Steatosis of the liver
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Steatosis of the liver unites several pathological processes, which as a result lead to the appearance of fatty inclusions in the liver tissues.
This pathology is focal and diffuse. In focal steatosis, fat accumulation of fat is observed, and in case of diffuse fat, fat is located throughout the surface of the organ.
Steatosis occurs irrespective of age, but is most often diagnosed after 45 years, when the organism has been exposed to various negative factors for quite some time. From non-alcoholic steatosis, mostly women suffer, usually because of obesity. Men who abuse alcohol are more likely to be exposed to alcoholic steatosis.
ICD-10 code
Diseases of the liver, including liver steatosis, in ICD-10 are located in section K70-K77.
Causes of hepatic steatosis
Steatosis of the liver occurs due to metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc. Also, steatosis can be associated with diseases of the digestive system, resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients, as well as malnutrition (frequent diets, regular overeating).
Alcohol and medications have a strong toxic effect on the liver, which can also cause stethatosis.
Fatty liver poisoning is not due to alcohol abuse is called non-alcoholic steatosis, a similar pathology often affects people with excess weight.
Steatosis is most affected by women, people with excess weight, over 45, with type 2 diabetes, and also in the case of hereditary predisposition.
Symptoms of steatosis of the liver
Steatosis of the liver, in the initial stages is almost asymptomatic, often the disease has a chronic form. Steatosis may not manifest itself for a long time, and a person learns about the disease after a medical examination.
Among the main symptoms of the disease can be identified weakness, nausea, pain in the right upper quadrant, increased liver, decreased immunity (as a result, a person is prone to frequent viral infections).
With steatosis, the outflow of bile is broken, bile stagnation may occur, while the skin becomes yellowish, itching, pain, nausea, vomiting.
Steatosis of the liver and pancreas
Steatosis of the liver and pancreas is characterized by the replacement of healthy cells with fat. At the first stages of the disease there are practically no symptoms, however, there are several points that will help to recognize the onset of the disease.
At the beginning of steatosis, a person may be disturbed by frequent diarrhea, swelling, heartburn, an allergy not to foods (which was not previously observed).
Then, after eating, you can begin to worry about the shingling pain on the left under the rib, giving in the back.
When such symptoms appear, they usually already seek medical help.
During the examination, changes in the tissues of the pancreas, metabolic disorders, fatty layers in the pancreas are revealed.
Diffusive steatosis of the liver
The diagnosis of steatosis of the liver is made if the fat deposits occupy more than 10% of the total liver volume. The maximum accumulation of fats occurs in the second and third hepatic lobes, with a severe course of the disease, the fat blotches are located diffusely.
With diffuse steatosis, liver tissue is affected by fatty inclusions evenly.
At the first stages of the disease, fat does not harm the liver cells, the functional tissues of the liver begin to die with the progression of the disease, then irreversible processes take place (changes in the cells and lobules of the liver).
Fatty steatosis of the liver
Fatty steatosis of the liver leads to an increase in the body, changes the color of the liver to yellowish or dark red. Because of the defeat of the liver with fat, the cells of the organ die, the body produces fatty cysts, the connective tissue begins to grow.
Often fatty steatosis occurs without visible symptoms, in most cases the disease is detected during ultrasound.
Progression of fatty steatosis is quite rare. If steatosis occurs together with inflammation of the liver, 10% of patients may develop cirrhosis, and in 1/3 - connective tissue grows and compacts in the organ.
Alcoholic steatosis of the liver
Alcoholic steatosis of the liver is caused by chronic alcohol intoxication and leads to initial changes in the structure of the liver.
The disease can occur for several reasons, the most common is the abuse of alcohol, while the more and more a person drinks, the faster and heavier the pathological process in the liver.
Such manifestations of steatosis are usually reversible and decline one month after the person stops drinking.
But, despite this, alcoholic steatosis of the liver progresses and leads to serious damage to the body. According to clinical studies, the threat of developing chronic liver diseases is associated with steatosis.
Non-alcoholic steatosis of the liver
Non-alcoholic steatosis of the liver arises from the overabundance of fatty inclusions in the organ. This form of steatosis is also called fatty disease, fatty degeneration, infiltration.
If this pathology is not treated then 10% of patients further develop a risk of developing fibrosis or cirrhosis, and 14% have inflammatory processes in the liver.
Non-alcoholic steatosis of the liver is formed mainly in diabetes mellitus of the second type, rapid weight loss, obesity, with intravenous introduction of nutrients into the body, violation of intestinal microflora, as a result of drug treatment (anticancer, corticosteroids, antiarrhythmic, etc.).
Focal steatosis of the liver
Focal steatosis of the liver indicates a benign formation in the organ. Diagnosis of these pathologies is carried out with the help of instrumental examination, most often focal steatosis is detected on ultrasound.
Formations can be detected in one or two lobes of the liver.
Diagnosis of hepatic steatosis
Steatosis of the liver is diagnosed on the basis of clinical data, laboratory studies.
Also for the diagnosis of steatosis, use radionuclide scanning, ultrasound, laparoscopic examination of internal organs.
The diagnosis of steatosis is made after an aspiration biopsy, which allows you to examine liver tissue.
Steatosis of the 1st degree
Steatosis of the liver of the first degree is characterized by accumulations of fatty inclusions in the liver cells, while the structure of the cells is not disturbed.
Steatosis of the 2nd degree
Steatosis of the liver of the second degree is characterized by irreversible changes in the liver cells, multiple fatty cysts appear in the liver tissues.
Moderate hepatic steatosis
Moderate hepatic steatosis is characterized by the accumulation of neutral fats in the liver cells in small amounts, which does not lead to irreversible processes and does not destroy the cell structure.
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Treatment of steatosis of the liver
Steatosis of the liver is a rather serious disease, the treatment of which should be based on the reduction of the causes of the pathological process in the liver. During treatment, the patient should not physically or mentally overwork. With remission, mild physical activity will help reduce dystrophic changes in the liver.
Nutrition during treatment is an important point, because it is the diet that helps to reduce the load on the liver, restore the body, improve the overall well-being of the patient. In addition, medicines (lipoic acid, lipotropes, hepatoprotectors) are used. At the discretion of a specialist, folic acid or anabolic steroids can be prescribed.
Treatment of steatosis of the liver with drugs
Steatosis of the liver is a pathology that develops for various reasons, in connection with this, drug treatment is prescribed in each individual case, taking into account the patient's condition, the degree of organ damage, the survey data.
Appointed drugs to improve fat metabolism (vitamin B4, B12, lipoic or folic acid).
As part of complex therapy, hepatoprotectors are prescribed (Karsil, Essentiale, Heptral, etc.).
Patients with steatosis are recommended to run, swim or exercise, especially with obesity or diabetes.
With alcoholic steatosis of the liver at the heart of treatment is the absolute refusal of alcohol, after which you can take medications.
At the first stage of the treatment, the treatment shows good results, usually on the background of treatment, the baking function is completely restored, the fatty inclusions disappear.
In the second stage of the disease, when all the prescriptions prescribed by the doctor are performed, the therapy also shows good results.
Steatosis of the liver of the third stage is characterized by the most severe organ damage, in this case irreversible processes are already beginning. Treatment in this case is based on the prevention of further decay of liver cells.
Treatment of steatosis of the liver by alternative means
Steatosis of the liver can be treated with alternative medicine (primary or auxiliary treatment).
The use of boiled bran will help the liver to get rid of fatty impregnations (during the day it is tedious to eat 2 tablespoons of bran).
Improve blood flow in the liver can be with the help of a decoction of corn stigmas, calendula, dandelion roots.
Treatment of steatosis of the liver with herbs
Steatosis of the liver at the initial stages is successfully treated at home with the help of herbs.
For the preparation of herbal collection will take 2 tablespoons. Calendula, 2 tbsp. Goldenrod, 1 tbsp. Herbs celandine, 2 tablespoons. Elecampane, 4 tbsp. The root of the Leuzea
Or 4 tablespoons. Elecampane, 4 tbsp. Gentian, 3 tbsp. Ayr, 4 tbsp. Mint, 2 tbsp. Birch buds, 2 tbsp. Leonurus, 2 tablespoons dandelion roots, 2 tbsp. Root of wheatgrass.
2 tablespoons herbal collection (mix all the ingredients and grind in a meat grinder or a coffee grinder) pour a liter of boiling water, put on a stove and bring to a boil. Then simmer the broth for 10 minutes under a closed lid. The resulting broth should be poured into a thermos bottle and insisted for at least 12 hours.
Take a decoction of half a glass for half an hour before a meal, you can add honey, sugar, jam to improve the taste.
Drink the broth should be at least three to four months, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the treatment.
Steatosis of the liver can be treated with herbs for more than one year, it is also possible to take medications at the same time.
Improvement of the condition against the background of treatment with herbs usually comes in a month of regular admission, but it will be possible to achieve stable results only after a long and systematic treatment course (one year or more).
Nutrition with steatosis of the liver
Steatosis of the liver arises from metabolic disturbances, so nutrition is given special importance during treatment. When steatosis is recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamins and with a limited fat content.
It is best to give preference to porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), lactic acid products (cottage cheese). With obesity, you should limit the use of carbohydrates.
Diet with steatosis of the liver
Steatosis of the liver is associated with the accumulation of fat in the body, so an important part of the treatment is a diet with a minimum fat content.
During treatment it is better to use sour-milk and plant products, as well as products containing easily digestible protein.
In the diet can include fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, berries, fruit, tselozernovye porridge, bran, a small amount of vegetable oil.
With steatosis it is necessary to refuse fresh baked goods, fried pies, donuts, etc., fatty meat and fish varieties, broths, okroshki, borsch, salty, acidic, smoked products (especially fast food and carbonated drinks).
Also, you can not eat fried or hard-boiled eggs, strong tea, coffee, garlic, onions, radish, beans, mayonnaise.
Prevention of steatosis of the liver
Steatosis of the liver can be prevented if timely treatment of diseases that provoke pathological processes (diabetes, obesity, chronic diseases of the digestive system), properly and fully eat.
When taking corticosteroids, anticancer drugs, etc., it is necessary to use drugs that improve fat metabolism for prophylaxis.
Prognosis of hepatic steatosis
Steatosis of the liver in the early stages of the disease has a patient-friendly prognosis. It is more difficult to treat the disease at the last stages, when irreversible processes have already begun in the liver cells.
With alcoholic steatosis after a few weeks of treatment, a positive effect is observed (provided the patient completely refuses alcohol).
Lethal outcome in this pathology can occur with hepatic insufficiency, as well as as a result of bleeding from the esophagus veins.
Steatosis of the liver, primarily triggered by toxic effects on the liver due to metabolic disorders, poisoning, alcohol abuse, etc. When steatosis in the liver cells appear superfluous fatty inclusions, which eventually (in a few years) lead to rupture of the cell and the formation of fat cysts.
Incorrect lifestyle, alcohol abuse, unbalanced diet, obesity, improper treatment (or complete absence of treatment) of diseases of the digestive system or disturbing metabolic processes in the body - all this becomes the cause of severe pathological, sometimes irreversible, processes in the liver.