Treatment of diathesis by alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Unfortunately, for today the disease considered in the article remains to the end not studied anomaly. Therefore, therapy can be symptomatic. But whatever the pathogenesis of the problem, the treatment of diathesis by alternative means, as in the old days, today shows excellent results.
Treatment of diathesis in children by alternative means
In most cases, physicians consider the appearance in infants or children of older hyperemia, right up to the wounds, on the cheeks, the generic susceptibility of the child's organism to a number of different stimuli. Treatment of diathesis in children by alternative means is one of the most highly effective methods of coping the problem, the main thing is to choose the medicine that will be most effective for this particular small organism.
Due to the yet not perfect digestive system (enzyme deficiency, intestinal dysbiosis, and so on), the body reacts to this or that product in this way. Mostly it is lure, but can be breast milk, bedding material, toys and clothes.
For example, it is possible for a child to prepare such an ointment. To do this, take 50 g of porcine internal fat, 50 g of spruce resin, 50 g of tar (you should take only purified medical) and 30 g of propolis, one chicken egg.
- Put on a small light a container in which propolis, tar and tar are introduced. Mix.
- Separately heat the lard and add to the first composition, which has already been removed from the fire. Mix.
- Let cool to about 38 degrees.
- Egg a little whisk and gently enter into the cooled composition, stirring all the time. It should not be brewed. In fact, an oily, thick consistency should appear.
Smear the affected areas of the child should be at least three times a day. On the night sleep the handle of the kid is desirable for fixing, so that he does not comb the wounds. As experts say, the diathesis should disappear after three days.
Perfectly suitable and chicken shell, the recipe of which will be described below. Well-established and decoction of alder. For its preparation, take 15 g of alder earrings and brew them in 200 mg of boiling water. Give the child on the table spoon three times - four times a day.
Another simple but very effective recipe from potatoes, a product that can be found in the kitchen of any hostess.
- It will take four five medium-sized tubers. They should be cleaned, washed and chopped with a grater (with large cells).
- Put four to five liters of water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
- Once this happened, enter the potato mass, and immediately turn off the plate.
- Well, mix everything, cover it, leaving it for a quarter of an hour.
- Drain the liquid with a sieve or a glass stopper.
- The resulting slimy product is introduced to the baby in bathing water. Then the temperature of the liquid is adjusted to the required degree, and the child can take a bath. These usually require three to four to say goodbye to the problem.
There are many other recipes here, just consult with a pediatrician. It will help you find the most effective one.
Treatment of renal salt diathesis by alternative means
Diathesis is a disease that can be caused by various kinds of irritants.
Saline diathesis is a pathology associated with sedimentation in the renal pelvis of salt compounds. Partly such compounds are excreted from the body in the form of urates, carbonates, phosphates, oxalates, and other compounds. But some of them accumulate, causing a response of the body in the form of diathesis, and it is also from them that sand and stones form in the organs of the excretory system.
Therefore, the therapy of this disease must be timely and of high quality. At the same time, it should be comprehensive, including the restriction in nutrition. Good results are also shown in the treatment of renal salt diathesis by alternative means.
Excess salts in the body, both adults and small patients can be removed with the help of herbs and herbal collections that have diuretic properties. Only in advance it will not be superfluous to consult with a specialist, your doctor in order not to harm your body. In fact a number of medicinal broths and tinctures deduce and potassium, so necessary for normal work of cardiovascular system.
Herbal preparations effectively break down the salt joints, which makes them easier to remove from the body. Modern both traditional and alternative medicine uses full-scale vegetable raw materials, which have a high content of anthraglycosides and saponins. In parallel, treatment and concomitant diseases (for example, inflammation of the bladder or urethra) are treated.
There are a lot of such recipes. We give only a small fraction of them.
Recipe # 1
To remove salt and stone conglomerates from the body of a patient, it is necessary throughout the day, making several approaches at a time to drink the juice of one lemon, diluted with half a glass of moderately hot water.
In parallel, it is necessary to drink in the same volume juice fresh, consisting of juices such vegetables as beets, carrots, cucumbers. Multivitamin juice should be drunk three times - four times during the day. The duration of such therapy depends on the speed of appearance of the result. It can be two days or two weeks.
Recipe # 2
Its preparation is a classical way of reception of broth from many medicinal grasses. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of vegetable raw material, pour it with 200 ml of freshly boiled water and brew in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then put it off the fire and let it brew for 45 minutes. After that, the broth can be taken inside, drinking instead of tea.
In the case considered in this article, such medicinal plants as rhubarb, milk thistle, buckthorn, thyme, St. John's wort, horsetail, senna leaves, madder, mother and stepmother, calendula, sage, flax seeds, cinnamon, duschitsa, chamomile, mint, lemon balm , nettle and many others.
One has only to remember that broths from these herbs are taken in small courses, since they can, acting on the kidneys, destroy nephrons.
Treatment of urinary acid diathesis by alternative means
This type of pathology is obtained if the patient has failed in the exchange of purines, which leads to an increased excretion in urine of urate salts of uric acid. This substance is the final product obtained by passing purine metabolism. Suppliers of uric acid - a number of food products, as well as part of these compounds is produced by the body itself. If such a product is abundant, the body ceases to cope with its cleavage and removal from the body, which leads to the crystallization of these salts and the formation of squeaks and stones.
Therefore, as in the previous case, the treatment of urinary acid diathesis by alternative means is carried out using herbs that have diuretic properties, as well as those that are capable of increasing the solubility of urate salts. This is due to the fact that herbal decoctions change the characteristics of the urine itself, changing the alkalinity level ph from the acid medium to the alkaline one.
Such herbs that meet all the necessary requirements are spores, birch sap and decoction from the leaves of this plant, root parsley, elderberry celery, root celery, corn stigmas, asparagus and a number of other herbal medicines.
Similarly, in such a pathology, in most cases, physicians detect a slow inflammatory and infectious processes in the patient's body. Therefore, general therapy and prescriptions of alternative medicine should take this fact into account. For this purpose, vegetable raw materials with antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics are introduced into the collections. It can be corn stigmas, root parsley, grape leaves, root and rhizome of the stalker, root celery asparagus and a number of other medicinal plants. Here are a few recipes.
Recipe # 1
- It takes five to six leaves of grapes (cultural, not wild). Raw materials should be washed thoroughly and rid of petioles.
- Take the glass jar and place down the grape raw materials. Top 175 ml of only boiling water.
- Place in a water bath and keep on fire for five to seven minutes.
- Infusion set aside and wait until it has cooled to room temperature and drain.
- The most expected result is obtained by taking a "medicine" half the dose received, immediately after meals three times a day.
Recipe No. 2
- You need a table spoon of dried black currant fruit, which should be covered in a thermos bottle. There also pour a glass of steep boiling water.
- Seal the thermos and leave for a couple of hours to insist.
- Dissolve the liquid, squeeze the cake.
- The intake of this medication is not tied at the time of ingestion. It should be drunk twice - three times a day.
Treatment of diathesis in adults by alternative means
It should be noted that these manifestations in adult patients are not analogous to what happens in young children. This skin lesion in newborns is a disease that needs to be cured. In adult patients - a kind of precursor of the emergence of a number of diseases or, conversely, their catalyst is provocative. But in both cases - this is the response of the body to a certain external irritation.
To help doctors and here the experience of our ancestors can come. Treatment of diathesis in adults by alternative means can in many ways become both an auxiliary therapy technique and an independent treatment method. Here are a number of such recipes that will help get rid of the problem:
Recipe # 1
- You can prepare a medicinal ointment. For its preparation, you need four to five teaspoons of baby cream, which are mixed with a pair of tea spoons of fir oil, which today can be purchased at any pharmacy.
- In these two ingredients add one tablespoon of sulfuric ointment. Well, mix everything together.
- The drug is creamy consistency with a yellowish tinge.
- Apply in the morning and immediately before going to bed, applying to the affected area of the skin.
Recipe No. 2
Perfectly proved the juice of radish black. Adults need to drink one tablespoon three times throughout the day. To small patients this medicine is given on a growing basis, starting with a single drop, daily adding one drop of juice, bringing the dosage to the table spoon.
Recipe # 3
- Prepare the collection, taking in equal proportions such medicines: yarrow, gentian, elecampane. Vegetable raw materials combine, grind and mix thoroughly.
- Take a tablespoon of the collection and pour a glass of just boiling water. Leave to insist for half an hour.
- It is necessary to drink 100 ml before meals three times a day.
- This infusion is effective in the treatment of diathesis. It well raises the immune status and improves metabolism.
Recipe No. 4
- Using a water bath, dissolve 50 grams of internal pork fat.
- Enter here 50 g of medical tar, a similar amount of spruce resin and 30 g of softened liquid propolis (beeswax). All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly.
- After the mixture is removed from the plate and cooled to a warm state, one chicken egg can be added to it. All the mix well.
- Lubricate the affected area three times a day.
- This tool shows high effectiveness of the result not only in the case of diathesis, but also with various eczemas.
Recipe No. 5
- It is necessary to take a kilogram of leaves of walnut (walnut). Suitable for both dry and fresh leaf.
- Fill the plant product with cold water, place the container on a stove and, from the moment of boiling, keep on a small fire for 45 minutes. The pan is covered with a lid.
- This amount of broth enough for a full bathroom, if you plan to fill half of the bathroom, then, respectively, and brew should be half the amount of raw materials.
Recipe No. 6
- Buy in any pharmacy kiosk 10 ml of sea-buckthorn oil and connect with 30 drops of green. Vial should be well shaken.
- Get the medicine to use several times throughout the day. Wipe followed by a place affected by the disease. Perfectly removes the itch and stops the underlying problem.
Herbs from diathesis
As already noted, herbal treatment can bring quite tangible help in solving the problem of getting rid of a bacterial, infectious or inflammatory lesion of the skin. High efficiency is also shown by herbs from diathesis. Here we can offer several such recipes:
Recipe # 1
- Collect the collection by taking four parts of the walnut leaves, four parts of the violet tricolor, one share of the roots of the buckthorn and one share of the licorice root. All grind and mix thoroughly.
- One tablespoon of the collection pour 600 ml of steep boiling water. Place on a small light and protominate before evaporation of the volume by one-third of the original.
- The composition should be drained and taken two tablespoons three times a day.
Recipe No. 2
- This "medicine" can be given to both children and adult patients. To make it, you need 15 g of bark, removed from twigs and stems of the Kalina. Introduce the plant product in 400 ml of boiling water.
- Composition put on a small fire and boil for half an hour.
- Drain and bring the liquid boiled to a volume of 200 ml.
- To drink to children on one tea, and adults on one table spoon three times during the day.
Recipe # 3
- Prepare a collection of such herbs, taken in the same ratio: a bloodlet, grass sporisha, St. John's wort, flowers of calendula, tavolgu, bedridden.
- All the raw materials should be crushed and mixed thoroughly, taking two tablespoons into operation.
- Mix this volume with half a liter of boiling water. Leave to stand until the composition cools.
- Drink 70 ml three times during the day. The duration of treatment is a month.
Recipe No. 4
- In a glass of steep boiling water, brew 15 grams of alder earrings. Leave to brew.
- Drain and take a tablespoon of "medicine" three times - four times during the day.
Bay leaf from diathesis
Laurel (Laurus nobilis) is a spice, an attribute of victory and an excellent medicinal plant with antibacterial properties. In alternative techniques it is used in the preparation of ointments and creams.
Due to its excellent properties, the laurel leaf is also used for diathesis.
Recipe # 1
- Buy a package of laurel leaves in the store. Unpack and rinse raw materials.
- In 500 ml of water, bring the whole quantity of laurel to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes.
- Set aside the plates to insist and cool down.
- Take three drops of broth, diluted with 100 ml of slightly sweetened water. The number of approaches can be from one to three (depending on the age of the patient).
Recipe No. 2
- Boil a bucket of water or a 12-liter saucepan.
- Enter into the container 6 - 8 leaves of the plant. Add one tablespoon of quality black tea.
- Cover the container and let stand for an hour.
- In this water you can bathe a newborn, having a place of diathesis damage.
- Take baths every day until the problem is fixed. On average this takes five days.
- High efficiency of the method for an adult, only the volumes of the infusion increase or, what is easier, raise the concentration of infusion, with subsequent dilution.
The alternation of diathesis
This medicinal plant is known to almost everyone, especially women with children. Which of the kids in childhood did not go through the bathrooms from the queue. The properties of this herb are truly unique. It normalizes malfunctions in metabolic processes, improves digestion, has diuretics and diaphoretic properties, it has calming, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Therefore, the sequence of diathesis is not a surprise, but a statement of fact.
Recipe # 1
- Spirituous infusion of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can prepare yourself by insisting on five teaspoons of a crushed plant for 150 g of medical alcohol. After the medicine has stopped. It is decanted - the composition is ready for further work.
- Mix with each other for 12 g of Vaseline and Lanolin.
- Here, enter the entire volume of tincture. All mix and shift into a convenient container. Store this medicine in a cool place. You can in the fridge.
- Apply the medicine in the evening, before bedding. The treatment site must be dry and clean. Ointment is applied by gentle massage movements.
- The duration of treatment is until the problem disappears completely.
Recipe No. 2
Perfectly proven and baths based on succession.
- Prepare a decoction based on one liter of boiling water and a half kilogram of plant raw materials. Put on the fire and boil for ten minutes.
- Give a little brew, drain and enter into a bath filled with warm water.
- It is necessary to take such bathtubs every day once a day. A very important factor that should be remembered for people practicing such procedures from diathesis is the temperature index of water. It should be in the range of 36 - 38 ° C. The duration of the bathroom should be at least a quarter of an hour.
Purity of diathesis
The medicinal properties that this plant possesses simply can not be considered. This is the inhibition of the nervous system, bactericidal and analgesic activity, an increase in the tone of the uterine musculature, increased intestinal peristalsis, an increase in the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood, a decrease in the vegetative tone, and a number of others. Use and celandine from diathesis.
Recipe # 1
- One tablespoon of dry powdered plant pour 400 - 500 ml of steep boiling water.
- The vessel should be sealed and placed in a warm place, but not accessible to direct sunlight, for four hours.
- Drain and take 50 - 100 ml in the morning and before going to bed.
This recipe is intended for adult patients only.
Chamomile from diathesis
This medicinal plant has amazing properties. Here are just some of them: anti-inflammatory and antiviral characteristics, exerts spasmolytic effect on the human body. Chamomile from diathesis is a highly effective medicine that brings a quick and qualitative result.
Recipe # 1
- It is necessary to take two tablespoons of vegetable raw material, pour it with 200 ml of freshly boiled water.
- Put and brew in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
- Then put it off the fire and let it brew for two to three hours in a warm place.
- After that, you can take the broth inside, drink instead of tea. Or use for baby baths.
Birch tar from diathesis
Birch tar (Pix liquida Betulae) is one of the most ancient medicines, but today it is better to buy it in pharmacies than to make houses by handicraft method. This product has disinfecting properties, stimulates the functions of internal organs and systems by reflex stimulation of skin receptors and nerve endings. Birch tar is used for diathesis:
Recipe # 1
- In one container, combine, thoroughly mixing one tablespoon of tar, one yolk (the egg should be fresh) and two tablespoons of cream.
- Transfer to a convenient container and store in a cool place (this can be a refrigerator).
- Ointment is applied to the affected area.
- Those who have tried argue that the disease goes away after the second application.
Recipe No. 2
- On a steam bath, melt the pork inner fat and mix it well with birch tar.
- Take in equal weight ratios.
- Use as an ointment for diathesis spots. Usually the duration of the treatment course is from four to seven days.
Currant from diathesis
This delicious berry is a storehouse of vitamins, but it also has other medicinal characteristics. You can name only a part of them. Currant has a restorative, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic and intestinal motility improving on the human body. Currant is used for diathesis.
Recipe # 1
- Cut three branches of this shrub. Enough small. Grind them and pour a glass of steep boiling water.
- Put on the fire and boil for another eight to ten minutes on a small flame.
- Cool, drain and take in place of tea. This tea can also be given to a baby.
- The same infusion can be several times a day to wet the affected area of the skin. On average, the traces disappear in three days.
Recipe No. 2
- Effective and bathrooms of tinctures. To do this, prepare a decoction based on four to five kilograms of fresh currant leaves or one - one and a half kilograms of dry raw materials.
- Vegetable raw materials pour cold water, bring to a boil and sustain another quarter of an hour.
- After that, remove from heat and press another couple of hours.
- Drain and the resulting infusion pour into the bathroom, bringing the volume and temperature values to the required.
Viburnum from diathesis
Kalina - this beautiful shrub today is for sure available in almost every yard and cottage area. Use it both for culinary and medicinal purposes. Viburnum can be used for diathesis.
Recipe # 1
- Anti-inflammatory drug, increases the tone of the musculature of the uterus - it is a decoction of the branches of the viburnum. To prepare the medicine, you need 600 g of buttermilk and about 100 g of fresh plant twigs.
- This composition is placed in a container and is put up for about ten minutes for a small light.
- Then it is removed from the plate for the whole night for infusion.
- After awakening, drain and curable fluid to wipe diathesis-affected areas. The solution used should be warm.
Recipe No. 2
- Boil 10 grams of bark bark in one glass of boiling water for half an hour. To strain.
- Prepare in a classic way a decoction of chamomile.
- Combine one share of the decoction of the viburnum and four parts of the decoction of chamomile.
- Take one tablespoon three times a day.
Sea-buckthorn oil from diathesis
This oil has been known since ancient times for its unique medicinal properties. Applicable sea buckthorn oil from diathesis and shows high efficiency of treatment.
Recipe # 1
- You should buy at the pharmacy 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil and mix with 30 drops of zelenok. Vial should be shaken well.
- The mixture can be used several times a day, rubbing the place affected by diathesis. Perfectly removes the itch and stops the underlying problem.
Eggshell from diathesis
It is a wonderful sorbent and a deposit of calcium. Knowledgeable young mothers often use an egg shell from diathesis, even in small, newborn babies.
Recipe # 1
- The shell should be thoroughly washed, dried and pounded into powder.
- Give a newborn baby with a spoon or stir in the water. The quantity is practically at the tip of the knife.
- For better digestibility of the product, drop a drop of lemon juice on the shkarlup flour.
Recipe No. 2
- In this case, you need a quantity of eggshell of five pieces (eggs must necessarily be fresh).
- Shell thoroughly wash, dry and pound.
- Wash five lemons of medium size, chop.
- Mix the two ingredients and place for three days in a cool place.
- Then add 500 ml of high-quality vodka. Leave in a darkened place for another three days (but no longer in the refrigerator).
- Infusion to strain.
- Take immediately before breakfast and dinner for 30 ml.
- Duration of treatment - until the tincture is over.
- Make a break during which to make a new portion of the remedy.
Repeat this treatment three times.
Chatterboxes for diathesis
Well-proven and chatters from diathesis. We are ready to offer such a hormone-free formulation, tested not by one generation, which can be applied even on a tender baby peel.
- Talc - 40
- Water - 25
- Glycerol - 25
- Alcohol 95% - 25
- Zinc - 10
- Naftalan - 6
- Dimedrol - 1
- Anestezine - 0.6
- Analgin - 0.4
It is desirable to order this composition to be prepared in a pharmacy, but you can get it at home. Lubricate affected areas two to three times throughout the day.
Burnt waxed paper from diathesis
However strange it may sound, you can get rid of the problem by using burnt paper. Burned waxed paper from diathesis will help here. It can be used as a powder for the affected areas, or injected into the cream and used as a therapeutic ointment.
Decoctions from diathesis
Decoctions - this form of the drug is widely used in both traditional and non-traditional medicine. In this article, we have already repeatedly mentioned decoctions of diathesis, but there are countless of them and we are ready to offer a few more:
Recipe # 1
- Collect the roots of the wheatgrass creeping, rinse, dry and grind them. Take one tablespoon of vegetable raw material and place in 500 ml of steep boiling water.
- Capacity to put on the fire and from the moment of boiling to sustain a quarter of an hour.
- Remove from the plate, wrap and let stand for a couple of hours.
- Broth strain and take half the glass three times - four times (before the meal).
Recipe No. 2
- Collect the roots of dandelion, rinse, dry and grind them. Take one teaspoon of vegetable raw material and place in 200 ml of steep boiling water.
- Wrap up and let stand one - two hours.
- Decoction to strain and take 50 ml three times - four times (before a meal for half an hour).
Recipe # 3
- Bearberry leaves are needed. Take one tablespoon of vegetable raw material and place in 200 ml of cold water.
- Put the capacity on the fire, bring to a boil and from that moment stand half an hour.
- Cool, drain.
- Use to wipe the skin covered with diathesis spots.
Plot from diathesis
Do not throw off the shield and the word. After all, there is an ulterior motive: "Word heals"! Conspiracy from diathesis since ancient times was used by wizards and leaders, and today any young mother is available. With this article, we are ready to offer several variants of such a plot, hoping that any person will find himself exactly the one that will be acceptable to his soul and body.
But it should be noted at once that such prayers are half the battle, it should not be ignored by the treatment itself. These healing texts should be read constantly before meals.
Conspiracy No. 1
"Go away, the burning pain, stopping my child from the body!"
Go away, go away, do not look for roads back!
Come back, the skin is clean, healthy, glossy!
In the name of all holy forces. Amen."
Conspiracy No. 2
"The field is clean, the rye of the colossus, the grass is fragrant, the sun is clear, and the body of the slave of God (name) is beautiful.
No redness, no faintness.
Our food is given by the Father of Heaven.
Mother Blessed Virgin.
Not to harm, but to health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Conspiracy No. 3
"In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I begin to dissuade myself, the servant of God, from the servant of God.
Krasna the maiden, white belavitsa, black shtarnitsa, do not burn, the body of the white body did not fall, the meat of the red meat.
Come out from all the bones, from the veins and from the brains, from the joints and the heart.
That this and for all eternity has not happened. "
Plot № 4
(these words should be pronounced only after sunset)
"First word, good hour.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will rise, having been blessed, I will go cross,
From the door at the door, from the gate to the gate,
Yes to the open field, to the wide free will.
In that freedom, three rivers run: One - Daria, the second - Mary, And the third is anonymous.
I'll go to that river. Oh, river-river, You wash the banks, Stumps and pitfalls.
So you would have washed red - krasushina, Gold - goldfish beside God's slave (name).
You, red - krasushina, gold - goldfish,
With God's slave (imyrek) skip, go away, In hell, break through.
So that her white body does not ache, Soul does not grieve.
No day, night, hour, minute.
Go, word, whip, Argue, business, fire.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Our nature is rich and its ancestors have long learned to use its gifts. How many different diseases managed to win thanks to the experience of our ancestors. Therefore, the treatment of diathesis by alternative means is a reality that should not be thrown off shields. But it is worth remembering that self-medication can only worsen the condition of the body. Therefore, any treatment with non-traditional methods should be agreed with a qualified specialist (his own doctor).