The temperature of the child in the summer without and with symptoms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The temperature of a child in the summer is as common as in other seasons. Naturally, in the cold season, the incidence of children is higher, but in summer, viral and bacterial infections also occur. Therefore, it is important to determine the cause of fever in a child, especially if it happens in the summer.
Causes of the high temperature in a child in summer
Although fever is the first sign of a child's disability, it is also an important sign that the body is beginning to fight infection. An important rule that every mother should know is that the temperature rises to kill the virus or bacterium that caused the infection in the baby's body. Therefore, the temperature is a protective reaction.
How does the body temperature increase? When a virus or bacterium enters the skin, or the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, immediately the reproduction of these pathogens occurs in the upper layers of the body cells. Active reproduction of bacteria or viruses is necessary in order that they can later penetrate into more cells and promote the development of diseases. The immune cells, which are on all mucous membranes, are the first to become activated under the influence of the action of pathogens. Lymphocytes are immune cells that, when they get into pathogens, are activated and try to cover and neutralize them. In this case, lymphocytes secrete biologically active substances that activate more and more cells of the immune system to better fight infection.
The center of temperature regulation is concentrated in the hypothalamus - this is the part of the brain. It regulates body temperature. This temperature can normally fluctuate, but only within certain limits, it is not above 37.5 degrees normal. This temperature allows us to maintain a stable environment of the body and in such conditions the body functions normally and stably.
Thus, it should be noted that the normal temperature in a child under one year, and even in children older than, should not exceed 37, 5 degrees.
Two other groups of neurons in the hypothalamus in the thermoregulatory center are the neurons of heat production and heat transfer. They adjust the temperature and, if necessary, switch to one or another level to maintain a normal temperature.
The concept of "temperature" in a child can have several meanings and does not always indicate a disease. Temperature disorders can be in the form of fever, physical hyperthermia and hyperthermia syndrome.
Fever is a typical process that is characterized by a restructuring of the thermoregulatory center and is pathological, more often a response to infection.
Causes are factors that can cause temperature in a child. It is the pyrogens that are the direct cause of temperature in the baby.
By origin, one can distinguish exogenous and endogenous pyrogen. Exogenous pyrogens can be infectious and non-infectious. Infectious causes of temperature in a child are bacteria toxins, bacterial wall structures, viruses, fungi, rickettsia and other living microorganisms.
Non-infectious causes that can cause a rise in body temperature are blood transfusions, the introduction of serum, and preparations for parenteral nutrition.
Also, the cause may be endogenous factors - tissue decay products, for example, in fractures of bones, which can also cause fever.
The pathogenesis of raising the body temperature in a child is the action of pyrogens. When leukocytes capture pathogens, in the process substances are released - interleukins. They flow with blood flow through the blood-brain barrier and in the vessels of the brain increase the permeability of membranes for calcium ions. Calcium ions activate phospholipase A2, which releases phospholipids from cell membranes, followed by the formation of arachidonic acid. Under the action of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, arachidonic acid is converted into prostaglandin E2. The function of this substance is a decrease in the sensitivity of the neurons of the set point to the impulses that come from the neurons of the thermostat. Thus, the normal body temperature is perceived as reduced, which leads to inhibition of heat transfer centers and activation of heat production. This leads to an increase in body temperature. Since many bacteria and viruses have adapted to the human body, a comfortable temperature for their reproduction is body temperature up to 37.5. At higher figures, proteins are destroyed and pathogens are killed. Therefore, increasing the temperature in a child leads to the death of pathogens and is a protective reaction. Also, an increase in temperature during infection in a child has other positive aspects: an increase in the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, an increase in the synthesis of antibodies, and an increase in phagocytosis. Increased temperature contributes to an increase in the antitoxic function of the liver and excretory function of the kidneys.
Children have some peculiarities in case of fever. In premature infants and children with hypotrophy, there is no fever due to the immaturity of the thermoregulatory center. Preterm and babies up to a year are easily amenable to overheating and hypothermia. In children the first three to four months, fever, as a rule, subfebrile despite the severity of the disease.
Also important factor for the children of the first year is that the development of fever occurs due to increased heat production during the decay of brown fat, and the heat transfer in such children is poorly developed due to the underdevelopment of vasoconstrictor reactions.
Therefore, when a child has a temperature of 37 in the summer, this is normal, because they can not so regulate the temperature as adults. In such cases it is necessary to undress the baby and provide him with a normal sweating.
Symptoms of the high temperature in a child in summer
Symptoms of viral and bacterial pathologies depend on which pathogen has entered the body and what disease will develop.
The first signs of diseases are often nonspecific. And it is the temperature of the child - this is the first sign that he was sick.
Viral infections occur even in the summer, especially if the child has overheated, and then bathed, it reduces the reactivity of the body and it can get some kind of virus. When viruses get on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, they multiply and destroy the cells of the mucous membranes. So there are symptoms of the disease - mucus discharge from the nose, coughing. Along with this, the body temperature rises. The viral infection has specific symptoms, and since each mother has met with it, there are no difficulties in recognizing the symptoms. If the child has more pronounced nasal congestion, sneezing, mucous discharge against the background of hyperthermia is viral rhinitis. If there is a cough, a sore throat and redness of the throat is pharyngitis. Often in young children, these symptoms are combined, then it is about rhinopharyngitis.
Such viral infections are not accompanied by high fever, it is often subfebrile or moderate fever.
Why at a high temperature cold hands and feet in a child? This is due to the peculiarities of the regulation of the vascular tone. When the body temperature rises to lower it, it is necessary that the vessels of the hands and legs expand, which leads to an increase in heat transfer. But in some children, the regulation of the vascular tone is not the case, and their peripheral vessels are narrowed. Therefore, against the background of hyperthermia, the child's legs and hands are cold. This feature reduces the rate of decrease in body temperature in children, so they need a little bit of another tactic of lowering the temperature.
The temperature in a child without symptoms of a cold speaks of a bacterial infection. When bacteria get on the mucous membranes, they also begin to multiply, then toxins are released that act on the entire body. And besides fever, there are more serious symptoms. Bacteria that affect the airways are not located on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, like viruses. They are able to penetrate the lower respiratory tract with the development of symptoms. Therefore, there are no signs of a cold with bacterial infection, because the process is much deeper.
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If bacteria enter the lower respiratory tract, then lung inflammation or bacterial bronchitis develops. Symptoms develop dramatically against a background of high fever (39 and above degrees). There is a cough, a general malaise, there may be pain in the chest. Since a part of the lung tissue is involved in inflammation of the lungs, the symptoms of respiratory failure often appear - the muscles of the chest are drawn.
Severe bacterial bronchitis is sometimes very difficult to separate from pneumonia and only a doctor can do it.
Otitis in children in the first half of life can be the cause of high temperatures, even in summer. These children have a very short auditory tube, so infections easily penetrate into the ear. At the same time, the symptoms for the mother are completely incomprehensible - a high temperature of the body appears abruptly, and the child shouts strongly, refusing to eat. These can be the only manifestations of otitis.
The temperature of a child without a cause in summer is less often associated with epidemic diseases of viral and bacterial etiology, but more often can be caused by digestive disorders.
It often happens that in the summer the child's temperature on the sea has risen, then one must think about poisoning. The sea is the source of various pathogens, as well as the place where children eat different foods. Therefore, if children have fever and have abdominal pain, then one should think about possible food poisoning, even if there are no errors in food. After all, many viruses and bacteria are transmitted not only with spoiled food, but also with hands and dirty water. Often at sea there is an outbreak of viral diarrhea caused by rotavirus. This is a pathogen that causes fever, abdominal pain, and loose stools. These symptoms require a doctor's examination for proper treatment.
Complications and consequences
The consequences of improper treatment of bacterial infection are very serious - bacterial complications can develop. With the development of pneumonia, which is not treated on time, abscesses can form in the lungs. If we talk about the consequences of viral or bacterial diarrhea, there can be severe dehydration of the child, and the smaller the baby, the more serious the complications.
Complications of the fever itself often occur in children of the first year of life in the form of simple febrile seizures. This twitching of the muscles of the child with loss of consciousness, but it itself is interrupted and does not threaten the life of the child.
Diagnostics of the high temperature in a child in summer
When the child has a fever, it is often difficult for the mother to determine what exactly caused it, if there are no other symptoms. And most often the temperature is the first symptom, and then after a day there are other symptoms.
What should my mom pay attention to if the child has fever? First of all, you need to determine what level of temperature increase and how dangerous it is. Based on this, the mother can predict the severity of the disease and its first actions.
There are several types of fever:
- subfebrile fever is a rise in temperature at the level of 37.5 - 38 degrees;
- moderate fever - increase from 38 to 39 degrees;
- high fever is a level from 39 to 41 degrees;
- Hyperpyrexia is a temperature above 41 degrees.
If the mother measured the temperature and determined the subfebrile fever, then it is likely that it can be caused by a cold or it is necessary to repeat the measurement after a while, because it is possible that the fever has not yet reached a sufficient level. In such cases, one should not immediately panic and run to the doctor, because an experienced mother must take the first steps to treatment of a viral infection herself, and only after a few days, if the condition does not improve or there are symptoms of anxiety, then contact the doctor. It is important that the mother herself could diagnose the viral pathology, because it is not so difficult for the symptoms that were listed. This will help early start treatment of fever and the most viral infection, and will speed up the child's recovery.
If the child has a moderate and high temperature, then the diagnosis should be done by the doctor to exclude a bacterial infection that requires specific treatment. When examining a child with high fever, you need to pay attention to anamnestic data with the definition of the term of the disease. It is important to understand how many days the temperature of the child is kept in order to understand the possible etiology of the disease.
The examination should begin with the elimination of cold symptoms, and then you need to examine your throat. The red throat may be a sign of a viral infection, but also it can be a sign and bacterial infection. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention in diagnostics for presence of raids on tonsils.
Analyzes are often necessary to confirm the bacterial etiology of the disease. But if your child has a fever without other symptoms, or the temperature is moderate or high for three days or more, then a general blood test is necessary before any measures are taken. A blood test allows us to talk about the seriousness of the inflammatory process and makes it possible to confirm or exclude the bacterial etiology of the disease.
If it is a matter of raising the body temperature against the background of diarrhea, the tests should rule out rotavirus infection. To do this, there is a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the virus, which in a few days makes it possible to confirm the diagnosis.
Instrumental diagnosis at elevated temperature can be carried out to identify the focus of infection. Most often with a suspicion of pneumonia, the doctor prescribes an x-ray examination of the chest. It is indicated in the presence of auscultatory changes in the lungs, which are characteristic for inflammation, or in the absence of such accurate data, but in a child with a high fever for more than three days.
Diagnosis of temperature in a child in summer, especially in children of the first year of life, should be carried out with the exception of possible physical overheating of the baby. It has already been shown that thermoregulation in children of this age is not ideal, so when the sun, heat or just in a stuffy room, the temperature of the baby can rise. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate in such cases and exclude local or systemic overheating of the child.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of hyperthermia should be conducted primarily between the common cold, as a cause of hyperthermia, and a possible bacterial infection. The main differential factor in this is the level of temperature increase: subfebrile temperature is typical mainly for ARVI in the child, and moderate and high temperature is characteristic for bacterial infections. However, this rule does not quite work for children of the first year of life, and the lack of temperature or its low level does not mean that the baby is healthy.
It is necessary to note one more condition, which must be differentiated when the child has a fever. Hyperthermal syndrome can be observed as an isolated hereditary disease. This pathology of the hypothalamus, which is caused by a mutation of the gene, which disrupts the hypothalamus and leads to a dysregulation of the center of thermoregulation. This is manifested by a constant high level of body temperature in the child, which does not lend itself to medical correction in sufficient volume. This pathology manifests itself immediately after birth or in the first months of life.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the high temperature in a child in summer
Treatment for fever involves several points - this is an etiotropic treatment, that is, aimed at a source of fever, as well as pathogenetic treatment. Pathogenetic treatment is aimed at eliminating the main element of hyperthermia - inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase. Such treatment just means using antipyretics, and the mother should always start with it, and then understand the cause.
Antipyretics for children are limited to only two drugs that can be taken for children up to a year or older. There are other drugs, but they can be taken only from the age of 12, and some are not used at all because of toxicity.
- Paracetamol (Infulgan, Panadol, Piaron, Cefekon) is an antipyretic agent that is approved for use in children. The method of its application can be different, depending on the age of the child. Mom can use the most convenient way, because the drug is released and in the form of tablets, capsules, candles, and also in the form of syrup. Dosage of the drug is carried out on the weight of the child, which is important to consider, since, with an insufficient dose, the drug may be ineffective. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug. How to do it? Regardless of the form of release, the drug is dosed at 10-15 milligrams per kilogram of the weight of the baby. The dosage is often indicated on the package according to the age of the child. But modern babies often do not fall into their age range, so you need to calculate the dose for weight. For example, a child weighs 10 kilograms at 9 months (such a weight is typical for a one-year-old child), then the dose for his weight is 100 milligrams (10 kilograms per 10 milligrams of the drug is 100 milligrams). In Paracetamol syrup, the package always indicates the dose of the substance in 5 milliliters - this is 120 milligrams in this case. Since we need 100 milligrams for our baby nine months with a weight of ten kilograms, this corresponds to four milliliters of medication. So, a single dose of the drug - 4 milliliters. Precautions - the drug, like other medicines, can not be overdosed. It is also not recommended for children with liver pathology and prolonged jaundice.
- Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Bofen, Ibufen) - the second antipyretic agent, is allowed in children's practice. This drug is also in different forms. In addition to antipyretic properties, it has an analgesic effect and anti-inflammatory. Dosage of the drug at 8-10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. The dose should also be calculated individually according to the weight of the child. Precautions - it is not recommended to use with chicken pox, as well as kidney pathology in the child. Side effects can be in the form of action on the stomach, the hematopoiesis system.
- Mefenamic acid is a drug whose active ingredient is a drug of the same name, which acts on the principle of all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is used under the instructions from five years, but for better safety it is recommended to apply it from twelve. Method of application in the form of tablets. Dosage is from half to one tablet per reception, but not more than three per day. Precautions - do not use for pathology of the cardiovascular system. Side effects can be in the form of allergic manifestations and reactions on the part of pressure regulation.
- Animaldin is a combined antipyretic agent for children, which contains analgin with dimedrol. The drugs that are included in this drug are not approved for use in children's practice. But if the child has a temperature that is very high and does not respond well to other methods, then this drug can be used. The way of using the drug is rectal only in the form of candles. The drug is dosed at 100 milligrams and 250 milligrams in one suppository. For children from one to four years, a dosage of 100 is prescribed, and for children from 4 years - 250. Precautions - do not overdose the drug, since it can cause a hypnotic effect. Side effects can be in the form of liver damage, oppression hemopoiesis, the development of bleeding from the stomach.
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These are the main drugs that mom can use to lower the body temperature at home, while the cause of hyperthermia is still unclear. After finding out the diagnosis, a complex treatment is carried out, but it should be understood that only antipyretics affect the temperature and when it is raised, all of them also need to be given these drugs, even despite other etiologic drugs. The widespread opinion that antibiotics treat temperature is incorrect, they act only on bacteria, but they do not work at the center of thermoregulation in the brain.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatments for hyperthermia are sometimes very useful, and they can be used together with medication. Sometimes, when the temperature is very high, and you need to quickly reduce it, then alternative methods can become very useful.
- The main thing to do at a temperature is to increase the area for heat transfer. To do this, you need to undress the child as much as possible, stretch it out and give enough to drink, so that it sweats, and so heat transfer increases.
- With a high fever, you can rub the baby's forehead with water at room temperature. The use of any alcohol solutions or acetic acid is not recommended in children.
- With hyperpyrexia, which does not lend itself to drug correction or is badly knocked down, cold compresses with cold water can be used. To do this, you need to fill the bottles with tap water, but not ice, wrap the bottles with gauze and attach it in the area of the main vessels - along the trunk, in the groin area.
- Another method that can be used in a hospital is a cleansing enema. This method also reduces body temperature. To do this, you need to calculate the volume of fluid in accordance with the child's age and perform the procedure correctly, so it's best that the medical personnel do it.
Herbal hyperthermia treatment can be used as a means for rehydration in viral and bacterial infections. After all, some herbs have anti-inflammatory effect and antipyretic, which contributes to recovery.
- Ebony tea has natural antioxidant properties. It can be used as a frequent drink for children with symptoms of respiratory pathology. To do this, take dry flowers and elderberry fruits and insist in hot water for several minutes. You need to drink instead of tea, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or sugar.
- Raspberry tea can be very useful, but only when using dry pods from the bush. Even the raspberry fruit is useful, but in children it can cause allergies, so raspberry jam is not recommended. But you can steal pods from a bush in hot water, insist and drink every two hours in small portions.
- The mother-and-stepmother's grass has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as expectorants. Therefore, with bronchitis can be used tea from this herb. For cooking, you need to take five leaves of grass for a glass of boiled water, and insist for a while. Take a few teaspoons more six times a day
Homeopathy today is widely used in the treatment of many viral diseases that occur in children and are accompanied by hyperthermia. There are many means of combined, but the most common among them are the following:
- Aflubin is a combined antiviral homeopathic medicine, which includes aconite and bryony, which are known for their respiratory system tropism. The method of application of the preparation in the form of a solution in drops, which can be taken in pure form. Dosage depends on the age and for children from two years can be applied from two drops to eight times in an acute period. Adverse reactions can be in the form of allergic manifestations on the components of the drug.
- Influcid is a complex multicomponent homeopathic preparation. Method of use - tablets for children from one year. Dosage from one to twelve years is one tablet up to eight times in an acute period, and then you can go to a prophylactic dose. Side effects are rare, there may be a relative deterioration of the general condition in the first few hours of treatment, then everything should be normal.
- Rhinital is a complex homeopathic preparation of a specific action, which can be used in children with pronounced rhinitis. Method of application of the drug in the form of tablets. Dosage - one tablet up to 8 times in an acute period. Side effects are rare, there may be slight dizziness, in this case, you need to reduce dosage.
- Viburkol is a homeopathic preparation that has an anti-inflammatory property, reduces anxiety and pain, and can also be used as a febrifuge since birth. This is the advantage of this drug, because only it can be used according to the instructions from birth. The way of using the medicine is rectal only in the form of candles. Dosage for children from birth to six months - one candle twice a day, six months - one candle three times a day. Adverse reactions are very rare, sometimes an allergic reaction is noted.
Is it possible to walk in summer at a child's temperature? The answer is unambiguous - a sick child needs fresh air. You can walk, if the child has slept the temperature, and he feels better, but you can not force him to walk. Also you need to take into account the weather while doing this.
Prevention of fever in children is the prevention of infections. How can I do that? A child can get sick, and this can not be avoided, because he develops an immune memory. But to prevent complications is necessary proper nutrition, a healthy way of life by the regime of the child. An important part of serious diseases is vaccination, as a specific method of protection.
The prognosis for children is favorable, most viral infections are self-exempting states, so you just need the right tactics of caring for the child for the period of illness.
The temperature of the child in the summer can be caused by any factor, including the disease, despite the time of the year. The main thing that mother should understand is what tactics should be in this or that situation and how to control the temperature of the child's body.
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