Treatment of balanoposthitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of balanoposthitis begins with the delivery of tests to determine the cause of inflammation and the microorganisms that caused the disease.
All patients without exception, during the treatment of the disease, the urologist puts the main tasks, the observance of which will avoid the disease in the future:
- Hygiene of the head and foreskin of the penis is the first rule of successful healing.
- Local elimination of an infectious agent using antiseptic solutions and herbal infusions to eliminate inflammation.
- Antiviral and antibacterial therapy with medicines. The treatment regimen is a urologist, individually for each patient.
Let's look at the basic methods of treating balanoposthitis:
- Therapy with medicinal preparations - the urologist appoints tablets, solutions and ointments, proceeding from the cause of the inflammatory-infectious process.
- With all forms of balanoposthitis, anti-inflammatory drugs of local importance, usually corticosteroids and combined remedies (Levomekol, Triderm) are used.
- With complicated forms of balanoposthitis, the urologist prescribes drugs that increase the resistance of the immune system.
- With yeast balanoposthitis, antifungal drugs are used for treatment (Nizoral, Clotrimazole Ointment).
- With anaerobic balanoposthitis, treatment is performed with antibiotics (Azithromycin).
- Operative treatment of balanoposthitis - this method involves excision of the foreskin, that is, circumcision. As a rule, this type of treatment is used for phimosis. In this case, patients are forbidden to try to open the head of the penis, as this will lead to an increase in the inflammatory process and the appearance of microcracks.
- Methods of alternative medicine - similar treatment is carried out to alleviate the painful symptoms and stop the inflammatory process. The patient is prescribed baths, compresses, washing of the foreskin and the head of the penis with medicinal solutions and herbal infusions.
To what doctor to go with balanoposthitis?
To which doctor to go with balanoposthitis, an urgent issue for many patients who first encountered pain and discomfort in the groin area. As a rule, the first symptoms of balanoposthitis - itching, burning, cracks, skin hyperemia, the appearance of sores, swelling of the head and foreskin - force a man to seek medical help.
Many patients, with the appearance of the above symptoms, mistakenly seek help from the dermatovenerologist. But this is wrong, since the doctor does not deal with the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the head and prepuce of the penis. Only a urologist should conduct a visual examination, diagnosis, differentiate balanoposthitis from other inflammatory diseases and prescribe a treatment regimen.
Urologist is a doctor who is engaged in diagnostics, therapeutic and operative treatment of diseases of male genital organs and urinary system. Also, the urologist is engaged in the prevention of inflammatory diseases, including balanoposthitis.
The scheme of treatment of balanoposthitis
The treatment regimen of balanoposthitis completely depends on the type of inflammation, its stage, neglect, involvement in the pathological process of the pelvic organs and lymph nodes. As a systemic therapy, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. But before drawing up the scheme of treatment, the urologist should establish the etiology of the disease. So, if the disease is caused by staphylococcal infections, then the treatment is simple and takes no longer than 7-10 days. But if the balanoposthitis was due to gonorrhea, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, the treatment is complex and takes more than one month.
In addition, if the balanoposthitis has a secondary form, that is, arose against a background of chronically and already existing diseases, then to eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to cure the primary cause of the disease. But do not forget that prolonged irritation of the glans penis due to a pathological inflammatory process can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve endings located on it.
Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments
Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments refers to local therapy. As a rule, patients with balanoposthitis are prescribed antiseptic ointments. One of these drugs is Levomekol ointment. The disease is treated with a wide range of antimycotic ointments. For example, ointment Clotrimazole and Batrafen. Triderm Ointment is a complex of antibiotics, corticosteroids and antimycotics, that is, the drug is effective in the treatment of balanoposthitis and other infectious and inflammatory lesions of the genital organs.
If the balanoposthitis has a mycotic etiology, then topical antimycotics of a broad spectrum of action, Candida ointments, Kandibene, Batrafen, Kanesten, Clotrimazole are used for treatment. If catarrhal balanoposthitis is treated, then topical steroid ointments are used, for example, Laticort.
Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments is an effective therapy that is effective both at the first stages of the disease and as a complex treatment for balanoposthitis. Ointments should be used until the symptoms disappear completely. In addition to the use of ointment, the urologist can prescribe immunomodulating drugs to accelerate the recovery process.
Cream for balanoposthitis
Cream from balanoposthitis allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in the first stages. Cream for inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis can be used both as a monotherapy and for complex treatment.
With yeast etiology of balanoposthitis, treatment with the use of creams must be completed by both partners. The most popular antifungal creams effective for balanoposthitis: Clotrimazole, Nizoral, Lamisil. Very often, the treatment of balanoposthitis with the use of creams is complemented by therapy with the use of antibiotics to improve the effectiveness of the drug and a quick recovery of the patient.
Treatment of balanoposthitis at home
Treatment of balanoposthitis at home is possible only after consultation with the urologist and in the event that the inflammation has not taken a pathological form and caused phimosis. The simplest and most effective method of treating balanoposthitis at home is observance of intimate hygiene and regular change of underwear. In addition to the basic rules of personal care, patients are advised to treat the affected head and foreskin using disinfectant solutions. For these purposes, a solution of furatsilina, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, as well as special ointments and creams.
Do not forget about the alternative medicine, which also allows you to stop the inflammatory process. For the preparation of solutions and medicinal trays I use medicinal herbs. Let's look at several recipes that can be used to treat balanoposthitis at home:
- Decoction of sage. Pour boiling water a couple of tablespoons of dry herbs and put on a steam bath for 10 minutes. Once the broth cools down, it must be filtered through a gauze compress and rinse the affected organ.
- From the bark of oak, you can also prepare a disinfectant solution for the treatment of balanoposthitis at home. Pour boiling water a tablespoon of oak bark and put on fire for 20 minutes. After the broth cools down, it can be used for compresses and medical baths, 2-3 times a day.
Balanoposthitis funds
Remedies for balanoposthitis help to cure the disease. There are many drugs and drugs that help in the treatment of an infectious-inflammatory disease. Let's consider the main means of balanoposthitis.
- Antiseptic ointments
Ointments have a disinfecting effect, help to get rid of the painful symptoms of the inflammatory process. The most popular and effective antiseptic ointment from balanoposthitis is Levomekol. The composition of the ointment includes active ingredients that penetrate deeply into the tissue, so it is recommended to apply ointment at any stage of balanoposthitis.
Another popular remedy with a wide spectrum of action is Clotrimazole, Batrafen and other composition ointments, which consist of antibiotics, corticosteroids and antimycotics. In some cases, therapeutic therapy is performed with the help of Lamizil ointment, and with simple or erosive balanoposthitis, Dromozolone ointments, Gyioxysone or Lorinden-C are used.
- Therapeutic baths
In addition to ointments, other medications are used to treat balanoposthitis. So, a well-proven solution for miramistin baths. The agent has a high bactericidal activity against pathogenic microorganisms. The solution is used for compresses, trays and introduction into the urethra. In addition, miramistin treats the entire genital area for disinfection. Antimicrobial action has a solution of Sangviritrin, Rotokan and Furatsilin. After medical water procedures, the affected area, it is recommended to lubricate with antiseptic ointment.
- Antibiotics
These are the remedies for balanoposthitis, which are prescribed in advanced cases of the disease. In especially severe forms of the disease, the urologist prescribes a course of intensive antibiotic therapy. Most often, patients are prescribed: Nevimmon, Oletrin, Biseptol, Levomycetin, Furagin and other antibiotic medications.
Miramistin with balanoposthitis
Miramistin with balanoposthitis is an effective bactericide that has proved to be a quick and effective effect in medical therapy. A wide spectrum of action Miramistine allows you to treat balanoposthitis of any etiology. The drug is a synthetic drug with high bactericidal activity against harmful microorganisms.
The main indications for the use of the drug:
- Prophylaxis in venereology of sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, candidiasis, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).
- Treatment and prevention in dermatology, diseases such as streptoderma, staphyloderma, candidomycosis of the skin and mucous membranes, and others.
- In obstetrics and gynecology for the treatment and prevention of wounds and inflammatory processes.
- In urology, for complex treatment of urethritis, urethroprostatitis, balanoposthitis, balanitis and postitis.
- And also Miramistin is used in surgery, otorhinolaryngology and dentistry. The drug is effective and with superficial damage to the skin with domestic injuries, for the prevention of infection.
The drug is released in the form of a solution and ointment. Miramistin with balanoposthitis is used for baths and compresses. The solution is moistened with a gauze dressing and applied to the affected part of the genital for several minutes. In addition to the trays, it is recommended to inject Miramistin into the urethra, but not more than 3 ml. To process a solution it is necessary all area of a pubis.
The peculiarity of this drug is its side effects - this is a short burning sensation that passes in a couple of minutes. But this kind of reaction does not require the withdrawal of the drug. Miramistin is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance of the active ingredients of the drug. Miramistin can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The cases of an overdose of miramistin have not been fixed to date, therefore the drug is considered safe and effective in the treatment of balanoposthitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Levomekol with balanoposthitis
Levomekol with balanoposthitis is used to accelerate the recovery process. Ointment is a combination drug, which includes immunostimulating substance methyluracil and antibiotic chloramenicol. The drug is effective against most bacteria. A bactericidal action is the inhibition of protein biosynthesis in cells of harmful microorganisms.
- Levomekol is effective against: Gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including Clostridium perfringens, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp .; gram-negative anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
- Indications for the use of the drug are based on the action of its active components. Levomekol is prescribed for purulent wounds, furuncles, trophic ulcers and burns of 2-3 degrees, as well as for purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.
- It is recommended to apply ointment on gauze bandages or sterile wipes and apply to affected areas. Change the bandages every day, applying a new ointment. With purulent abscesses, it is allowed to inject the ointment into the wound cavity with a syringe, pre-warming the drug to 36 degrees.
- Side effects of Levomechol with balanoposthitis are manifested in the form of allergic reactions. This is possible only with individual intolerance of the active ingredients of the drug. It is the increased sensitivity is the main contraindication to the use of ointment.
- Apply Levomecol during pregnancy, there is the possibility of resorptive action and absorption. The drug is released in aluminum tubes for 25, 30 and 40 g of the drug. Leave Levemecol without a doctor's prescription.
Triderm at balanoposthitis
Triderm for balanoposthitis effectively acts both in the early stages of the disease, and in complicated and neglected forms. Triderm is a combined drug, which includes: clotrimazole, betamethasone dipropionate and gentamicin. Such composition of the ointment has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiexudative, antiallergic, antifungal and antibacterial action.
- Ointment is recommended for use in various forms of bacterial infections of the skin. Triderm is effective in treating an instance of any localization, including inflammation in the inguinal region.
- A small amount of ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, while carefully rubbing. Typically, the duration of treatment with ointment takes from 2-4 weeks, and the frequency of use - up to three times a day.
- With individual intolerance of the active components of the ointment or with prolonged use of the drug, there may be adverse reactions. Ointment can cause and intensify itching, irritation, burning, dry skin. In some cases, Triderm causes inflammation of hair follicles, hypertrichosis (hair growth), the appearance of acne and other skin reactions.
- Ointment is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to its components, as well as with chickenpox, tuberculosis and skin syphilis, skin reactions after vaccination.
- The drug is released in aluminum tubes for 10 and 30 g. Ointment is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
Furacilin with balanoposthitis
Furacilin with balanoposthitis is used for medical baths and lotions. Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that is active against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.
- Furacilin is used to treat wound infections, purulent-inflammatory processes, as well as bacterial dysentery.
- The method of application of the medicament depends on the type of skin lesion. So, with purulent-inflammatory diseases, the drug is dissolved in aqueous or alcoholic solutions. With bacterial dysentery, appoint to take inside. It is possible to apply compresses with furatsilin on the damaged surface.
- The drug may cause adverse reactions, in the form of dermatitis and skin inflammation. If ingested, vomiting, loss of appetite, allergic rash and dizziness may occur. A prolonged use of the drug can cause neuritis, that is, inflammation of the nerves.
- Furacilin is contraindicated for individual intolerance to nitrofuran and its derivatives. With special care, the drug is prescribed to patients with impaired and renal diseases.
- Furacilin is released in the form of powder and tablets for the preparation of solutions. The drug is dispensed over-the-counter.
Chlorhexidine with balanoposthitis
Chlorhexidine with balanoposthitis is used for washing, as well as medical baths and compresses. Chlorhexidine is a local antiseptic with a bactericidal effect. The drug is effective against: Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamidia spp., Bacteroides fragilis, Treponema pallidum, Gardnerella vaginalis, Ureaplasma spp. And moderately active against strains of Proteus spp. And Pseudomonas spp. The peculiarity of chlorhexidine is that the drug does not have a systemic effect and is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.
- The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the active components of the drug. Chlorhexidine is used in infectious diseases, in ENT and dental practice, before and after surgery, for disinfection of mucous membranes and skin. The drug is used in gynecology and urology for the treatment of inflammation and infections.
- Chlorhexidine with balanoposthitis is used as a solution for the preparation of trays, compresses and washings. Perhaps the introduction of the solution into the urinary canal. As a rule, in urological practice, this drug is used to wash the bladder.
- In rare cases, Chlorhexidine causes adverse reactions, in the form of skin rashes and itching, dermatitis, dry skin and photosensitivity. The drug is contraindicated to use with increased sensitivity to its components, as well as for patients suffering from dermatitis. An overdose of the drug is not possible.
- Chlorhexidine is released as a solution in 100 ml bottles of polymer material with a nozzle. The drug is produced at 0.05% and 20%. Available without a prescription.
Hydrogen peroxide with balanoposthitis
Hydrogen peroxide with balanoposthitis is used as an antiseptic. I release peroxide in the form of a 3% solution for the treatment of wounds and affected skin surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. The drug solution refers to the oxidants. If it gets on the affected area of the skin or mucous membrane, the preparation begins to release oxygen. Thanks to such a chemical reaction, the activity of organic substances decreases and the skin cleanses mechanically. The only drawback of hydrogen peroxide - a temporary effect, which passes through a couple of hours after the treatment of the wound.
- Hydrogen peroxide is recommended for use in the initial stages of balanoposthitis, that is, with the first symptoms of the disease. Peroxide reacts with the smegma and helps reduce the number of fungi and pathogens that cause the disease.
- Using hydrogen peroxide in balanoposthitis, it must be taken into account that the chemical reaction of the substance can cause burning. And given that the affected head and foreskin are sensitive by themselves, the use of the drug can cause even painful sensations. To reduce pain, you can use dilute hydrogen peroxide, in 1-2%.
- If balanoposthitis is accompanied by phimosis, then hydrogen peroxide will not bring the expected therapeutic effect. A positive result of the treatment can be achieved only after excision of the affected foreskin.
Clotrimazole with balanoposthitis
Clotrimazole with balanoposthitis is used as an antimicrobial agent. Ointment is used for external use. The composition of the drug includes clotrimazole, paraffin, methylparaben, cetostearyl alcohol, microcrystalline. Clotrimazole in the treatment of balanoposthitis is effective in the case when the inflammation is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Clotrimazole can be used to treat balanitis, mycoses, pityriasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and urogenital candidiasis.
- Ointment should be applied to the affected area of the skin in a thin layer, 2-3 times a day. It is best to use the ointment after hygienic procedures, applying to dry skin. The duration of the ointment depends on the degree of damage, but, as a rule, Clotrimazole is used for balanoposthitis for 2-4 weeks.
- The drug can cause side effects, in the form of redness of the skin, allergic or contact dermatitis and burning in the places of application. If the above symptomatology appears, the ointment should be discontinued and the painful symptoms will come off in a few days.
- Because clotrimazole has a low absorption, an overdose is excluded. Ointment is not recommended for the treatment of balanoposthitis in patients with increased sensitivity to the active substances of the drug. Ointment is not prescribed for patients up to three years, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.
Manganese with balanoposthitis
Manganese with balanoposthitis has established itself as an effective antiseptic. Using potassium permanganate, that is, potassium permanganate, you can cure balanoposthitis and other diseases caused by pathogens, and significantly accelerate the healing of wounds. Manganese is used to treat inflammation of the head and foreskin, both in the early stages, and in neglected cases.
- Manganese is used for baths, lotions and douches. It is very important to observe the dosage of the drug, since a highly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate can cause burns of the genital organs.
- Manganese is used to treat acute, recurrent and chronic forms of balanoposthitis. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug.
Pimafukort at balanoposthitis
Pimafukort at balanoposthitis is considered one of the most effective antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents. The composition of the drug includes a combination of hydrocortisone, neomycin and natamycin. The drug is used only for external use. Pimafukort is active against bacteria with gram-negative properties (Proteus spp., Klebsiella, E. Coli), as well as microorganisms with Gram-positive characteristics. The drug has antifungal effects and is effective in the treatment of balanoposthitis and infectious skin lesions caused by Aspergillus, Candida, Microsporum, Trichophyton, Torulopsis, Trichomonas and Fusarium.
- Pimafukort is prescribed for otomycosis and mycosis of the skin, superficial dermatoses, pyoderma, inflammatory and infectious skin lesions.
- Ointment is applied to mucous membranes and skin 2-4 times a day. The duration of the drug is determined by the urologist, but it can be more than a month.
- The drug causes side effects, which manifest as an exacerbation of the underlying disease. But after withdrawal of the ointment, the symptoms go away. Prolonged use of Pimafukort can cause the development of striae on the skin, in places of application of ointment or cream. In rare cases, the drug causes thinning of the skin, contact dermatitis and hypertrichosis. But all the side effects are temporary and disappear after the drug is discontinued.
- Pimafukort is contraindicated for patients under one year of age, with allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Ointment and cream Pimafukort is contraindicated for the treatment of ulcerative skin lesions, with anogenital itching, skin tumors, open wounds and acne.
- The drug is released in the form of an ointment, cream. Both forms of release have an aluminum tube and are available in a dosage of 15 g. Pimafucort is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
Fluconazole with balanoposthitis
Flukanazole with balanoposthitis is used in the event that the inflammation is caused by the candidiasis form of the disease. The advantage of fluconazole over analogues is that it has a single dose (a dosage of 150 mg). The drug has an antimicrobial effect and suppresses the synthesis of fungal microorganisms. Flucanazole is rapidly absorbed and remains in the blood plasma for a long period of time.
- The main indications for the use of the drug: cryptococcosis, cryptococcal meningitis, systemic candidiasis, candidiasis balanoposthitis, treatment and prevention of fungal diseases.
- The drug is taken orally and intravenously. The daily dose in both uses is 150 mg. The duration of the drug depends on the nature of the disease. Flukanazole, as a rule, take from 7 to 30 days.
- As a rule, flucanazole is well tolerated, but side reactions are possible. The drug causes flatulence, skin rash and diarrhea. The drug is released at 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg, 0.2% solution and 5 mg syrup in 1 ml.
Lamisil with balanoposthitis
Lamisil for balanoposthitis is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. The drug belongs to the group of allylamines. Lamisil is used to treat fungal infections of nails, skin and hair. It is active against Trichophyton tonsurans, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton violaceum), fungi of the genus Candida, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis, Pityrosporum orbiculare.
- The main indications for the use of the drug are based on the action of its active components. Lamisyl is prescribed for mycosis and onychomycosis, yeast skin lesions, multi-colored lichen.
- Apply Lamizil 1-2 times a day, depending on the type of pathogen and the severity of the disease. Before applying the drug, the affected area of the skin should be dried. With severe skin lesions, the drug can be applied to the skin with gauze bandages at night. A positive therapeutic effect is observed after 3-5 days of using lamizil. With extensive skin lesions, it is recommended to use Lamisil in the form of a spray.
- As a rule, the drug is well tolerated, but allergic reactions are possible in the form of rash, itching, burning, and skin hyperemia. To eliminate the side symptoms it is necessary to stop using the drug. In rare cases, Lamisil causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and impaired liver function.
- Lamisil is contraindicated to use with increased sensitivity of the active components of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.
- In case of an overdose, Lamisil causes a headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. The drug is released in the form of 1% spray 30 ml and cream 1% in tubes of 15 and 30 ml.
Pimafucin with balanoposthitis
Pimafucin with balanoposthitis is used to treat the inflammatory process. Pimafucin is an antifungal drug, a group of macrolides, which has a harmful effect on yeast fungi and fungi-dermatophytes. The peculiarity of this drug is that it does not form stability. The drug does not affect the entire body, but only affects the affected area - the skin and mucous membranes. Pimafucin is released in the form of tablets, cream and vaginal suppositories. As a rule, with balanoposthitis in men, the drug is used for baths and washes, but women are prescribed vaginal suppositories.
- Pimafucin is used in the treatment of candidiasis of the intestine, candida otitis, fungal skin and nail lesions, with balanoposthitis, vulvaginitis and other inflammatory lesions of genital organs caused by yeast fungi.
- The drug is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects of the drug manifest themselves in the form of nausea, unstable stool, burning in the genital area.
- Pimafucin with balanoposthitis is used in the form of a cream. The frequency of the drug is prescribed by the urologist. Treatment lasts until the symptoms of inflammation disappear.
- If Pimafucin is used to treat chronic balanoposthitis, then in addition to the cream, it is mandatory to use the drug tablets. As a rule, both partners are taking preventive therapy from balanoposthitis.
Acryderm with balanoposthitis
Acriderm with balanoposthitis is used as a local preparation with pronounced antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of the drug is a substance and a group of corticosteroids - betamethasone dipropionate.
- Acryderm is used in the therapy of patients who suffer from skin diseases of inflammatory or allergic etiology. The drug is effective in the treatment of chronic and acute forms of balanoposthitis. Ointment and Acriderm cream are prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis and non-allergic forms of dermatitis.
- The drug is used for external use. Acryderm should not be applied to mucous membranes and large areas of the skin. Ointment applied a thin layer, gently rubbing into the skin. The duration of application and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the urologist. As a rule, the drug is applied to the affected skin 2-3 times a day, and the duration of application is 2-4 weeks.
- Akriderm causes local side reactions - itching, burning, striae, dryness and irritation of the skin. With prolonged use of the drug in occlusive dressings, it is possible to develop maceration and atrophy of the skin, secondary infection and hirsutism.
- The drug is contraindicated to use for the treatment of balanoposthitis in patients with increased sensitivity to the active substance of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for patients with skin diseases of bacterial, fungal or viral etiology. And also for patients with trophic ulcers, skin cancer, sarcomas and vulgar acne.
- Acryderm is contraindicated in open wounds and for patients with diabetes or tuberculosis. With extreme caution, the drug is used to treat balanoposthitis in children older than one year. Overdose Akriderm with balanoposthitis, manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions and reversible decline in the functions of the adrenal cortex.
- The drug is released in the form of an ointment in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 grams, as well as in the form of a cream, in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 g. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
Bepanten with balanoposthitis
Bepanten with balanoposthitis appoint patients to accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged skin. The active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol. The drug has regenerating, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Cream and ointment Bepanten can be used on any skin areas, including for the treatment and prevention of dying wounds, non-healing. The drug penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, binds to plasma proteins and destroys pathogens. Bepanten is excreted with feces and urine unchanged.
- Bepanten is used for the treatment and prevention of balanoposthitis, diaper rash, diaper dermatitis in children. Cream Bepanten is recommended for preventive maintenance of mammary glands, at occurrence of cracks and irritation of nipples. Ointment Bepanten effectively removes irritation and mechanical damage to the skin, accelerates the healing process of small wounds, burns and scratches. The drug can be used for the treatment of chronic ulcers, after skin transplantation and at anal fissures.
- Ointment should be applied to clean, dry skin, to damaged areas. A day is recommended to use the drug 2-3 times. The duration of treatment depends on the shape and severity of balanoposthitis, on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the doctor's appointments.
- Bepanten causes side effects, which manifest as skin allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated to use when hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Overdosage of Bepantin with topical application is not possible.
- The drug is released in the form of an ointment 5% to 30 g in aluminum tubes, cream 5% to 30 g and lotion 2.5% to 200 ml in a vial. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
Lamizil spray with balanoposthitis
Lamizil spray with balanoposthitis is used for external use. Spray refers to topical antifungal agents. The active substance of the drug is terbinafine, it has a wide spectrum of action. Lamisil is active against yeast fungi. With topical application, the drug is not absorbed and begins to act quickly on the damaged areas of the skin. A positive therapeutic effect is observed after seven days of regular use of the drug.
- The main indications for use: fungal infections caused by dermatophytes Trichophyton Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton floccosum. A variety of lichen Pityrosporum orbiculare and inflammatory skin lesions.
- Spray is used 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease and the doctor's recommendations. Before applying the spray, the skin should be cleaned and dried the affected skin. The drug is recommended to spray only on wounds, in order to moisten them.
- Lamisil spray can cause side effects that cause redness of the skin, burning and itching. But when you stop using a medicine, unpleasant symptoms pass.
- Lamizil spray with balanoposthitis is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance of the active components of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis in patients of childhood. Local application of the spray does not cause an overdose. But if you get a spray in the eye or mouth, the drug causes burning, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Treatment of the above manifestations is symptomatic.
- Lamizil spray should be stored in a place protected from sunlight and inaccessible to children, at a temperature of at least 30 ° C. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
Gyoksizon with balanoposthitis
Gyoksizon with balanoposthitis is used as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. The main indications for the use of the drug are based on the action of its active components. Gyoxysone is used to treat and prevent infected specimens, wounds, pustular lesions of the skin, erosion, mucosal defects and neural allergic skin inflammations. The composition of the ointment includes oxytetracycline hydrochloride and hydrocortisone acetate.
- Gyxisone is used externally. Ointment is applied a thin layer on the affected area of the skin 1-3 times a day. The duration of the drug depends on the shape of the balanoposthitis and its stage, as well as the recommendations of the urologist. Please note, before using the drug it is recommended to determine the sensitivity of the microflora to the disease. To do this, you can put a little ointment on the affected area and wait a couple of hours. If an allergic reaction does not occur and there will be an improvement in the skin condition, then the ointment can be used.
- Side effects of Gyoxysone are manifested in the form of allergic reactions on the skin. The drug is contraindicated in cases of viral and allergic skin diseases, with skin tuberculosis and mycosis. With special care, the drug is prescribed for patients with the aforementioned ailments in the anamnesis.
- Gyoksizon released in aluminum tubes for 10 g. The drug should be stored in a cool dry place and use only as directed by a urologist.
Fukorcin with balanoposthitis
Fukortsin with balanoposthitis appoint for external use. The drug has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. The solution for external use includes phenol, boric acid, resorcinide and fuchsin basic.
- Indication for the use of the drug - fungal and pustular skin lesions, superficial defects of mucous membranes, erosion, cracks, superficial wounds, abrasions. With balanoposthitis, the solution is used to heal cracks and erosive wounds on the head and foreskin of the penis.
- Fukortsin solution is used 2-4 times a day, making therapeutic baths, lotions or compresses. After applying the drug and drying the skin, it is necessary to apply creams and ointments to the treated area of the skin.
- The drug can cause side effects, which manifest in the form of short-term painful sensations and burning. Fukortzin is contraindicated to use with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. It is not recommended to apply the solution to large areas of the skin, as some substances of the drug penetrate into the blood and cause toxic side reactions (respiratory disorders, lowering of arterial pressure, dizziness).
- Fucorcin solution is produced in 10 ml vials. The drug should be stored in a place protected from moisture and inaccessible to sunlight. Fukortsin is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
Synthomycin ointment with balanoposthitis
Synthomycin ointment with balanoposthitis is the most popular drug that is in every medicine cabinet. The composition of the ointment includes shintomycin or chloramphenicol, as well as auxiliary substances: sorbic acid, castor oil and others. Ointment is used for external use. The drug refers to topical antibiotics, with a wide range of effects.
- Synthomycin ointment is active against gram-positive (staphylococcus and streptococcus) and gram-negative cocci (gonococci, meningococci), many bacteria (intestinal and hemophilic rods, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella, siercium, yersinia, proteus), rickettsia, spirochete, some large viruses.
- Synthomycin ointment for balanoposthitis is used to treat pustular lesions of the skin and ulceration. Ointment is effective for furunculosis, long unhealed wounds, burns of 2-3 degrees, purulent-inflammatory diseases and deep infections of the skin.
- Ointment is applied a thin layer on the damaged skin. You can use bandages and compresses with ointment, changing them every day. Duration of treatment with the use of the drug takes from 2 to 5 days.
- Adverse reactions of the synthomycin ointment are manifested with prolonged use of the drug, which causes contact sensitization. Ointment can cause burning sensations, redness, itching, swelling and a rash on the skin. Adverse symptoms occur after stopping the use of the ointment.
- Synthomycin ointment is contraindicated for use in toxic and allergic reactions to the active substances of the drug. Local administration of synthomycin ointment does not cause an overdose.
- The drug is available in aluminum tubes, it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Synthomycin ointment is recommended to be used as a preventive agent for preventing the development of symptoms of balanoposthitis at the first signs of inflammation.
Cycloferon with balanoposthitis
Cycloferon for balanoposthitis is used as an antiviral and immunomodulating agent. The effectiveness of the drug is due to a wide range of its biological activity. Cycloferon has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitumor and antiproliferative properties.
- The drug is prescribed for viral infections and fungal skin lesions. Cycloferon is released in the form of a solution, tablets and ointments. Cycloferon in balanoposthitis is effective both at the first stages of the disease, and in the treatment of advanced and complicated forms of inflammation.
- Cycloferon causes allergic reactions in patients with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.
- The drug is contraindicated to use in cirrhosis and allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Cycloferon completely interacts with other drugs that are used in therapeutic therapy and prevention of balanoposthitis.
- Cycloferon is released in the form of tablets, solution for injection and in the form of an ointment. When drawing up a treatment regimen, the doctor chooses the most appropriate form of drug release.
Baths with balanoposthitis
Baths with balanoposthitis are used to treat an inflammatory disease, which is not complicated by phimosis. For the preparation of trays I use Miramistin, Furacilin, Dioxydin solution and warm baths with potassium permanganate. The duration of this procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes. During the bath, the affected organ should be moistened and gently poured with a solution to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. After the bath, the foreskin and head of the penis must be gently drained with a sterile gauze wipe and lubricated with an antiseptic.
- If balanoposthitis is caused by yeast fungi, then warm baths with a solution of baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate) have a special efficiency. But antibiotics are prohibited.
- If the balanoposthitis is complicated by phimosis, then after excision of the foreskin, it is necessary to use trays of chamomile or sage to accelerate wound healing.
- In the transition of balanoposthitis to a chronic form, in addition to the miramistine trays, patients are prescribed the use of corticosteroids (Oxycort, Prednisolone ointment).
Antibiotics for balanoposthitis
Antibiotics for balanoposthitis can be used to treat severe forms of the disease. But many urologists do not support the practice of antibiotics. This is because antibiotic drugs have many side effects that can provoke additional health problems from other organs and systems.
But in some cases, antibiotics for balanoposthitis is the only way to cure the disease. Antibiotics can be prescribed at very advanced stages of the inflammatory process or when the results of the tests have confirmed an infectious balanoposthitis. Drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, individually for each patient. Self-administration of antibiotics can cause uncontrolled adverse reactions. Treatment with medications is effective when the drug is correctly selected. Drugs of a wide spectrum of action are less effective, therefore they assume a long term of application, but negatively affect the general condition of the organism.
To treat balanoposthitis can be used and injections of antibiotics. But the dosage and long duration of such treatment are individual for each individual case of balanoposthitis. Antibiotics are not a universal tool that can replace local therapy or hygiene measures. Moreover, with some forms of inflammation, antibiotics are inactive and leave negative consequences.
Alternatives for balanoposthitis
Alternatives for balanoposthitis allow effective and safe methods with the use of medicinal plants, cure inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis. Let's look at the most popular and effective remedies for balanoposthitis:
- As an anti-inflammatory agent, it is recommended to apply to the affected organ washed, fresh leaves of aloe. To do this, the leaves must be peeled and a little kneaded.
- Chamomile compresses - one of the most popular methods of treating inflammation. Dried flowers of chamomile medicinal need to pour boiling water and boil over low heat. As soon as the broth cools down, drain it and use it as compresses or baths, applying to a sore spot.
- If balanoposthitis is accompanied by ulceration and erosions, then for treatment, it is recommended to use infusion of calendula flowers and olive oil. Third of a glass of oil mix with a spoon of calendula flowers, cover and insist 21 days in the sun. The resulting mixture must be wiped with erosion spots, after having filtered through the oil.
- Plantain medicinal is also an effective tool in the treatment of balanoposthitis, which alleviates inflammation. Take a few leaves of plantain, rinse them and put on the affected surface, fixing the gauze bandage. Dressings are recommended to be changed every 30 minutes. At the same time, the maximum therapeutic effect can be obtained if you do the dressings every 3-4 hours.
- Tincture of sage can be used as a remedy for medicinal trays. A couple of tablespoons of sage fill with 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat. Once the broth has cooled, strain through gauze and use as a lotion or wash.
- Therapeutic effect and have baths from the broth of St. John's wort. Spoon the dried St. John's wort flowers to the state of the powder and pour a glass of boiling water. After 20-30 minutes strain the solution and use as compresses or trays.
All of the above alternative agents for the treatment of balanoposthitis are highly effective, provided they are systematically applied. Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, which can manifest as intolerance to one of the alternative therapeutic methods of inflammation.
Chamomile with balanoposthitis
Chamomile with balanoposthitis is one of the most popular medicines for the treatment of inflammation. Chamomile has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative properties. If the plant is taken orally, then it activates the work of the digestive glands, since chamomile also has a choleretic property, removing intestinal spasms. Chamomile has vasodilator and disinfectant properties.
Chamomile with balanoposthitis can be used as a decoction. To do this, a spoonful of dried camomile flowers should be poured with boiling water and boil over low heat until a mushy condition is obtained. As soon as the broth cools down, it must be applied to gauze and applied to the inflamed prepuce and glans penis. The broth can be filtered and used for medicinal baths and washings.
Thus, there are several methods of treating balanoposthitis, each of which depends on the type and stage of the inflammatory process, the symptomatology and individual characteristics of the patient's body.