Toxic hepatitis: treatment with drugs, diet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Toxic hepatitis is a fairly common disease that develops as a result of exposure to the liver of toxic substances. There are various forms of this disease. Most of the damage occurs as a result of exposure to alcohol, harmful production factors, drugs, viral and bacterial toxins. The disease is very dangerous, requires early diagnosis, timely treatment. This is the only way to achieve positive results in treatment. Otherwise, the forecast will be extremely unfavorable. Often, hepatitis ends with cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure or coma, death.
To diagnose a complex diagnosis is carried out, which includes laboratory and instrumental studies, differential diagnostics. In order to differentiate toxic hepatitis from other diseases that have a similar diagnosis, ultrasound is performed, special liver studies. To confirm the toxic nature of the damaging factor, a toxicological study is carried out.
To eliminate toxins and purify the body, antitoxic therapy aimed at removing poisons from the body, purification is performed. To do this, use various sorbents, for example, activated charcoal, droppers with a solution of electrolytes. In severe cases, hemosorption and plasmapheresis are carried out.
Vitaminotherapy is carried out. Apply mainly vitamins of group B and C. For symptomatic therapy, various means are used, aimed at eliminating the symptoms of diseases and various pathologies. In severe pain syndrome, painkillers are used, inflammatory drugs are used. To protect the liver from damaging effects, hepatoprotectors are used. To ease the condition, cholagogue preparations are used. If serious complications occur, in particular, ascites, surgical intervention may be required.
Clinical recommendations
In the course of therapy, bed rest should be observed. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for taking medications, perform all necessary manipulations. It is important to follow proper diet, adhere to a sparing diet. It is necessary to control the amount of liquid drunk, not to allow exposure to harmful environmental factors. Concomitant diseases should be treated promptly. The treatment regimen should be carefully observed.
The standard of therapy for toxic hepatitis
The first thing to do is to detect the damaging factor and exclude its further impact on the body. Then you need to neutralize the action of the toxin, cleanse the body. Usually, antidotes and sorbents are introduced for this purpose. Be sure to provide the patient with bed rest and a sparing diet.
After this, they begin the therapy. They apply funds aimed at treating the liver and protecting it from further destructive effects. Enter hepatoprotectors. It is reasonable to include alternative agents in therapy. But only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Infusion therapy is performed. In critical situations, surgical methods, plasmapheresis are used. To accelerate the elimination of toxins, choleretic therapy is recommended.
Treatment of toxic hepatitis in hospital
The principles of inpatient treatment are based on standards of hepatitis treatment. First, the toxin is neutralized and the body cleansed. Then, supportive therapy, symptomatic treatment is carried out. It is mandatory to use hepatoprotectors, which not only protect the liver, but also contribute to its recovery.
Medicines should be used only after a doctor's prior consultation, even during the recovery phase. This is due to the fact that improper treatment can lead to the development of such serious complications as cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, which often end in a fatal outcome.
When hepatitis is used Ursosan 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Take once, before bedtime.
Often hepatitis is accompanied by constipation. In this regard, it is recommended to take dufalac 1-2 tablespoons in the morning.
Ranitidine is taken to relieve pain and spasms, restore the liver. Take in a dosage of 150 to 300 mg twice a day. Dosage depends on the severity of the pathological process, the form and stage of the disease. With caution should take the drug to patients with hepatic insufficiency and reduced body weight. The duration of the course varies from 4 to 8 weeks.
The drug Liv 52 contributes to the removal of toxins from the body, increases the activity of enzymes. Additionally has a choleretic effect, neutralizes the effect of free radicals. It is used 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children dosage is reduced by 2 times. Duration of treatment is 3 months. Side effects are minimal, because the drug is homeopathic.
Essentiale Fort fortifies and restores liver cells and burns the fat level. The scar tissue is significantly reduced. The capsules are dispensed in a dosage of 300 mg. Take 2 capsules 2-3 times a day.
Heptral with toxic hepatitis
The drug heptral increases the protective properties of the liver and cells. It significantly increases the recovery of the body, accelerates the neutralization of toxins, which contributes to the recovery of cells and tissues. In addition, it has an antidepressant effect.
It is taken in the form of tablets and injections. It is recommended to take in the first half of the day, because it has a powerful tonic effect. Contraindicated in children under 18 years. Caution should be taken during pregnancy.
At hepatitis apply vitamins of group B and C. It is recommended to take the following vitamins in a daily dosage:
- Vitamin B1 - 4,5 mg
- Vitamin B2 - 5.4 mg
- Vitamin B5 - 15 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 6 mg
- Vitamin C - 500 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
When treating hepatitis uses electrophoresis. During this procedure, medicinal products enter the bloodstream through the skin and mucous membranes. Additionally, they are acted upon by microcurrents, as a result of which the preparation penetrates more deeply and directly into those tissues where its main action takes place. Thus, it is possible to reduce the dosage. Accordingly, the risk of side effects is reduced, the load on the liver is reduced.
Acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology and other means of physiotherapeutic treatment are also used.
Alternative treatment of toxic hepatitis
Alternative medicine also has some means that allow to reduce the toxic effect on the liver and normalize its functions. Alternative agents are recommended for prevention, as well as during the recovery period. This is due to the fact that during treatment, the body is already receiving a complex and rather large load on the body. In addition, alternative drugs do not have such a powerful effect to relieve the symptoms of acute poisoning and severe damage. At the stage of recovery and prevention, alternative drugs, on the contrary, can have a powerful, and most importantly - prolonged effects on the body.
Well-proven remedy. To make it, you need to take 250 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and figs. After that, you need to mix everything carefully, pass through the meat grinder. The resulting mass thoroughly mix and add to the mixture at least 100 grams of honey. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, ground ginger and cumin. Stir well and let stand in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this, add the juice of half a lemon, mix again and start taking daily. Duration of treatment month.
Strengthening tea makes it possible to remove harmful substances, restore liver cells. Use 2 tablespoons of dried petals of tea rose, 1 tablespoon of rose hips. Pour boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. You can add honey.
Infusion "Restorative" is prepared from Echinacea and Eleutherococcus. To prepare the infusion, take appropriate plant extracts, mix them in a ratio of 2: 1, drink 1 teaspoonful three times a day. Duration of treatment is 14-28 days.
Herbal Treatment
To restore the liver use mint. With pain and spasms in the liver, as well as dyspeptic disorders, use a decoction of mint. It can be drunk as a decoction, or as a tea. To prepare the broth, take 4 tablespoons of dried mint leaves. You can take fresh leaves. Then pour them with boiling water, give the opportunity to brew for an hour and drink like tea. You can add to ordinary tea, in addition to tea leaves, mint leaves and drink them in unlimited quantities, like regular tea.
Corn stigmas are also used. They contribute to the outflow of bile, have an active choleretic effect. To prepare the broth take 5-10 grams of crushed corn stigmas, pour a glass of boiling water, drink during the day in small sips, with the appearance of pain and discomfort in the stomach and intestines, bitterness in the mouth. For the day you need to drink the whole glass of broth.
To prepare a decoction of medicinal verbena, take one teaspoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. They drink in small sips. The next day they prepare a new one. The broth is effective in diseases of the liver and spleen, fever and headaches.
Homeopathic remedies should be used with caution. You should take precautions - use only after a preliminary consultation with your doctor. It is important to consider that any remedy has an effect primarily on the liver. In addition, many homeopathic medicines have an accumulative effect, which means that they will only show effect after the body has accumulated a certain amount, or the complete course will end. Some drugs may be incompatible with drug therapy.
To strengthen immunity and enhance recovery processes, use a decoction of nettles and stevia. To do this, take 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour a glass of water and drink during the day.
Birch juice is also used to strengthen the body. Take 1 glass three times a day. Clears the body, removes toxins.
With pain in the stomach and liver, use a decoction of sage. To prepare the broth, take 1-2 tablespoons of sage and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day. Add honey to taste.
Dill helps to normalize digestion, eliminates bile and cleanses the body. Take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, drink during the day.
Basically, surgical interventions are inevitable at the stage of complications, with the appearance of cirrhosis and ascites. For most people, the appearance of ascites is a sign of an imminent death. Only 10% of patients can live with ascites within a month. In highly specialized clinics it is possible to compensate the patient's condition with diuretics, potassium and magnesium preparations, or by surgical intervention. Paracentesis is used, a procedure in which invasive fluid drainage of their abdominal cavity is produced. Omenopathofrenopexy is also used. During this procedure, the gland is cut, after which it is sewn to the diaphragm and liver. Preliminary carry out scarification of an epiploon, as a result of which the liquid is withdrawn spontaneously, does not accumulate.
Diet in toxic hepatitis
When hepatitis should be sparing diet. The patient should exclude from the diet all meals that have a stimulating and irritating effect on the mucous membranes. The food should be boiled or steamed. There should not be any seasoning, there should not be any spices and marinade. Food should contain light porridge, lean meat, fish. The diet should include a lot of vegetables and fruits. You can use it as salads. For filling, vegetable and butter are used, low-fat sour cream. Smoked dishes, canned food are excluded. Categorically prohibited alcohol.
What can you eat with toxic hepatitis?
With toxic hepatitis, you can eat only those foods that are easily absorbed by the body. These are light porridges, boiled meat or fish, vegetables. If fresh vegetables cause pain and discomfort in the liver and stomach, it is better to use them in a boiled form. Food should be only boiled or steam.
With toxic hepatitis, beans are best minimized. Instead, it is recommended to use light boiled meat, fish. It should be low-fat varieties.
Menu for every day with toxic hepatitis
- Monday
Omelette with scrambled eggs and tomatoes, compote.
Clear broth chicken, toast. Mashed potatoes, boiled chicken breast. Carrot salad with sweet pepper. Tea with sugar.
Pumpkin porridge, oatmeal cookies (3 pieces), green tea.
- Tuesday
Bun with poppy seeds, a glass of yogurt.
Vegetable soup, breadcrumbs. Wheat porridge, chicken chicken steam. Fresh cucumber. Tea black with milk.
Cottage cheese casserole, berry jelly.
- Wednesday
Boiled sausage, boiled egg. Chicory.
Soup with meatballs. Porridge buckwheat, liver chicken stew. Salad from grated beets. Tea with sugar.
Oatmeal porridge with fruit. The apple is fresh. Compote.
- Thursday
Kasha semolina milk, boiled egg, toast. Green tea.
Fish broth. Rice porridge, fish, stewed with carrots and onions. Fresh tomato. Tea black with sugar.
Pancakes with pancakes. Puree from bananas. A glass of yogurt.
- Friday
A ham sandwich with melted cheese. Cocoa.
Buckwheat soup. Mashed potatoes, fish meat steak. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots. Broth of dogrose.
Chicken breast seen. Fresh pepper. Toast. Tea with sugar.
- Saturday
Salad from sea kale with beans. A sandwich with smoked mackerel. Green tea.
Vegetable broth. Pearl barley mashed. Boiled sausage. Salad from tomatoes and sweet pepper. Tea black with sugar.
Bun with butter and ham. Applesauce. Tea with sugar.
- Sunday
Cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream. Tea black with sugar.
Chicken broth. Porridge is barley. The vinaigrette. Chicken heart and liver. Tea with sugar.
Pumpkin casserole. Gem is apricot. Green tea.
The main condition for successful treatment is the cessation of the impact on the body of the damaging factor. So, if alcohol is the cause of hepatitis, it must be completely ruled out. If hepatitis is a consequence of taking certain medicines, they should be stopped immediately. When a large number of poisonous substances are ingested or if toxins are ingested by other means, the stomach is washed. This will prevent further toxin action. If possible, therapy is conducted to neutralize the effects of toxins. In this case, an antidote is usually introduced.