Rupture of clavicle ligaments
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Breaking the clavicle ligaments is one of the most common injuries. Especially when it comes to sports, so in this case it's even the usual confluence of circumstances.
Treatment must be mandatory, it's forbidden to let things go by themselves. Below, the main symptoms, the possible degrees of this "disease" and, naturally, the methods of treatment will be described.
Causes of rupture of clavicle ligament
Why does this phenomenon occur and what are the causes of rupture of the clavicle ligaments? Mostly it happens during various sports. Especially if it is a question of mobile sports. So, for example, the goalkeeper with an unsuccessful landing on his shoulder is able to get a rupture of the clavicle ligaments. But not only the athletes are threatened by such a confluence of circumstances. So, if you simply fail to fall on an outstretched hand, you can also get this unpleasant phenomenon. It can happen when you fall not on your back, but on your shoulder. Damage to the clavicle is quite possible and with damage in particularly specific sports. So, people engaged in judo and sumo are subject to this negative phenomenon. Well and at last, even those who simply conducts an active way of life, can receive rupture of sheaves of a clavicle. Ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, etc. Therefore, everything is worth keeping some caution.
Symptoms of rupture of clavicle ligament
What is typical for this phenomenon, and what are the symptoms of the clavicle ligament rupture? Naturally, the first thing is unpleasant pain. And it is able to manifest itself in a state of rest, and when moving. There is limited movement, a person can not do what was before. It is inconvenient for him to turn, the place of rupture is hurting. It is impossible to bend the arm, there are bruises and even swelling of the joint. In some movements, you can hear a pronounced crack or clicks. A little tingles in the place where the gap is, a feeling of numbness. In general, everything depends solely on an individual joint. So, there are other symptoms, but in this case it depends on the damaged area and the damage strength. So, the rupture of the clavicle ligaments is quite quoted as a rather serious trauma, with which it is necessary to fight.
Dislocation of clavicle with ligament rupture
How to determine that there was a dislocation of the clavicle with a rupture of ligaments? Immediately there is a sharp pain. Over time, it is able to subside a little, but it will manifest itself with the slightest movement. On the site of the bruise, swelling or bruising will appear. It's habitual to move your hand, it will not work, because accompanying it all will be aching pain. In some cases, you can feel numbness and tingling. Therefore, if this happens, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. After all, this is simply not allowed. In the future, this can harm a person. Because the rupture of ligament clavicles can be attributed to serious injury.
Diagnosis of rupture of clavicle ligament
How is the diagnosis of rupture of the clavicle ligaments and what is due to it to be determined? If the deformation is noticeably noticeable, then it is quite easy to determine what happened and make the diagnosis. But if there is no bias, but you will have to resort to X-ray help. It is only thanks to him that he will be able to understand what happened and prescribe the treatment. Pay attention to the location of pain. Sometimes the victim is given a load in his hand, and if the displacement is significantly increased, then there is a place for rupturing the ligaments. After this, quality treatment is prescribed. It is not possible to lower things completely. A rupture of the clavicle ligament can lead to serious consequences.
Treatment of rupture of clavicle ligaments
How is the clavicle ligament ruptured? There are several types of treatment, conservative and surgical. The first includes the imposition of a special bandage, as well as the use of medications. In some cases, cold compresses are prescribed. All this allows a person to cope with the pain. Sometimes a doctor should resort to more serious methods of fixation, such as a bandage. This allows not only to reduce pain, but also to restrict mobility. The second type of treatment involves surgical intervention. But this is done only in particularly difficult situations. After any kind of treatment you need a good rehabilitation, so it will be forbidden to engage in many sports for a while. The rupture of the clavicle ligament requires qualitative and timely treatment.
Operation with rupture of clavicle ligament
An operation is performed when the clavicle ligament is ruptured only in especially serious cases. So if the trauma is caused by severe pain or severe deformity. In this case, an operation is prescribed, during which the doctor must cut off the tip of the clavicle. In this case, he will not put pressure on the acromion. Such an intervention is quite effective. What is its main advantage? Even if after the operation a lot of time has passed, the effect will still be there. After such intervention follows the rehabilitation period, it depends on the complexity of the case. In any case, this will help restore mobility and help the person to return to the usual kind of activity. The rupture of the clavicle ligament should always be accompanied by a doctor's consultation!
Prevention of rupture of clavicle ligaments
Is it possible to somehow predict the development of trauma, or what should be the prevention of rupture of clavicle ligaments? People can not know something in advance, but you can still take some measures. So, you should follow some rules. If it comes to roller skating, then you need to wear protection. It is worth just moving carefully along a slippery road. In general, talking about this in fact can be quite a long time. But not always it can help in this or that situation. Therefore, it is just advisable to observe some caution and that's all. Especially when it comes to sports. The rupture of the clavicle ligament can not be foreseen, but if this happens, it should immediately, and seek medical help from a doctor.
Forecast of rupture of clavicle ligament
What is the prediction of rupture of the clavicle ligaments and is it serious? Much depends on the severity of the injury itself. If there is severe deformation, then you will have to resort to surgery. When it comes to a simpler form, then everything can be limited to drug treatment. In any case, the outlook is positive. Only here the rehabilitation period is inevitable. Its duration directly depends on the severity of the injury. If you do not get help from a doctor in time, then the situation is much more complicated. So do not delay. The rupture of the clavicle ligaments carries no danger, only if the treatment is started in time.