Treatment of menopause in women with medicinal herbs with estrogens
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Each woman during her life is experiencing age-related changes, when the body significantly reduces the production of sex hormones. In medicine, this restructuring of the body is called a climax, in which violations related to the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, as well as problems with metabolism and other malfunctions in the body's functioning can be observed.
Headache, hot flashes, increased sweating, dizziness, sharp mood swings accompany the woman during this period, and a natural desire to alleviate these symptoms. Currently, the arsenal of pharmacy chains has many different drugs that can reduce or eliminate most of the unfavorable symptoms.
What herbs need to drink with menopause?
In nature there are also many medicinal herbs that are rich in useful minerals and trace elements that can protect the female body during the difficult period of menopause. Herbs are suitable for all women, they are absolutely safe for health and in rare cases cause side effects.
To reduce the intensity, frequency of hot flashes, general weakness and other unfavorable symptoms of menopause, many alternative healers recommend taking boron, sage, red brush, oregano, which will greatly facilitate the condition of women, since they contain substances that have powerful estrogenic properties.
During the menopause often there is increased nervous excitability, which can be eliminated by the root of valerian, motherwort, chamomile and hop cones. Effective action has beet juice, it cleanses the liver, gall bladder and kidneys, increases the level of hemoglobin, well affects the functioning of the body's lymphatic system and has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood.
Good reviews of women are using raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, licorice and peony root, angelica, birch leaves, calendula, St. John's Wort, hop cones and other medicinal herbs. Consider the most popular of them.
- Sage. To normalize the state of the female body, reduce tides, sharp redness of the face and hands, as well as to increase the secretion of the sex glands, sage is simply irreplaceable. Apply decoctions, tinctures, leaf oil, and to achieve a greater result it is added to salads, soups, second courses and to tea.
- Hawthorn. In alternative medicine, fruits, flowers and tinctures of hawthorn are widely used. This popular plant, will help to remove hot flashes, choking and dizziness caused by heart failure. It also regulates blood pressure, which is of no small importance for the body during the menopause.
- Oregano. It is popularly called a motherboard. The herb regulates the menstrual cycle and can cause menstruation in the early stages of menopause. With regular intake of oregano can pre-alert tidal attacks and ease them in the future. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and regulates the hormonal background.
- Stinging nettle. The herb contains minerals, microelements, vitamin D, which is the basis for the bone system of the body, promotes the absorption of calcium salts, and provides flexibility of bones. Nettle has a positive effect on the heart muscle and significantly facilitates the general condition, and the decoction of the nettle and shepherd's bag will stop the bleeding that often occurs during menopause.
- Clover red. A well-known meadow plant, which became famous due to the large content of phytoestrogens, which is particularly needed by women with menopause. In addition to useful minerals, there is a large amount of vitamins A and C, which contributes to strengthening the lungs and heart. Especially clover is effective in mastopathy of mammary glands.
- Oats. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, chromium and other minerals, which strengthen bones, heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is often called "herbal Viagra", as it is capable of increasing sexual activity, which can drop sharply during the menopause.
To delay and alleviate the symptoms of menopause in alternative medicine, there are many herbs and recipes, when used, it will go without complications in a short time.
Herbs in menopause with hot flashes
In women during menopause, unpleasant physiological disturbances are observed in the form of tides, increased sweating and chills, which in medical terminology is called climacteric syndrome.
Unfortunately, at present, physicians have not identified the main cause of causing hot flashes, so to alleviate the condition, doctors choose effective ways to eliminate the symptom individually for each woman. Many doctors recommend their patients to use medicinal herbs, since some of their types and collections contain the necessary substances that have a powerful effect, which can significantly affect the improvement of the condition during menopausal syndrome.
The most popular herbs that are popular with doctors and patients for relieving tides are mint, sage, melissa, red brush, calendula, motherwort, linden, oregano, hop cones. Nasturtium, hop cones, hyssop, burdock, yarrow, clover, boron uterus and other herbs help very well.
With hot flashes, the tinctures of valerian and motherwort have a good effect, they not only eliminate symptoms, but also have a soothing effect, relieve anxiety, headaches and dizziness. Moreover, with frequent attacks of hot flashes in women, the load on the heart increases, so it is advisable to combine the intake of these tinctures with herbal decoctions.
In addition to herbs are widely used herbal collections, in which the medicinal properties of herbs complement each other. For example, the flowers of hawthorn, leaves of blackberry, woodmaid, marsh swine and motherwort taken in equal parts will remove tidal attacks, and will also help restore the normal state, cheerful mood in the severe course of menopause.
You can make healing tea, which includes flowers of chamomile, sage, melissa and thyme. This fragrant collection will eliminate tides, calm the nervous system and normalize sleep.
Alternative remedies for tides are very popular, and their effectiveness has been tested for years. All herbs have reasonable prices, they can be bought at any time in the pharmacy or procured independently. Each woman can choose for herself the composition of herbs, while before taking the best advice to the doctor.
Collecting herbs in menopause
Alternative medicine knows many recipes that have an effective effect on the condition of a woman during menopause. To improve the general condition and to remove adverse symptoms, it is recommended to take herbal preparations that are good for the body. Widespread use of grasses:
- peppermint, melissa, linden, thyme, motherwort, rosehip;
- wormwood, fennel, valerian, mint, melissa, raspberry, blackberry leaves, strawberry;
- fruits of red mountain ash, hawthorn, dog rose, raisins and dried apricots;
- cones of hops, melissa, cuffs, nettles, hips and hawthorn;
- flowers of marigold, violets, licorice, sage, and valerian root.
Collection of herbs that are good for menopause:
- Herbal collection, the main component of which is sage. To make it, take 2 pieces of sage leaves and 1 piece of melissa, marsh swine, blue cyanosis and blackberry leaves. One tablespoon of the mixture is filled with steep boiling water. You can drink tea 3-4 times a day.
- Dry leaves of blackberry - 3 parts, herb of motherwort - 2 parts, fruits of hawthorn, herb of swine, melissa - on 1 part. Collect the herbs pour boiling water and insist for about an hour. Take 1/3 cup before eating. With regular admission in two weeks, sleep will improve, tidal and headaches will decrease, cheerfulness and elation will appear.
- Take the herbs in the following proportion: hips, hop cones, melissa grass - one part, grass cuffs - three parts. All well chop and mix, then, one tablespoon of the collection pour boiling water (0.5 liters), put in a water bath, and hold 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to stand for another hour, then take one tablespoon 4 times daily before meals.
Tea helps with menopause. We offer several popular recipes:
- Healing tea, improving the general condition. To make it, take 2 chsts of the crushed bark of a white willow, and 1 part of a lime-colored. Blend the mixture with boiling water and continue boiling for about 10 minutes. Then drain the broth, cool slightly and take it warm. In a day you can drink up to 5 cups of tea, but to make it tastier and more useful, you can add a teaspoon of honey or a lemon slice to it.
- Tea from the leaves of blackberries, thyme, melissa and lindens in equal proportions, relieve attacks of hot flashes, improve sleep and calm the nervous system.
Non-hormonal herbs from menopause
Herbs and herbal preparations can not only alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause, but also make her more attractive, so many women prefer to take broths of herbs, herbal teas, infusions, use herbs in cooking fresh. Herbs have a mild sedative effect, a beneficial effect on the nervous system and on the functioning of internal organs.
Nonhormonal herbs include: burdock, linden flowers, chamomile, melissa, peppermint, nettles stinging and other herbs. If during the menopause the woman's condition is accompanied by malfunctions of the nervous system, or vegetative reactions in the form of tides, it is good in such cases to help infusions of balm, valerian, marjoram and chamomile.
To remove mental stress and depression, St. John's wort is used, but it should not be forgotten that this herb is poorly combined with antidepressants and with heart drugs.
During the menopause, cardiac and vascular disorders occur. To improve the condition, alternative healers recommend taking an infusion or a decoction of hawthorn. It can be drunk instead of tea, after which the normalization of cardiac rhythm and blood pressure is immediately observed, and metabolism also improves.
Given the individual characteristics of the body, doctors do not recommend choosing their own herbal medicine, as in some cases such therapy can harm health.
Hormonal herbs with menopause
Problems of hormonal failure during the menopause experienced by many women, as the lack of hormones reflected on the body by negative manifestations in the form of hot flashes, nervous breakdowns, severe headaches and other symptoms. To eliminate this problem in medicine, there is a special drug therapy, but in nature, too, there is a large number of hormonal herbs that help to cope with this problem.
Herbs and herbal preparations that contribute to the restoration of hormones are unique in that they do not add the amount of missing hormones, but normalize their natural production. Hormonal herbs have a positive effect not only on female genital organs, but also on other processes occurring in the body. So, for example, they improve the metabolism, stimulate the endocrine system of the body, improve the psychological state.
Let's make a brief review of herbs that restore the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in the body of a woman during menopause.
The root of Angelica (angelica, wolf's whistle, spindle, cow). It is widely used to treat almost all female diseases caused by hormonal changes, as it normalizes the activity of estrogens, and its individual components stimulate the nervous system, eliminate weakness and headaches associated with climacteric syndrome. The angelica root removes signs characteristic of menopause, such as hot flushes and dryness of the vagina. Tibetan medicine considers it indispensable for women in the menopause, as he copes well with the regulation of female sex hormones. He enjoys the reputation of the best plant for women with menopause, mainly it is used to restore the balance of estrogens and normalize the menstrual cycle.
Gorianka (flower of elves, epimedium). This unique plant is rightly considered an effective plant hormone, which restores and strengthens the sexual functions of the body. Scientific studies have shown that the plant increases the production of testosterone, restores sexual desire and stimulates the nervous system of the body. Moreover, it has a positive effect on the increase in the number of spermatozoa, their mobility and semen density. The mildew has a beneficial effect on large blood vessels, it expands the capillaries, dilutes blood and normalizes blood pressure, and also improves circulation of the bloodstream of the pelvis, which positively affects sexual function.
Vitex sacred (monastic pepper, Abraham tree, prutnyak). It contains progesterone and flavonoids, which has a positive effect on the female reproductive system. It promotes the normalization of female sex hormones, reduces pathological symptoms during the menopause, such as tension, anxiety, a sharp change of mood, insomnia. The result of treatment is noticeable not immediately, about 4-6 weeks after the start of the treatment.
Good reviews among women use sophora yellowing, tsimitsifugy root, peony evading, oregano, soybean, flax seeds and other herbs. Hormonal herbs can not completely replace natural hormones, but will help cope with many women's problems.
Herbs with menopause with estrogens
During the menopause, hormonal bursts occur in women, against which the imbalance of estrogen begins. In this case, doctors prescribe synthetic hormones, which in many cases are contraindicated in many chronic diseases. Moreover, numerous scientific studies have shown that synthetic estrogens increase the risk of breast tumors that develops with menopause, so it is very important at this time to pay attention to the herbs with estrogens.
Estrogens are the sex hormones of a woman who is responsible for the reproductive system and regulates the right menstrual cycle.
Plant estrogens (phyto-estrogens) are found in nature, they produce an effect similar to the effect of natural estrogens produced by the ovaries, only slightly weaker. They are successfully used in modern medicine for various hormonal disorders, in particular with menopause.
The greatest phytoestrogenic activity is possessed by red clover, boron uterus, shepherd's bag, red brush, alfalfa. Recent research has discovered in the red clover a unique component that actively counteracts the development of cancer cells. Vegetable estrogens are contained in parsley, sage, chamomile flowers, sweet clover, licorice root and hops, only in smaller quantities.
A large number of phyto-estrogens is found in cereals of oats, barley, wheat and rice, in seeds of flax and sunflower. Also, phyto-estrogens are available in peas, beans, lentils and soybeans, cabbage, carrots and apples, so it is advisable to include foods from this list in the diet.
Of course, it is impossible to completely replace natural estrogen in the body of a woman, but with the onset of menopause these plants will help to smooth out the negative symptoms of climacteric syndrome.
Sage with menopause
The most effective remedy for menopause is sage, which can significantly alleviate the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, increased sweating, headache, and restore the nervous system, and even rejuvenate the body.
Scientific studies have shown that the composition of the herb contains compounds that favorably affect the female hormone estrogen, and in most cases, preparations, the basic composition of which includes sage, have helped many women completely get rid of hot flashes, profuse sweating and other symptoms.
The healing properties contain sage leaves, they contain essential oils, highly active alkaloids, tannins, and a large number of vitamins B and P. Thanks to these components, sage acts on the body as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent and thermoregulating agent.
Sage with menopause has the following actions:
- regulates hormonal changes;
- reduces night sweats and hot flushes;
- relieves nervous tension, irritation, depression, mood swings;
- relieves stomach cramps;
- has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary sphere;
- improves sleep;
- relieves attacks of headache, dizziness.
Alternative medicine and doctors recommend taking medicinal preparations, where the main component is sage, and it can be supplemented with motherwort, thyme, hawthorn, melissa. Such herbal preparations have a good result in menopause, and it can be noticed in a few hours after taking.
Well-established tea with sage, which reduces increased sweating, improves blood circulation and increases the tone of blood vessels. To make it, you need 2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Tea can be taken up to 8 times a day. Also used tincture of sage, freshly squeezed juice from the leaves and essential oil.
The benefits of sage with menopause, treatment methods and reception rules can be learned from your doctor, because you should not forget that sage, like any other remedy, has contraindications and can cause side effects.
Brontal uterus with menopause
In gynecology, often used boron uterus, which has a unique therapeutic effect on the female body during menopause. It helps not only to avoid premature aging of the body, but also to eliminate unwanted symptoms of menopause. The fact is that with the onset of menopause in the woman's body, the level of estrogen is significantly reduced, and in the borage womb contains natural estrogens and progesterones that:
- actively act on the formation of the endometrium (internal mucous membrane of the uterus);
- normalize the hormonal balance;
- reduce premenstrual pain, which is especially important with menopause;
- restore metabolic processes;
- normalize blood circulation and sweat glands.
During the menopause, the boric uterus has a beneficial effect on the woman's body and removes the following symptoms:
- reduces the intensity and number of tides;
- reduces irritability, suppressed state, improves the functioning of the nervous system;
- stabilizes blood pressure;
- regulates hormonal balance;
- does not allow bleeding;
- reduces the occurrence of tumors, the risk of which often occurs with menopause.
The papilloma is used during the menopause for many years. The plant is toxic, so in this case it is better to take into account the recommendations of the doctor who will prescribe the right dose and method of use, since in the pharmacy network the bovine uterus is sold in packaging with various grinding, there is tea in bags and tincture.
Shatavari with menopause
Many women during the menopause use shatavari - a plant that has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the body. The literal translation of the word "shatavari" means "having one hundred husbands", the plant is indeed an elixir of youth.
Eastern medicine considers shatavari a panacea for women's diseases, where it is used to treat infertility, normalize the hormonal and immune systems of the body, in violation of the functions of the reproductive system, and to improve sexual relations.
The plant is considered a unique balm for women, as it is a powerful stimulant of progesterone, which prevents the development of female diseases such as fibroma, mastopathy, erosion of the cervix and other diseases.
Shatavari has a large content of bioflavonoids and natural antibiotics, which helps to clean the blood and mucous membranes of the genital tract. It also contains many analogues of female sex hormones, and many doctors prescribe it for menopause, as well as for cases of surgery to remove the uterus.
In the period of menopause, when the natural production of hormones drops sharply, decoctions, tablets, capsules or shatavari powder can be prescribed. Components of this miraculous herb are part of many homeopathic medicines that contain female sex hormones, and during the menopause serve as a kind of support for women. Thus, shatavari can "prolong youth" and eliminate most of the unfavorable symptoms associated with menopause.
Herbs for insomnia with menopause
In the menopause period, women often break sleep, and there are several reasons for this, such as:
- the disorder of the hormonal balance, especially the reduction of female sex hormones, such as estrogens and progesterones, affect the normal functioning of the nervous system;
- The lack of estrogen causes increased sweating, nighttime tides and heart palpitations. All these symptoms interfere with a full sleep;
- problems of a psychological nature, such as frequent depression, anxiety, depressed state, arising during menopause are often the main cause of poor sleep.
Often, with insomnia during menopause, herbs can be a real salvation, because they have a calming effect on the entire body and almost never cause side effects. They can always be found in the home medicine cabinet, in extreme cases, at any time you can buy at the pharmacy.
In the menopause, melissa, mint, motherwort, and chamomile are good. Excellent helps thyme, dog rose, hops and peony. Herbs can be used individually, as well as in the form of fees, including several types, which can complement each other remarkably.
Here are some examples of the most popular recipes used for sleep disorders with menopause:
- decoction of their cones of hops and hawthorn in equal proportion, pour boiling water and let the broth brew well. Infuse with small sips at bedtime;
- pustules and valerian root, taken in equal proportions, well calms the nervous system, normalizes heart rhythms and blood pressure, and valerian reduces anxiety, an unpleasant feeling of chest tightness, which is often observed in menopause. Take a decoction of half an hour before bedtime;
- chamomile tea is brewed in the usual way, if desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey and a little cinnamon. He will calm your nerves and help you tune in to a good sleep.
The composition of tea can be combined and include in it such herbs as:
- oregano, has analgesic and antiseptic effect;
- Valerian, has a calming effect;
- The shepherd's bag has hemostatic and healing effects;
- Leonurus with characteristic sedative properties;
- hawthorn, which provides prevention of heart disease.
Today in the pharmacy chain you can buy ready-made herbal preparations, and special phyto tea, designed specifically for women from insomnia during the menopause.
With proper application and observance of all proportions, medicinal herbs and herbal preparations will help to fall asleep easily. They are not addictive and can be combined with other medicines. Simultaneously with herbs, you can use honey and milk, which should be taken before bedtime to maintain normal blood glucose levels.
The problem of insomnia should not be ignored, since a full rest is especially important for a woman during menopause. A good sleep will help quickly adapt the body to such a restructuring of the body.
Herbs that cause menstruation with menopause
The onset of menopause in some women is alarming, and for menstrual disorders, many seek help from doctors, in the hope of delaying the approach of menopause.
If the first signs manifest themselves in 48-50 years without causing complications, it makes no sense to move the natural process back and cause a monthly process, as this is not reasonable and can cause complications.
Quite differently, the situation appears when the early menopause begins in young women who have not yet given birth. To distance its approach and restore the monthly ones at the initial stage it is possible with the help of medications, the choice of which is now quite large, but it is better to turn to alternative medicine and take advantage of herbs.
It should be noted that for the stabilization of the menstrual cycle it is necessary to take herbs regularly, and taking occasional cases will not give positive results. You can return the menstrual cycle with the following herbs: red clover, soy, sage, linden, oregano, tsimitsifuga and others. They contain plant hormones, can have a beneficial effect on the egg and restart the menstrual cycle.
On the positive side, the collections of herbs, such as nettle, sporegrass, yarrow, rosehip, the root of elecampane and pink radioles, proved themselves. You need to take 2 tablespoons of each herb and mix, then pour one part of the mixture with boiling water and insist for about 10-12 hours, then drain. Take infusion of half a cup 3 times a day.
Alternative healers recommend taking a strong broth of onion husks, after taking it, menstruation appears on the following day.
Good reviews of women enjoy monastery tea, which includes oregano, sage, motherwort, hips and hawthorn and other herbs. It helps restore menstruation, and in the menopause period, relieve a woman of dizziness, hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms.
Doctors do not recommend themselves to call monthly, as this can cause many unpleasant consequences, so before taking herbs it is better to consult a doctor.