Pain under the armpit
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain under the armpit can appear for various reasons. And the pain is also different: constant - periodic, acute - stupid, strong - weak, pulling - cutting, whining - sharp and so on.
Sometimes the pain in the armpit is accompanied by itching in the armpit, pulling the arm so that the person can not lift it up or make any movement with the hand.
Dangerous axillary pain can be recognized only by establishing the causes of its occurrence. It is not excluded that the pain sensations in the armpit and in the chest appeared in the woman, as a harbinger of "critical days". But there are cases when the factor that caused the pain is much more serious.
Causes of armpit pain
So, why and in what cases is the pain under the armpit?
- result of mechanical action,
- postoperative consequence,
- consequence of neoplasm in the chest or mastalgia,
- the appearance of a furuncle in the axillary zone,
- the presence of diseases: lymphadenitis or lymphadenopathy,
- in the case of hydradenitis or atheroma,
- it is possible that pyoderma,
- in the case of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
If you consider every reason for the pain in your armpit in more detail, then the following information follows:
- Pain sensations that have arisen as a result of densification in the mammary gland, initially appear in the chest itself, then sweeps the axillary region, which is explained by the disorder of lymph drainage, where development occurs due to the coarsening of the mammary gland in the premenstrual period - cyclic mastalgia. Sometimes, but rarely there is an increase in lymph nodes under the armpit.
It is impossible to explain the reason for the appearance of pain just before the "critical days". The pain under the armpit at this moment can have a different degree of severity, beginning with blunt and ending with aching, which can be accompanied by difficult hand movements. During the examination, it is possible to detect a slight tuberosity of the mammary gland tissue.
What is the provocateur of cyclic mastalgia? Usually the cause of this effect is a change in the hormonal background. On this basis the development of cyclic mastalgia is characteristic of more than two-thirds of young women; After the onset of menopause, such cases are rare, but also if a woman uses hormone replacement therapy.
- The pain of the armpit that appears as a result of the acquired disease - hydradenite (popularly called the "bony udder"), is usually provoked by staphylococci penetrating some sweat glands in the axillary zone.
It is very important to know! There is a certain type of sweat glands that function in a person who has reached puberty. It is these sweat glands that affects staphylococcus, which means that children can not become ill with such a disease.
The initial stage of development of the aforementioned disease occurs under the influence of severe pain in the affected armpit, which also has visual changes, namely: the formation of purulent nodes (from 1 to ...) of red or even burgundy color, swelling. In the middle of the formed tubercle, a "rod" appears, from which a thick purulent consistency "splashes" out of it at the autopsy. The cured hydradenitis can again be cut off after a certain period of time.
- postoperative pain in the armpit is peculiar to women, to whom surgical intervention with regard to the breast was applied. Why is this happening? It's clear that the operation is a stress for the body, but which one - not everyone understands. During the operation, doctors make a cut of the skin, while touching the nerves. And nerves, you know, are not iron ones and can "whine" or force "to climb walls".
Unfortunately, the pain that has appeared in the postoperative period can last very long and be acute. But, fortunately, it is not eternal.
- pain under the armpit against a background of breast cancer,
- pain due to mechanical damage to the armpit.
How is the pain under the armpit?
Symptoms can be different, which are accompanied or not accompanied by other symptoms. It all depends on the cause of the pain. Consider the symptoms of each of the possible causes of pain under the armpit separately:
- pain under the arm, caused by hydradenitis in the process of movements of the hand (hands) is exacerbated. It happens that the patient's injured hand tries not to raise it and not to take it to the side. The disease has its origin in fatty tissues of dense small knots, which when palpated slightly painful. Gradually the nodes increase and take the form of "nipples", resembling a dog's "chest", which is why the name "bitch udder" has occurred. With the development of the disease, the pain in the armpit acquires a more intense character, and the skin formations become cyanotic with accompanying edema. Inside the "bony udder" purulent contents are formed, which, if pressed independently, or spontaneously emerges outward in the form of a creamy consistency. By the way, when pressing, a person feels extremely strong pain in the zone of depression, which resembles toothache in intensity.
Complex cases of hydradenitis do not exclude the possibility of forming a dense infiltrate, something like phlegmon. Hydradenitis may include symptoms associated with colds, such as malaise, increased fatigue, asthenia, fever.
- the pain under the arm, resulting from pyoderma, is characterized by the following symptoms, which depend on the type of staphylodermia:
- ostiophalliculitis - formed inside the hair follicle; a small purulent formation in the middle of which the hair is located (not to be confused with ingrown hair); at the edges of the purulent vesicle there is hyperemia. As a result of the penetration of suppuration into the depth of the follicle, the ostiophalliculitis itself reincarnates into folliculitis, the difference between the first and second names is that in the latter case an infiltrate is formed by the type of inflamed nodule that assumes the structure of the hair rim. The similarity of ostiophalliculitis and folliculitis is that it is possible, both single and multiple their formation. They can appear in any zone of the skin, which have well-developed cannabis vegetation (hair);
- staphylococcal sycosis is represented in the form of group formations on the surface of the skin, which has already acquired a bluish-red hue. This type of disease can recover after complete recovery. Plus, it has a long (long-term) current;
- in newborns (in children in the first week of life), a disease is possible - epidemic pemphigus, which is a large number of pemphigus formations of different sizes, inside which there is a cloudy suppuration. The surface of the vesicle is visually characterized by a thin, flabby skin. In this situation, the place of defeat is the whole plane of the dermis, except the palms and the feet. Bubbles on the skin when dry, form a thin crust, and in the process of reproduction - increase in size, which, of course, leads to draining. When the autopsy remains erosive traces, which can cover the entire skin. This effect has the name of exfoliative dermatitis Ritter. Immediately defeat mucous membranes. This disease can have very serious consequences, including death;
- furuncle - an inflammation of a purulent-necrotic nature, covering the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. His clinical picture is presented thus: "shishechka", in the center of which purulent formation (excretion) is noted. During the rejection of the purulent necrotic stem, there remains a trace on the surface of the skin in the form of a scar. As in the previous variant of the disease, the pattern of reproduction can be single and multiple. Similarly, the disease can acquire a chronic form. It is possible that lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, fever;
- carbuncle - is an infiltrate of a dense form of dark red color closer to the bard + perifocal edema, which is formed on the soil of purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue. On the plane of the infiltrate holes are formed, from which dense bloody pus comes out. As a result of the rejection of necrotic accumulation, a deep ulcer arises, which during the healing process leaves a coarse scar. The patient experiences unbearable pain in the affected area; general malaises;
- streptoderma - purulent formation with serous contents, which appears on the smooth skin. Streptodermia is divided into 3 types:
- vulgar ecthim,
- bullous impetigo,
- streptococcal impetigo.
Let's start with the third type: a contagious disease that is typical of young women and children. Clinically it looks like a phlycten with surrounding hyperemia. If there is a violation of the integrity of the cover of education, erosions appear with a red-pink tint, and there is abundant release of fluid. When the flickens gain momentum, their presence becomes numerous, merging into a single group, on the surface of which massive crusts are formed. The patient is characterized by itching or burning. If the infection is associated with staphylococcal infection, then bright yellow bubbles appear with thick purulent crusts, often with a bloody impurity, which is already called vulgar impetigo, which is also distinguished by the capture of larger areas of the skin, where follicles, furuncles, and lymphadenitis.
The most severe form of streptococcal impetigo is bullous impetigo, the localization of which, as a rule, is noted on the hands, legs, feet (other parts of the body are also possible). Its feature is the presence of large blisters with serous-blood exudate, the skin around which is inflamed. Immediately, lymphangites and lymphadenitis join.
With vulgar ecthim, which is a deep form of streptoderma, it mainly occurs in an adult, while affecting the lower leg, buttocks, thighs, trunk (the appearance of this inflammation in the scapular part of the trunk provokes pain under the armpit). Presented as a fliken with a purulent-hemorrhagic consistency, which in the process of drying forms a dense crust, under which there is an ulcer. In the quantitative ratio there can be single and multiple;
- pain under the arm, resulting from such an acquired disease as atheroma, is not the only reason for panic. Atheroma in the future can become skin cancer, which requires immediate treatment. So, the symptoms: skin lesions can be on any part of the body, for example, neck, cheeks, behind the ears, chest, back; The seal has the shape of a tumor-shaped ball. Not always, the contents (greasy secret) of the "balloon" splash out. A little higher, we talked about the likelihood of skin cancer, which is possible, if not treated, during which the atheroma becomes cancerous;
- pain under the armpit can occur on the ground of lymphadenitis. In this case the pain is severe, the presence of edema, hyperemia, temperature: general and local. As a result of neglected form other symptoms are possible: leukocytosis, chills, fluctuation. The signs of lymphadenitis depend on which of the varieties of the disease is acquired:
- sharp,
- chronic,
- specific,
- nonspecific.
As a rule, nonspecific lymphadenitis is caused by the defeat of staphylococci, streptococci and other similar infections. Inflammation occurs in the lymph nodes. Exudation in this case has several types:
- fibrinous purulent,
- hemorrhagic,
- serous.
The development of the first species can cause a destructive form of lymphadenitis, where the flow has the type of abscess and necrosis. Putrefactive infection leads to the process of ichorous decay of the lymph nodes. The first stage of development is characterized by the sloughing of the endothelium, the expansion of the sinuses. The final degree - has signs of catarrhal lymphadenitis.
If we talk about acute nonspecific lymphadenitis, then the disease has such symptoms:
- painless enlarged lymph nodes,
- fever, weakness, headache.
The course of acute lymphadenitis can acquire inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, that is, lymphangitis.
As for chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis, its signs are as follows:
- enlarged dense lymph nodes, the morbidity of which is poorly expressed,
- rarely: violation of lymphostasis, changes in lymph circulation,
- edema.
Specific lymphadenitis appears on the basis of diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis, plague and the like.
Acute current at the initial stage of development has more serious signs, which include, in addition to enlarging the lymph nodes, manifestations of tuberculous intoxication. Tuberculous lymphadenitis differs from other inflammatory forms of lymph nodes by the presence of periadenitis.
"Favorite" places of localization: axillary and submandibular zone.
Aching under armpit
The aching pain of the armpit, which has a cyclic character, is explained by mastalgia in women. Typically, painful symptoms occur as precursors of the onset of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, painful to the touch, seals in the chest may form. The pain itself has an initial localization in the chest, which passes into the axillary region.
Some patients show enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, which usually do not create specific pain.
Pain indicators in this situation can be completely different, but most often they appear as pronounced aching sensations. Much less often the woman experiences the strongest pain complicating movement of arms or hand.
Mastalgia occurs in women who have reached sexual development. In addition, over the years, pain can become more intense. Menopause stops the process of existence of this disease.
The cause of mastalgia can be hormonal disorders.
Drawing pain under the armpit
Drawing pain in the armpit in most cases, especially if the movements of the hands are difficult, is caused by a mechanical effect on the arm or armpit. This includes stretching the muscles, ligaments of the shoulder joint. Pain in stretching is constant.
The formed furuncle can "pull off" the hand, while the pulling pain under the armpit is accompanied by itching.
With pulling pain in the armpit, there is no need to rule out the likelihood of lymphadenitis.
Whatever the pain, in any case, this is the reason for the visit to the doctor. Usually, diseases associated with axillary pain are treated by: dermatologist, surgeon, gynecologist, neurologist.
Constant pain in the armpit
Permanent pain of the armpit is possible in such cases:
- injuries,
- furuncles,
- lymphadenitis,
- hydradenite,
- pyoderma,
- histopathology,
- atheroma,
- defeat of nerves, say, after surgery,
- tumor.
Constant or periodic pain does not tolerate self-treatment. You can, of course, resort to independent therapy if you are a doctor or at least you know the reason for its occurrence. To identify the cause, it is necessary to conduct a certain diagnosis (diagnostic methods will be discussed below) and analyzes. Only after this treatment is carried out.
To save oneself from pain with the help of painkillers in most cases is meaningless, as most of the diseases are caused by an infectious disease.
Stitching in the armpit
Stitching pain under the armpit sometimes has to do with allergies, for example, on a deodorant. In this situation, the patient tucks under the armpit without any additional symptoms. If you do not use deodorants, the pain usually goes away without treatment.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes can provoke pain of any type, including stabbing. Here the list of symptoms is quite large: starting from local symptoms ending with common ones, which includes respiratory manifestations and skin changes: enlarged painful lymph nodes.
Inflammation of sweat glands; the clot vessel was clogged; "Bitch's udder"; purulent formation, of various origins - this is all the reasons for the appearance of stitching pains under the armpits.
Pain giving to the armpit
Often, a person who feels pain under the arm, does not understand that this is only her echo, in fact the true place of pain can be other parts of the body: chest, forearm, cervical vertebra and so on. To name the concrete reason of a pain giving in axillary area probably only after inspection. There may also be problems associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system; mastopathy, mastitis, mastalgia; diseases of the spine and stuff. This also includes traumatic consequences, for example, sprain, bruises.
Of course, you can list possible options indefinitely, describing the symptoms and ways of treatment, but! Most often, with self-diagnosis, a person heals is not at all what is needed, as the symptoms of many diseases are similar to each other. Even a doctor with many years of experience can not make an accurate diagnosis, without doing the necessary research.
Pain under the left armpit
The standard reasons that can cause armpit pain on the left side are examined in the sections "Causes of armpit pain" and "Symptoms of pain under the armpit".
In addition, left-sided pain can mean the presence of heart disease, say, ischemic heart disease.
This disease is very serious, where the deadly result is not an isolated case. Ischemic heart disease has a reduced form of IHD in medicine. CHD is divided into several varieties:
- angina pectoris,
- myocardial infarction,
- cardiosclerosis.
Most often, IHD is the result of atherosclerosis of the heart arteries. To the reasons also concern: Syndrome X - occlusion of cardiac vessels; aortic aneurysm; embolism; coronary artery defects; syphilitic lesions of the aorta; genetic predisposition; age, and even bad habits (it's no secret that smoking has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart vessels, not to mention alcohol and drugs.) The same can be said about the excessive use of coffee and strong tea, chephir).
Pain under the right armpit
The pain of the armpit on the right side is explained by the same reasons as with the left side, except for IHD.
Pain under the armpit (regardless of whether the right, left or both) may appear during pregnancy or during lactation.
During pregnancy, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the breast of the future mother is reconstructed, that is, is prepared for feeding, as a result, there is a "swelling" of the chest, there is pain in the chest and armpits. It happens that the pregnant woman can hardly endure this moment, namely: pain causes wearing a bra, it hurts to raise your hands up.
If a pregnant woman or a nursing mother, apart from pain, feels a "pebble" under her arm, it is quite possible that the mammary gland fell out. But, whatever it was, the mammologist's consultation will not be superfluous.
Pain in the left armpit
Somewhat higher, we talked about the fact that pain in the left armpit can provoke a number of problems, including ischemic heart disease. In addition to all the above, other options are possible: vegetative vascular dystonia, neurosis, osteochondrosis can induce pain under the arm.
Neurosis and vegetovascular dystonia may have similar symptoms, which include:
- pain in the left armpit, giving in the shoulder and arm;
- frequent desire to take a deep breath;
- tearfulness;
- dizziness;
- state of anxiety, nervous tension.
The most interesting thing is that the heart rate, pressure and temperature are normal, shortness of breath. Even during sports, the situation with the heart and pressure does not deteriorate. But the pulling pain under the arm suffers constantly. During sleep or when lying down comfortably the pain subsides.
Some patients complain that it is much easier to get out in the fresh air. But, in an enclosed space or indoors, the same symptoms appear again. At the same time, the left arm and the shoulder get tired very quickly and quickly. In the process of development of one of these diseases, cough may be added.
Pain in the right armpit
The right armpit is subject to the same infectious diseases as the left one. Pain under the armpit can appear because of anything, osteochondrosis is no exception.
If the cause is still osteochondrosis, the patient needs to know that this disease testifies to the loss of the "lubrication" functions of the intervertebral discs. The spine is not just a complex of discs placed in a row, but a whole system that has neural processes, spinal cord and vessels. The affected nerve is an infernal pain that can be localized to the axillary region, humerus, dorsal and so on. Particular attention should be paid to a very important fact: emotional irritability intensifies the pain, therefore, with osteochondrosis, one must guard against sudden mood swings. In a calm state or during sleep, the patient may not experience pain at all.
Osteochondrosis can be cervical, cervicothoracic, lumbar, thoracic spine. All these types of osteochondrosis can create painful signs in the right and left armpits.
Symptoms: pain is usually acute (sometimes piercing, giving off in the leg and other parts of the body), constrained movements, constant fatigue, muscle weakness.
Pain in the chest and armpit
Most often, the pain in the armpit and in the chest is simultaneously related to mammology. But variants of oncological, cardiovascular diseases and osteochondrosis should not be excluded.
What is mammology? This is a medical industry that deals with any issues related to breast health. More recently, a separate medical specialization - mammologist. And before this time (and now) the solution of mammologic problems was dealt with by such specialists:
- surgeon,
- gynecologist,
- endocrinologist,
- oncologist and others.
In addition to the above reasons, chest and armpit pain may be associated with postoperative consequences, which is usually a normal reaction to surgery as the integrity of the skin and nerve processes is disturbed at this time.
Pain below the armpit
Pain below the armpit can be associated with the formation of boils, mastalgia, the appearance of various infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus and others). This also includes those reasons that hurt the armpit.
Intercostal neuralgia can manifest itself in the form of pain below the armpit and in the region of the heart. The pain intensifies during coughing, sneezing and any other physical pressure (even insignificant) exerted on the ribs. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that pain symptoms are often confused with manifestations of cardiovascular damage. The cause of intercostal neuralgia is the squeezing of the nerves, which is possible even when wearing a too tight bra.
Underarm pain in men
Axillary pain in men can occur due to neurological, cardiological, dermatological diseases, as well as with various diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis).
The degree of severity of pain depends on the type of cause that only the doctor can establish. On painful signs, many diseases are very similar to each other, for example, pain with hydradenitis and furuncles is identical, pain in the armpit with intercostal neuralgia is often confused with heartache.
Eliminating pain with pain medication without knowing the cause is in some cases extremely dangerous, because, for example, if the cardiovascular system or the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, pain medications can only exacerbate the situation.
Pain in the armpit in women
An armpit pain in women occurs more often than in men, as a female organism is arranged with some features (mammary gland) that men do not have.
The mammary glands of a woman during puberty change their design, so the female body is prepared for its full formation. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are also some changes in the mammary glands. In most cases, this process passes without problems. But some women feel some discomfort, including pain under the armpit.
"It's okay" or "will pass by itself" - incorrect arguments as it is not necessary to exclude the possibility of cancer. Therefore, medical advice is the best solution to the problems associated with pain in the armpit.
Diagnosis of armpit pain
How to explore pain under the armpit? Clearly, the pain itself is not diagnosed. The examination is conducted to identify the disease. And for each type of disease there are methods of analysis. So, what exactly methods of diagnostics exist:
- Diagnosis of osteochondrosis, first of all, is an anamnesis. It should be emphasized that in case of osteochondrosis, there may be disturbances: trophic, vascular, nervous, which can betray itself as other diseases such as angina pectoris, gastritis, ulcer and the like. Accordingly, the doctor before the appointment of the examination, should initially analyze the symptomatic picture.
What methods of research are used to detect osteochondrosis?
- X-ray - the most common and simple version of diagnosis, which is divided into several types:
- review radiography, where the "picture" is presented entirely vertebral column and its segments,
- sighting radiography is performed to identify the affected area of the spine;
- mielgrafiya is considered a dangerous way to establish a diagnosis, because the input of contrast fluid in the spinal canal. In this situation, there are some possible consequences: causing a spinal cord injury or the appearance of an allergic reaction to the injected substance;
- Computed tomography is a good, but expensive, way of determining the problem;
- magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the above-mentioned option, refers to expensive methods of examination. But the result justifies the costs;
- neurologic examination, the purpose of which is to identify the degree of motor disorders and disorders with respect to sensitivity.
- The armpit pain associated with hydradenitis does not require a complex diagnostic process. Here the doctor determines the diagnosis "to the touch," that is, palpation and relying on the patient's complaints. There is also a differentiation with collicative tuberculosis and with a furuncle.
- Piedermia is examined to identify its causative agent, through a clinical and general blood test, serological responses to syphilis.
Here it is necessary to undergo a microbiological examination, where the purulent contents of the formed bubble are analyzed; check the reaction to antibiotics.
Immunological diagnosis determines the populations and subpopulations of B- and T-lymphocytes, serum IgA, IgM, IgG and others.
It is necessary to consult with therapists, endocrinologist, neurologist and conduct a histological study.
Differential diagnosis for syphilis, vasculitis, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, trichophytosis, tumors.
- The armpit pain provoked by lymphadenitis is analyzed in several ways, as the disease itself has different kinds and forms:
- acute nonspecific lymphadenitis is established, based on the clinical picture of the disease, taking into account the anamnestic information,
- diagnosis of superficial lymphadenitis is without complications,
- if there were complications, let's say: periadenitis, adenophlegmon and so on, then the task becomes much more complicated,
- differentiation should include phlegmon and osteomyelitis. It is very important to identify the root cause of the purulent-shaped vesicle,
- the chronic form of nonspecific lymphadenitis differentiates with the increase in lymph nodes in the case of infectious and other diseases, which include: diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis, influenza, lymphogranulomatosis, tuberculosis, malignant tumors. Do not rule out a diagnosis in which a puncture biopsy of the lymph node is performed. Here it is necessary to make sure of the absence of metastases in malignant tumors,
- specific lymphadenitis is established after a comprehensive study, which takes into account the possibility of contact with a patient with tuberculosis, that is, in this case the reaction to tuberculin is tested, as well as the probability of tuberculosis infection of any organs.
- The pain under the arm, caused by ischemic heart disease, is diagnosed depending on the variety of the disease itself. The most common methods of research are:
- ECG at rest. This method looks like an electric recording of the heart, where the level of oxygen starvation of the heart is determined - ischemia; the possibility of a heart attack,
- veloergometry - a screening test is administered to a person who may have a future development of ischemic disease. It is held during the period of physical education,
- complex diagnostics, including bicycle ergometry and echocardiogram,
- veloergometry is contraindicated for persons with nervous disorders or joint diseases. Such patients are assigned another version of the survey: to simulate the load on the heart, medication is administered, after which, by means of a computer or ultrasound, cardiac activity is monitored,
- coronography or cardiac catheterization is the most accurate way of detecting an existing ischemic disease. The purpose of this survey is to detect a narrowing of the lumen of the coronary artery. For this, the catheters are transported into the openings of the left and right cardiac arteries,
- if the doctor insists on carrying out high-speed computer radiography, then know that this is the most effective method for analyzing ischemic heart disease.
- Vegetosovascular dystonia can cause not only pain under the armpit, but also general fatigue, a sense of lack of oxygen and so on. Diagnosis faces some difficulties, as there is no necessary equipment for research. The disease is determined purely symptomatically, which, naturally, is not always the exact result of the analysis.
- Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous causes that cause pain under the armpit. But before you panic and panic, you should understand that timely diagnosis and treatment can completely overcome this disease.
What methods of examination are used for suspected breast cancer?
Radiation diagnostics reveals not only cancer, but also other possible diseases of the breast (mastalgia, mastopathy and others). Effective methods of radiation diagnosis include:
- X-ray mammography,
- doktografiya designed to detect papillomas, cysts, various types of intracapsular cancer,
- Ultrasound,
- color Doppler mapping is used to analyze benign and malignant tumors. The task of this type of diagnosis is to evaluate certain parameters of the blood flow: turbulence, uniformity, speed and direction,
- CT scan,
- Magnetic resonance imaging,
- biopsy: stereotactic, automatic, fine needle aspiration.
In general, it is possible to characterize the pain of the armpit in all its directions by various methods of diagnosis, the main thing is not to procrastinate.
Treatment of armpit pain
You can treat pain under the armpit only when the cause of its appearance is established.
If you are absolutely sure that pain under the arm has provoked hydradenitis, then the treatment is as follows:
- the first stage of development: ultraviolet therapy, UHF, ultrasound, pure ichthyol,
- abscesses require surgical intervention,
- Novocaine blockades. What does it mean? Hydradenite is cut off with a solution (0.5% - 1%) of novocaine together with antibiotics,
- staphylococcal injection.
The same method of treatment is used for furuncles.
These diseases are treated: dermatologist, infectious disease specialist.
Alternative methods of treatment of hydradenitis and furuncles:
- The bulb is baked in the oven, which is then divided into plates. These warm plates are applied to the inflammatory formations. The procedure is repeated until the contents spill out. After that, the affected area is plantain, the properties of which are capable of clearing the focus of pus,
- sour cream + wheat and rye flour = cake. The proportions should be such that the dough is not too tight and yet not excessively sticky. Attached before going to sleep on the affected area. The dough should be firmly secured with an elastic bandage or other material so that during the sleep it does not move from the place. In the morning the dough is removed,
- egg yolks + honey + smalets + flour = non-dough, which is used as a compress, changing every 12 hours.
Cancerous diseases of the breast, which naturally cause severe pain in the armpit, are treated based on the results of the survey. The same applies to coronary heart disease, vegetovascular dystonia, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis and so on.
Lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy alone should not be treated in any way.
Acute nonspecific lymphadenitis is treated in several ways, which depend on the stage of the development of the disease. When the form of lymphadenitis is not used, conservative therapy is usually used: UHF, opening of abscesses, removal of purulent contents and purification of the wound, antibiotics.
Lymphadenitis with purulent formations is treated surgically.
Chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis is eliminated by eliminating the underlying cause, which is the factor of its occurrence.
Specific lymphadenitis is subject to the type of treatment in accordance with the degree of lymph node involvement, as well as the severity of tuberculosis manifestations in the organs.
In alternative medicine, alcoholic tinctures are used to treat lymphadenitis:
- a bundle of celandine on the floor of a glass of vodka. Infuse in a dark place during the day. In the prepared solution dipped wool fabric, which is superimposed on the affected area. The hand is wrapped in warm material;
- the second option is similar to the first, only as a celandine, you can use the turn and cabbage leaf.
If there was pain under the arm, then regardless of the cause of its origin, self-medication is not the right decision.
Prevention of pain under the armpit
The best preventive way for pain under the armpit of any origin is regular medical examination.
- Prevention of hydradenitis. The main rule is the observance of hygienic norms, as well as the treatment of the armpit with boron-camphor alcohol.
- Prevention of pyoderma includes the rules of hygiene and physical exercise, not to start common diseases, the treatment of microtraumas.
- Prevention of lymphadenitis consists in preventing mechanical effects, for example, wounds. And as for obtaining a wound or microtrauma, the affected area should be subjected to antiseptic treatment, in order to avoid getting the infection inside.
- Prevention of breast cancer, mainly, is to prevent seals, namely:
- adherence to the normal way of life peculiar to women (pregnancy, lactation),
- frequent abortions can trigger the onset of breast cancer. Accordingly, the number of specially interrupted pregnancies should be reduced to the maximum minimum,
- mammography after 40 years, at least once a year, can prevent the appearance of this disease.
Pain under the armpit can be avoided if a person carries out preventive work on infections (bacteria, fungi, viruses), since they are the main causative agents of many diseases. Immediately: washing hands before meals, carefully washed fruits and vegetables, safe sex and so on.