Treating double vision in the eyes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Elimination of the visual defect is achieved by many methods, the application of which depends on the established cause of the pathology. What to do when doubling in the eyes should tell the attending physician. If diplopia is caused by a common disease, then its treatment is carried out by neurologists, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, psychiatrists and other specialists, depending on the diagnosis. In most cases, treatment of the underlying disease leads to the restoration of binocular vision.
If eye diseases are detected, then the treatment is performed by an ophthalmologist. The most common causes of this vision defect are dry eye syndrome (xerophthalmia) and inflammation: conjunctivitis, meiobite (barley), keratitis and other eye diseases, often provoked by infectious agents.
Droplets must be prescribed by a doctor. Such drugs may have antiseptic properties and contain anti-inflammatory drugs, they do not need to be used alone, because you can harm yourself and impair your vision.
In inflammations of infectious origin, drops with antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents are prescribed.
For example, in cases of bacterial infections, L-Optik Rompharm drops may be prescribed. Their active component Levofloxacin hemihydrate has a very broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against virtually all Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria that cause inflammation in the eyes. It inhibits the enzymatic activity of the catalysts of the bacterial DNA replication process. However, this drug is not used in viral or fungal lesions. It is not prescribed when the patient is sensitized to the antibiotics of the quinolone series. It can be prescribed to children over one year of age, according to the testimony - to women during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. Dosage is prescribed by a doctor. In the absence of other prescriptions, you can instill one or two drops every two hours. During the first two days in this way, the eye can be treated up to eight times daily. Then they switch to a four-hour instillation.
If eye irritation is caused by an allergic reaction, the doctor can prescribe anti-allergic drops, for example, Vizin allerzhi. The antihistaminic component of levocabastine hydrochloride blocks histamine H1 receptors for a period of time to half a day, eliminating the symptoms of allergic inflammation. It is prescribed not to be sensitized to the active component to patients from the age of twelve. It is not recommended for people wearing contact lenses, as well as pregnant (only for life reasons) and lactating women. In each eye it is necessary to dig in one drop from two to four times a day.
With viral keratitis, uveitis, conjunctivitis including ulceration of the cornea, Ophthalmoferon can be prescribed. Eye drops based on human interferon have the ability to increase immunity, thereby reducing inflammation, accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues and eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Drops practically do not cause side effects, the only contraindication to their prescription is the known sensitization of the patient. During the exacerbation, the drug is instilled by one or two drops from six to eight times daily, when the patient's condition improves the fold is reduced to two to three times. The treatment is continued until the symptoms disappear.
With xerophthalmia, Artelak drops are used to moisturize the cornea, compensate for mucin deficiency, eliminate irritation, pain, and hyperemia, on the basis of hypromelase. Drops are not prescribed for children and sensitized patients. After instillation it is necessary to distribute the fluid evenly, moving the eyes from side to side. It should be noted that for a while after application, the vision may be indistinct, so you need to get behind the wheel of the car when the clarity is restored. Artelak is instilled by one drop in each eye, the multiplicity and duration of treatment is assigned individually to each patient.
Taurine drops normalize the osmotic pressure, eliminate metabolic disturbances, stimulate protein synthesis, normalize innervation. Are appointed for the regeneration of damaged tissues and normalization of their functions in eye injuries, retinal dystrophy and cornea, keratitis, cataracts, and also in the complex therapy of glaucoma.
In the postoperative period, accelerates healing. After work related to high visual stress, restores the efficiency of the eyes. It is not used in childhood, allergic reactions are possible. Before use, it is recommended to warm the contents of the vial, having held it for a while in the hands.
Treatment schedules and duration of use should be prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the diagnosis.
In the treatment of diplopia prismatic vision correction, achieved by wearing special glasses, is used. Such treatment can eliminate doubling right before your eyes or when looking down. It is useful to combine it with the physiological - the performance of a variety of exercises that train extraocular muscles, restoring the ability to merge images that expand the field of a single vision.
In the treatment of diplopia, vitamins are widely used. They are prescribed in combination with drops, exercises, wearing special glasses, in the postoperative period. With computer-assisted visual syndrome, xerophthalmia, eye fatigue, it is quite possible to manage one vitamin therapy.
There are many complex vitamin preparations, some of them are produced on a natural basis and are used for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. Recommended for reduced visual acuity, especially in the dark, photophobia, in occupations associated with high visual tension, eye fatigue, the development of myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma, cataracts, after operations on the eyes.
Ofta-Biol, a preparation in the tablet form. Provides nutrition cells of structural elements of the eyes, improves blood circulation in the vessels of the eye, strengthens the walls of arterioles and capillaries, strengthens the immune system. In the preparation: berries of sea-buckthorn and blueberries, its shoots, carrot and sunflower seeds, dandelion root, leaves of rosemary and nettles, and also β-carotene.
For the improvement of sight, complexes with lutein, a natural carotenoid, naturally found in chicken and quail eggs, orange and red berries and fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, are also used to improve vision. This substance, accumulating in the retina of the eye, protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, wind, dust, dry air and age-related changes. It is also found in the iris, the vessels of the eye, the lens and the ciliary body, so lutein preparations are recommended for diplopia of various origins.
Physiotherapeutic treatment is aimed at strengthening the eye muscles and ensuring their activity. Therefore, in the case of paresis and paralysis of the oculomotor muscles, their weakness, especially in the ocular form of the myasthenia, strabismus of various origin, in the postoperative period, electrostimulation of extraocular muscles and oculomotor nerves, biomechanical and laser stimulation, and bioresonance therapy are most often used. The choice of methods of treatment depends on the underlying disease and is designed to improve the ophthalmotonus, blood circulation and metabolism in the eyes.
Folk treatment
If double vision in the eyes is not caused by infections, organic pathologies, serious injuries or common diseases, folk medicine recipes can help restore the normal state of the eye fairly quickly.
Compresses from tea brewing, slices of cucumber, decoctions of herbs help to stop the effects of visual overstrain. During the procedure, the eyes not only moisturize, but also rest.
It is known that one can treat double vision in the eyes of propolis. This beekeeping product copes with diseases of various origins. With injuries it accelerates healing, prevents infection and the development of inflammation. When infected, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms, strengthens immunity, eliminates toxins and promotes cell renewal. With deficient conditions - replenishes the lack of vitamins and trace elements, relieves stress and fatigue, eliminates dryness.
For the treatment of eyes, an aqueous propolis solution is used. To make it, take 10g of crushed native propolis (grind a pre-frozen in the freezer a piece), put in a thermos and pour filtered and standing water in a volume of 100ml, heated to 50 ℃. During the infusion, the container is constantly shaken. It is recommended to insist not less than a day (it is possible and more - up to three). Then heat filtered through several layers of boiled gauze. Store the solution in a clean dark bottle for no more than a week.
The solution is instilled in one drop in each eye in the morning and in the evening. With it you can also make lotions.
On the Internet sites you can buy ready-made various drops for the eyes with propolis, honey-propolis, drops "APV" - 5% extract of dark propolis on water, passed through the Karelian mineral schungite, with silver ions. The last drug is recommended by Professor VG Zhdanov, a famous popularizer of gymnastics for the eyes of William Bates. They are provided with instructions on how and under what diseases to apply them. These drugs are popular and have a lot of positive feedback, but before you apply them, it is still necessary to consult a doctor.
When the visual image is doubled, the treatment with herbs is also applied. For example, it is recommended to drink mint tea regularly, and juice from leaves of mint mixed with liquid honey should be baked in the eyes twice a day, after awakening and before going to bed.
You can drink a decoction of dried leaves of blueberries. For its preparation, 30 g of raw material is poured into 400 ml of water and brought to a boil. They let cool, filter and drink half a cup during the day.
Or infusion from the eye: 30 g of chopped dried grass brew 300ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2-3 hours, filter and drink for three doses of 100ml during the day.
Dvorenie in the eyes of the nervous environment is recommended to treat the next tincture. 40g of crushed dried lavender and valerian root are poured with a liter of natural white grape wine. Insist three days, shaking occasionally. Strain. Ready tincture on a teaspoon take each time before eating.
Doubling in the eyes of homeopathic remedies should be treated by a professional, since their arsenal is great and for each case it is necessary to choose the only medicine suitable for this patient.
The consequences of trauma are stopped with the help of Arnica montana (Mountain Barannik). Doubling as a result of high blood pressure - Aurum metallicum (Gold salt), Veratrum viride (Chemeritsa green), strabismus - Atropa Belladonna (Krasavka), Agaricus muscarius (Colored mushroom), Colocynthis (Pumpkin bitter).
Optic neuritis, corneal pathologies causing double vision in the eyes, require the appointment of Calcium sulphuricum (calcium sulphate). Conium maculatum and Graphites are assigned in case of double lettering during reading, Luesinum - with vertical diplopia, Oleander nerium odorum (Oleander) - with paralytic strabismus, especially when looking down. Muriaticum acidum (hydrochloric acid), Phytolacca decandra (Lakonos american) are used when doubling in the eyes is combined with a headache.
From pharmacy combination preparations from diplopia of various origins, it is possible to recommend homeopathic drops of Okulochel for topical use, addressed to people with age-related changes in vision (cataracts) that are subjected to significant strain on the organs of vision, traumatized and operated, sensory discomfort (diplopia, flashing flies, lack of clarity), as well - the drug can be used for inflammation of allergic and infectious origin. The result of the use of drops in monotherapy or complex treatment is the improvement of trophic and blood circulation in the arteries, toning of extraocular muscles.
The drops contain:
Euphrasia (Ochanka) - is used for a variety of ophthalmic diseases, including those caused by infections and dystrophic processes, eliminates doubling and other symptoms of visual discomfort.
Cochlearia armoracia (Horseradish) - is used for inflammatory diseases in the eyes after injuries accompanied by pain and vision impairment, pus and lachrymation, and is also prescribed for patients with developing cataracts;
Pilocarpus jaborandi (trees of the genus Pilocrpus yaborandi) - reduces intraocular pressure, activates blood circulation in the vessels of the head, contributes to the natural moistening of the eyes.
Echinacea angustifolia (Echinacea) - a well-known immunomodulator and antioxidant, which also has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
Has no age limit for use: infants are recommended to instill once a day from one to two droplets into one or both eyes; from one year of age to two full years - two drops one or two times; from three to five full years - two drops twice a day; 6-11 full years - the same, but two or three times. After reaching the age of twelve, an adult single dose is prescribed - three-time instillation of two drops.
Systemic homeopathic preparation Okulus EDAS-108 is available in the form of drops and is used in similar cases. It contains three components: already known Euphrasia and Echinacea angustifolia, and also Ruta graveolens, used for headaches, dizziness, peripheral nerve damage, increased fatigue due to eye strain, diplopia in reading and work with small objects, fuzzy vision under artificial lighting (glare, iridescent glare).
Drops are taken orally, daily in three divided doses (every eight hours) before meals. A single dose is five drops. They can be dripped on a piece of a refined sugar or in a teaspoon with sugar or water.
Euphrasia D3 drops eye homoeopathic - a preparation based on the eyeball plant, which has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of eye diseases. Eliminates the symptoms of visual discomfort, inflammation and infection, accelerates the healing of the affected tissues.
For the removal of acute symptoms drip into each eye drop by drop after two hours, maintenance therapy: a single dose three times a day. Recommended from the age of two.
DreamTeam MagicEye ™ - intelligent eye drops based on sterile water, with the so-called "matrix of healthy eyes" embedded in its molecules, independently correcting any defects and bringing the visual system to a healthy state, by reading the information printed on the matrix. Drops are positioned as homeopathic (at least one of the principles of homeopathy "do no harm" is observed).
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Exercises for training eye muscles are often combined in treatment with other methods - prismatic correction, medication, they can be performed with diplopia, developed as a result of systemic pathologies. This is probably the only method of treatment that can be practiced by everyone, including pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly, and even without the appointment of a doctor. In some cases, the exercise is sufficient and the vision is restored in a few days.
Undoubtedly, gymnastics for training extraocular musculature requires the application of certain efforts, however, the result is worth it. Daily workouts improve accommodation, blood circulation in the vessels of the eye, and consequently - nutrition, respiration and metabolic processes. Muscle tissue strengthens and normal vision returns.
Recently, exercises with double vision in the eyes of Professor VG have been popular. Zhdanov. He is not the author of this gymnastics, it has been known for a long time. William Bates, an American ophthalmologist, was the first to introduce a physiological vision restoration with the help of muscle training and complete relaxation, removing muscle spasms, suggesting that vision impairment is based on mental stress causing refractive errors. The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences V.G.Zhdanov combined William Bates's method with some calculations of the psychoanalyst GAShichko concerning autosuggestion, working both constructively and destructively. Therefore, it makes sense to strengthen the positive psychological component on your own.
According to the method of the psychoanalyst, this is done as follows. Before going to bed, you need to write down on your paper your installation for recovery, moreover, with detailed phrases. Then do the palming, relaxing the muscles of the eyes, and go to bed. In addition, VG Zhdanov recommends in his lectures to take dietary supplements for vision, to use curative fasting, cleansing, the mentioned propolis drops for the eyes of "ABC", however, the main ones in his technique are exercises for training the oculomotor muscles of William Bates. This gymnastics is replicated on the Internet and printed publications, its exercises are known, probably, to all.
At home, you can do other exercises, for example, to expand the field of a single vision. It is considered effective for partial motor diplopia.
The patient should sit at a distance of one meter from a well-lit wall, painted in any one color. At the eye level, attach a white sheet of paper with a black, vertically arranged strip painted in the center with a size of 10 × 1 cm. The initial position of the patient's head should correspond to a clear visual image (the band should not double). Without taking his eyes off the strip, the patient slowly turns his head alternately in different directions (left, right, up, down), trying to keep the sharp, not bifurcated image of the object as much as possible. The head is turned until doubling appears. This exercise should be done three times a day for about five minutes. The goal of the exercise is to achieve maximum head rotation while maintaining a clear image.
Suffering sensory form of double vision ("fear of confluence") is recommended by exercises for training fusional ability.
The patient chooses any object to merge, at first a larger one, and tries to implement the fusion from a possible distance, for example, a meter. In the process of training, the distance to the object is increased, and the objects are reduced.
To perform the following exercise, you will need simple equipment: an electric flashlight or a bulb, a partition with a round hole 10mm in diameter, red glass. The light source is placed behind the septum approximately at the eye level of the patient, and the patient looks at it through the red glass, at a distance such that the object does not double. Then slowly moves away from the object, until the image begins to double. Again approaches a comfortable distance and again departs, trying to keep the merger as long as possible.
Exercises for merging combine with the first (to expand the field of view). You can also do during the day the Zhdanov-Bates complex for training eye muscles.
Contraindications gymnastics for the eyes is detachment of the retina and the first six months after the operation before the eyes.
In cases of binocular diplopia, operative treatment is performed at high degrees of deviation, inefficiency of all types of conservative treatment and correction with the help of glasses.
Depending on the pathology, different methods of operations on the eye muscles can be used. The most modern is laser correction of vision, it is performed with cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, traumatic eye lesions, late acquired strabismus, paralysis of the external rectus muscle. Open ophthalmic operations are also performed, for example, patients with divergent or vertical strabismus change the position of the attachment site to the sclera of one of the extraocular muscles (recession), if necessary, remove a part of the muscle, shortening it. In cases of convergent strabismus, the plastic of the external rectus muscle is also needed.
If paralytic strabismus is a consequence of a trauma or a disease, the operation is prescribed no earlier than six months after the onset of the complication.
Operative treatment when the visual image is twitching at the extreme points of gaze removal is not recommended, if the symmetrical arrangement of the eyes remains and double vision does not occur when viewed directly in front of him.