Poisoning from household chemical vapors
Last reviewed: 27.08.2024

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Household chemical vapor poisoning occurs when people inhale the fumes of chemicals contained in household products such as detergents, bleach, pipe cleaners, dishwashing detergents, etc. These products can contain various chemicals that can be toxic when inhaled and in some cases even deadly.
Symptoms of the household chemical poisoning
Symptoms of household chemical vapor poisoning can vary depending on the type of substance, its concentration, and time of exposure. Some of the common symptoms may include:
- Eye and mucous membrane irritation: Includes redness, lacrimation, itching and burning.
- Respiratory irritation: Includes coughing, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and throat irritation.
- Headache and dizziness: Headaches, dizziness and general malaise may occur.
- Nausea and vomiting: Nausea, vomiting and even diarrhea may occur.
- Feelings of fatigue and weakness: Patients may feel generalized weakness and fatigue.
- Shortnessof breath: Severe poisoning can lead to difficulty breathing and even suffocation.
- Convulsionsand unconsciousness: In cases of severe poisoning, convulsions and unconsciousness may occur.
Household chemical vapor poisoning can occur as a result of inhaling fumes from various chemicals found in household products. Here are several types of household chemical vapor poisoning and some examples of chemicals that can cause poisoning:
Plastic vapor poisoning
Inhalation intoxication by plastic vapors most often occurs when plastic products burn. The combustion process produces dioxins, which are the strongest poisonous substances. They have a devastating and irreversible effect on the human body.
The clinical picture of the lesion develops after 2-3 weeks of the latent period, and also depends on the dose of the toxin and individual characteristics of the victim's organism.
- If the poisoning has a mild degree, there are headaches and dizziness, nausea, coughing, hearing, vision and sensory disturbances. In 80% of patients acne rashes appear on the upper part of the body.
- In the middle degree, the symptoms are more pronounced. Intoxication increases, toxic damage to the CNS and liver develops. Severe pain in the liver region, fatigue, sleep problems occur.
- In particularly severe cases, there is pain throughout the body, toxic hepatitis, pancreatitis, renal and cardiovascular failure.
Plastic vapors have a pathological effect on the immune system, which is responsible for the health of the entire body. Chronic damage is dangerous for gene mutations and cancer.
First aid consists of evacuation of the victim from the place of contamination. Further treatment is carried out by medical personnel. The methods of therapy depend on the degree of damage to the body and are aimed at maintaining vital functions.
Shumanite vapor poisoning
Shumanit is a household chemical product, grease remover. The active component of this cleaner is alkali. Thanks to this, Shumanit effectively copes with various contaminants, is used in households and professional sphere.
Extreme caution is required when working with such substances. Inhalation of shumanite vapors threatens intoxication with alkali. The painful condition is manifested by such symptomatology:
- Dizziness.
- Nausea and vomiting with blood.
- Painful sensations in the airways, larynx and esophagus.
- Seizures.
- Severe cough.
- Coordination disorder.
- Loss of consciousness.
An ambulance should be called immediately at the first sign of alkali exposure. Treatment is the same as for alkali poisoning. The victim is given to drink weak solutions of citric or acetic acid, glucose is administered intravenously. Further treatment is taken by physicians in the hospital.
Nitro enamel vapor poisoning
Nitro enamels are enamel paints based on cellulose nitrate. Their advantage is that they dry very quickly at room temperature, forming a glossy coating. Failure to observe safety precautions when working with nitro enamel can cause inhalation intoxication.
There are two types of poisoning:
1. Acute - most often occurs in the spring and summer period, when people start to make repairs en masse. The danger of the acute form of poisoning is that the victim can immediately and not replace the pathological symptoms, which will lead to a worsening of the condition and the development of complications.
- Increased lacrimation.
- Burning and redness of the eyes.
- A throbbing headache.
- Unpleasant taste and odor of breath.
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
- Dizziness.
- Confusion.
- Pale skin.
- Respiratory distress.
To provide first aid, the victim should be taken out into fresh air and given plenty of alkaline water. If the patient is unconscious, he is placed on the floor and turned on his side to prevent swallowing of vomit in case of vomiting. Further treatment will be handled by a medical professional.
2 Chronic - occurs in people who constantly inhale paint vapors. It can be related to professional activities or act as a type of toxicomania. Victims complain of chronic fatigue and a state of depression, which do not pass even after a full rest.
- Weakness and lethargy.
- Rapid fatigue.
- Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.
- Decreased appetite.
- Decreased libido.
- Increased sweating.
- High blood pressure.
- Frequent swelling of the joints.
With the development of chronic intoxication, treatment is carried out in a hospital. The patient is given a full examination, prescribe detoxification therapy, immunomodulators. Supportive therapy is also indicated, which is aimed at improving the work of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.
Lack of treatment threatens the development of complications. First of all, the cardiovascular system suffers, hypertension/hypotension develops. Problems with the respiratory system are possible, as inhalation of concentrated paint vapors burns the upper respiratory system. This leads to chronic oxygen deprivation, which affects the brain and blood vessels.
Butyl acetate vapor poisoning
Butyl ether of acetic acid or butyl acetate is a colorless liquid with a specific aroma, which is very reminiscent of the smell of pear. The substance belongs to the group of esters. It is widely used in the production of paint and varnish materials, in the production of artificial leather, medicines.
Symptoms of body damage:
- Severe headaches.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Shortness of breath.
- Facial redness.
- Heart palpitations.
- Fainting.
- Tearing and burning in the eyes.
- Increased dryness of the skin.
Exposure of butyl acetate on the body causes toxic lesions of CNS, pathologies on the part of liver, kidneys and heart. Inhalation of vapors of the substance affects photosensitivity of eyes. Prolonged inhalation of butyl ether causes hypochromic anemia with bone marrow hypoplasia. Inhibition of phagocytic activity of leukocytes also occurs.
First aid is aimed at evacuation of the victim from the place of contamination. If the person is unconscious, he is given ammonia, and after regaining consciousness, gastric lavage is performed. If methemoglobinemia develops, intravenous injection of glucose, ascorbic acid, 1% methylene blue solution is indicated.
Polypropylene vapor poisoning
If polypropylene (plastic) is at room temperature, it is not harmful to the human body. Heating polypropylene leads to the release of vapors - volatile toxic substances (acetaldehyde, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde). Plastic items that include polypropylene are designated by the letter marking PP or the number 5.
Toxins accumulate and enter the respiratory tract and enter the body through the skin.
Signs of poisoning:
- Coughing and choking.
- Disorders on the part of the nervous system.
- Recurrent headaches.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Depressed state.
To minimize the risk of poisoning it is necessary to avoid heating plastic products. Treatment of the painful condition is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of intoxication and maintaining normal function of all organs and systems.
Treatment of the household chemical poisoning
In cases of suspected household chemical vapor poisoning, it is important to stop exposure immediately, get the victim out into fresh air, provide respiratory and cardiovascular support, and then seek medical attention. Treatment may include symptomatic support as well as toxin neutralization and specialized medical care, depending on the degree of poisoning.
Household chemical vapor poisoning is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Here are some steps you should take to provide first aid if you suspect household chemical vapor poisoning:
- Safe Environment: It is important to first provide a safe environment and make sure the casualty is safe. If you can, remove the casualty from the area where he or she was poisoned to avoid further exposure to vapors.
- Ventilation: Move the casualty to fresh air, preferably to an open space or close to a window to provide good ventilation and reduce exposure to toxic vapors.
- Call anambulance: Call an ambulance or emergency services immediately to get professional medical attention. Give the operator as much information as possible about the situation and the condition of the injured person.
- Assess thecasualty's condition: Assess the casualty's condition. If helpless or unconscious, check for breathing and pulse. If breathing is absent or irregular, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
- Airway Care: If the casualty is breathing but normal, make sure his airway is clear. Help him or her remove any constricting or restrictive clothing and objects that may be obstructing breathing.
- Condition Monitoring: Continuously monitor the casualty's condition until medical assistance arrives. Depending on his condition, additional support or treatment may be required.
It is important to remember that first aid for poisoning by household chemical vapors should be carried out in accordance with the principles of safety and taking into account the specific situation. Do not hesitate to seek help from specialists to minimize the possible consequences of poisoning and ensure the best possible recovery of the victim.