Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The fixed expansion of small capillaries and other larger vessels with non-inflammatory genesis is termed teleangiectasia in medicine. A fine mesh or individual specks of a red shade appear on the skin of a person, bringing more aesthetic than physical discomfort.
Causes of the telangiectasia
There is a common opinion that the main catalyst of the pathology considered in this article is a disruption in the work of the cardiovascular system. But this is only partly true. The main causes of telangiectasia, as studies have shown, lie in the mismatch of the human hormonal background. And as there are a number of diseases that can cause this kind of reaction of the body to its "invasion". You can name such primary sources:
- Radiation dermatitis.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Xeroderma - increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
- Mastocytosis is the accumulation and proliferation of mast cells in tissues.
- Raynaud's disease is a disease of the small arteries of the extremities.
- Phlebeurysm.
- Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of the facial skin not of an infectious nature.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- A group of diseases capable of provoking ataxia.
- Long-term exposure to carcinogens.
- A long course of preparations of the group of corticosteroids.
If the manifested pathology does not have a hereditary or innate character and a person was born with elastic and strong blood vessels, therefore, the pathology is acquired and, besides the above, other factors can affect its manifestation:
- Craze with alcoholic beverages.
- Hypodinamy.
- Nicotine.
- Unhealthy Lifestyle.
- Passion for the solarium.
- Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
- And other factors.
The mechanism of the origin and development of the disease, mainly begins to manifest itself in infancy (if the disease has a hereditary or innate character). In any case, the pathogenesis of telangiectasia begins with the manifestation of cerebellar ataxia, but, to date, it has not been fully explored to the end.
In the case of the acquired form of the disease, physicians suggest that the hormone estrogen plays an important role in the expansion of blood vessels, loss of their elasticity and strength.
Symptoms of the telangiectasia
This disease is difficult not to notice (if the location of localization is located on the exposed surface of the skin). Symptoms of telangiectasia are the same and are formed from capillary loops that are located close to the outer dermis. Vascular asterisks or spots can have a different shade: from violet - blue to purple. At the same time, it is noticed that the color may change with the course of time.
As the monitoring of the problem shows, an experienced specialist is able to accurately predict the etiology by the shade of the capillary pattern. For example, thin red spiders, not contiguous above the surface of the skin, progress from small capillaries and arterioles. Whereas the convex blue "bundles" are formed from the venules.
In some cases, over time, the small red spider web gradually transforms, acquiring large dimensions and changing the shade to violet. This is due to the fact that the blood flowing through the venous section of the capillary loop falls in part to the affected vessels.
First signs
The disease under consideration can develop practically on any part of the skin, but the nose, legs and cheeks become the most "sought after". To notice already the first signs of pathology is not a problem. Expansion of the intradermal vessels, which is an alarming signal of the body, begins to manifest itself by the appearance of a pattern on the skin. It can be: a small spiderweb, a linear pattern of capillaries, spotted, or resembling asterisks.
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Telangiectasia of the skin
The expansion of surface vessels, according to statistics, today affects between 25 and 30% of the population under 45 years of age. At the same time, skin telangiectasia more affects the beautiful half of humanity more often than men. And the ratio is very tangible. 80% - women (especially those who passed through obstetrics), against 20% of men.
Predominantly, skin telangiectasia develops on the transformation of venules and arterioles.
At the same time, according to the same statistics, up to the age of 30, only ten percent are faced with this problem, by the age of 50 this figure is already forty percent, whereas in people over 70, 75 percent of the population is affected.
But these manifestations, in isolated cases, can manifest themselves in newborns or older children.
Telangiectasia on the face
The most frequent cases of manifestation of the disease on the face. The manifestation of telangiectasia on the face (if it does not concern the congenital form of the disease) is mainly due to the fact that many people are exposed to direct sunlight (sunning in the open sun or in the solarium) for a sufficient amount of time, if necessary or because of their desire.
It is the effect of hard irradiation that explains the appearance, over time, of bluish or pinkish-red changes on the face. Predominantly their location is on the impeller of the nose, chin and cheeks of a person.
Teleangiectasia of the lower extremities
But the telangiectasia of the lower extremities has a completely different etiology. As doctors noticed, it often begins to develop in people who have a history of varicose veins.
The essence of the problem is that in such patients stagnant phenomena are observed in the venous bed, thereby violating its outflow. This fact leads to an increase in the cross-section of small vessels. Under the increased pressure of blood, the vessels can not stand, their integrity is violated, which leads to the appearance of an intricate pattern on the skin.
A similar picture can be observed in a pregnant woman, but the essence is not in increased stress due to a violation in the work of the body, but in increased blood volumes that are pumped by the system, as well as by restructuring the woman's body to a new status. Hormones lead to a decrease in the tone of the vessels, which entails their expansion.
Teleangiectasia on chest
If the patterns of blood vessels begin to appear in the chest area of the person, then it is necessary to sound the alarm by consulting a qualified specialist. After all, the appearance of a telangiectasia on the chest may be a symptom of such a terrible disease as cirrhosis of the liver. But not only him.
It is possible that such a picture was provoked by a prolonged stay in the scorching sun, and the rays, falling into the decollete zone, caused a similar picture, or the patient has an innate predisposition of the vessels to this pathology. But it's better to hurry to see a doctor than to shake your guesswork.
Telangiectasia on the abdomen
An unpleasant symptom for a person is the appearance of an intricate vascular pattern in the peritoneum. Teleangiectasia on the abdomen in the form of cobwebs of a red shade can be indicative of the fact that the intradermal capillaries of this region lose their elasticity. The cause of this change in the functioning of the vascular system can be the pathology of acute gastrointestinal bleeding.
If during the next inspection, a person discovered a similar picture, it would not be superfluous to consult a specialist.
Telangiectasia in the arms
Quite often during pregnancy (especially in the last term), a woman discovers on her legs the wreaths that appeared, which is understandable physiologically. It is much less common to observe the manifestation of telangiectasia on the hands, but these are still not isolated cases.
In the case of pregnancy, the catalyst of the process under consideration is the same hormonal imbalance that invariably appears as soon as conception occurs.
Another source of the disease is the sun. As mentioned above, its hard radiation can cause deterioration of the walls of the subcutaneous capillary system. And as a result - telangiectasia on the hands.
Hemorrhagic telangiectasia
One of the most frequently diagnosed hereditary diseases affecting the vascular system is hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Or as it is called - Rundu-Osler's disease.
This pathology is characterized by an increase in the flow area of the blood capillary and focal thinning of its walls, forming a local incomplete hemostasis. The type of inheritance is autosomal dominant. Various pathologies of the gene are stated.
The etiology of this disease is still unclear. Pathogenesis is consonant with vascular dysplasia - anatomical underdevelopment of blood vessels. In this case, a pathology that has an innate character.
The essence of the anomaly is the inferiority of the mesenchyme. The essence of the problem is to reduce the thickness of the walls of blood vessels, in the loss of their elasticity and strength. Due to pathology in the anatomical structure and underdevelopment of blood vessels, arteriovenous aneurysm begins to develop. In this case, even a minor injury can lead to a violation of the integrity of the blood walls and the development of bleeding.
Spotted telangiectasia
There is another manifestation of this disease, which is often accompanied by collagenosis or other pathology of dermatological nature. This is a pathology called spotted telangiectasias. Their characteristic feature is spotted manifestations on the derma of a bright red color.
There are two typical locations for their localization:
- On the inner surface of the thigh. Mostly veins are a linear type of manifestation. As a rule, their sources are the reticular vein, which is located proximally.
- On the outer surface of the thigh. The figure on the skin, usually, has a tree-like, circular shape. At the same time, their source, the reticular vein, is located distally.
Capillary telangiectasia
Vascular malformation, often consisting of bag-like or fusiform extensions, has a term in medicine - capillary telangiectasia. Basically, their supply and liquid outflow can be dilated without having a complete blockage of the flow. In this area, mainly, the number of blood capillaries is not disturbed.
This type of pathology is usually found on the face, neck (decollete) and femoral parts. Less often it can be found on calves. The reasons for its appearance have already been voiced, but it will not be superfluous to repeat:
- Heredity.
- Long stay in the open sun.
- Violation of the circulatory system.
- Pregnancy.
- Phlebeurysm.
The pathogenesis of the problem is different, but the essence is expressed by two options for the development of the problem:
- Negative external action on the vessels, leading their walls to loss of elasticity.
- For some reason, any passage of blood to parts of the body, for example, to the extremities, is prevented. At the same time, pressure increases in the vessels and, consequently, vasodilation. In the end, blood stasis and the destruction of capillaries.
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Randu-Osler's Telangiectasia
The frequency of diagnosed pathology today is according to one data - one case per 50 thousand of the population, on the other - by 16,5 thousand. The teleangiectasia of the randu of a donkey refers to diseases that are congenital in nature and belong to the haemorrhagic group of telangiectasias.
The autosomal dominant type of manifestation is characterized by numerous foci of the disease, which seizes the skin and mucous areas. At the same time pathogenesis of this pathology has not been thoroughly studied and understood. The dominant version is the inherent nature of Randyu-Osler's disease, caused by defects in the development of the mesenchyme. The underdevelopment of this part of the system is reduced to the fact that in some segments of the walls of blood vessels there are no muscle tissues (fibers). On such segments, the wall consists essentially of one endothelium, surrounded by loose connective structures. Such a clinic leads to a significant thinning of the capillaries and venules. In this case, the vessels forming telangiectasias, under the influence of these or other factors, increase their through-section, expanding in diameter. As a consequence of this process, an anastomosing with arterioles occurs. Such a process is carried out by means of capillary segments. Arterial - venular anastomoses are beginning to be diagnosed.
In the study of similar patients, they also revealed a loosening of the connective tissues. An increase in the concentration of histiocytes and leukocytes was observed in the pathological zones. This disease is accompanied by underdevelopment of the sweat glands, papillae of the dermis, as well as a decrease in the number of hair follicles that form.
Not rare for Randyu - Osler disease are bleeding, which are caused by increased fragility of the vessels, loss of elasticity and strength. In a number of cases, physicians observe a failure in the platelet production system, activation of fibrinolysis in patients with this diagnosis. But the last two facts are rather a rare exception than a regularity. Therefore, they are not perceived as symptoms of Runduu-Osler's disease.
Telangiectasia Louis-Bar
Another manifestation of the disease under consideration, not without reason attributable to hereditary pathologies, is the telangiectasia of the Louis bar. As was established by scientists, the main sources of the syndrome of Louis-Bar (or as it is also called ataxia - telangiectasia) include:
- Deficiency of T - cellular replenishment of the body's defenses. This factor provokes frequent respiratory and respiratory infections in the patient. There is an increasing risk of further malignant neoplasm.
- Teleangiectasia of the skin and eye conjunctiva.
- Cerebellar ataxia.
Mostly the first symptoms of this disease begin to appear at the age of 3 to 6 years. Although a later appearance is allowed. Single cases of manifestation of the syndrome as early as the first month of a newborn's life are also known.
It is worth noting that the symptomatology of telangiectasia can talk about the presence of various diseases, but in tandem with ataxia - it is a syndrome of Louis-Bar. Initially, the bloody web appears on the conjunctiva, grabbing the eyelids and gradually the entire face. Then it spreads to the folds in the elbow and knee joint, the inner sections of the feet and hands. There were cases when such a pattern was found on the mucous palate.
Perhaps the primary appearance of small spots of coffee color. Especially they are contrasted in places where sunlight hits.
As described in the previous subsection, the combination of two symptoms: the manifestation of atoxia (impaired coordination of movements, loss of balance) and telangiectasia (the appearance of a network of blood vessels on the surface of the skin), suggests the presence of a patient with a syndrome of Louis-Bar in the anamnesis. The combination of ataxia - telangiectasia, referring to autosomal recessive pathologies, is gradually progressing. If you do not take adequate measures, they can lead to increased muscle weakness, paralysis, and, sometimes, death of the patient.
Telangiectasia in newborns
With transient or transient changes in the epidermis of newborns, physicians are often found. Most of these manifestations are physiologically justified and do not require any intervention. As the statistics show, telangiectasia in newborns has a high enough frequency and is exposed in a figure of about 70%.
Such symptoms usually go away with time. Typically, this occurs in the period up to a year, less often at a later age.
This fact does not apply to manifestations of telangiectasia, together with symptoms of ataxia. This combination indicates the seriousness of the situation and requires immediate consultation of a specialist.
Hereditary telangiectasia
Pathology, transmitted heredity by autosomal dominant type. One mutated gene suffices and the person receives excessive bleeding of blood vessels. The probability of the occurrence of a given mutation in a child (if one of the parents has a mutated gene) is 50%. If both parents are sick, then there are no alternatives.
In this regard, hereditary telangiectasia is mainly manifested by frequent bleeding from the nasal passages, and often, it is not always possible to explain the cause of the attack.
Complications and consequences
If we take timely and adequate measures to stop the problem, then we can stabilize the situation by protecting the patient from future complications. If time is lost, the consequences can be not only severe, but also dangerous for the health and life of the patient.
- Iron deficiency anemia - a drop in the level of hemoglobin, which leads to oxygen starvation of the body.
- The appearance of heavy bleeding (hemorrhage):
- Mucous organs of the digestive tract.
- In the brain.
- In the lung tissue.
- Possible local or general paralysis of the body.
- Hemorrhages in the retina can provoke loss of vision.
- Smetrel cases are rare, but there is a risk of their development.
- Loss of consciousness. The so-called anemic coma.
- General deterioration of all internal organs, especially in the presence of chronic diseases.
Diagnostics of the telangiectasia
In the identification of any pathology, there are methods and tools. Primarily, the diagnosis of telangiectasia begins with a visual examination of the patient. After this, the doctor gives a direction for the study of blood vessels for their pathology. If necessary, consultation of ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist is possible. And:
- The doctor necessarily studies the patient's anamnesis, finding out whether telangiectasia is diagnosed in close relatives.
- It is possible to carry out an MRI of the brain.
- Radiography of the lung area.
- General blood analysis.
- Analysis of urine.
- The level of cholesterol is determined.
- Samples for evaluation of hemostasis - coagulation process.
- Measurement of blood pressure.
- Endoscopic examination of internal organs.
As already mentioned, in the formulation of the correct diagnosis, laboratory research is not the last place. The tests that the doctor prescribes are:
- The analysis of urine, if it defines erythrocytes, this fact indicates the presence of pathology in the body.
- General blood analysis. The level of erythrocytes, which should normally be in the range of 4.0 to 5.5x109g / l, is determined. After bleeding there is a surge of reticulocyte cells responsible for the production of erythrocytes. The level of hemoglobin is determined, the indication below the norm (130-160 g / l) indicates a certain degree of iron deficiency. The number of leukocytes is usually in the norm - 4-9x109g / l, with this pathology the number of platelets does not deviate from the norm (150-400x109g / l). If their number decreases, this fact can only be explained by bleeding directly.
- Biochemical blood test allows you to obtain indicators of cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, creatinine and electrolytes. Such a study will help to identify the presence of concomitant pathology.
- Evaluation of hemostasis by means of tests:
- Duration of hemorrhage. For this, a puncture of the finger or earlobe is done.
- The period of blood coagulation (before the appearance of a blood clot).
- Pincher test - the period of subcutaneous hemorrhage manifestation is evaluated.
- The test is a tourniquet - on the shoulder, for about five minutes, put a stranglehold. This method allows you to assess the occurrence of hemorrhage in the area of the patient's forearm.
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Instrumental diagnostics
In modern medicine can not do without innovative equipment. Did not pass his attention to instrumental diagnosis and this disease. Usually, the doctor appoints:
- Checking blood pressure through a tonometer, as well as a cuff test is performed: the device pressurizes the cuff about 100 mm. Hg Art. It lasts five minutes and examines the skin surface for hemorrhages.
- Spiral computed tomography allows you to assess the condition of internal organs, while receiving a number of X-ray images. Helps evaluate with the scale of telangiectasias.
- A number of endoscopic examinations:
- Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy - examination of the organs of the digestive tract.
- Colonoscopy - visualization of the large intestine.
- Laparoscopy - examination of the peritoneum by puncture.
- Bronchoscopy - examination of the respiratory system.
- Cystoscopy - examination of the urination system.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - the effect on the patient's body by a magnetic field. Allows you to obtain a package of X-ray images of the examined area of the body and visual examination on a computer screen in a 3D image. Localization and scale of telangiectasias.
Differential diagnosis
There is another direction in the diagnosis of disease - differential diagnosis. Through special tests and studies, the patient's condition is analyzed. Having received a complete picture of pathology, a specialist can give an opinion about the nature of the disease - primary or secondary pathology.
The primary concerns:
- Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectomy.
- Hereditary telangiectomy.
- Ataxia is telangiectomy.
- Nonvoid.
- Generalized essential.
- Marble leather.
- To secondary pathology:
- The reaction of the body to a foreign graft.
- Basal cell carcinoma.
- Failure in the production of collagen and estrogen.
- The solar crater.
There is a differential diagnosis and the form of the picture:
- Woody.
- Linear.
- The star.
- Spotlike.
- And there is also a distinction between the involvement of one or another vessel in pathological abnormalities:
- The increase in the passageway of arterioles is arterial.
- An increase in the venular cross-section is venous.
- Capillary.
The difference between hemangioma and telangiectasia
An inexperienced specialist, or a person far from medicine, is not able to distinguish between these two concepts, but there is a difference between hemangioma and telangiectasia.
Hemangiomas are a benign neoplasm. The tumor is formed from endothelial cells, which develop independently. At the same time, the first changes can already be seen in the first few days of a newborn's life. Their rapid development takes place in the next six months. As experience shows, then the growth of its activity somewhat decreases and after the year begins its countdown. During the first five years of life, about 50% of tumors dissolve, after seven years this figure is close to 70%. The majority, of the remaining 30%, are being invaded by 12 years.
Teleangiectasia is a constant increase in the passage of small blood vessels of the subcutaneous area: areola, capillaries and venules. This pathology does not have the nature of inflammation, has both an innate and acquired genesis.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the telangiectasia
The choice of the method of stopping the problem directly depends on the definition of the pathology source. The treatment of telangiectasia, as well as its causes, is quite diverse. And, depending on the clinical picture, the diagnosis and the source, the doctor chooses the method that, in his opinion, will be most effective.
- Conservative treatment is reduced to splashing the affected dermis with special drugs of fibrinolysis inhibitors. They stop bleeding, not allowing the formed blood clots to dissolve, forming hematomas.
- Sclerotherapy is a procedure whereby a special medicine is injected into the damaged vessel, which "glues" the damaged walls. But you should not forget about the concomitant drug therapy aimed at eliminating the very cause of vascular pathology.
- Surgical intervention is used when it is necessary to remove the sector of the damaged capillary. Today, there are methods to replace the affected area with a prosthesis. At the same time, the blood vessels are cauterized and bandaged, which are the source of blood for telangiectasia.
- Electrocoagulation, especially effective for nasal bleeding.
- Cryocoagulation is the use of low temperatures (in the form of liquid nitrogen) for cauterization of sites damaged by telangiectasias.
- Treatment based on hormones. If the cause of the disease is in violation of the hormonal background of the body, then it is corrected with preparations of the sounded group.
- Hemocomponent treatment is a transfusion of the patient's blood components.
- Transfusion of freshly frozen plasma. With acute blood loss.
- Transfusion of platelet mass. To be swallowed with great blood loss.
- Transfusion of erythrocyte mass. Assigned on the basis of laboratory blood tests (with a low level of red blood cells).
For the therapy of telangiectasia, in some cases, conservative treatment is prescribed. In this case, the patient is prescribed drugs related to the group of inhibitors of fibrinolysis, which inhibit the process of dissolution of thrombi and blood clots by competitive inhibition of the plasminogen activating enzyme and inhibition of plasmin formation.
Such drugs are: transamchia, polycapron, cyclo-F, aminocaproic acid, exacil, tranexamic acid, retioderm, cyclocapro and others.
Preparations are applied topically, in the form of sprays, napkins and ointments.
Alternative treatment
Alternative medicine has its own suggestions for treating the disease in question. We offer alternative treatment, expressed in several methods.
- Grape berries (blue) mash and attach to the vascular pattern.
- Grapes can be replaced with berries of red currants or strawberries.
- Apple cider vinegar is also effective. Cotton swab dipped in a liquid, rub the affected area. Then top the cabbage leaf and fix it with a tight bandage.
- Similar wiping can be done with the flesh of green tomatoes. After such a procedure, a nourishing cream should be applied to the dermis.
- It is possible to prepare a medical cream by introducing jojoba oil into a conventional cream. Lubricate the pathology site.
Herbal Treatment
With the confluence of certain factors for the relief of telangiectasia use and treatment with herbs.
Healers recommend to prepare a mask from such herbs: chamomile, potato starch, flowers of horse chestnut, calendula, yarrow and horsetail. Mix all the ingredients and, after introducing a little water, get a thick slurry. The composition should be applied to the affected area, covered with gauze. To sustain a quarter of an hour and to wash off the infusion, prepared on the basis of calendula, yarrow and chamomile, which is prepared classically from a tablespoon of collection and a glass of boiling water.
Another effective compress is prepared on the basis of collecting from flowers horse chestnut, calendula, wheat grass, chamomile and horsetail. A tablespoon of the collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for about five minutes on a small flame, decant. Used as lotions, imposed for 10 - 15 minutes. If the cloth is dried, it should be moistened again in a decoction. After the procedure, apply a little cream based on marigold.
Useful as will be the decoctions of these herbs taken inside. Here you can also add rue, a tricolor violet, elderberry flowers, horse chestnut extract or rue, taken for 15-30 drops, diluted with half a glass of water three times throughout the day.
Blueberries against telangiectasia
To improve the condition of the vessels, at least in part, restoring their strength and elasticity, possibly with products rich in such vitamins as C, E and P. Especially proved to be blueberries against telangiectasia. It can be eaten both freshly and in recycled.
Talk about a full-fledged therapy with homeopathic medicines is possible only if they are taken for a long time. Homeopathy, represented by such medicines as lachesis, aurum iodateum, aurum metallicum, abrotanum, allows to restore circulation in the microvascular bed.
Operative treatment
Not the last place in stopping the disease is given to more radical methods. Operative treatment of pathology is represented by a number of innovative methods:
- Laser coagulation. Mostly, this moxibustion is performed with capillary defects on the face, but can be used on other parts of the body. Under the influence of high temperatures there is a gluing of tissues.
- Electrocoagulation - moxibustion of damaged blood vessels.
- Scleroscopy. The use of the sclerosant allows "sealing" the damaged sections of the vessel walls.
- Eloskopiya - innovative ELOS technology (ELOS) without allowing contact with the skin very effectively "glues" the damaged blood vessels. This method has practically no contraindications and is non-traumatic.
- Ozonotherapy is performed by inserting into the vessel an ozone-oxygen compound with a high ozone content. It is a catalyst for oxidation processes, which leads to the destruction of the vessel. This technique is used to stop the telangiectasia on the legs.
Removal of telangiectasias
To date, there are several ways in which telangiectasies are removed. One such method is radio wave surgery, used to remove the capillary pattern from the face and other areas. Its advantage is in contactlessness, absence of swelling and scarring. Negative moments include the possibility of using to remove small amounts of damage. To conduct the procedure, high-frequency radio waves are used, emitted by a special apparatus "Surgitron."
Another method of removal is laser photocoagulation. The essence of the procedure is the absorption of the energy released by the ray by the tissues of the vessels. There is a heating of the walls, which provokes their soldering. Advantage of the technique: high cosmetological effect due to the contactlessness of the process. The disadvantage is that the area of damage to the beam is about 3 mm, while the diameter of the capillary is not more than 1 mm. It is used, mainly, for a large area of damage.
To avoid or reduce the risk of developing pathology, it is worthwhile to follow certain recommendations of specialists. Prevention of telangiectasia involves:
- Protection of the skin from excessive insolation.
- If the family has a predisposition to pathology, you should use special cosmetics (working on the narrowing of blood vessels), which will advise and pick up a specialist.
- It is necessary to abandon bad habits and reconsider your diet by giving preference to healthy food.
- You need emotional stability and a healthy lifestyle.
- If there are prerequisites, go through a medical genetic consultation.
- You should take care of your immunity: hardening, contrast shower, special physical activity, fresh air.
- Selection of physiologically correct shoes and clothes.
- Weight normalization.
- Moderate physical activity.
- Timely treatment of diseases affecting the cardiovascular system.
- Timely adequate therapy of hereditary telangiectasia.
- Regular preventive examination.
In general, the prognosis of the disease in question is favorable. In some cases, pathology does not require any treatment, resolving itself over time. Some cases require adjustment. But in general, if the patient asked for medical help, then in the future the illness will not bother him particularly.
Only in isolated cases, profuse gastrointestinal bleeding is possible. In such a picture, emergency medical care is needed.
An exception is the Louis-Bar syndrome or as it is also called - ataxia - telangiectasia. Effective ways to stop the disease to date, there is no. Lethal outcome occurs during adolescence or adulthood, and the cause is predominantly a pulmonary infection or malignant lesion of the lymphoreticular system.
The appearance on the skin surface of an intricate vascular pattern should encourage a person to go to a specialist. After all, telangiectasia is not only a cosmetic defect, it can be a symptom of a much more serious pathology. Therefore, do not ignore the advice of a specialist. Let this be a false alarm, than the time for treatment is lost. Be more attentive to yourself and your body, then in the future you will not have to deal with health problems.