Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease: Exercise, Drugs, Alternatives
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Alzheimer's disease is a dangerous pathology that leads to malfunctions in the nervous system. Older people suffer from this disease. This is due to the fact that the brain cells eventually become atrophied and cognitive functions are lost. To avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Unfortunately, for today medicine is powerless in the fight against the disease. There are many medicines, but they only slow down the development of pathology. It is completely impossible to cure the disease. Therefore, special attention is paid to prevention.
What is characterized by Alzheimer's disease?
It is a disease of the nervous system. It is accompanied by impaired memory, speech, logical thinking. As a result, a person loses social and intellectual skills. Often the first signs of the disease appear in people after 60 years.
The risk group includes:
- people with a genetic predisposition;
- those who had craniocerebral injuries;
- drug addicts, alcoholics, smokers.
In the process of development of pathology in the human brain there is accumulation of protein, which leads to the formation of "silyl plaques". Their appearance contributes not only to a complete loss of memory, but to the rapid destruction of the neural pathways of the brain.
Prevention of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease includes a number of rules and recommendations that will help maintain the proper functioning of the brain and CNS.
How to avoid illness?
According to statistics, in people who are associated with mental work, the chances to get around Alzheimer's are much greater. A huge role is played by mental abilities. If a person's profession or hobby is not connected with logical thinking, attention and do not require special concentration, he falls into a risk group.
Thanks to active and continuous brain activity, the connection between neurons is strengthened. To prevent the development of the disease, you should find an interesting hobby, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, develop.
It is necessary to reconsider the views on life and introduce corrections:
- training for the brain. It is very important that the human brain is not atrophied. For this it is recommended to read more interesting literature. Reading fosters imagination. Part of the brain is responsible for the letter. Therefore, you can write down your thoughts or interesting facts, events. To expand the horizon, it is enough to start learning foreign languages. Let not on a professional level, but this exercise will help to form a new system. Also help puzzles and crosswords. They train memory and ingenuity;
- HELLO. To date, there is a huge amount of information that allows a person to become a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, teaches you how to eat properly and encourages you to give up harmful habits. The basic rules include: a healthy 8-hour sleep, walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, exercise;
- rejection of harmful products. What people eat everyday, affects their appearance and the state of the body as a whole. The diet should be filled with useful vitamins, minerals, trace elements, which help strengthen immunity, blood vessels, remove cholesterol. Products that include Omega-3 will help prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.
The scientists conducted a number of studies and concluded that women are less resistant to the disease.
Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease in Women
According to statistics, women are sick more often than men about twice. This fact has a number of explanations:
- Alzheimer's disease is inextricably linked with life expectancy. Because women live longer, they have more chances to face this problem;
- In the female body, apolipoprotein is found. This is a specific gene. It is he who increases the risk of developing the disease;
- Hypersensitivity. It's no secret that women are more often exposed to stress, they are more impressionable and vulnerable. Stressful situations also increase the risk;
- Frequent hormonal changes.
To reduce the risk, the fairer sex must take care of their health. First of all, you should give up bad habits, as they have a destructive effect on the brain cells.
Do not forget about yourself. Regular exercise will help to avoid the progression of the disease. It does not have to be power loads. It's enough to do exercises daily.
Interest in everything that happens also contributes to the improvement of the brain. New books, the study of foreign languages, activities that require attention and memorization, will help to overcome this problem.
To train the memory, you can analyze the past day before going to sleep. It's enough to go to bed, close your eyes and try to remember everything that happened from the moment of awakening. Remember all the small things.
Listening to classical music, jazz compositions, ethnic melodies and sounds of nature helps to improve the tone of the nervous system thinking. In addition, this lesson will help to relax after a hard day, relieve fatigue and irritation. It is desirable to periodically change the repertoire.
Prevention of Alzheimer's disease in middle age can be carried out in different ways. Official measures, which are able to protect humanity from the disease, to date, no. Many resort to alternative medicine, others are looking for effective medicines.
Drug prevention of Alzheimer's disease
On the effectiveness of modern drugs for the prevention of disease, expert arguments do not subside. At the Institute of Carolina (Sweden), scientists are working on the creation of a special vaccine. Its main task is the destruction of protein, which is the causative agent of the disease. In the future, they plan to vaccinate people with a predisposition to asthma.
To reduce the risk of developing the disease, it is necessary to train memory. You can also use drugs that increase concentration. To date, the most effective are:
- Glycine;
- Piracetam;
- Vitrum memories;
- Tanakan.
These drugs have a positive effect on the level of attention. Increase working capacity, improve memory. However, you should not resort to self-medication, so as not to harm the body. Take medication after talking with your doctor. He will tell you how long and in what doses to take the drugs.
Alzheimer's prophylaxis by alternative means
Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are a guarantee of well-being. Since ancient times, people have believed in the powerful power of alternative medicine. For the prevention of Alzheimer's disease use:
- black currant. From the currant leaves brew tea. Use it twice a day;
- infusion of sapwood lapacho. For 1 liter of boiling water, two teaspoons are enough. Mix and leave for 15-20 minutes. Take it every day;
- malpighia. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. To prevent Alzheimer's, you should consume two or three berries a day.
Experts are skeptical about alternative methods and recommend paying attention to diet, exercise and brain training.
Exercises for Alzheimer's Prevention
Neuroscientist Lawrence Katz says that without training, the human brain atrophies like muscles. That he could work fully, and the ability to resist the disease was increased, it is necessary to train him.
The scientist offers a list of highly effective and at the same time simple exercises:
- "Searching for new ways." The bottom line is to give up the usual paths and roads. Even for ordinary walks it is necessary to choose new routes. It is very important to change the situation, to strive for new impressions;
- "We change the hand." If the person is right-handed, he should perform some work with his left hand for a while. It is better to choose simple tasks. For example, call the door, open the lock, button up the buttons;
- "New interior". Exercise involves moving objects of the interior to new places;
- "Money to the touch." In the pocket you need to put several coins and bills. After a try to touch determine their merits. Exercise will help not only to train for the brain, but also pass the time in the queue or public transport;
- "Conversation". You should find new answers to trivial questions and as much as possible to communicate with relatives on different topics.
Work on yourself will not go to waste. With regular training, memory and attention will noticeably improve. In order not to suffer from Alzheimer's disease in old age, it is better to make every effort in advance to prevent the development of senile dementia.