Restorative treatment of osteochondrosis: simulators
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Simulators of various designs are widely used in the period of restorative treatment. With their help, purposefully form the motor qualities (general, speed and speed-strength endurance, quickness, coordination, strength, flexibility). The use of simulators in medical institutions allows to significantly expand the range of means and methods of exercise therapy and at the same time to increase not only health-improving, but also therapeutic effectiveness of exercises.
The exercise using the simulator consists of an introductory, main and final parts.
The introduction is necessary to prepare the body for physical exercises on the simulator. To do this, use basic gymnastic exercises involving the muscles of the hands, legs, trunk in the ips. - standing, walking and running on the spot and with promotion.
The duration of the opening part is 3-5 minutes.
The main part consists of exercises on the simulator, where the muscles of the hands, legs, back, abdominals, and so on are sequentially included in the work. - standing, sitting and lying face or back to the simulator.
Exercises on the simulator are selected in compliance with the principle of absent-mindedness of physical activity and transition from simple exercise to complex; 30-40% of the time is devoted to repeating the exercises of the previous lesson.
Dosage of the load is ensured by:
- the number of exercises performed and the number of their repetitions;
- the degree of muscular effort;
- tempo and amplitude of movements;
- duration of rest pauses between exercises (rest should be active).
The main part lasts from 30 to 45 minutes.
Exercises for relaxation and dynamic breathing exercises in ip. - lying down and standing. It is possible to use massage of different groups with the help of massagers.
The duration of the final part is 3-5 minutes.
Before you begin exercising on the simulator, you need to check the strength and lubrication of the mounts. Hand grips wipe clean flannel rags. Do not step over the restrictive lower axle (screed).
Do not jerk when doing the exercises.
The grip grips during the exercise are lowered gently, without knocking on the metal.
Exercise devices can be individual or collective use, and their impact on the body - local or general. Dosage of physical activity and directed influence on certain muscle groups allow selective effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, ODA, with the help of simulators. In connection with this, such studies are shown in IHD, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic nonspecific lung diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, etc.
Classes on simulators are contraindicated in exacerbation of chronic coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction with a duration of less than 12 months, aneurysm of the heart and aorta, exacerbation of thrombophlebitis, the possibility of bleeding, acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys; acute infectious diseases or their aggravation; severe disturbances of the rhythm of cardiac activity (paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, etc.); Pulmonary insufficiency with a decrease in GIN by 50% due and more; pregnancy more than 22 weeks; high degrees of myopia; diabetes mellitus (severe form).
The technical features of the simulators are determined by the predominant development of one or another motor quality or at the same time several. Treadmill, exercise bikes and rowing machines
The effectiveness of the treatment and recovery process depends on the rational construction of the motor regime, which provides for the use and rational distribution of various types of motor activity of the patient throughout the day in a certain sequence in relation to other means of complex therapy.
Correct and timely appointment and use of the appropriate traffic regime promotes mobilization and stimulation of the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the patient's body and its re-adaptation to increasing physical loads.
The rational mode of movement is based on the following principles:
- stimulation of regenerative processes by active rest and directed training of functions of various organs and systems;
- promoting restructuring and the formation of an optimal dynamic stereotype in the central nervous system;
- adequacy of physical loads to the patient's age, physical fitness, clinical course of the disease, and functional capabilities of the organism;
- gradual adaptation of the patient's organism to an increasing load;
- rational combination and appropriate sequential application of exercise therapy with other therapeutic agents used in the complex therapy of patients at the stages of treatment: polyclinic - inpatient - sanatorium treatment.
In medical institutions, the following motor regimes are distinguished:
- in a hospital - bed (with a division into strict bed and bed lightened); semi-bed (ward) and free; allow to develop purposefully the general, speed and speed-strength endurance. Expanders and rollers of various designs contribute to the development of dynamic strength and flexibility. Using the mini-trampoline, coordination of movements is improved.
- in sanatoriums and dispensaries (health centers, rehabilitation treatment, etc.) - sparing, sparing-training and coaching.
Bed rest. The task of the regime: the gradual improvement and stimulation of the function of blood circulation and respiration, relaxation of strained muscles; Preparation of the patient for the next, more active phase of the regime.
The content of the mode. The constant stay of the patient in bed in the position of unloading the spine and the maximum possible relaxation of the muscles of the trunk and extremities. With a satisfactory condition, physical exercises are allowed covering small and medium muscle groups and joints performed at a slow pace, with a small number of repetitions of each; breathing exercises of a static and dynamic nature.
Recommended massage techniques aimed at relaxing tense muscle groups:
- stroking;
- shaking;
- rolling-felting;
- braking method of acupressure;
- methods of reflex action.
Half-bed mode (ward room). Tasks of the regime: gradual restoration of adaptation of cardio-respiratory and neuromuscular systems to physical activity.
The content of the mode. With a satisfactory condition and in the absence of contraindications, the patient is allowed to move within the chamber with the subsequent rest in the supine position (unloading the spine).
In the classes LH include isotonic exercise, covering medium and large muscle groups and joints, breathing exercises. Differentiated application of isometric exercises. Massage has the main focus: the stimulation of the function of weakened muscles (deeper stroking, grinding, effleurage and other methods of reflex action).
Free mode. The task of the regime: adaptation of all body systems to increasing physical loads, loads of domestic and professional nature.
The content of the mode. Free movement within the department, walks in the hospital territory. In the exercises widely used exercises aimed at restoring the dynamic stereotype, strengthening the muscles of the trunk and extremities, restoring the volume of movements in the spine (isotonic and isometric exercises, exercises for coordination and balance, stretching and stretching exercises, exercises with resistance and burdening, with gymnastic exercises objects, at the gymnastic wall, in the healing pool, exercises on the simulators).
Massage is aimed at strengthening the muscles, stretching the shortened muscles. Massage is performed in combination with physical exercises and as an independent procedure, especially in the initial period.
In the conditions of profiled sanatoriums, dispensaries, health centers, medical and sports dispensaries and polyclinics, three types of motor regimes are used - sparing, sparing-training and training.
As part of the general treatment and rest regime, the individual mode of movement and rest should be determined by the attending physician in each individual case depending on the indications and provide for:
- the sequence of application of various drugs of exercise therapy throughout the day;
- combination of them with the use of all other medical factors of this medical institution.
Correctly designed and precisely executed movement mode in itself is a powerful factor in the treatment of patients suffering from diseases of the spine.