Pulmonary heart: classification
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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VP Silvestrov on the basis of the results of clinic-functional studies identified 4 functional classes of the chronic pulmonary heart.
I FK-initial changes (latent hypertension), has the following characteristics:
- in the clinic, the symptoms of chronic bronchopulmonary disease predominate;
- moderate impairment of the ventilation function of the lungs or more often the syndrome of isolated obstruction of small bronchi;
- in the genesis of pulmonary hypertension, the leading role is played by hypoxic vasoconstriction and the restructuring of hemodynamics with the formation of an enlarged IOC (compensatory);
- hyperkinetic type of hemodynamics;
- pulmonary hypertension is detected only under conditions of physical exertion (latent pulmonary hypertension);
- compensatory reactions of the immune system (increase in T-suppressors);
- respiratory insufficiency is absent (DN0);
- there is no circulatory failure (NK0).
II FK - stable pulmonary hypertension moderate, has the following manifestations:
- in the clinic, symptoms of bronchopulmonary disease predominate;
- moderate impairment of external respiration by obstructive type (sometimes significant);
- the formation of pulmonary hypertension is attended by alveolar hypoxia, hypoxic vasoconstriction, an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance;
- pulmonary hypertension stable moderate;
- the restructuring of central hemodynamics, an increase in IOC (compensatory), an overload of the right ventricle;
- type of hemodynamics is hyperkinetic;
- exhaustion of compensatory possibilities of the immune system;
- DN 0-I st;
- НК 0.
III FC - significant pulmonary hypertension, has the following features:
- Symptoms of the underlying disease and severe respiratory failure are joined by signs of beginning heart failure (dyspnea constant, tachycardia, swollen cervical veins);
- there is severe pulmonary hypertension due to the above mechanisms and the violation of the architectonics of the bronchial and vascular tree;
- there are ECG and X-ray signs of hypertrophy and dilatation of the right heart;
- eukinetic type of hemodynamics;
- secondary immunological failure;
- DN II-III ct.
- NK 0-I st.
IV FK-pronounced pulmonary hypertension is characterized by the following features:
- compensatory capabilities of the respiratory and cardiovascular system are exhausted;
- pulmonary hypertension is sharply expressed, is caused by the main disease, alveolar hypoxemia, vasoconstrictor reactions and pronounced structural changes in the vascular bed of the lungs, increased blood viscosity, polycythemia;
- hypokinetic type of hemodynamics;
- secondary immunological failure;
Classification of pulmonary hypertension in chronic obstructive pulmonary tuberculosis NR Paleeva successfully complements the classification of pulmonary heart B. Ye. V. Votchala.
- In stage I (transient), the increase in pulmonary arterial pressure occurs during physical exertion, often due to exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the lungs or aggravation of bronchial obstruction.
- II stage (stable) is characterized by the existence of pulmonary arterial hypertension at rest and outside the exacerbation of pulmonary pathology.
- At stage III, stable pulmonary hypertension is accompanied by circulatory failure.