Treatment of hyperthyroidism
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The activation of the thyroid function leads to an increase in the production of the enzyme, which adversely affects the normal functioning of the entire human body.
To prevent irreversible changes, timely treatment of hyperthyroidism is necessary.
Medicinal treatment
The main drug prescribed with increased production of thyroid hormone of the thyroid gland is thyreostatic medicines (or antithyroid drugs). This group of drugs is prescribed in mild form of hyperthyroidism, diagnosing diffuse toxic goiter, when the patient is less than 50 years old.
In some cases, the primary endocrinologist appoints therapy with radioactive iodine. This happens when diagnosing a diffuse toxic goiter, when the patient is over 50 years old, as well as if the nodes on the goiter are significantly increased.
Thyreostatic drugs are thionamides, thiourea drugs and methylmercaptoimidazole preparations: thiamazole, carbimazole and propylthiouracil.
In exceptional cases, treatment of hyperthyroidism can lead to the opposite result and cause hypothyroidism. The most part of this result can be obtained after treatment with radioactive iodine, but the exception is not and the reception of antithyroid medications.
It is very important not to miss the appearance of symptoms indicating the development of hypothyroidism and to inform your doctor about it.
The drug of a wide spectrum of action endonorm is appointed at treatment of a hyperthyroidism in individual dosages:
For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take a capsule per day for a month. An effective time of reception - a quarter of an hour before a meal. Repeatability of the preventive course - at least twice a year.
At an easy degree of disease - on a capsule twice a day for a quarter of an hour before a meal. The duration of therapy is one month. If the clinical picture of the disease requires continuation of treatment, do a 10-day break and proceed to the next month's course of treatment.
In case of an average diagnosis, take the capsule three times a day for a quarter of an hour before a meal. The duration of therapy is 40 days. If the clinical picture of the disease requires continuation of treatment, do a 10-day break and proceed to the next month's course of treatment.
With severe thyrotoxicosis, an endonorm is prescribed two capsules three times a day. Effective time of reception - for a quarter of an hour before a meal. After the disappearance of pathological symptoms, the dosage of the drug taken can be reduced to one capsule three times a day.
To achieve maximum effect, the intake of endonorm should be combined with a corrected diet.
Contraindications for taking endonorm include hypersensitivity to the components of dietary supplements, as well as inflammation of the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years.
The drug can cause side effects, expressed as an allergic and / or dyspepsia reaction to the composition of the drug.
The thyroid gland is involved in the process of calcium regulation in the human blood, producing calcitonin, which allows to lower the level of calcium in the blood of a person.
Parathyroid hormone, produced by the parathyroid gland, on the contrary, helps to increase the level of calcium in the blood.
In a number of cases, the disruption of the thyroid gland may not only reduce or increase the production of the hormone of thyroxin, but also an excess or a lack of secretions of calcitonin. Such a cause of thyroid dysfunction requires the introduction of calcium-containing drugs (with hypocalcemia) or, conversely, isotonic saline solutions, loop diuretics, glucocorticoids or chloroquines (with hypercalcemia) in therapy.
With hyperthyroidism, the concentration of vitamin D decreases, which leads to a deterioration in the adsorption of calcium, which enters the human body together with the products. Therefore, in the protocol for the treatment of hyperthyroidism, calcium-containing drugs are prescribed together with vitamin D.
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This drug - biologically active additive - refers to natural remedies that can normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is prescribed for hypothyroidism and for hyperthyroidism. Endocrinol is a source of flavonoids and vitamin E.
The recommended dosage of the drug is two capsules per day. The most effective time of reception is when you eat. The duration of the treatment course is three months.
Contra-indications of the drug include the period of pregnancy and lactation in women, as well as hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug.
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The antithyroid agent tirozol is effectively used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism to reduce the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland (thyroxine and triiodothyronine).
The medicine is taken orally after eating. The tablet should be taken whole, with a little water.
On the recommendation of the endocrinologist, the daily dose of tyrosol can be taken once a day, or divided into two or three doses.
Primarily prescribed amount of the drug is taken at a strictly fixed time (after breakfast at one daily intake).
The recommended daily dose of the drug is prescribed from 1.25 to 10 mg. The duration of treatment is individual and corrected by the doctor.
The initial dosage of tyrosol for children aged 3 to 17 years is calculated from 0.3 to 0.5 mg per kilogram of the child's weight, but not more than 40 mg per diem. The resulting daily dose is divided into two or three doses.
During pregnancy, the recommended dose is 2.5 mg, but not more than 10 mg per day.
With liver dysfunction, the patient is assigned the minimum effective amount taken under the constant supervision of the doctor.
Contraindications of tyrosol include hypersensitivity to thiamazole and thiourea derivatives or other component of the drug, granulocytopenia, lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis, children under three years of age.
Drug treatment of concomitant diseases in hyperthyroidism
When hyperthyroidism often develop anxiety disorders and cardiovascular disorders.
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Anxiolytic drug afobazol, does not have a negative effect on the thyroid gland and can be used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, if the patient has a history of sleep disorder, anxiety.
Afobazol is administered orally 10 mg three times a day. Duration of treatment - from two to four weeks.
If necessary, the daily dosage can be doubled, and the duration of therapy up to three months.
Contraindications to afobazol include individual intolerance of the components of the drug, including monosaccharides, galactosemia and lactase deficiency.
Taking afobazol can cause side effects in the form of allergy symptoms. Less often you can see headaches that do not require drug withdrawal.
With chronic heart failure, angina and hypertension, a cardiologist is prescribed a drug bisoprolol. The drug interaction between bisoprolol and thyreostatic medicines is neutral, which allows bisoprolol to be effective in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Beta1-adrenoblocker bisoprolol is prescribed inside, regardless of food intake. The recommended time of reception is morning.
With stable angina and hypertension, the drug is initially prescribed in a dosage of 2.5 to 5 mg daily. The maximum allowable daily amount is 20 mg.
In chronic heart failure, depending on the characteristics of the clinical picture of the disease, initially prescribed in dosage of 1.25 mg - the first week of therapy. One morning intake is recommended.
In the second week of treatment, the dose of bisoprolol doubles and is 2.5 mg daily. The reception mode remains unchanged.
The third week is one daily intake of 3.75 mg. The period from 4 to 8 weeks - the dosage is 5 mg. The period from 9 to 12 weeks - the dosage is 7.5 mg. In the future -10 mg, which corresponds to the maximum allowable daily dosage.
The duration of therapy is determined by the cardiologist individually.
Contraindications to the appointment of bisoprolol include increased intolerance to the constituents of the drug, sinus node weakness syndrome, bradycardia, heart failure in the decompensation stage, metabolic acidosis, arterial hypotension, cardiogenic shock, Raynaud's disease, bronchial asthma, pregnancy and lactation.
The use of bisoprolol can cause side symptoms: headache and abdominal pain, dizziness, depression, insomnia, fatigue, visual impairment, diarrhea, constipation, allergic rhinitis, nausea and vomiting.
Prohibited drugs for hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism often combines with other diseases, both endocrine and non-endocrine, so it is very important to know what medications should not be taken if you have been diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis.
Iodine in hyperthyroidism
Iodine and iodine-containing drugs are not prescribed for the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. An exception may be the situation when this diagnosis was made to a woman for the first time during pregnancy. Obstetrician - gynecologist leading pregnancy, can still prescribe iodine-containing drug, but in limited dosages. Iodine in hyperthyroidism up to 50 mcg per diem should not harm either the woman or the fetus. Dosages above are undesirable.
Drug iodomarin is prescribed to fill the shortage of iodine in the body of the patient. Therefore, its appointment in the treatment of hyperthyroidism is unacceptable.
One of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland is thyroxin. Therefore, the drug thyroxin, whose active ingredient is the enzyme thyroxine, is assigned to patients suffering from a deficiency of this substance. Therefore, the use of the drug in the treatment of hyperthyroidism caused by an excess of thyroxine in the body, it is impossible.
Antiarrhythmic drug arrhythm is not allowed to admit the patient, in whose history there is a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
The intake of the vitamin complex does not affect the treatment of hyperthyroidism. At the same time, studies have shown that deficiency of vitamin D and B 12 in the human body can become a catalyst for the development of hyperthyroidism.
Hence, when appointing a protocol for the treatment of hyperthyroidism, the endocrinologist must introduce vitamin B12 and vitamin d, or a vitamin and mineral complex, based on the substances cyanocobalamin (B12) and visterol (D).
Alternative treatment
When treating hyperthyroidism with the permission of the doctor, you can use alternative treatment. Its "medicines" are effectively used for both external and internal use.
Recipe number 1 - clay compresses:
- Water is obtained by diluting clay to the state of thick sour cream.
- "The medicine is applied a small layer on the tissue.
- The compress is fixed on the area of the goiter and left for about an hour.
- During the day, you can do 2 - 3 treatment procedures. In this clay for each procedure is taken a new one.
Recipe number 2 - tincture of persimmons:
- From the fruit get juice.
- Mix the juice with alcohol in the ratio: five parts of persimmon juice and one medical alcohol (you can replace it with vodka, but its amount is increased to two parts).
- Let it brew for 24 hours.
- "Drug" to drink a tablespoon before eating three times a day.
Walnut for hyperthyroidism
A well of many useful elements, including natural iodine, is a walnut. With hyperthyroidism, it is useful for its ability to normalize the endocrine system.
When thyrotoxicosis in the thyroid gland accumulates radioactive iodine, provoking a decrease in the blood of erythrocytes. The radioactive element is capable of removing only natural iodine from the secretory glands. Especially useful are its green fruits.
The recipe for the preparation of "medicine" is simple:
- Immature fruits are filled with a glass three-liter jar. Approximately 1.5 kg of nuts will be taken away.
- Pour vodka or ethyl alcohol into the container, diluted to 40 °.
- The capacity is clogged.
- Place for three days in a cool and dark place. Otherwise, the fruits will darken and become oxidized.
- Then they are rolled up more tightly (for example, it can be rolled up with a lid for conservation) and left for another three weeks.
- The finished product should be drained and stored in a cool place.
- Drink 20 minutes before eating one teaspoon three times a day.
Flax oil
In the treatment of hyperthyroidism, flax oil can also be used. It to some extent normalizes the function of the thyroid gland. But take linseed oil should be after the examination and with the permission of the doctor, since prescriptions for alternative medicine are an auxiliary method of treating the disease.
It is recommended to take flax oil on an empty stomach on a tablespoon three times a day. The duration of such therapy is two to three weeks. Then two months break and the course can be repeated.
Another recipe for using linseed oil in the treatment of hyperthyroidism is to mix it in a 2: 1 ratio with the dandelion juice. The resulting composition in the form of appliqués is applied to the anterior region of the neck above the goiter. The duration of the procedure is 1 to 2 hours.
Herbal Treatment
When hyperthyroidism is widely used and treated herbs, the list of which is quite large: sporish, valerian, white carbide, mocryza, sparrow, arnica, lemon balm, chicory ordinary, oregano, sea kale, and blackhead. Here are just a few effective recipes:
Recipe number 1 - tincture of chicory:
- The root of the plant should be rinsed, dried and chopped.
- Two cups of boiling water pour one tablespoon of vegetable product.
- To put on the fire and from the moment of boiling to sustain three minutes.
- Decoction drink for two days three times a day.
- Chicory normalizes the endocrine system, reduces the amount of hormones in the blood.
Recipe number 2 - curative broth:
- First, prepare the collection, taking in equal parts such medicinal plants:
- rhizome of valerian,
- sagebrush,
- melissa,
- icteric chickenpox,
- plantain,
- rowan berries,
- sage,
- yarrow,
- sweet clover,
- leaves of wild strawberry.
- All components to grind and take 10 g of collection.
- In the container, pour 300 ml of water and enter the collection.
- To sustain on a water bath a quarter of an hour.
- Wrap up with a towel and leave for an hour to insist.
- Strain and warm drink 50 ml four times a day for 15 minutes before meals.
The duration of treatment for hyperthyroidism is 1.5 - 2 months. If you need a second course, you should take a break in three to four weeks.
Recipe number 3 - healing broth:
- First, prepare the collection, taking in equal parts such medicinal plants:
- berries of hawthorn,
- leaves of the angustifolia,
- sagebrush,
- calendula,
- chamomile,
- cudweed,
- flowers of linden,
- rosehip berries.
- All components to grind and take 10 g of collection.
- In the container, pour 300 ml of water and enter the collection.
- To sustain on a water bath of 10 minutes.
- Wrap up with a towel and leave for a couple of hours to insist.
- Strain and warm drink 70 ml 3 - 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
The duration of treatment for hyperthyroidism is 1.5 - 2 months. If you need a second course, you should take a break in three to four weeks.
White blood white in hyperthyroidism
The high content of natural iodine makes it possible to use white blood sugar for hyperthyroidism. Long-term use of alcohol 10% tincture of this plant helps to normalize the thyroid gland.
Spirituous infusion of cinnamon white can be prepared and at home:
- Take the root of the plant, wash it, dry it and grind it.
- 50 g of vegetable product pour half a liter of vodka or diluted to 40 on alcohol.
- In a dark place leave to infuse for 14 days. To strain.
- Reapply the cake again in 250 liters of alcohol and leave for another 14 days. To strain.
- Set the infusion of the first and second strains.
- In a glass to drip 20 drops of "medicine", dilute with a small amount of water. Take before each meal. The duration of the course is a month. If you need to repeat treatment, do a one-week break and the course of therapy can be repeated.
At the initial stage of the disease, three such courses are usually sufficient.
In the treatment of hyperthyroidism, homeopathic remedies are also used, such as sepia, calcium carbonium, potassium carbonium, causticum, ammonium carbonium, graphitis, thuya, conium, digitalis, lycopodium, bromum.
In the treatment of hyperthyroidism, lycopodium is prescribed in the dilution of 12 and 30.
According to the instructions, the lycopodium should not be administered to patients with individual intolerance to the plant plaques clavate, with severe liver disease, to women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to children under the age of three.
The drug is also capable of causing side effects: a rash, flushing of the skin, itching.
Kalium carbonicum is more effective in the first and second dilutions.
Operative treatment
If conservative treatment does not bring the expected positive result, the endocrinologist is forced to prescribe to the patient surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism (thyroidectomy).
The indication for the operation is the following facts:
- Over a two-year period of adequate therapy, there is no persistent effect.
- Hypersensitivity of the patient to imidazole group drugs. The drugs of the pharmacological group of thiouracil are distinguished by a high price and give frequent complications.
- The growth of the size of the thyroid gland, leading to squeezing of neighboring organs and systems.
In most cases, partial excision of the thyroid gland is performed. As a result of surgery, the endocrinologist leaves about a fifth of the weight of the thyroid gland in the body of the patient in a normal state. Usually, such a volume is sufficient to provide the body with the necessary amount of thyroid hormones and to obtain a stable result, transferring the disease to a state of remission.
Treatment with radioactive iodine
The most effective method in the treatment of hyperthyroidism is treatment with radioactive iodine. The essence of the method is the use of a solution for oral treatment or capsules. Active active substance of the drug is radioactive iodine.
When taking the medicine, radioactive iodine accumulates in the cells of the thyroid gland, which causes necrosis. Gradually, these cells are replaced by a connective tissue.
Contraindication to the appointment of radioactive iodine is:
- Age is up to 20 years.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- When planning pregnancy, conception should occur no earlier than six months - a year after the end of treatment.
- With mild form or temporary nature of the disease.
A few days before the start of treatment, thyreostatic drugs are canceled. After the course of therapy with radioactive iodine, the probability of hypothyroidism is high.
Massage for hyperthyroidism
The procedure itself can not harm the body, suffering from thyrotoxicosis, but it can be painful for a person. Therefore, massage with hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland is very rare.
To help the body cope with the disease, you can turn to acupressure, shiatsu, which allows you to act on the active points of the body without resorting to the help of improvised means.
Reflexogenic points responsible for the thyroid gland are located on the side of the foot under the thumb pad of both legs. For the normalization of the gland, two fingers should be massaged for five minutes.
Another active point is located in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra. To influence it, massaging movements should be performed by hand, performing circular motions in a clockwise direction.
You can also massage the gland in a somewhat unusual way: singing "A" sound for a long time on one note. The vibrations received during singing massage the tissues, improving blood circulation and leading to the normal production of hormones.
Diet for hyperthyroidism
Endocrinologists prohibit the treatment of hyperthyroidism by hunger, while adjusting the diet of the patient is necessary.
The basic postulates of a diet at a hyperthyroidism:
- Growth of daily caloric intake. This will make up for the energy costs that arise from the disease.
- Increase the proportion of foods with a high content of vitamins and trace elements.
- Food should be frequent, but in small portions.
- Exclude foods rich in caffeine.
- The basis of the diet should be products rich in protein - the building material for the formation of muscle tissue.
- Exclude spices, sweets, smoked and salted, preserved and fried dishes.
- Dishes should be steamed or boiled.
- Focus on foods rich in phosphorus and calcium.
- Exclude the consumption of foods high in iodine.
- Reduce the volume of products that can provoke the intestinal process of fermentation or constipation.
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Products for hyperthyroidism
In more detail, consider what foods you can eat with hyperthyroidism:
- Freshwater fish.
- Lean meat, poultry.
- Milk and dishes based on it.
- Kefir and fermented baked milk.
- Yoghurt and yogurt.
- Cottage cheese is low in fat and dishes from it.
- Hard cheeses with low fat content and salinity.
- Unsafe baked goods.
- Bakery products from rye, wheat and oatmeal.
- Leaf salad.
- Grapefruit and lemons.
- Apples.
- Garlic.
- Cucumbers, asparagus and tomatoes.
- Ginger.
- From cereals preference is given to buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley.
- Broccoli, kohlrabi, Peking, white and cauliflower.
- Zucchini, eggplant, celery and pumpkin.
- From drinks: fruit fruit drinks, jelly and compotes, dog-boiled broth, herbal teas.
- Alcohol.
- Tobacco.
- Fatty meat and fish.
- Fig.
- Sea kale.
- Coffee and chocolate.
- Spice.
- Beans.
- Grapes, strawberries and peaches.
- Plums and apricots.
- Flour products (especially baking).
- Strong fish and meat broths.
Hyperthyroidism and alcohol
Patients with a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, endocrinologists are advised to abandon the consumption of alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages.
Hyperthyroidism and sun
A person suffering from thyrotoxicosis is not advised to stay under direct sunlight for a long time and take a tan. Excessive insolation only aggravates the condition of the sick organism, leading to an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, rest in the Southern resort in the period of high solar activity for such patients is unacceptable, it must be transferred to the velvet season.
Sport for hyperthyroidism
As for sports with hyperthyroidism, endocrinologists advise not to avoid active physical activity, but they should be dosed and low. Suit yoga and dancing, light morning jogging, swimming or gymnastic exercises.
Hyperthyroidism and the sea
In the pathology of the thyroid gland, in most cases the thermoregulation of the organism is impaired. Therefore, doctors - endocrinologists do not recommend a sharp change in climate for patients with thyrotoxicosis. Therefore, the best time to visit a sanatorium or the sea is in the autumn. To breathe the same sea air will be useful.
In terms of therapy, marine hospitals are valued, where a strong rose of winds blowing from the sea is observed. At the same time, waves, breaking about the shore, enrich the air with negative ions of iodine, oxygen and ozone, which is necessary in the therapy of thyrotoxicosis.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism is due to the high content of natural iodine in the sea air. Especially it is much in shallow water with a large accumulation of algae. It is they, in the process of their life, allocate this chemical element into the air.