


Papillomatosis of nasal passages

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Papillomatosis of the nasal passages in otolaryngology is extremely rare and is often mixed with the cancer of this area.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3]

What causes papillomatosis of the nasal passages?

The most likely remains the theory of the viral origin of the papillomatosis not only of the nose, but also of the other upper respiratory tract. Contributing factors are chronic banal infection, traumatism, congenital predisposition, smoking and alcohol abuse.

Pathological anatomy

Papillomatous growths are caused by hyperplasia of the integument epithelium and underlying vascular and connective tissue elements. In the nasal passages, multiple papillomas are localized mainly on the inferior nasal concha, in the middle nasal passage and on the septum of the nose.

Symptoms of papillomatosis of nasal passages

The main symptoms of papillomatosis of the nasal passages are minor, but frequent nasal bleeding and a slowly increasing difficulty in nasal breathing. Over time, the full respiratory obstruction of one half of the nose develops, since the papillomatous process is usually one-sided. With anterior rhinoscopy of the nasal mucosa in places, the papillomatosis appears bright red, covered with papillomatous vegetations, narrowing the nasal passages. Some papillomas hang in the lumen of the nasal passages on the legs, flotating with increased breathing through the nose. When touching the probe immediately begin to bleed, but the bleeding is sluggish, quickly stopping. Papillomatosis of the nasal passages is characterized by progressive evolution leading to complete obstruction of the corresponding half of the nose, with cases of sprouting through the natural opening in the maxillary sinus. Papillomatosis of nasal passages can be subjected to degeneration, necrosis or malignancy, therefore, in all cases of this disease a repeated and deep biopsy is shown.

Diagnosis of papillomatosis of nasal passages

Diagnosis of papillomatosis of the nasal passages is based on the same principles as the single papilloma of the nose.


What do need to examine?

Treatment of papillomatosis of nasal passages

Treatment of papillomatosis of nasal passages consists in loop removal by papillomas followed by diathermocoagulation or surgical laser exposure to the area from which the papilloma has grown. Papillomatosis of the nasal passages is characterized by frequent relapses.

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