Pain in the upper abdomen
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in the upper abdomen can be a signal of diseases of the internal organs, which are located in the stomach. Therefore, when pain is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if they last more than half an hour without a break. It will help to make the correct diagnosis and avoid serious consequences with health.
Binge eating
It can also provoke blockage of blood vessels, inflammation of internal organs, chronic pain
When a person consumes a lot of milk (containing lactose), it can provoke allergies, intolerance to milk and its products.
There are foods, especially fatty ones, which cause increased gas formation, and this also hurts the internal organs, which means that abdominal pain may occur.
Such pains, as a rule, occur sharply and can last for several hours, and then pass by themselves.
Inflammation of the appendix
If the stomach hurts at the top and on the right, as well as around the navel, the inflammatory process in the intestine can be caused - in the right part of it. The cause of abdominal pain can also be inflammation of the appendix.
The culprits of inflammation of the appendix may be a delay of the feces, which eventually pass through the rectum. If time does not react to pain in the upper abdomen, then the appendix may eventually become inflamed even more, its walls stretch and tear. Then urgent surgical intervention is necessary, since a person can die from blood poisoning.
What other reasons can cause pain in the right abdomen?
The cause may be sore intestines. He turns in an unnatural position for him and twists. Then part of the intestine may become inflamed due to diverticulitis or colitis. And a person may feel pain in the upper abdomen.
The nature of the pain may not be very sharp, constant, aching, these pains are more like spasms. The pain can last for 15-20 minutes, but after half an hour has passed, the pain disappears. Then after some time the pain may occur again.
If this is your situation, you should immediately call a doctor and go to the inpatient examination. Concomitant symptoms - delayed stool or, conversely, diarrhea. These two unpleasant states can alternate.
Pneumonia as a cause of abdominal pain
Is pneumonia really a cause of abdominal pain? It turns out that it is. But why? Some people have a cough, a fever and a stomach ache after they have a cold. The pain is localized on the right.
But where does pneumonia, that is, pneumonia? When a lung becomes infected, it becomes inflamed. And when this inflamed lung touches the diaphragm, it is irritated and transmits this irritation to the part of the intestine that comes into contact with it.
It causes pain in the right side of the abdomen. This is how an inflamed lung can affect pain in the upper abdomen — through the intestines that are in the abdomen. So, infection of the intestines can be a consequence of infection of the lung.
Deprive as a cause of abdominal pain
This is surprising, but versicolor can also be the cause of pain in the right corner of the abdomen. Especially lichen, which is located inside the abdominal cavity. Moreover, this pain can be localized in any part of the body, because the versicolor can be in any place where there are nerves. Deprive may appear near the nerve endings that are found throughout the body.
A virus that can provoke a rash in the area of the nerves, can be in the body for years. But implicitly, a person may not know about it. As soon as an infection penetrates the body, the virus wakes up from its sleeping state and internal rashes appear. The trigger of infection can be not only a virus, but also stress, and allergies, and other situations that are dangerous to health.
When the rash inside, caused by shingles, the nerves can become inflamed, and that causes severe pain shallow in the peritoneum, almost at the very surface of the skin. In addition to pain, the skin can be very irritable, it may cause a burning sensation, itching, which alternates with or precedes pain. This pain may not subside for 5 days.
Belly - Hollow Organ
That is why it can contain organs and systems that hurt, if they have an inflammatory process, chronic diseases, deformity, atrophy or damage.
The stomach (its upper part) can hurt if a person has the following diseases. Gastrointestinal tract
Gastritis, stomach cramps, stomach ulcers, gallstones, dysfunctions.
These diseases may be accompanied by symptoms: nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea.
If the disease of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by bleeding, an ambulance should be urgently called, but in no case should you apply strong palpation of the pain site, you can not massage the diseased area, as the bleeding may increase.
Wandering pains
The pain may occur in a completely different area of the body, and not where a certain organ hurts. The pain can be given to any other part of the body, therefore, by the location of the pain, it is difficult to determine the diseased organ and the source of the pain itself.
More research is needed to understand the cause of the pain. For example, when a woman has a stomachache on the left and above, the source of this pain may be the right lung, not the left. This may be the diagnosis of "right-sided pneumonia."
Stomach pains
When the stomach hurts, pain can be localized around the navel. Concomitant diseases can be a stomach ulcer, as well as gastritis, a violation of the level of acidity in the stomach (it is often elevated).
If a person is concerned about pain in the navel, it may be pain in the duodenum, which is inflamed. Organs responsible for pain around the navel (in the upper abdomen) can be the gallbladder and bladder.
If the left or right abdomen hurts
Left abdominal pain may signal that the stomach, colon, pancreas is not in order.
Abdominal pain on the right and above may indicate an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. Severe pain in this organ means that you need to immediately go to an ambulance, otherwise the pain syndrome may worsen.
The gallbladder, inflamed, can give pain not only to the right, but also to the left in the stomach, pain can wander throughout the peritoneum and disturb a person in its central part. Such pains can be a signal that the functions of the duodenum are violated, the stomach can also hurt with pancreatitis.
Heart and Lung Diseases
They can also provoke abdominal pain - at the top and right, or at the top and left. This pain can be very sharp, a person turns pale, he develops cold sweat, his lips turn blue, a person suffers from general weakness.
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Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
The stomach and duodenum are in the abdominal cavity, so they can cause abdominal pain, mainly in the upper part. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be very serious, for example, it can be a stomach ulcer with perforation or a duodenal ulcer.
Types of perforation
Perforation is the rupture of the walls of some internal organ, such as the stomach. Perforation is a possible and very painful and dangerous consequence of ulcers in their chronic and acute form. Localization of pain can be in the stomach or duodenum.
The perforation of the ulcer can be directed into the abdominal cavity (in any part of it, such perforation is called free). Or perforation can be directed to the retroperitoneal region, to the fiber, or to the stuffing box (such perforation is called atypical). This condition is accompanied by acute pain.
Three stages of the perforated ulcer process
Stage One - Shock
It lasts for six hours from the moment of perforation of a duodenal ulcer or stomach. The symptoms are: severe dagger pain at the top of the abdomen. Such pain arises sharply, in the form of a blow.
The following symptoms - nausea, vomiting, general unstable condition, a person turns pale, becomes covered with cold sweat, weakens. Lips of the patient with perforated ulcer in the first stage turn blue, breathing is intermittent, frequent, difficult, superficial.
The heart beats often, sometimes hard, then weakly, the heartbeats become more rare, the heart can ache along with pains in the abdomen. At the same time, when they touch it, the stomach hurts even more. The body temperature at this stage of the ulcer may not increase. The abdomen dramatically retracts, the person breathes through the breast, not the stomach.
The second stage - false well-being
It comes after the first stage has passed - up to 10 hours, lasts 4 hours.
Abdominal pains are much weaker, subside. The heart begins to beat more often, the body temperature becomes higher, the tongue is dry, the stomach is swollen. A person may suffer from the fact that gases do not go out, the chair does not go out. The stomach hurts in the upper part.
If you do not call a doctor during this stage, the person may suffer from peritonitis - the diseased organ bursts, the blood may become infected.
The third stage - peritonitis
This stage begins 10-12 hours after the onset of abdominal pain and ulcer perforation. After the stage of subsiding of pains and the adjustment of the work of the heart in the stage of peritonitis, a new wave of pains and poor health comes. This stage is characterized by such symptoms.
- Severe, rolling pains in the abdomen.
- The stomach is swollen, gas still does not depart.
- Body temperature is getting higher, reaching 39 degrees and higher.
- The heart starts to beat harder and more often, it can hurt.
Where does the ulcer begin
An ulcer can begin with the fact that the upper abdomen is severely and severely ill. It seems that they stuck a knife into it. True, the pain can gradually disappear. This is because the ulcer (a hole in the diseased organ) is covered by internal organs - the right upper part of the liver or the greater omentum.
When ulcers are perforated in the stuffing box, there is no shock in the person, since the pains are not so strong and sharp.
What can mean pain in the upper right corner of the abdomen?
There are liver, intestine (part of it), gallbladder, diaphragm (its right side), and the pancreas.
If at least one of these organs starts to hurt, then the pain is felt in the right upper abdomen, it can be quite severe.
If the liver hurts
Pain in the liver can occur due to the fact that this organ swells, inflames, the liver membrane stretches. The cause may be heart disease, viral or bacterial infections, as well as chemical agents that a person may not even be aware of.
Worms in the liver - if they settle there, the liver swells, this can cause severe pain, nausea, vomiting.
Hepatitis (A, B, C) - may occur due to infection of the liver with viruses (viral hepatitis). This name consists of two Greek words - “hepat” - liver, and “it” - inflammation. Viruses that cause hepatitis are divided into types, hence the different name of hepatitis - A, B, C.
Hepatitis A
The source of infection is water with E. Coli and other viruses, or food contaminated with viruses.
Hepatitis B
It is transmitted mainly through blood, this happens through sexual contact, addiction, if people brush their teeth with a single toothbrush, infection can also occur in the salon through manicure or pedicure accessories.
Hepatitis C
They can become infected when they come into contact with a patient with hepatitis, use his needle, get infection through blood.
Toxic hepatitis
They can become infected when a person takes higher doses of drugs or other substances that may be too toxic or cause allergies. It can be antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, contraceptives, alcohol, household chemicals, including detergents, household chemicals. This type of hepatitis is called toxic hepatitis because the body is oversaturated with toxins.
Where does hepatic pain come from?
When the heart muscle is too weak, it can very poorly pump blood from the veins that pass through the heart. This blood stagnates, particularly in the lungs, and then the person begins to choke. Lungs stretch and hurt.
The same happens with the liver when venous blood stagnates in it. The liver is stretched, and then the right upper abdomen hurts. The nature of this pain is not very strong, but the pain is constant, tedious, aching, it is felt deep in the abdomen, because the liver is not very close to the surface of the skin. The pain does not subside, does not roll in waves - it comes without spasms, exactly, but relentlessly.
Hepatitis test
To determine if you can have hepatitis, use the test.
- Have you had shellfish in your diet in the last 2-3 weeks? (can be hepatitis A)
- Could you use a needle that stabbed another patient? (may be hepatitis B)
- Have you had alcohol intoxication in the last week or two (hepatitis C is possible)
- Have you survived a blood transfusion in the last week or two (hepatitis C)?
- Do you have yellowing of the skin, eyes, and urine become intensely red or red-brown (any type of hepatitis)
Gallbladder disease
Diseases of the gallbladder occur when too much bile is formed in the liver and it enters the gallbladder. Bile is very stinging in its composition and therefore irritates the walls of the gallbladder, they become inflamed.
If a person did not eat for a long time, was on a low-fat diet, then bile tends to accumulate in the gallbladder. It also suffers from intestines suffering from a large amount of bile.
Problems and pain can torment the gallbladder, if it has stones.
An additional pain is the response of the liver, which can also suffer from an excess of bile, in addition, if it does not do its job well, its functions are weak.
Gallbladder infection
Pain in the upper right side and in the middle of the abdomen can also occur when the liver and gall are infected.
Risk groups for these diseases are people of any age and any physical activity, as well as gender. Particular danger threatens women from the group “Over 40” when they have had several genera, in which the bowels are disrupted due to the formation of gases that abuse contraceptives.
Symptoms of gall diseases do not appear soon, pain is small at first. At first, a person may feel the onset of gas, then the stomach swells, then the stomach may begin to hurt, and this condition may be aggravated for months and even years. After years, the pain in the gall can intensify to abrupt and dagger. They become stronger when a person has eaten fatty, sweet, and also vegetables, which can cause fermentation in the intestines: apples, cabbage.
Symptoms of gallbladder disease and what to do
In case of acute pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is more dangerous than constant aching pain in the liver, which is also a reason to consult a doctor for examination. Acute pain in the right side of the abdomen, caused by the gallbladder, may be accompanied by increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, weakness.
There may be a high fever, but only in the rare case when the bile is inflamed. Then the gallbladder becomes inflamed, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, the person shakes, shivers, and fevers. The pain may occur not only at the top right, but also to disturb under the right shoulder blade and in the back in the center of the spine.
Gallstones can be large and small. If the stones are smaller than the average size, then they can leave the gall independently, into the bile ducts, through which bile passes into the intestine. This can cause abdominal pain in the form of colic.
They pass in waves, diverge throughout the body. Waves of pain arise from the fact that stones are pushed through the bile ducts and touch their walls, which can injure them. Then the walls of the bile ducts become inflamed and sore. When the stones come out of the ducts, the person gets better, the pain passes. Still, in this case it is necessary to call a doctor to rule out cases of injury to the internal organs with stones.
Consequences of the formation of stones
If the stones come out of the gall and pass through the ducts, then they should not be removed. But it may be a situation where the stones are too large and can not go out on their own, or sit too tight in the gallbladder. Then there are several ways to get rid of them. This is the dissolution of stones, extraction (crushing) of stones or a method of surgical intervention.
If the stones block the bile ducts and cannot get out of them, the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow in the person. In the people, this disease is called jaundice. As soon as the stones pass through the bile ducts, and the pain subsides, and jaundice disappears, the skin and whites of the eyes acquire their usual color.
Pancreatic Pain
They can occur when the pancreas becomes inflamed or cancers develop in it. This organ - the pancreas - is called the pancreas. It is located deep in the peritoneum, because the pain in the pancreas is usually felt deep inside and not at the surface of the skin. The pancreas is located from right to left, so the pain in the pancreas can be localized to the right, and to the left, and in the middle of the abdomen.
Compared with other organs located in the abdominal cavity - the gallbladder and liver - the pancreas can be sick much less often. But there are cases of pain in it.
Pancreatitis Attacks
Such attacks can often disturb people who eat too much fatty or fried food, as well as those who abuse alcohol and have gall bladder pain.
Symptoms of pancreatitis - vomiting, nausea, weakness, excessive sweating, and the sweat can be cold. These manifestations of pancreatitis do not appear as manifestations of gallbladder deformity. The pain is localized not in the right upper abdomen, but in the back. It becomes more painful to a person while lying, and while walking or sitting - easier. The biggest relief is in a sitting position, leaning forward. Then the pain subsides.
To make sure that you have pancreatitis, you need to do additional diagnostic tests. We need laboratory tests of blood and urine. We need tests for pancreatic enzymes. According to these analyzes, it is possible to clarify whether a person has pancreatitis or a disease that is similar in symptoms.
Pain in the left upper abdomen
The causes of this pain can be a disease of the kidneys, spleen, intestines (left side), stomach, pancreas, and the diaphragm (left side). The liver and gallbladder are located on the right, therefore, in their diseases, pain is localized on the right, not on the left. True, there are exceptions, and pain in the inflamed organs can give to the left.
Cause of pain - spleen
This organ is quite close to the skin surface, so pain in the spleen can produce shallow pain. Unlike the pancreas, which is located deep - then the pain is given to the left upper side, as if from the inside, from the depths. They can give to the spine.
The spleen works very intensively when it removes blood corpuscles - red blood cells. This process occurs after the red blood cells develop for a full third of the year - 120 days. Then the red blood cells that are captured by the spleen enter the bone marrow. Then the spleen becomes inflamed, this makes it larger, its capsule grows, the spleen tissue stretches, and pain occurs in it. The capsule of the spleen becomes soft, friable, and from stretching it experiences an overstrain, it increases the pain.
When the spleen does not stand
The spleen may burst, and then in the left upper square of the abdomen there is simply incredible pain. The reason that the spleen bursts can be such a serious disease as infectious mononucleosis.
When a spleen is stretched, a person should not actively engage in sports, because it increases the risk that it may burst. Also, when mononucleosis should be avoided heavy physical labor, constant movement throughout the day. Any injury, blow or fall can cause spleen rupture. That is why the doctor, examining the spleen by the method of palpation, should not press his fingers strongly on this organ in order to avoid its damage.
It happens that the spleen can rupture without any external influence on it, by itself, under external pressure. What are the symptoms of a spleen ruptured?
Severe pain in the left upper square of the abdomen, a very large sensitivity of the skin in the place where it hurts, the skin around the navel becomes bluish. These are signs that a person may have a broken or damaged spleen. Cyanosis around the navel arises from the fact that in the area due to rupture of the spleen accumulates blood.
Cause of pain to the left - intestines
Since the large intestine is located along the entire line of the abdomen, the pain can be localized not only on the left, but also in any part of the abdominal cavity. In the intestines, gas can often accumulate, because of this the stomach is swollen, its left side can hurt. The cause of the pain can also be diverticulitis, an inflammatory process in the intestines.
Symptoms, in addition to pain, can also be stool retention, diarrhea, the appearance of blood in the feces, and a temperature of 37 to 38 degrees. The blood in the feces may be due to the fact that in the large intestine (in its lower part) there is bleeding. The cause of bleeding can also be hemorrhoids.
Bleeding in the small intestine, stomach or in the upper part of the large intestine can be recognized by the black color of feces.
Cause of pain - stomach
The stomach is located on the left in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, pain in the stomach is localized precisely to the left. Causes of irritation of the stomach, and hence the pain in it can be irritation of the mucous membrane, dyspepsia, gastritis. Also, stomach irritants can be alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking, a poor diet, frequent use of drugs, in particular, aspirin, which is irritating to the gastric mucosa.
The nature of the pain is aching, constant, not too strong, but the pain is long. Side effects of this condition - vomiting, nausea, weakness, sweating (cold sweat).
If the pain in the upper abdomen lasts more than a day, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an additional examination. Perhaps persistent pain for more than a day indicates an ulcer, cancer, or gastritis.
In all these cases, antacid medications can provide good help.
The cause of abdominal pain may be a hernia of the diaphragm
The diaphragm is an organ that serves to separate the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. In the diaphragm is a hole through which the esophagus falls towards the stomach.
The size of this opening can arbitrarily contract or grow when the muscles of the diaphragm weaken. Then the upper section of the stomach falls out of the abdominal cavity into the chest, it is a violation of its natural boundaries and location. This condition of the diaphragm is called a hernia.
Symptoms of this condition - an increase in the acidity of the stomach, this acid falls on the mucous membrane, from this there is irritation of the mucous and pain. The pain can be given to the abdominal area on the left or in the region of the heart
If a person begins to doubt that he has a pain: a diaphragm or heart, he needs to pay attention to the difference between the symptoms. If a person's pain intensifies in the supine position after bending or straightening, then the cause of the pain is not the heart, but the diaphragm. In cardiac pain, flexion and extension of the body do not affect the nature of the pain.
If you can not understand what the nature of pain, consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis. It is necessary to examine the organs that are in the chest, and the organs that are in the abdominal cavity. Then the exact cause of the pain will be clear.
Cause of pain - pancreas?
Yes, it can cause pain in the left upper abdomen. The pancreas is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, so its inflammation or damage, as well as infection with toxins, can be causes of left pain, mild or severe. The pain can be given in the middle of the abdominal cavity, as well as in its right side. The cause of pain on the left can also be pancreatic cancer.
At the risk of pancreatic diseases with subsequent pain on the left, there may be people who smoke a lot, often drink alcohol, and also take a lot of medications, in particular, steroids and diuretics.
These funds can be used for cancer, asthma, transplantation of internal organs, inflammatory processes in the flow of bile from the bile ducts. Therefore, all these diseases can be causes of pain in the left upper abdomen. Gallstones or bile ducts can be another serious cause of left abdominal pain. They scratch and damage the walls of the bile ducts, which is why they are injured and hurt.
Symptoms that can determine the cause of pancreatic pain can be sharp and severe pain in the left side of the stomach, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever or where the pain occurs.
Risk groups
People with gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, diabetes, alcohol and tobacco abusers, as well as those who take higher doses of drugs, in particular, have a diuretic effect.
Cause of pain - light
The lungs are organs that can cause pain in both parts of the abdominal cavity, and to the left too. When a person has had (or is ill) pneumonia, viral pleurisy, tuberculosis, any other disease that may cause irritation or inflammation in the lungs, he may have pain in the left abdomen. The pain in the lungs is not the same as in other organs - it feels as if many small needles have stuck into the abdominal cavity. The pain is sharp, sharp, dagger.
Pain in pain in the lungs increases when a person inhales sharply and deeply. Pain in the lungs can capture the diaphragm, then the pain is localized in the stomach - any part of it.
Therefore, you need to pay special attention if, after pneumonia, you have a pain in the abdomen, which you cannot find an explanation for. It can be a transmission of infection and irritation from one internal organ to another.
Cause of Pain - Rib Injuries
If a person has damaged the rib, the pain can be given to the left side of the abdomen. This pain can be exacerbated by increased physical exertion, with shocks, injuries, even small, strong shocks.
Risk groups - the elderly, whose bones become too fragile and weak, women during lactation or pregnant (due to loss of calcium), women before and after menopause, who also suffer from increased bone fragility.
Pain in the upper abdomen due to damage to the ribs may become stronger and unbearable if a person sneezes, if he coughs, presses his palm or fingers to the place where the pain is located. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor for emergency medical care.
How to determine the diagnosis of external symptoms?
External symptoms are not visible - the skin remains clean, without rashes, they are internal. The only symptom of this disease can only be pain in the right abdomen or any other part of the body. Therefore, it is not possible to do without additional diagnostics, since the doctor may consider pain to be an insufficient symptom to determine the exact cause of the disease.
Pain in the right abdomen can be a symptom and pancreatitis, and diseases of the gallbladder, and kidney stones, and stones in the bile ducts. If the cause of the pain is shingles, then in 6-7 days on the spot where it hurts, small red rashes can occur. These rashes pass exactly along the line where a person feels pain. For this symptom, you can accurately determine that the cause - it is deprive, and not another disease.
Cause of pain - kidney disease
This may well be when the right upper abdomen hurts. The kidneys are located in different sides of the waist, so the pain can be localized in both the right and left abdomen at the top.
Particularly severe pains occur in the kidneys when they are infected with viruses or bacteria, and a source of pus is formed in it. If there are stones in the kidneys, then the pain can be just unbearable. A stone in the kidney that comes out can cause jerking pains, and these pains travel along the back in waves. This pain can go to the groin, testicle (for men), testis (for men), ovary (for women).