove toxins from the body. Medical baths should be taken before bedtime.
To prepare the solution, take 100 g of magnesia and 500 g of sea salt and dilute them in warm bathing water. The duration of the procedure should be 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment 14 days with a bath every other day. Immediately after the bath it is necessary to wrap yourself in a warm robe and sweat properly. After an hour, you can take a shower and apply a moisturizer to your skin.
With scaly diarrhea magnesium sulfate can be used for internal use. Before therapy, it is necessary to prepare the body, taking a sorbent for cleansing and alkaline drinking, and also following a diet. Before taking magnesia under the right hypochondrium, put a warm water bottle and lie down for 1-2 hours. After this, dissolve in a glass of water 3 tablespoons of magnesium and take it twice for 30 minutes. Such treatment can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before taking magnesium sulfate, you should consult your doctor.
Starch baths with psoriasis
With pronounced itching and extensive rashes, starch baths are recommended. In psoriasis, they are carried out both in the stage of exacerbation and during remission of the disease. Starch removes inflammation and itching, contributes to exfoliation of dead particles. To prepare the solution, take 800 g of potato starch and dilute it in a container of cold water. Add the product to the prepared water.
For a medicinal bath, you can use this recipe: 200 g of potato starch dilute in cold water to obtain a kind of milk fluid. Gradually stirring, add the solution to a bath with cool water. Then bring the temperature to a comfortable, but not above 37 ° C. The duration of the procedure should be 20 minutes, after it you do not need to rinse or additionally moisturize the skin. The course of treatment 10-12 baths, the frequency of application - every other day.
Herbal baths with psoriasis
To normalize the skin and reduce the severity of psoriatic rashes it is recommended to use herbal baths. With psoriasis, they reduce the inflammatory process and tone up the entire body.
Most often the patient is prescribed such fitovanny:
- Dried pharmacy chamomile fill in a container with a lid and pour steep boiling water in a proportion of 1: 2. The liquid should be infused for 30 minutes, after which it must be filtered and added to the bath. Infusion can be used to rub the inflamed skin and apply compresses. Take a cotton pad or bandage and soak it in herbal infusion, put on inflamed plaques and cover with film.
- 50 g of calendula and chamomile, boil in 6 liters of purified water. Decoct the broth, strain and add to a warm bath. The time of the treatment is 20-30 minutes.
- At the rate of 100 grams of sage per liter of water, prepare a decoction. To do this, fill the vegetable raw material in a saucepan, pour water and boil for an hour. The broth should be infused for 24 hours, it is filtered and added to the bath.
- Dry the ground root of the tinder paste with water and cook over medium heat until the volume of the liquid is reduced by three times. As soon as the broth cools down, it must be filtered and used for medicinal baths. If desired, the herbal liquid can soak gauze and apply to the place of rash for 1-3 hours, covering the body with a film.
To choose the most suitable prescription for phytoprocedures, you need to contact a dermatologist. After a complete examination and clarification of the features of the course of the disease, the doctor makes a herbal therapy scheme, individually for each patient.
Baths with celandine in psoriasis
A powerful plant remedy in the treatment of many dermatological diseases is celandine. The plant contains vitamins and acids (lemon, amber, apple, chelidon), essential oils, carotene, saponins. Such a rich composition provides bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and spasmolytic effects.
Baths with celandine in psoriasis - this is one of the options for treatment procedures with this herb. The plant can be used for wet dressings, cooking ointments and lotions. It is contraindicated to use the juice of the plant in its pure form, since it causes strong painful sensations, redness and irritation of the skin, burns. That is why celandine is better to use in the form of oils, broths or ointments.
Therapeutic baths are divided into two types:
- Warm - conducted at the initial stages of the disease, the water temperature should not exceed 35 ° C ..
- Hot - used in advanced stages, maximum allowed water temperature - up to 45 ° C.
To prepare a medicinal solution, the celandine oil or its broth is suitable. You can prepare a special herbal bathing bath. Take a spoonful of celandine, two spoons of Valerian root, thyme, turn, marigold flowers, three spoons of St. John's wort and four parts of the clover meadow flowers. All herbs to mix, pour boiling water, boil on a steam bath, cool and strain.
Take a bath should not be longer than 20 minutes. As a rule, 10 procedures are sufficient to achieve the optimal therapeutic result. During this time, the skin will be cleared of psoriatic plaques, irritation, burning and itching will go away. In some cases, celandine causes a complete visual recovery.
Coniferous baths with psoriasis
The therapeutic effect of coniferous baths in psoriasis is associated with a high content of needles in the needles. Penetrating the skin of these substances, irritate the nerve endings, expanding small vessels. This leads to improved blood circulation and tissue nutrition, excretion of toxins and toxins.
- To make a conifer bath, take 100 ml of a natural liquid extract of needles or one briquette, and mix thoroughly in a glass of water. The solution is poured into a previously prepared bath with a water temperature of 35-37 ° C. Duration of bathing 10-15 minutes.
- Take pine buds at a rate of 50 g per 1 liter of water. Boil the vegetable raw materials in a water bath for an hour, strain and add to the bath. This recipe is effective for the treatment of palmar-plantar psoriasis.
- Pour freshly cut pine branches with boiling water. As soon as the water temperature drops to 38 ° C, you can immerse the plaque-affected parts of the body in the solution. Immediately after the procedure, you must wrap yourself and lie down under a warm blanket for 30 minutes. Such treatment is carried out every two days, the course of therapy is 5-7 baths.
Aromatic compounds penetrate not only into the skin, but also into the respiratory tract, that is, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Needles have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, soothes nervous irritations, improves sleep.
Bathing baths with psoriasis
Young antlers of deer maral are panty. They contain 18 amino acids and the blood of an animal that has therapeutic properties. Bathing baths with psoriasis are used in non-traditional medicine. They normalize metabolic processes, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, rejuvenate and slow down the aging process, remove harmful substances from the body. Increase stress resistance, normalize hormonal sleep, have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.
To prepare a healing bath, dilute in water 50 g of powder from the maral horn. Bathing should last 15-20 minutes. The procedures are conducted every other day, a course of 10 baths. Such treatment is possible only in the stage of remission of psoriasis, with its aggravation the pant can worsen the course of the disease. Before using this product, you should consult your doctor.
Bath with aspirin in psoriasis
Exfoliating properties have baths with aspirin for psoriasis. Acetylsalicylic acid refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It anesthesizes, relieves heat and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The same therapeutic effect of aspirin can be obtained not only with its oral administration, but also with the external.
Baths with aspirin are used for palmar-plantar psoriasis. To prepare a healing solution, grind 10 tablets of medicine and add to them 2-4 drops of lemon juice. The resulting mixture can be poured into a basin with water and wash the affected parts of the psoriasis or put on plaques and wrap them with polyethylene. The duration of baths and compress should be no more than 15 minutes. During this time, the skin will become softer and when it is rinsed, the plaques will painlessly depart. Such procedures can be carried out not more than once a week and only after consulting a doctor.
Baths for psoriasis in the home
The most accessible and effective medical procedure are baths with psoriasis. At home, they can be prepared from simple and affordable ingredients: salt (sea, cookery), oatmeal and much more. This variety makes it possible to choose the most simple and effective prescription for psoriasis.
Most often at home, they prepare baths with soda, salt, starch, turpentine and various herbal infusions. But except for a correctly selected prescription, it is very important to observe the correct technique of treatment:
- Give the body a rest between the courses of therapy (not less than 30 days).
- After each water treatment, you should carefully examine the plaques. If there are softened crusts, then they need to be carefully separated from the body.
- During treatment, you should not drink or smoke. It is recommended to follow a diet. Such an integrated approach positively affects the general condition of the body and treatment.
- Observe the medication regimen prescribed by a doctor (pills, cream, ointments).
Water treatment should be combined with vitamin therapy. You can take vitamin and mineral complexes and foods rich in vitamins A, B, D and fiber. Since they improve the metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
Contraindications to the procedure
Therapeutic water procedures for squamous lice have such contraindications:
- Oncology and benign neoplasms.
- Tuberculosis and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Diabetes mellitus and other disorders of the endocrine system.
- Epilepsy.
- Pregnancy (second trimester).
- Fungal or infectious skin lesions.
In the presence of the above contraindications, the treatment of psoriasis should be under the control of a dermatologist and preferably in a hospital.
Consequences after the procedure
Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatological diseases. Its consequences negatively affect the work of the whole organism. Improper therapy of pathology or attempts to cure the disease on its own can lead to serious problems.
So, if the technique of conducting popular baths from scaly lichens is not adhered to, one can provoke its aggravation. For example, too hot water or an increased concentration of medicinal substances can lead to the appearance of new foci of inflammation or the growth of old ones. The lesion area can reach 70% of the entire body.
Uncontrolled water procedures with the use of various additives and drugs can lead to toxic-allergic dermatitis or poisoning of the body. In addition to physical inconvenience, the disease will cause psychological discomfort, the consequences of which can become disastrous.
Complications after the procedure
The main danger of psoriasis is that its untimely or incorrect treatment can lead to the defeat of the whole organism. Complications are manifested in the form of violations of varying severity on the part of many organs and systems. Most often, articular tissues, kidneys and liver fall under the sight. There are also possible metabolic disorders at the tissue and cellular levels.
Complications of psoriasis are potentially life-threatening and can lead to disability. That is why the diagnosis and treatment of the disease should deal with a doctor. Attempts to cope with pathology alone are fraught with a fatal outcome.
Baths in psoriasis are not just a method of non-traditional treatment. Their effectiveness is confirmed by classical medicine. And numerous positive responses of patients, force to believe in curative properties of water procedures. Compliance with the technique of such therapy and the choice of suitable means (phytocomplexes, soda, sea salt, starch) significantly improve the skin condition, minimize or completely eliminate pain and lead to a stable remission.