Swelling of the breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Such a pathology as a breast tumor has a very wide classification and is divided into benign and malignant. Benign tumor is characterized by slow growth and lack of penetration into nearby tissues.
At the present time, it has not been fully investigated which tumors can degenerate into cancer. A benign breast tumor can be successfully cured if you do not start the disease.
Benign breast tumor
Such a neoplasm is more common among females aged between twenty and thirty-five years, characterized by slow growth, the presence of clearly defined boundaries. When palpation is felt a mobile formation of round shape, reminiscent of a ball. The causes of fibroadenoma can be hormonal abnormalities in the body and trauma to the female breast. The usual form of fibroadenoma, unlike leaf-shaped, rarely degenerates into cancer. Diagnosis of the disease can be using mammography and ultrasound, treatment is carried out surgically.
Intra-flow papilloma
It is characterized by uncomfortable or painful sensations when pressed, can be accompanied by secretions from the nipple - transparent, as well as brown or green hue, sometimes - bloody. For diagnostics, doptography is carried out - a contrast medium is injected into the ducts of the mouth and X-rays are made. To eliminate the papilloma, surgical intervention is prescribed.
This benign breast tumor with fluid content, develops if the outflow of the secretion of the breast is broken. The symptomatology of the disease is poorly expressed, various diagnostic studies are performed to identify the cysts. Most often, cysts appear in women between the ages of thirty and forty. The risk group includes, in the first place, women who did not have childbirth.
The causes of such a neoplasm as a cyst are hormonal abnormalities that sometimes occur when taking contraceptives, as well as genetic predisposition. Treatment depends on the size of the tumor. Often, you can get rid of the cyst using methods of conservative treatment. In this case, using a thin needle, a puncture of the cyst is performed, after which liquid contents are removed from its cavity. Then air is pumped into the capsule, which helps the cysts coalesce. At treatment also preparations are appointed for normalization of a hormonal background and increase of immunity.
Benign neoplasm consisting of adipose tissue, characterized by slow growth rates, is relatively rare. Pain sensations, as a rule, are absent, discomfort can be felt. Most often there are nodular lipomas surrounded by a capsule. Diffuse lipomas are less common, fatty tissues around them grow without a capsule. For diagnosis, an ultrasound and mammography study is prescribed. Treatment operative.
Malignant breast cancer
Malignant tumors are often single, dense and painless. In most cases, they are formed from the milk ducts and glands and are located in the upper outer quadrant of the female breast.
In contrast to benign tumors, malignant tumors rapidly progress and can go beyond the mammary glands. The reasons for the appearance of such formations have not been fully investigated, but the following are assumed to be risk factors:
- genetic predisposition
- late first birth or absence
- early menstruation (up to thirteen years), late menopause (after fifty-five years)
- age over fifty
- chronic pathology of genital organs
- abortions
- hormonal therapy
- severe psychological trauma;
- eating high calorie and fat foods
Cancer of the breast in the early stages has the form of a small formation of up to two centimeters, located directly in the chest. In time, the detected tumor and the necessary treatment give women the opportunity to save their health. If the disease is started, the breast tumor becomes large, affects the axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Every woman should carry out breast self-examination. If you find any changes, please contact your mammologist immediately. To diagnose tumors, mammography, ultrasound, puncture and excisional biopsy with morphological examination of the tumor material are carried out.
Basic methods of self-examination:
- Stand in front of the mirror, put your hands behind your head and see if the breasts are evenly located, if there are puffiness, wrinkles and rashes on the skin, nipple entrainment, deformity. Then strain the muscles of the chest and perform a second examination, fixing the hands on the hips. Carefully inspect the nipples and, gently pressing on each of them, make sure that there is no bloody discharge. If there are clear secretions or have any shade, be sure to notify the attending physician.
- Self-examination is also recommended to be carried out under the shower with wet and soapy skin. Raise one hand and with gentle rotational movements, probe the gland, starting from the center of the axilla.
- Inspection should also be carried out in the lying position. Under the shoulder, place the pillow so that the breast becomes flat. Raise one hand up, the second hand while doing translational motion, starting with the axilla. Adjust the force of pressing, first making light, then deeper rotational movements.
A breast tumor should never be left without attention. Regularly conduct self-examination of the breast, if there are any changes in the mammary gland, be sure to contact a mammologist.
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