

Stabbing pain in the back

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Stabbing pain in the back is not uncommon. Today it is no secret that the cause is not always hypothermia or inflammation in the back. There can be quite a few reasons that entail the development of painful sensations in the back. This can be both pathological processes affecting the back itself, and processes that have nothing to do with the back. For example, pain irradiates from a pinched nerve, or from kidney stones. Accordingly, and the treatment of each case will be sharply different. Let's take a closer look.

Causes of the stabbing pain in the back

In most cases, any pain, regardless of its nature (stabbing, cutting, blunt), indicates the development of an inflammatory process, or traumatic injury. Therefore, it is important, first of all, to make sure that in the near future you have not received any trauma in the back, lumbar region. If trauma is ruled out, you can assume an inflammatory process. It can also be a pinched nerve. But this is also a kind of inflammatory process, because in the pinched nerve metabolic processes, trophics are violated, which entails inflammation and pain. Also pain can arise as a result of displacement of one or more vertebrae. Often a vertebra, displaced, leads to displacement of other vertebrae, pinched muscles, nerves, intervertebral discs (so there are intervertebral hernias).

Gradual abrasion of the vertebrae (protrusion) can cause acute pain. The trigger can be hypothermia, prolonged stay in one position (standing, sitting, lying down), hypodynamia, incorrect position of the spine, trauma, incorrect load on the spine (when lifting weights, exercising, during pregnancy).

But it is also possible that there is no pathological process in the back itself. The cause lies not in the back itself, but, for example, in the kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, and even in the pleura. It is in these areas may be an inflammatory process, and the pain is irradiated along the nerve fiber, and is perceived as back pain. [1]

Risk factors

The risk group includes people with increased load on the lower back (loaders, installers, laborers). Risk factors include all congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system in people, primarily diseases of the spine, paravertebral muscles, sciatica, various injuries of the vertebrae and intervertebral space, herniated discs, osteoporosis.

Also in the risk group are people who are often hypothermic, stay in drafts, open winds, spend a lot of time in damp rooms, outdoors. One of the risk factors is considered to be pregnancy, because at this time sharply increases the load on the spine, lumbar spine. All people with chronic diseases of the spine, lumbar spine, with a history of back diseases, belong to the risk group. [2]


Pain can be localized in absolutely any part of the back. Most often, painful sensations are perceived laterally, in the center of the back, along the spine, and sometimes even in the center of the spine itself. Often the painful area is limited to a specific zone, or intensely spread throughout the back. In the first case, a person understands exactly where his back hurts, how it hurts, and can also "describe" the boundaries of the pain. In the second case, however, it is impossible to clearly identify the source of pain, often a person does not even understand whether he has back pain or, for example, kidney pain. [3]

Stabbing pain in the sides of my back

The presence of stabbing pain in the sides of the back, may indicate that the inflammatory process develops either in the kidney area, or on the lateral parts of the back. In this case, in the inflammatory process most often inflammation still affects the kidneys, and in the area of the back the pain simply recedes, irradiates. Such pain of a stabbing nature can develop with liver disease (with hepatitis, hepatic and renal failure, cirrhosis). Such sensations are also characteristic of people suffering from heart failure.

If the pain rises higher and is localized in the area of the shoulder blades, it may indicate the development of pneumonia (in the area of the shoulder blades is the projection of the top of the lungs). Stabbing pain in the sides, in the upper back, may indicate a complication of angina, or this is noted in herpes infection. Also such pain may indicate inflammation or trauma in the area of the upper limb girdle, shoulder blade, clavicle, and even neck. Such pain often occurs at a severe stage of torticollis, in which the sternoclavicular, clavicular-papillary muscles, intercostal areas are involved in the inflammatory process. This may be radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, lumbalgia,

Stabbing pain in the back on the right side

In the case that bothers stabbing pain in the back on the right, in almost 100% of cases is an inflammatory process in the kidneys. In this case, along the nerves that are involved in the inflammatory process, the pain radiates to the back, and it is not always possible to distinguish the source.

However, this is far from the only reason for the development of back pain. There can be many reasons, and everyone has their own. Pain can be a consequence of frequent stress, and the result of neuropsychiatric overstrain, and even a consequence of the development of autoimmune, infectious, inflammatory, processes. And even a sign of poisoning.

Stabbing pain in the back on the left side

There can be many reasons why stabbing pain occurs in the back on the left side. Often it turns out to be trauma, muscle damage, spinal cord, displacement of vertebrae. The basis of the pathological process is usually hypothermia, or nerve disorders (involvement of nerves in the inflammatory process). This kind of pain is often observed in people prone to obesity, with disorders of metabolic processes, with disorders of vascular tone, pumping function of blood. Sometimes stabbing pain in the back on the left or right occurs against the background of avitaminosis, mineral deficiency, intoxication.

Stabbing pain in the lower back

In most cases, a stabbing pain in the lower back is mistaken for kidney pain, urolithiasis, or the deposition of salts, sand in the urinary tract of the kidneys. The cause may be a genitourinary tract infection, which rises up and affects the kidneys. Often pain develops against the background of general hypothermia of the body, or with the development of infection.

Stabbing pains in the chest going to the back.

There may be many reasons for the development of stabbing pains in the chest, which gradually move to the back. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, because without proper examination it is impossible to determine the cause. The cause of such transient, migrating pains may be hypothermia, inflammation, muscle strain, dislocation of vertebrae, pinched nerve or muscle, intercostal neuralgia.

Often the pathological process affects the chest (it may be a disease of the abdominal cavity organs - bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis). Or it can be a disease of the back, spinal column, lumbar. Often the cause is cardiac pathology: such pain may be a precursor of myocardial infarction, may indicate an attack of angina pectoris, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, may be one of the symptoms of IBS - ischemic heart disease, heart defect. Such a reaction can occur in people to stress, be a response to excessive physical or mental stress. There are cases in which the cause is increased susceptibility of pain receptors, and even a violation of the basic neuroregulatory mechanisms, hormonal background, increased sensitization of the body. This may be a harbinger of an approaching anaphylactic shock.

Stabbing pain in the back between the shoulder blades

The cause may be trauma to the scapula, shoulder girdle, cervical spine. This causes stabbing pain, which is felt in the back and between the shoulder blades. As a result of trauma, there can be a rupture of muscles, coverings and membranes, pinching or nerve damage, which causes stabbing pain in the back and between the shoulder blades. One of the causes may be an intervertebral hernia, localized in the area of the shoulder blades, which is often accompanied by inflammation of the intervertebral and paravertebral muscles, trophic disorders, increased sensitivity.

The nature of the pain

The nature of the pain can also be used to judge the pathological phenomena that are developing in the body. For example, sharp stabbing pain often indicates an acute inflammatory process. Dull, aching pain is a sign of chronic inflammation. [4]

Sharp stabbing pain in the back

At the first sign of pain, you need to identify the source of the pain. The cause of acute stabbing pain in the back is often an acute inflammatory process that affects either the back itself or other nearby structures. In this case, muscles, tissues are involved in the inflammatory process. The source is most often depending on where the pain is felt the most. It is obligatory to be examined by a nephrologist, if the source of pain is unclear, and presumably localized in the lower back. There is a risk that it could be inflammation of the kidneys, urinary tract.

Sharp stabbing pain in the back

If you suddenly have a sharp stabbing pain in the back, it may indicate the development of an inflammatory process (acute), or an exacerbation of an existing inflammation. Occurs mainly in the spring and fall, because it is during this period the body is maximally weakened. Often exacerbations occur under the influence of excessive stress, overstrain, increased load on the body, or incorrect distribution of the load on the back. In winter, such pain often indicates hypothermia, that you have caught a cold in the back or kidneys. Also often exacerbation occurs from stress, neuropsychic overstrain.

Who to contact?

Diagnostics of the stabbing pain in the back

In order to make a quality diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a vertebrologist or osteopath. If such highly qualified specialists are not available in the polyclinic, the best option is to go to an orthopedist or surgeon for diagnosis. Usually an experienced doctor determines the pathology and makes a diagnosis based on visual inspection, palpation of the back. Stabbing pain can be a sign of an acute inflammatory process, or muscle pinching, displacement of the vertebra. All of these can be felt quite well.

Additionally, the doctor can check reflexes, conduct segmental-reflex diagnostics (by pressing on individual segments of the spine). Important is differential diagnosis, which will help to determine the signs of different diseases with similar manifestations, to make a final diagnosis, which will accurately reflect the pathology, indicate the cause. Instrumental methods, such as X-rays, may be required to clarify the diagnosis. [5]


The use of laboratory tests for the diagnosis of back diseases is extremely rare. The exception is severe cases when there is a suspicion of damage to the spine, involvement in the pathological process of the spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid. There is often a risk of infection. In this case, a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid is taken for examination. A puncture (injection into the intervertebral space) is performed. During this procedure, a special syringe is used to collect the liquor for further bacteriological examination. Normally, cerebrospinal fluid should be sterile, that is, there should not be any microorganisms in it. But with the development of inflammatory, infectious, septic process, bacteria, viruses are detected in the analysis. Also a negative sign is considered the detection of leukocytes, lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Depending on the type and amount of impurities, differentiate different stages of the inflammatory or oncologic process, other pathologies.

Old-school physicians effectively used clinical biochemical tests of blood, and even urine for diagnosis. Today, the use of laboratory methods to diagnose stabbing back pain is not justified from the point of view of economy, rationality. Nevertheless, some doctors still prescribe as an auxiliary method of diagnosis, for example, a general blood test. If you understand, it is not without logic. So, the usual blood formula can reflect in a general way all the processes occurring in the body. The main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the results of the tests.

It can be important to determine the content of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hematocrit (the ratio between the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin). These indicators most clearly reflect the shifts occurring in the body, and may reflect inflammatory, infectious, oncological, autoimmune processes, etc. Then you can resort to other, clarifying methods of research.

Instrumental diagnostics

The main method of diagnosis in the diagnosis of back pain is instrumental diagnostics. In this case, the main methods will be such methods as X-ray examination, computer, magnetic resonance tomography. These methods allow you to visualize the picture of pathology, assess the condition of bones, vertebrae, soft tissues, and sometimes, even nearby vessels and nerves.

Differential diagnosis

It is one of the main stages of diagnosis. This is a very important stage, because it is a sequence of actions aimed at differentiating different types of pathology. Often the diseases are different, but they manifest themselves in the same way - stabbing pain in the back. And on what diagnosis will be made, depends on the therapeutic tactics, and accordingly, the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of treatment. In the course of differential diagnosis, mainly instrumental methods of investigation are used.

It is important to differentiate between conditions such as thoracalgia, cervicalgia, lumbalgia, sciatica, osteochondrosis, as well as vertebral misalignment, and spinal cord injury.

Treatment of the stabbing pain in the back

There are two principles underlying the treatment of any back pain: provide comprehensive treatment (etiologic, symptomatic), and be sure to incorporate exercise into the daily regimen. No treatment, no matter how effective it may be, will not be effective if it is not supported by physical activity. For patients with pain, various pathologies, it is advisable to engage in therapeutic physical training, since high physical load associated with various sports, as well as low, or its complete absence, negatively affects the state of health. It is important to provide the right and dosed impact on the right areas. This will make it possible to control the condition, to have a therapeutic effect.

As for complex therapy, it is recommended to include in it etiologic treatment, that is, treatment aimed directly at eliminating the cause of the pathology.

For example, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate inflammation, massage to eliminate contractures, straightening to eliminate vertebral displacements, clamps. Symptomatic therapy is used to eliminate those symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient and support the pathological process. This can be, for example, analgesics, aimed at relieving pain. Vitamins, folk and homeopathic remedies, phytotherapy are also used.

What to inject for back pain?

If you do not know what to inject for back pain, it is better to consult a doctor, since any use of medicines can be dangerous due to the risk of complications. There may be many contraindications, individual intolerance, or incompatibility of different drugs.

For severe back pain, dimedrol (0.025 to 0.05 mg of active ingredient, or 1-2 ml of solution intramuscularly) may be prescribed.

To enhance the effect of dimedrol (analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect), prescribe dimedrol + 0.5% solution of novocaine in an amount of 2 ml (1 ml of dimedrol + 1 ml of novocaine in one syringe).

You can also inject diclofenac (1 ml intramuscularly). To relieve an acute attack of pain, give baralgin, il no-shepa (1 ml, intramuscularly).

Less frequently prescribed drugs such as milgamma, movalis, delagin, plaquenil.


  • Azathioprine

Dosage: 50 mg 2-3 times a day. It is obligatory 2-3 courses per year, with breaks.

Indications for use: inflammatory, autoimmune processes, rheumatism.

Precautions: may be contraindicated in immunocompromised individuals.

Side effects: arthritis, joint pain.

  • D penicillamine, or kuprenyl.

Dosage: 0.15-0.3 grams 2-3 times a day, 5-6 months.

Indications for use: infectious, inflammatory process.

Precautions: consult a doctor, there are contraindications.

Side effects: increased inflammation.

  • Chlorokhin

Dosage: 0.12 - 0.25 grams per day, 10-12 months.

Indications for use: treatment and prevention of infection, inflammatory processes.

Precautions: there may be individual intolerance.

Side effects: dizziness, fever, chills.

  • Crisanol.

Dosage: intramuscularly 2 ml as a 5% solution, once a week, duration of treatment - 7-8 months.

Indications for use: inflammatory, rheumatic, autoimmune pathologies.

Precautions: consult a physician before use.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness.

  • Diclofenac for back pain.

Diclofenac is prescribed for severe back pain, has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Quickly relieves pain. The main effect is anti-inflammatory, but also has antipyretic, analgesic effect.

  • How to inject movalis for back pain?

Despite the fact that movalis has numerous side effects, negatively affects the state of the kidneys, liver, it is often prescribed for back pain. How to inject movalis should tell the doctor (prescribed scheme). In each case, there may be a different, individualized scheme, dosage, since a number of factors are taken into account, including the cause, severity of pathology, comorbidities, age of the patient. Usually prescribed 7.5-15 mg / day, intramuscularly. In renal insufficiency, the daily dosage should not exceed 7.5 mg. Maximum daily

  • How much to inject milgamma for back pain?

Milgamma is prescribed for back pain. How much to inject (duration of treatment) depends on how long the pain syndrome lasts. But not less than 5 days. If the pain has passed in 2-3 days, you should still puncture the drug for 5 days. Usually the course of treatment is 5-10 days, depending on the severity of pain. The recommended dosage is 2 ml per day. Has numerous side effects, so you should always consult with a doctor before use. It is not combined with many drugs, has a number of contraindications. For example, patients with kidney and liver diseases should be injected with caution.

What vitamins should I take for back pain?

In back pain, along with anti-inflammatory, painkillers, it is necessary to inject vitamins. Which ones are best suited - the doctor will tell you. But, since any pain is almost always associated with a lack of vitamins A, E, PP, it is recommended to inject them. They can be purchased in a pharmacy, but it is important to buy exactly in the form of a preparation for injection, because there are also sold concentrated solutions that can not be injected, or means for ingestion. Usually 1 ampoule is designed for 1 injection. A full course (10 to 21 days) should be injected.

Physiotherapy treatment

Various traditional and non-traditional methods of physiotherapy are used for back pain:

  • ultrasound treatment, microcurrents,
  • exposure to different wavelengths,
  • electrophoresis (mainly with the help of this method, drugs of calcium, magnesium, magnelis, magnesia, anti-inflammatory drugs are administered),
  • heat treatments,
  • electrotherapy,
  • light treatments,
  • segmental-reflex massage,
  • reflexology,
  • acupuncture,
  • acupressure (shiatsu),
  • compresses, wraps,
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture),
  • apitherapy (treatment with bee stings),
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches),
  • hydroprocedures (dousing, rubbing, Charcot shower, hydro massage, Jacuzzi),
  • aromatherapy,
  • oiling, exposure to therapeutic oils,
  • physical therapy,
  • complexes of breathing exercises (pranayama complex from hatha yoga, qigong, taiji quan),
  • relaxation, meditation, autogenic training,
  • color therapy (chromotherapy),
  • swimming in the pool,
  • aqua aerobics.

Folk treatment

It should be borne in mind that folk treatment will be effective only if it is part of a complex therapy, and also if, in addition to conventional treatment, you regularly perform physical exercises.

  • Recipe #1.

As a base take about 50 grams of butter, melt on a water bath, steamer, on low heat. With constant stirring add about 15-20 grams of ground cinnamon, ground chili pepper, ground cardamom. Keep stirring until the oil has a homogeneous consistency. Then slowly pour in the clove oil hydrolysate (about 50 ml). Set aside in a dark place. Allow to infuse for at least 2 hours, apply to the body in the place of pain, use for rubbing, massage.

  • Recipe #2.

As a base take about 30-40 ml of glycerin and melted petroleum jelly, mixed together. Pour a small amount of eucalyptus juice + aloe juice (about 30-40 ml). Thoroughly mixed, put in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then take out, allow about 1-2 hours to stand at compote temperature (to heat up, as the application of cold means on a sore back can only worsen the condition). Then use for rubbing, massage, up to 5 times a day.

  • Recipe #3.

Take approximately equal parts of honey and butter, melt on low heat with constant stirring, slowly pour in an aqueous solution of essential oils of geranium and lavender (for this purpose, separately mix about 50 ml of warm water and 2-3 drops of oils each). After the solution is poured into the base, stir until a homogeneous consistency is formed, without lumps. Apply as an ointment to painful areas, use for rubbing, massage.

  • Recipe #4.

Mix in equal parts lanolin and spermaceti about 3-4 tablespoons of each component, add about 2 tablespoons of shea butter and 1 tablespoon of eleutherococcus extract and 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil. All this is thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency, applied to the painful areas several times a day. Dry heat is applied on top.

Herbal treatment

Treatment with any herbs requires prior consultation with a doctor!

Peppermint is an effective remedy that is used to treat back pain of any origin: it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anelgesic effect on the body. Thus, peppermint not only relieves pain, but also eliminates the cause of its occurrence, so that much faster recovery, eliminates the risk of complications. It is also an excellent means of preventing relapses and return course of any disease. It is recommended to use in the form of decoctions, infusions, as part of creams and ointments, in the form of essential oil. Can be taken internally, or used externally for local rubs, compresses. Added to the composition of therapeutic baths. It should be borne in mind that this oil is recommended for women, and contraindicated for men, because it stimulates the production of female sex hormones (estrogen).

Chamomile is also used in the form of decoctions, infusions, as an essential oil, extract or hydrolysate. It can be added to ointments, cosmetics, can be taken internally. The main action - anti-inflammatory, soothing, antibacterial, due to which it quickly quells the inflammatory process, relieves pain. In addition, has the ability to increase both local and systemic immunity, so that the body is more actively involved in the fight against pathological conditions, recovery comes faster. In addition, the indication for use (except for back pain) is arthritis, neuralgia, myositis, muscle spasms, skin problems, which can also cause pain.

Rosemary is used mainly in the form of essential oil, less often - prepare oil or water infusion of branches and leaves. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immune properties, quickly promotes recovery. Appointed for circulatory disorders, muscle and nerve pathologies, rheumatism, arthritis. Stimulates muscle tone.

Surgical treatment

Most treatment is traditional and complex (including drugs, physiotherapy and physical therapy). Surgical treatment is resorted to as a last resort, if there are no other options. But first always try traditional means. If they are ineffective, then we can talk about surgery. Surgical methods can be used if an abscess develops, purulent-septic process, progressive inflammation. Emergency intervention is required in case of tissue decomposition, necrosis (tissue death), fluse or fistula filled with purulent exudate.

Scheduled surgery is performed for myositis, nerve compression, tumors, hematomas (especially if they are large), spinal hernias. Surgery is required if there is displacement of vertebrae and they exert pressure on internal organs, in case of damage to intervertebral discs, accumulation of pus, fluid, exudate, in the development of lipomas (fatty tumors).

Complications and consequences

The consequences can be different, and it is quite difficult to predict them, because they depend on many parameters. If the stabbing pain in the back is a consequence of hypodynamia, prolonged stay in one position, then this is the easiest, and the most favorable option. It is enough to organize motor activity, start regular exercise, exercise, and the condition is normalized. But if the cause is different, not excluded and severe, progressive consequences, up to disability. Often there are such consequences and complications as inflammation, the development of infection, contractures, stiffness, lumbalgia. Neuralgia, radiculitis. A dangerous complication is considered the development of hernias, tumors, which often ends in disability, and even death. [6]


The basis of prevention is to maintain an optimal motor regimen: you need to exercise, move more. Do not allow hypothermia, drafts. The most reliable means of prevention is a mobile lifestyle. Equally important is proper nutrition, consumption of food rich in vitamins, minerals. If there are diseases of the back, spine in the anamnesis, it is necessary to periodically undergo preventive treatment courses, several times a year to do massage courses, if necessary to pierce medications, vitamins.


In most cases, stabbing back pain is treatable. But recovery or control over the condition can be achieved only if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, as well as to take care of your health - to exercise, to be able to relax properly. But, you need to understand that sometimes stabbing pain in the back is a sign of a serious disease of the muscles, spine, nervous system. Unfortunately, not all diseases have a favorable prognosis. Many can end in disability, paralysis.

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