Treatment of burns with blisters
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Blisters usually form with burn damage of the second degree - this is the most common degree of household burn injury. With such damage, not always go to the doctor, trying to cure the wound at home. If the area of damaged skin is small, then really, the treatment of burns with blisters can be carried out at home. With one condition - to open the bubbles with liquid contents yourself categorically can not, so as not to worsen the situation.
Methods of treatment
If the blisters formed on the skin, it means that the burn is superficial, namely, the second degree. In such a situation, the victim should not only provide emergency care, but also further treatment for the early healing of the wound.
Such treatment for burns with blisters can consist of such stages:
- prevention of infection of the wound, or elimination of infection in the wound;
- stimulation of restorative processes in tissues;
- prevention of early opening of blisters and their drying out;
- prevention of the formation of coarse scar tissue at the site of a burn with blisters.
Treatment of burns with blisters at home implies, first of all, the implementation of such recommendations:
- Do not touch the surface of the burn with blisters with dirty hands;
- for treatment it is necessary to use special preparations from burns, such as Neosporin, Panthenol or Argosulfan, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties;
- when using ointments, make sure that they do not contain refractory fats in their composition;
- it is important to protect the wound from getting into it infection: the best option is bandaging the band with a burn;
- For the night, the bandage should be removed to dry and aerate the wound surface.
Means for treating burns with blisters
Acceleration of healing of burns with blisters is carried out in any convenient way, with the use of external medicines: ointments, sprays, gel preparations.
Perhaps one of the most popular drugs is Levomecol - a bactericidal and wound healing ointment, which contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory components. You can apply the ointment on the first day of the injury, and continue the treatment should be up to 4 days, but no more.
The second most popular drug for blisters with blisters is Povidone-Iodine ointment. This drug with the presence of active iodine: its action - antibacterial and regenerating.
Such a regenerating effect can boast of a universal balm Rescuer. It contains a large number of natural plant components, which makes this tool not only effective, but also completely safe.
Specially developed medications in the form of creams are used at the regeneration stage - that is, after waiting 3-4 days after receiving the burn with blisters. The cream differs from the ointment in composition: its action is aimed at maintaining the softness of the skin and preventing the formation of coarse scars after a burn with blisters. At this stage, it is recommended to pay attention to Bepanten cream or Panthenol spray, which have a light texture and are well absorbed into the tissues.
In addition, in pharmacies you can buy special bandages or bandages from burns with blisters that initially have an anti-burn impregnation and do not require additional application of drugs.
Treatment of a burn with boiling water with blisters
It is almost impossible to estimate the depth of the burn with boiling water on your own, therefore, when blisters appear, you should always contact the doctor. Only after the doctor has treated the wound and prescribes further treatment, you can go home.
Treatment of burns with blisters includes:
- pain relief;
- disinfection of wound surface;
- medical opening and cleaning of blisters;
- wound dressing.
The victim himself, before giving him medical help, can help himself and himself. To do this, remember these recommendations:
- Do not apply the product immediately after exposure to boiling water. First cool the skin under running cold water.
- Do not apply alcohol solutions on the skin, including iodine or zelenka, as well as vegetable oils. You can use Vaseline.
- Do not pierce the blisters yourself - only the doctor can safely do this.
- Burn with blisters from boiling water can not be lubricated with sour-milk products, treated with soda or vinegar.
The best way to help with burns with blisters is Panthenol spray. Drugs with a similar effect are Pantoderm, Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, etc. It is advisable to use such remedies in the first minutes after the injury.
Treatment of burns with blisters with alternative means
Alternative recipes for burns with blisters can sometimes be very helpful. Especially if there is no suitable anti-burn agent in the home medicine cabinet.
- Fresh carrots are cleaned, my and grate. The resulting mass is placed in a clean cotton napkin or gauze and put on the burnt surface, for about 30 minutes.
- We grind a piece of pumpkin pulp on a small grater, place it in a cut of gauze and apply it to the burned skin, for 20-30 minutes.
- Let's take a gelatin capsule with vitamin E (tocopherol, a drug product). We open the capsule and squeeze out the oily mass onto the wound. Lubricate the burn 4 times a day.
- Cut the bottom sheet of aloe, rinse under running water, cut off the upper peel and fix it with a bandage cut side to the burn. The aloe leaf is changed 2 times a day.
In addition, there are more complex recipes:
- We prepare ointment from marigold and vaseline base. First we'll make a decoction: 2 tbsp. L. Calendula pour 250 ml of boiling water and keep it on low heat for 5 minutes, then insist under the lid for 1 hour. After cooling, the broth is filtered and mixed with Vaseline, proceeding from the proportion: one part of the prepared medicine - 2 parts of Vaseline. Ointment is stored in the refrigerator, if necessary applying for the treatment of burns with blisters. Apply ointment on the skin can be 3 times a day.
- Cooking infusion of lime color: brew boiling water (250 ml) 1 full tablespoon of linden. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and used as a lotion or for washing the affected skin.
- In addition to the above, it is possible to prepare such a medicinal ointment based on propolis. For its preparation we need: 50 g of beeswax, 30 g of propolis, 100 ml of olive oil. Heat the oil a little on a water bath, add the rest of the ingredients, mix until a smooth creamy state. We store in the refrigerator, preferably in a dark container. With a blister with blisters, the ointment is used under the bandage for the night, or for the whole day.
Herbs from burns with blisters
To remove or reduce painful sensations when burned with blisters, rinses or lotions with infusion of string, birch or nettle leaves, horsetail grass are used. A little drying the wound and reduce exudation can be with the washing of decoction oak bark, St. John's wort, mint leaves.
For the burned limbs, you can use cool baths. For them, prepare a vegetable mixture, brewing 200 g of this mixture for 4-5 liters of water. The mixture includes herbaceous grass, chamomile flowers, valerian rhizome, sage leaves, Celandine grass and St. John's wort.
Treatment with medicinal products can be combined with the use of decoction of plantain. For its preparation take 1 tbsp. L. Crushed leaves of plantain and pour 1 glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 5-8 minutes, insist for an hour. The broth is filtered and used to irrigate the burn with blisters several times a day. The broth can only be used fresh.
Homeopathic remedies can significantly improve the situation with a burn if applied against the background of the main drug treatment.
If the doctor does not prescribe the homeopath differently, then take 2 granules in a dilution of 30C every half hour, but not more than 3 times. Usually, this dose is sufficient to alleviate the condition of the victim.
If the drugs have a greater dilution (6X, 12X, 6C), then they are taken every quarter of an hour.
- Arsenicum albumus is taken with burns with blisters, which are accompanied by severe pain.
- Kantaris - prevents the appearance of blisters.
- Causticum and Phosphorus are useful as first aid.
- Urtica urens - used for burns with boiling water, and also in case the Cantaris remedy does not help.
If the burn with blistering is accompanied by a suppuration of the wound, an increase in temperature, a general weakness, then continuing treatment at home is impossible: you need to seek medical help urgently. If this is not done, the treatment of burns with blisters can be delayed, and then dangerous complications can not be avoided.