Salmonellosis symptoms in adults
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Salmonella has an incubation period that lasts from 6 hours to 3 days (more often 12-24 hours); with nosocomial outbreaks is extended to 3-8 days. After this period, typical symptoms of salmonellosis appear.
Symptoms of salmonellosis make it possible to classify this disease
- Gastrointestinal (localized) form:
- gastritis variant:
- gastroenteric variant;
- gastroenterocolitis variant.
- Generalized form:
- typhoid-like variant;
- septic variant.
- Bacteriovenous:
- sharp;
- chronic;
- transient.
Symptoms of salmonellosis in the gastritis variant are characterized by acute onset, repeated vomiting and epigastric pain. The intoxication syndrome is poorly expressed. Short duration of the disease.
The gastroenteric variant of salmonellosis is most common. The disease of salmonellosis begins acutely, typical symptoms of salmonellosis appear: fever, headache, chills, lumps in the muscles, cramping pain in the abdomen. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea join. Stools at first have a fecal character, but quickly become watery, foamy fetid, sometimes with a greenish tinge and have the appearance of "marsh mud". Note the pallor of the skin, in more severe cases - cyanosis. The tongue is dry, coated. The abdomen is swollen, with palpation painful in all parts, more in epigastrium and in the right ileal region, grumbling at hand. Tones of the heart are muffled, tachycardia, blood pressure is reduced. Decreased urine output. Cramps are possible.
With a gastroenterocolitis variant, the symptoms of salmonellosis are the same, but on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease the volume of feces decreases. They contain an admixture of mucus, sometimes blood. When palpating the abdomen, spasm and soreness of the sigmoid colon are noted. Tenesmus are possible.
The generalized form of the disease of salmonellosis, as a rule, is preceded by gastrointestinal disorders. With a typhoid-like variant, the temperature curve acquires a constant or wavy character. Headache, weakness, insomnia increase. The skin is pale, by the 7th-7th day of the disease, a roseolous rash appears on the belly skin. Observe a small bradycardia. Dry rattles are heard above the lungs. The abdomen is upset. By the end of the first week of illness, there is an increase in the liver and spleen. The duration of fever is 1-3 weeks. Relapses occur rarely. In the early days of the disease the symptoms of septic and typhoid-like variants are similar. In the future, the condition of patients worsens. Fluctuations in body temperature become irregular, with large daily fluctuations, repeated chills and profuse sweating, tachycardia, myalgia. They note the formation of purulent foci in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. The disease lasts for a long time and can end up lethal.
After the transferred disease, some patients become bacterial carriers. In case of acute bacterial excretion, salmonella discharge ends within 3 months; if it lasts more than 3 months. It is regarded as chronic. With transient bacterial isolation, single or double sowing of Salmonella from feces, the symptoms of salmonellosis are absent.
Mortality and causes of death
Lethality is 0.2-0.6%. The cause of death may be one of the above complications of salmonellosis.