Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Physiotherapy stimulates the mechanisms of recovery in acute pneumonia. With severe intoxication and fever, physiotherapy is not carried out, only mustard plasters, cans, alcohol-oil compresses are allowed.
Inhalation therapy
Inhalation therapy can be used to improve the drainage function of the bronchi, the ventilation function of the lungs, and also with an anti-inflammatory effect. It should be prescribed inhalation taking into account individual tolerance and not in the most acute period. However, inhalation bronchodilators can be used in the case of bronchospastic reactions, regardless of the period of the disease.
With anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, bioparox can be recommended. It is a dosed aerosol preparation with a wide spectrum of action (effective for Gram-positive and Gram-negative cocci flora, Gram-positive sticks, mycoplasma). Bioparox reduces hypersecretion and reduces productive cough in bronchitis, reduces the irritative cough with laryngitis and tracheitis. The drug is inhaled every 4 hours for 4 breaths per inhalation.
You can use anti-inflammatory herbal teas (chamomile, St. John's wort) in the form of inhalations. To remove bronchospasm and improve the drainage function of the bronchi, inhalations of euphyllin, euphyrine, novorrine, solutane and others are used (see "Treatment of chronic bronchitis").
For dilution and better separation of sputum, inhalation of acetylcysteine is used. For the preparation of aerosols, ultrasonic inhalers should be used.
In the period of the planned recovery, aeroionotherapy with negatively charged ions is suitable (they increase ventilation, increase oxygen consumption, and have a desensitizing effect).
With an anti-inflammatory purpose and to accelerate the resorption of the inflammatory focus, electrophoresis of calcium chloride, potassium iodide, lidase, heparin is applied to the area of localization of the pneumonia focus.
In the case of bronchospastic syndrome, electrophoresis is prescribed for euphyllin, platyphylline, magnesium sulfate on the chest, for cough and chest pain, electrophoresis of novocaine, and dicain.
The electric field of UHF
The electric field of UHF accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory focus, reduces exudation, strengthens the capillary circulation, has a bacteriostatic effect, reduces intoxication. UHF is assigned to an inflammatory focus in a low-thermal dose and combined or alternated with calcium chloride or potassium iodide electrophoresis.
It should be remembered that the currents of UHF contribute to the development of pneumosclerosis. Consequently, with the development of pneumonia in the background of chronic bronchitis, the UHF field is contraindicated.
Inductothermy - the effect on the body of a high-frequency magnetic field (short-wave diathermy). The procedure strengthens blood and lymph circulation, increases metabolism, relaxes smooth and striated muscles, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Inductothermy is administered to patients with a common inflammatory process in the lungs. With prolonged pneumonia, combine or alternate inductothermy on the chest and adrenal glands.
After inductothermy, it is expedient to prescribe electrophoresis of heparin, nicotinic acid for the quick resolution of the inflammatory infiltrate.
Ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field (microwave therapy)
Microwave oscillations are used in two ranges - centimeter (CMV-therapy) and decimeter (DMV-therapy).
SMV-therapy is performed by the apparatus "Luch-58" and promotes the resolution of inflammatory infiltrate in the lungs. The depth of penetration into the tissue is 3-5 cm. The foci, located at a greater depth, are not accessible to the effect. CMV-therapy is often poorly tolerated by patients with ischemic heart disease.
DMV-therapy is produced by devices "Volna-2", "Camomile", "Runet" and has advantages over other methods.
In the treatment of decimeter waves on the tissue, an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (433-460 MHz) and low power (up to 70-100 W) is applied. For DMV-therapy, a high degree of absorption of ultrahigh-frequency energy, deep penetration into tissues (7-9 cm) is characteristic, which provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and a positive effect on the function of external respiration. DMV-therapy allows you to concentrate parallel beams and provide only local effects. The procedure is well tolerated even in patients with IHD.
DMV-therapy can be prescribed in the first 2-7 days after lowering body temperature to normal or low-grade figures. Affect the chest in the projection of the inflammatory focus for 10-15 minutes daily. The course of treatment - 19-12 procedures.
Applications, acupuncture
In the resolution phase of pneumonia, the patient is recommended paraffin, ozocerite, mud applications, as well as various methods of acupuncture: acupuncture, electro acupuncture, laser puncture. Under the influence of acupuncture, vegetative-somatic disorders are normalized, the compensatory-adaptive capabilities of the organism are increased, which facilitates the quickest resolution of the inflammatory focus, the elimination of bronchospastic manifestations, and the normalization of the function of the mucociliary apparatus.
Needle reflexotherapy is not indicated for patients with fever, intoxication, pulmonary and cardiac failure, with pronounced morphological changes in the lungs.
Healing Fitness
When exercising exercise therapy improves the mobility of the chest, increases the vomiting, improves the work of the circulatory system and oxygen supply to tissues, increases the body's defenses, improves ventilation and drainage function of the bronchi. All this ultimately accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory focus in the lungs.
LFK appointed on the 2-3rd day of lower body temperature, with a satisfactory state of the patient.
In the acute period of pneumonia, treatment is carried out by position. The patient is recommended to lie on a healthy side 3-4 hours a day. This situation improves the aeration of the sick lung. To reduce the formation of adhesions in the diaphragm-rib corner, it is recommended to lie on a healthy side with a roller under the rib cage. The position on the abdomen reduces the formation of adhesions between the diaphragmatic pleura and the posterior thoracic wall, the position on the back is between the diaphragm pleura and the anterior thoracic wall.
Thus, in the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to change the position during the day.
During the patient's stay in bed, with a decrease in body temperature, static breathing exercises are appointed to enhance inhalation and exhalation and improve sputum discharge (deep inhalation and slow exhalation, slightly pressing his hands on the chest and upper abdomen to enhance exhalation).
As the patient's condition improves, breathing exercises are combined with exercises for the limbs and trunk, then respiratory exercises with resistance are added to increase the strength of the respiratory muscles. Dosed squeezing of this or that part of the chest corresponding to the initial strength of the respiratory muscles is performed.
Breathing exercises are best performed in a sitting or standing position.
As the clinical condition of the patient improves, general restorative physical exercises are appointed, followed by walking, sports-applied exercises (walking, ball games, fitness equipment, bicycles).
In all exercises of therapeutic gymnastics, a set of breathing exercises must necessarily be included, taking into account the following rules: the inspiration corresponds to the straightening of the body, the breeding or raising of hands, the exhalation - bending the body, keeping or lowering the hands.
Very important is the training of diaphragmatic breathing in the supine or standing position. The patient stands with widely spaced legs; drawing his hands to the sides, takes a breath, then, moving his hands forward and leaning down, produces a slow exhalation, during which it is necessary to draw in the abdominal muscles.
If the patient lies on his back, he puts his hands on his stomach and makes a long exhalation, blowing the air with his mouth; With his hands at this time, he pushes the front abdominal wall, exhaling.
Breathing exercises to increase the strength of the diaphragm should be accompanied by sounds or short, consecutive series of exhalation movements (jerks), during which the muscles of the abdomen tense and at the same time the diaphragm contracts.
Massage of a difficult cell
Chest massage significantly improves microcirculation in the lungs, drainage function of the bronchi, promotes resorption of inflammatory infiltration in the lungs. Massage is used at all stages of the disease, taking into account body temperature, intoxication, and the state of the cardiovascular system.