Treatment of ovarian cancer: an overview of effective methods
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Cancer is one of the most serious diseases, therefore treatment of ovarian cancer is usually prescribed in a complex, based on the results of the patient's diagnosis. The main value in choosing the tactics of treatment is the degree of development and spread of the tumor process, the general condition of the patient, her age. Modern medicine uses, as a rule, several therapeutic methods at once to get rid of cancer cells for sure.
Methods of treatment of ovarian cancer
For the treatment of ovarian cancer, surgical, radiotherapy and chemotherapeutic methods are used.
Surgical treatment is considered basic. Most oncologists are confident that all patients with ovarian tumors should be treated with surgical intervention. This is explained by the impossibility of setting an ideally accurate diagnosis of cancer: if the doctor mistakes with the definition of the stage of the tumor, the refusal of the operation can lead to irreparable consequences.
In cancer, one or both of the ovaries are removed, or a super-vaginal or complete removal of the uterus is performed.
Why in a cancerous tumor in one of the ovaries sometimes you have to remove both appendages? The fact is that the danger of developing a malignant process in the second ovary is very high. After a while, the cancer can resume, and the patient will again have to undergo a course of treatment.
Simultaneously with the operation, chemotherapy is used. The goals of this therapy are as follows:
- prevention of metastasis and re-development of the tumor;
- influence on possible residual elements of cancer cells;
- inhibition of tumor growth;
- facilitating the patient's life in neglected cases.
Radiation therapy is never used as an independent type of treatment. The task of irradiation is to ensure a high percentage of the effectiveness of the operative and medicamentous effects.
The protocol for the treatment of ovarian cancer is determined only after a thorough examination of the patient: the state of the urinary system, the liver, the blood test is evaluated. During chemotherapy, the blood is examined several times, at least once a week.
In addition, the choice of treatment scheme depends on the following circumstances:
- from the presence of concomitant diseases;
- from a picture of blood;
- from the weight of the patient;
- from a histological type of tumor;
- from the stage of the process.
Surgical treatment of ovarian cancer
The operation is the main link in the successful treatment of a cancerous tumor. Currently, the intervention is carried out by laparotomy - through a cut above the pubic area. Simultaneously with the operation, the surgeon takes the materials for further investigation. These can be tissue samples or fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity.
- Ovariectomy is a resection of one or two appendages.
- Pagisterectomy is an operation that is performed at later stages of tumor development, when it is necessary to remove the uterus as well.
- Extirpation is the complete removal of the uterus with the ovaries, omentum and cervix.
If the tumor affects only the reproductive system, the doctor removes the uterus with appendages, the nearest lymph nodes, and sometimes the appendix (appendix).
If the cancer of the ovaries was invasive, then we must also remove some elements of the digestive and urinary system.
Immediately after surgery, the patient is prescribed a course of medicines and, in some cases, radiation therapy.
Palliative surgery for ovarian cancer is carried out when the process is at an advanced stage, and it is not possible to completely cure the patient. The essence of palliative treatment is in alleviating the patient's condition and in maximally prolonging life.
Radiation therapy
The principle of radiation therapy - in the effect of radioactive rays on the area of malignant lesion. Rays contribute to the destruction of cancer cells, much less affecting healthy tissues.
Most often, irradiation is prescribed for a relapse of cancer, as well as for palliative treatment, to reduce pain, discomfort and slow down the progression of the process.
Radiation treatment is carried out under stationary conditions. To ease the condition of patients may need from one to ten sessions, the duration of which determines the oncologist. Simultaneously with the course of radiation therapy, you can take chemotherapy to fully control the cancer process.
If the irradiation is appointed after surgery, then its purpose is to destroy the cancer cells, which probably could remain in the body.
With the growth of the tumor in the tissues of the abdominal cavity, as well as in the accumulation of fluid, the appointment of radiation therapy does not make sense, because radioactive rays can have a negative impact on healthy nearby organs.
Treatment of ovarian cancer with chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to kill a tumor. These drugs depress the development of malignant cells. They are injected into a vein or an artery.
It is noted that ovarian cancer is extremely sensitive to chemotherapy. In many patients, the pathological focus becomes much smaller, and in the early stages of the process even a complete cure can occur.
Chemotherapy drugs are used after surgery to prevent tumor growth. In addition, special drugs can reduce the size of the lesion before the operation and somewhat reduce the negative manifestations of the disease.
Chemotherapy courses for ovarian cancer are carried out on an outpatient basis, for 4-5 months, with short breaks. Total spend from 2 to 4 courses.
Sometimes the drugs are injected directly into the abdominal cavity, through the catheter. This method allows to increase the percentage of survival of women with malignant tumors. However, with intra-abdominal administration, undesirable effects may occur, for example, severe pain, development of infection, diseases of the digestive system.
The most common drugs for ovarian cancer:
- Carboplatin - 100 mg / m² for five days;
- Paclitaxel - 175 mg / m² during the day;
- Topotecan - 1.5 mg / m² for 5 days;
- Cisplatin - 15-20 mg / m² for 5 days;
- Docetaxel 75-100 mg / m² once, every three weeks;
- Gemcitabine - 1 mg / m² on the first, the eighth and the fifteenth day every 28 days;
- Etoposide - 50 mg / m² for 21 days;
- Vepesid - 50 mg / m² for 21 days;
- Bevacizumab (Avastin) - 5-10 mg / kg every 2 weeks.
Cytotoxic drugs are almost never prescribed as an independent treatment, but only in combination with each other. For example, the combination of Taxol + Carboplatin in ovarian cancer is called the "gold standard" of treatment. This combination is less toxic than a similar combination of Cyclophosphate-Cisplatin, but it is also effective. Taxol with carboplatin provides relatively fast results and a guaranteed 6-year survival of patients.
Doxorubicin, or Kelix in ovarian cancer, is often used in conjunction with cyclophosphamide or taxanes. At the same time, there is no increase in the toxic effect of the drugs. Kelix is usually administered intravenously (2 mg / ml), and for other drugs, you can choose a different route of administration. For example, oral Cyclophosphamide is administered at a dosage of 1-2 mg / kg per day.
Avastin for ovarian cancer is used relatively recently. This is one of the new drugs based on Bevacizumab, which inhibits the development of a malignant tumor. Avastin is administered only by intravenous drip. Another option for administration, including intravenous spray, is prohibited.
Another one of the recently popular antitumor drugs - Refnot - is a factor of tumor necrosis (thymosin α-1). This is a strong enough cytostatic and cytotoxic agent with minimal side effects. Nevertheless, Refnot in ovarian cancer is not used so often: it is usually prescribed for the treatment of breast cancer.
In addition to antitumor drugs, doctors often prescribe immunomodulators - these are medicines that support the human immune system in a "combat" state. The use of immunomodulators still causes controversy in the ranks of medical specialists. Some of them consider such drugs useless in oncology, while others believe in their necessity. So, there is an opinion that the most common remedy Roncoleukin in ovarian cancer increases the antitumor immunity, which significantly increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy. In addition to Roncoleukin, such medications are such medications as Timalin, Myelopid, Betaleukin and interferons.
Thermoperfusion in ovarian cancer
Thermo perfusion is one of the options for treating oncology, which implies thermal effects on the tissues. High temperature damages the protein structure of cancer cells without affecting healthy areas, which allows to significantly reduce the size of the tumor. In addition, thermotherapy increases the sensitivity of tumor tissues to radiation and chemotherapy.
The essence of thermo perfusion is the treatment of ovaries and nearby organs that have undergone cancer damage, a warm antitumor agent (up to 44 ° C), which significantly increases the effectiveness of its action.
In addition to the antitumor effect, this method has a number of side effects. This is swelling, increased thrombosis, bleeding, pain. Over time, these symptoms go away on their own. Less likely to develop dyspeptic disorders, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
At present, active clinical trials of thermotherapy are being conducted. This is done to improve the effectiveness of the method and to eliminate its possible negative consequences.
Treatment of ovarian cancer by alternative means
Is it possible to cure a cancerous tumor with the help of alternative recipes? The question is controversial. The overwhelming majority of specialists in traditional medicine do not welcome the use of alternative drugs, especially in the form of independent treatment. Attempts to cure a tumor on its own can lead to an aggravation of the process, and precious time for the onset of timely treatment can be lost.
Nevertheless, a lot of recipes are known, the authors of which promise a quick release from ovarian cancer. We suggest you familiarize yourself with some of them.
- It is known that mint is actively used for problems in the genital area: for example, with severe menstrual bleeding, with painful menopause, etc. Mint is successfully used in ovarian cancer: it is customary to take tea from flea mint in half a glass three times a day. During treatment, you can do syringing with the same solution. To make this tea, you need to brew 20 g of peppermint leaves in 500 ml of boiling water and insist from 2 to 3 hours.
- Flaxseed oil and flax seed for ovarian cancer is used very often. The dosage of the oil is from 1 tsp. Up to 1 tbsp. L. In the morning and in the evening. You can take it in the form of capsules, which are sold in pharmacies. For this you need to drink at a time from 10 to 14 capsules. Flaxseed is used in the amount of 3 st. Spoons mixed with 200 ml of water. This "cocktail" should be drunk three times a day, minimally for one month.
- Good reputation in the fight against cancer has hemlock - it is used to treat many malignant tumors. Hemi with ovarian cancer (especially in combination with other techniques) can lead to a positive result. Tincture of this plant should be taken with a gradual increase in dose: from 1 drop to 200 ml of water 1 time a day before meals, bringing up to 40 drops. Simultaneously with the amount of the drug, the amount of water increases (for every 12 drops + 50 ml). After reaching 40 cap. Dosage is reduced in the opposite direction, 1 drop per day. The amount of water is also reduced by 50 ml every 12 drops. The duration of such treatment is as long as it takes for complete healing.
- Many consider the first medicine for malignant tumors to be ordinary oats. Infusion of oats in ovarian cancer is prepared very simply: one glass of oat grains are poured into an enameled container and poured into 1000 ml of water, brought to a boil and cooked on low heat for about 20 minutes. After that, remove from heat and insist in a warm place for at least 2 hours. The broth is filtered and divided into three steps. Drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Cook the broth in advance for several days is not recommended, it is better to take fresh.
Nobody excludes the effectiveness of alternative treatment. However, before using such methods, consultation with an oncologist should be mandatory.
Treatment of ovarian cancer in stages
Treatment of ovarian cancer at stage 1 is most often done only through surgical intervention. In this case, the surgeon makes a hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and excision of the omentum. In addition, during the operation, materials for biopsy and peritoneal fluid flushing are removed. In most cases, stage 1 does not require additional treatment, except for surgery.
Treatment of ovarian cancer in the 2 stages is similar to the first stage, but in addition, radiation therapy or systemic chemotherapy is prescribed, which involves the use of platinum medications in conjunction with alkylating drugs or Paclitaxel.
Treatment of ovarian cancer at 3 stages requires a combined approach that combines surgery and mandatory chemotherapy. Often used intraperitoneal version of chemotherapy, with the use of Cisplatin and various combinations with it.
Treatment of ovarian cancer in 4 stages is more complicated and less optimistic. The main methods of influencing such a tumor are:
- cytoreductive surgery is the removal of one major affected part of a cancerous tumor that can not be completely removed;
- Systemic chemotherapy - use of cisplatin or carboplatin in combination in taxanes or other similar drugs;
- Consolidating or supporting treatment is the appointment of more than six consecutive courses of chemotherapy, which allows to postpone development or completely avoid relapses. Such treatment is most suitable for patients with chemosensitive tumors.
Treatment of ovarian cancer in Israel
Treatment of cancerous tumors in Israel is carried out in modern high-tech medical centers, which are equipped with special profile departments of female oncology therapy. A number of specialists are engaged in treatment simultaneously: a surgeon-oncologist, gynecologist-oncologist, chemotherapist-oncologist and radiologist. The majority of medical institutions in Israel are eminent professors, known all over the world.
Equally important is the availability of the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment in clinics. The development of medicine in this country is given a lot of attention, including priority financing from the state. Therefore, medical centers, as a rule, have a powerful diagnostic basis, thanks to which you can conduct complex examinations in just a few days.
Chemotherapy in Israel is based on the use of the newest medications developed according to the latest clinical studies.
For foreign patients, a coordinator is always available who has the necessary language.
Upon admission, the patient must undergo a mandatory examination, which can cost around $ 6,000 for ovarian cancer. Surgical intervention costs about $ 20,000, and one chemotherapy course is about $ 3000.
Treatment of ovarian cancer in Germany
In Germany, there is a special program for the use of advanced technologies in the daily practice of oncological clinics. This is due to the lack of early diagnosis of cancer.
Needless to say, doctors in German medical institutions are especially pedantic and highly qualified, and the equipment of the clinics is presented according to the latest technology.
For each case and each patient there is always a consultation that determines the individual treatment approach.
The most common standards for the treatment of ovarian cancer in Germany are:
- "Da Vinci" surgical system (remote robotosurgery);
- radiosurgery "Cyber-knife system";
- internal radiation exposure to the tumor;
- ultrasonic ablation method;
- treatment with monoclonal antibodies.
Surgery in Germany can cost from about $ 3000 to $ 10,000. The price for one course of chemotherapy treatment is from 10,000 to 15,000 $.
New in the treatment of ovarian cancer
- In the United States, a scheme for treating ovarian cancer with photodynamic therapy has been developed. The development is based on the fact that a cancerous tumor is found in most cases only when the spread of metastases to other organs begins. After that, surgery and chemotherapy no longer have the necessary efficacy. Therefore, a new method of treatment was invented, which is called photodynamic therapy. The patient is asked to take a special drug - Phthalocyanine, which produces active oxygen, which can have a harmful effect on the structure of cancer under the influence of infrared rays. In addition, gene therapy is prescribed, which reduces the degree of protection of cells from active oxygen. This therapeutic method can be combined with surgical treatment, which reduces the possibility of intoxication of the body.
- In the UK, a new revolutionary antitumor agent, Olaparib, has been developed. The purpose of this drug is to prolong the life of patients with ovarian cancer for at least five years. Olaparib is currently being tested, and soon this drug will be available for treatment.
Rehabilitation after treatment of ovarian cancer
After treatment of ovarian cancer, there may be a number of side effects and exacerbations that need to be removed or alleviated. The scheme of rehabilitation will be appointed by the attending physician.
Several variants of rehabilitation therapy are known, which can be applied with a sufficient degree of effectiveness.
- Treatment with maintenance drugs:
- antiemetic drugs - Zofran, Ativan, etc .;
- laxatives - Dufalac, etc., which are prescribed against the background of the appropriate diet;
- hormonal drugs are medicines that normalize the hormonal background of a woman after the removal of two ovaries;
- drugs-immunomodulators - interleukin, etc.
- Psychological treatment:
- selection of specialists a certain dietary intake and exercises exercise therapy;
- Involvement of social services for the care of patients;
- counseling therapist;
- communication with patients who have suffered a similar pathology.
- Physiotherapeutic treatment, swimming and rehabilitation gymnastics.
Postoperative treatment with alternative methods
Alternative means even at the postoperative stage should be used only after approval by an oncologist. It should be noted that many drugs have contraindications to admission.
- Borovoy tincture: 100 grams of ground grass pour 500 ml of vodka and insist 14 days in a dark place, sometimes stirring the contents. Drink 1 tsp. 4 rubles per day. Duration of admission - up to 4 months in a row.
- Decoction or tincture of a golden mustache: carefully crush the ground part of the plant, pour boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour, then filter and cool. Decoction take 100 ml three times a day, and tincture for alcohol - 1 tbsp. L. In a glass of water.
- Freshly squeezed beet juice, settled for one hour: to drink, starting with 50 ml, gradually increasing the dose to 0.5-1 L per day.
- Infusion of hop cones: wipe dry cones to the state of powder. Two teaspoons of this powder pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 3 hours. Drink before meals 50 ml three times a day.
Patients after chemotherapy are recommended to drink teas based on the rhizome of burdock, cuff, astragalus and sage. You can prepare the vegetable mixture in equal parts and brew like tea.
Treatment of recurrences of ovarian cancer, as well as their prevention, is carried out by such alternative methods:
- infusion of celandine with calendula: mix raw materials in equal parts and pour 200 ml of boiling water (can be brewed in a thermos bottle), leave for 2 hours. Take 100 ml 3 r. / day before meals;
- alcohol tincture of propolis (sold in pharmacies): take 30 drops / day.
Treatment of ovarian cancer is most effective in the early stages of tumor growth. With the further spread of the malignant process, the prognosis of the disease becomes much less optimistic.