Pain in the left side when breathing in
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Pain sensations are always a sign of trouble, especially those that are felt over a long period of time or repeatedly. Pain in the left side when breathing in is not a specific clinical manifestation inherent in any one pathology. It can indicate a variety of conditions, some of which require emergency intervention, especially if the pain is acute. However, everyone's sensitivity to pain is different, so in any case it is worth seeing a doctor to find out the origin of this symptom.
Causes of the left flank pain on inhalation
The term "flank" is a very broad term. It can be attributed to both the upper part of the torso and the lower part. Pain in the side, felt when breathing in the upper left, makes, first of all, think about problems with the heart, lungs, the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm. If it hurts in the lower part - usually assume the pathology of digestive, excretory or genital organs. An attack of pain or painful colic on the breath can be felt in the left side in many chronic diseases and injuries of internal organs and musculoskeletal system. In addition, such pains may accompany acute conditions that require immediate assistance, such as myocardial infarction, pneumothorax, ruptured spleen. They can be one of the symptoms of an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, which, of course, also should not be ignored, but the speed of diagnosis in this case is not crucial to save the patient's life.
Risk factors for pain in the left side when breathing in are very diverse. It can be heavy physical exertion, bad habits, poor posture, excess weight, pregnancy, frequent constipation, dietary errors, acute and chronic diseases of internal organs. Even tight underwear or a banal acute respiratory infection can provoke the appearance of this symptom.
So, if you have piercing severe pain only on inhalation, but you can find a position in which there is no pain if you breathe carefully and superficially, it is most likely that this is intercostal neuralgia. In this case, there is compression of nerve endings by the vertebrae, slightly changed their location due to dystrophic changes that occurred in the intervertebral discs, the pathogenesis of which could start any metabolic disorder in the fibrous-cartilaginous tissue. Manifestation in the form of neuralgia could arise against the background of inadequate loads on the spine - sometimes sharp, and more often - uneven, and this distribution occurs for a long time. In the risk group people with poorly developed musculo-ligamentous apparatus - leading a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, chronic metabolic disorders. As a result, after examination, most people are found to have osteochondrosis and other inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the structures of the spinal column.
Muscle spasm - an increase in the tone of certain parts of the back muscles can manifest itself as pain in the left side, increasing with inhalation and almost subsiding at rest in a certain position. It is most often caused by a complication of the same osteochondrosis (spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, herniated discs, joints and ligaments of the spinal column) or myofascial syndrome, compression or, much more often, reflexive, associated with muscle overstrain and irritation of pain receptors in the discs, joints and ligaments of the spinal column. [1]
The above causes most often cause severe pain syndrome, are not accompanied by other noticeable symptoms and do not directly threaten the patient's life. However, they should not be ignored, as this may lead to further deformations of vertebral structures, muscle tightening and significant limitation of mobility.
Quite often pain in the left side when inhaling is manifested in the initial stage of the pathological process by diaphragmatic hernia - displacement of organs (part of the esophagus, stomach) from the abdominal cavity to the thoracic cavity through an enlarged natural or abnormal opening in the diaphragm. The probability of hernia increases in people with more elastic muscle tissue of the diaphragm, with regular intense exercise, overweight. Even pregnancy can be a risk factor for hernia, which increases the pressure on the diaphragm. [2]
The development of left-sided subdiaphragmatic abscess may be manifested by pain in the left side, increasing with inhalation. This complication may be a consequence of operations on the digestive organs, thoracoabdominal trauma, inflammatory processes of the peritoneum, lungs, in which there is a spread of purulent infection in the subdiaphragmatic region. [3]
Cardiac diseases - various forms of ischemic heart disease and cardiomyopathy, aortic aneurysm are likely causes of this symptom.
The intensity of pain increases with inhalation in pathological processes in the lower parts of the respiratory system. Especially dangerous are cases of left-sided pneumonia complicated by pleurisy, isolated pleurisy. This symptom may indicate the initial stage of left-sided pneumothorax - a condition in which air enters and accumulates in the pleural cavity of the left lung. Pneumothorax can be a consequence of many pathological processes in the body, and in addition - to be iatrogenic in nature. Spontaneous air ingress occurs at significant atmospheric pressure differences - in thin air, at great depth; it can be a consequence of trauma or sudden increase in load. [4]
Pain in the left side when taking a deep breath is quite a characteristic symptom of tuberculosis of the left lung, and already in the neglected stage. [5]
After bruises and blows on the left side of the chest, palpable soreness on the side with deep breathing, change of position (bending, turning) appears if there are rib fractures or damaged soft tissues (internal hematomas, ruptures).
Conditions called "acute abdomen" can manifest as pain in the left side that increases with inhalation. They require fairly rapid diagnosis and often urgent surgical intervention. These include:
- Rupture of the spleen, which is often caused by trauma to the left side of the peritoneum under the ribs or just below, sometimes insignificant (to rupture of the organ predisposes to its increase, full blood, loose structure), the presence of hematoma can provoke rupture even when coughing, sneezing, pushing, an unfortunate turn; [6]
- Acute pancreatitis - mainly arising against the background of gastronomic and alcoholic excesses; [7]
- acute pyelonephritis, often complicating viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections of the genitourinary tract, and in people with reduced immunity - and respiratory infections; [8]
- Acute diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon is an inflammatory complication of diverticular disease (multiple sac-like bulges of the intestinal wall); [9]
- abnormally located acute appendicitis;
- a painful form of left ovarian apoplexy. [10]
This symptom can manifest itself in chronic forms of the above conditions and other diseases, so if pain in the left side when breathing in bothers you regularly, you should definitely undergo examination.
Statistics show that pathological conditions that cause complaints of pain in the side when breathing in are common in general medical practice. It is believed that osteochondrosis of the spine affects more than half of the world's population, ischemic heart disease is an epidemically significant disease, respiratory diseases are very common among adults and children. Other causes of pain in the left side when breathing in are also not very rare, so everyone can experience discomfort of this kind and not once. In addition to painful sensations, any pathology has a number of other manifestations that can suggest the direction of the search.
First, let's focus on cases where pain in the left side when breathing in is almost the only symptom that draws attention to itself (nonspecific pain).
The first sign of intercostal neuralgia is a sharp shooting pain in the left side when taking a deep breath. It may go away if you freeze in a certain position and do not breathe, or it may remain, just become less intense. The pain syndrome is usually felt along the ribs. It intensifies from unfortunate movement, bending, attempts to inhale a full chest. Pain is more often attack-like. The duration of the attack depends on the degree of nerve impingement and can range from a few seconds to several minutes. Pain with neuralgia is not controlled by cardiac drugs, for example, nitroglycerin. The patient at the time of the attack of pain takes a forced posture, leaning to the right and thus trying to reduce the pressure on the nerve roots, increasing the distance between the ribs. If neuralgia and its causes are not treated, the attacks will become more frequent, the pain will become constant, limiting the ability to perform certain movements.
Pain when breathing in the left side from behind may be a symptom of myofascial syndrome (spasm) of the large round muscle. If the pain is localized clearly laterally in the upper torso, radiates forward, under the scapula and extends along the inner surface of the left arm to the end of the fingers, then the ladder muscles are tightened. The areas of small spasmed muscles are thickened and very painful to touch. The painful place may be slightly swollen, sometimes even the color of the skin on it changes. In neglected and complicated cases, the pain in myofascial syndrome is joined by vegetative symptoms - dizziness, nausea, stiffness in the morning, insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia and others.
The first warning of the development of organ neoplasms localized in the left side of the body, hernia, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis of the spine, stenosis of the spinal canal, inflammation of the paravertebral musculature or rib cartilage can be pain in the left side, which appears with deep inhalation-exhalation.
Pain in the left side when breathing in may indicate the initial stages of diaphragmatic hernia. In the beginning, the displacement of organs in the opening occurs periodically usually after eating when doing physical work, coughing, deep breathing, sneezing. On an empty stomach, usually no discomfort at first a person does not feel. Pains appear in the upper torso (they can be mistaken for pulmonary-cardiac), and in the lower torso, perceived as gastrointestinal. At a later stage, the pulling pain will be felt constantly, intensifying in moments of inhalation, other loads. In addition to pain may appear heartburn, belching, sometimes vomiting. In the abdomen will periodically appear rumbling and gurgling sounds.
The development of subdiaphragmatic abscess in the initial stages is manifested by symptoms of systemic intoxication - weakness, fever, later pain appears on the affected side. It is constant, can be strong or moderate, but when coughing or deep breathing, attempts to move actively, there is a sharp, stabbing pain in the left side when breathing, radiating to the clavicle, under the shoulder blade or shoulder. There may be hiccups, shortness of breath, dry cough, muscle tension is felt when palpating the affected side, and the patient complains of increased pain.
Cardialgia can be manifested by a stabbing pain in the side of the left side, which appears when breathing in. In heart disease (cardiomyopathy, IBS), the accompanying symptomatology is shortness of breath, weakness, shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, swelling in the ankle area.
Acute myocardial infarction is almost always accompanied by pain, but, contrary to what most people think, it is not always very strong. There may be a nagging pain. In addition, there is usually a feeling that the chest swells. Another characteristic symptom is a feeling of fear for his life, fear of death. Often the patient has respiratory failure, he does not have enough air, and when trying to take a deep breath, there is a sharp pain in the left side, recoiling in the arm and/or lower jaw. Another sign of a heart attack - the usual heart medications do not help, and also - the attack lasts for a long time - from 20 minutes or more, which distinguishes it from an attack of angina pectoris. Severe weakness with dizziness and sweating up to fainting, may be vomiting, diarrhea - such symptoms are possible, but not necessary. It happens that a person suffers a heart attack "on his feet", and this is discovered by chance much later during an examination for a completely different reason.
Pleurisy, more often encountered as a complication of various respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer is manifested by pain with deep breaths, coughing, bending over. The other symptoms are characteristic of pulmonary pathologies - cough, shortness of breath, weakness, night sweats, subfebrile. In severe cases, pleurisy runs with high fever and other general symptoms of acute intoxication.
After a chest injury (fall, blow, contusion, compression), pain in the left side when breathing in may indicate soft tissue damage or rib fracture. It can be felt constantly, intensifying with exertion, and can completely subside at rest. The injury may result in hemothorax or pneumothorax, which are life-threatening conditions. In severe cases, people feel very bad and do not hesitate to go to the doctor, but in mild cases, they may delay the treatment.
Some diseases - neoplasms, tuberculosis, aortic aneurysm and others can lead to bleeding into the pleural cavity, as well as to pneumothorax and the combined condition of hemopneumothorax. Therefore, if you are concerned about severe pain when breathing or changing position, it makes sense to seek emergency help.
Complaints that the left side hurts, and the pain increases when breathing in, may be due to a ruptured spleen. In this case, the pain radiates to the left shoulder and scapula. Patients, in order to reduce the pain syndrome, often tuck their legs, lying on their back or left side. Some time later, the intestines stop working - gases do not depart, provoking bloating, and also - defecation stops. This all happens against the background of symptoms of acute blood loss - the patient turns pale, he has a cold vapor on his forehead, weakness progresses, pressure decreases, pulse rate increases, there may be vomiting, psychomotor agitation with the subsequent development of collapse.
Acute pancreatitis is manifested by severe constant pain in the left side under the ribs, often shingles, up to painful shock. It may intensify when changing position and during deep breathing. The patient vomits, complains of thirst and dry mouth, weakness. In later stages, the symptoms of intoxication progress, the temperature rises. What is characteristic, the day before, most often the patient took part in a table event, where abstinence was not distinguished.
If the cause of this pain syndrome was pyelonephritis of the left kidney, the pain will be localized in the side of the back above the lumbar region, in the place where the ribs end. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by functional disorders of urine outflow and symptoms of renal failure.
Acute diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon surgeons call "left-sided appendicitis", chronic diverticulosis is usually asymptomatic, however, may periodically bother some pain discomfort just when taking a deep breath or changing the position of the body.
Inhalation pain in the left side and abnormal course of acute appendicitis. It can also manifest local left-sided peritonitis, ovarian rupture or ectopic pregnancy in the left fallopian tube. Nevertheless, with emergency pathologies of digestive and genitourinary organs, the increase in pain with inhalation may not occur. Much depends on the individual anatomical features of the patient. Pain in the left side when breathing in is a nonspecific symptom, so if you feel it regularly, you should definitely undergo an examination.
Diagnostics of the left flank pain on inhalation
When a patient complains of pain in the left side when breathing in, the doctor will find out what other symptoms the patient is experiencing, palpate the areas where the pain is occurring, and test for the ability to perform certain movements. A detailed interview with the patient narrows down the search for the problem and helps to suggest its direction.
To objectively establish the cause of pain, laboratory tests are prescribed - general clinical blood and urine, more specific - if a specific pathology is suspected.
In addition to tests, instrumental diagnostics is widely used. To assess the condition of bones, joints and cartilage, as well as - lungs and diaphragm is used radiography and computed tomography, to assess the work of the heart allows cardiography, the state of the alimentary canal - esophagogastroscopy, peritoneal organs ultrasound, soft tissues - magnetic resonance imaging. Modern equipment allows to visualize internal organs, skeletal structures and soft tissues with great accuracy and to determine the cause of pain.
It may be necessary to consult multidisciplinary specialists. Differential diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia, spinal disorders and muscle spasms is carried out with diseases of the heart, lungs, digestive and genitourinary organs. After the examination is completed, the final diagnosis is established and treatment is prescribed.
Treatment of the left flank pain on inhalation
Pain in the left side when breathing in can be a manifestation of various pathologies, so their treatment should be dealt with by a specialized specialist. There is no single treatment regimen for this symptom.
In non-specific pain in the left side, caused by pinched nerve roots or muscle spasms, pain medications are used, most often non-narcotic analgesics - Ketoprofen, Meloxicam, Diclofenac, Nimesil. They help not only to eliminate the pain syndrome, but also to relieve inflammation in the place of nerve impingement. Long-established drugs Ketoprofen or Diclofenac have a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but at the same time negatively affect the mucosa of the alimentary canal, causing its inflammation up to gastrointestinal bleeding. Moreover, side effects are observed quite often, about one case in ten, especially susceptible to complications from their use by people with existing pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
Drugs belonging to later generations (Meloxicam, Nimesil) are considered safer for the gastrointestinal tract because they selectively limit the activity of cyclooxygenase-2 rather than both. However, they are also not safe enough and can provoke the same side effects. Therefore, combining two different drugs from the group of NSAIDs is not recommended at all. In addition, these drugs can lower blood pressure, so it is not recommended to use them simultaneously with hypotensive drugs.
Drug therapy is usually complex and includes the use of myorelaxants, such as Baclofen. This is a drug of central action, which is a derivative of the neurotransmitter inhibition γ-aminobutyric acid. The mechanism of action of the drug is not well studied, it is not similar to other known myorelaxants. The drug effectively reduces pain spasms and sensitivity to pain. Patients become more mobile and note an improvement in general well-being. Contraindicated in persons sensitized to the components of the drug, as well as - with disorders of hemoglobin synthesis and exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease. It should be taken into account that NSAIDs and other drugs that affect renal function, slow down the excretion of Baclofen. In addition, it is recommended to monitor cardiac and respiratory activity while taking this drug.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also work well when applied topically, with less pronounced interactions and side effects. Often prescribed topical forms of NSAIDs - ointment, emulsgel, spray, patches, compresses. Contraindications to the use of topical forms are violations of the integrity of the skin at the site of application.
Medication therapy is carried out exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor with compliance with the dosage and duration of medication. In prolonged chronic pain, antidepressants can be introduced into the treatment regimen. Their ability to change the synaptic concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine is used, which turns out to be necessary in some cases of chronic pain control. The patient may not have significant depressive symptoms. Anticonvulsants are also used in the therapy of radicular syndromes because of their ability to affect the centers of formation of pain impulses.
In diseases of the spine as part of complex therapy are vitamin preparations that eliminate calcium deficiency and contribute to the strengthening of bone tissue (vitamin D), normalizing the biosynthesis of connective tissue and the formation of nerve fibers (vitamin C), improving nerve conduction and the processes of hematopoiesis, and therefore - tissue nutrition and respiration (B vitamins).
Physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used for nonspecific pain. Patients with acute pain may be prescribed ultraviolet irradiation, decimeter wave therapy or ultrahigh-frequency currents, as well as drug electrophoresis with lidocaine. These treatments have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Microwave therapy and d'Arsonval currents can be prescribed to a patient with a subacute form of the disease. These procedures stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes in nerve fibers, anesthetize, relax smooth muscles.
In radicular syndromes may be useful thermal procedures that promote vascular dilation, improve metabolism and increase blood flow - paraffin or mud applications, irradiation lamp "Solarux".
Massage and acupuncture are also used.
Specific left flank pain with inhalation is treated by appropriate specialists.
Folk treatment
With nonspecific pain in the left side, arising during inhalation, can help a simple breathing exercise: after a deep inhalation it is necessary to hold the breath and exhale air gradually in small doses.
Folk medicine recommends heat procedures for the treatment of pain arising from muscle spasms and sprains, radicular syndromes. However, it is necessary to be sure that the diagnosis is correct, not in all cases the sore spot can be warmed.
Physiotherapy is carried out by various folk remedies. Locally irritating and warming effect is given by applications of freshly squeezed juice of black radish mixed with horseradish juice. In the mixture wet a flap of natural fabric and apply to the sore spot, insulating it with a woolen scarf.
A compress of heated hypertonic solution has a good effect. A napkin is soaked in it and applied for two hours to the side, in which the pain is felt, and the top is also insulated.
You can make an all-night compress, combining melted beeswax, with a small amount of liquid honey and onion gruel.
Folk healers also advise taking baths with sea salt and herbal infusions: sage, crushed young poplar shoots, eucalyptus or lavender oil.
For specific pain, warming treatments are often contraindicated, but herbal treatments can be used.
Diaphragmatic hernia, subject to conservative treatment, you can try to treat the infusion of wild hare's cabbage or althea root. Sufferers of this pathology is useful to eat a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil before meals.
For heart disease, folk medicine also offers a wide range of herbs: motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, blackcurrant rowan, chamomile and melissa.
Phytotherapy is used to treat many diseases, the main thing is to know your diagnosis and get a consultation with a competent herbalist.
Non-specific and specific pain syndromes lend themselves well to homeopathic treatment. But for the treatment to be effective, it must be prescribed by a specialist, self-treatment may not bring the expected results.
Official medicine uses complex preparations, the ingredients of which are composed on the principle of homeopathic (in small doses), the action of which is comparable to the action of NSAIDs, only it is milder and does not have such impressive negative effects when taken. Special attention to this group of drugs should pay special attention to people with gastrointestinal problems, hypotensive people, hypersensitivity to NSAIDs.
Pain in the left side when breathing, caused by muscle spasms or intercostal neuralgia, inflammatory and / or dystrophic processes of cartilage and bone tissue, traumatic nature is effectively managed by the drug Traumel C. It is available in different forms: for external use - ointment and gel, for systemic use - in drops, tablets and solutions for injections, which are made in all known ways, including the drug is used to perform blockade, segmentally, as well as in acupuncture, which allows targeted block pain syndrome. Traumel contains immunomodulator Echinacea, so it is not recommended for use by patients with a history of autoimmune diseases (collagenosis, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune thyroiditis and others), immunodeficiencies of various genesis, diseases of hematopoiesis. Contraindicated in patients with allergies to plants belonging to the cruciferous family. Traumel contains homeopathic dilutions of known monopreparations. For example, homeopathic first aid remedies for injuries to soft tissues, bone structures and nerve endings Arnica montana (Arnica), Aconitum napellus (Aconite), Atropa Belladonna (Dye), Hamamelis virginiana (Magic Nut), Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile pharmacy), Bellis perennis (Daisy), Symphytum officinale (Honeysuckle). The drugs are also effective in cases of old bruises, fractures, poor bone fusion, damage to synovial bags, tendons, increased fragility of bone tissue and hypersensitivity of lesion sites. In addition, Hypericum perforatum (Hypericum perforatum) is a well-known homeopathic antidepressant, and preparations of this group are used in the therapy of chronic pain.
Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia (Echinacea purpurea and narrowleaf) are immunomodulators to support the body's defenses undermined by prolonged chronic pain.
Anti-inflammatory action - suppression of swelling and pain of rheumatic origin, painful sensitivity of the surface of the skin, soft and bone tissue are provided by Hepar sulfuris (Lime sulfur liver) and Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni (Hahnemann's Mercury). The second component is known in homeopathy as a left-sided remedy.
The plants Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) and Calendula officinalis (Calendula) have long been known in medicine for their ability to resorb bruises, eliminate suppuration, as well as - regenerate areas of damaged skin. All components to a greater or lesser extent have an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation and inhibit the activity of non-specific infectious agents.
For greater effectiveness at the beginning of treatment of acute conditions, systemic application can be combined with local action on the foci of pain.
A single daily injection is prescribed, then their number is reduced to one or two per week or replaced by taking drops or tablets.
External forms (gel, ointment) are used to treat acute conditions up to five times a day, later switching to twice daily use.
Analog Traumel, which does not contain immunomodulators and does not have contraindications for patients with autoimmune pathologies, is a homeopathic complex drug Cel T, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, and therapeutic, because it activates the processes of proliferation of cartilage tissue, which contributes to its restoration.
Contains Placenta suis, Cartilago suis, Embrio suis, Funiculus umbilicalis suis - sius organ active substances that slow down the degeneration of skeletal tissues by improving their nutrition and blood supply. They inhibit destructive processes and even promote some tissue regeneration. Sulphur, homeopathic Sulphur, complements the action of organ components. In patients after a course of the drug, pain sensations cease and mobility is restored.
Acidum alpha-liponicum, Acidum silicicum colloidal, Natrium diethyloxalaceticum, Nadidum are biocatalysts or substances that accelerate oxidative and reductive reactions occurring in the body.
Arnica montana (Arnica), Rhus toxicodendron (Sumac poisonous); Sanguinaria canadensis (Sanguinaria); Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara); Symphytum officinale (Honeysuckle) - homeopathic dilutions of plant components have a direct anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating effect, complementing the effects of organ components and biocatalysts.
Forms of release assume both local and systemic action. This ointment, tablets for resorption and solution for injection. The combination of systemic forms with external forms enhances the effect of taking the drug.
Traumel C and Cel T can be combined with each other and with stimulators of tissue respiration Ubiquinone and Coenzyme Compositum.
Variants of combinations, doses and duration of the course is determined by a doctor familiar with the effects of drugs of this group.
Surgical treatment
Nonspecific left flank pain on inhalation is most often characteristic of the initial stages and not particularly severe cases. They do not require surgical interventions.
Pain requiring surgical intervention is usually constant, although it may increase with inhalation. In addition, the patient usually has other symptoms that indicate the development of an acute process.
Surgical treatment is used in cases of large diaphragmatic hernias or complications such as diaphragmatic hernia impingement.
Conditions referred to as "acute abdomen", hemorrhoidal or pneumothorax are mostly resolved by surgical intervention. Surgery may be prescribed in advanced cases of osteochondrosis. In any case, the appropriateness of surgical intervention is determined by specialists.
Complications and consequences
A person usually does not tolerate constant severe pain for a long time and goes to the doctor, while periodic pain that occurs from time to time when taking a deep breath often does not cause much concern. A visit to the doctor is postponed "for later" and in vain. If the pain is nonspecific (benign), that is, its cause was a muscle spasm or sprain, the consequences are not directly threatening to the patient's life. However, such cases are the result of mechanical or positional impact on bone and cartilage structures. Pain in the side, occurring on inspiration, is the first bell of ill-health, and if the impact of an unfavorable factor is repeated, it will lead to chronic destructive changes in the skeleton or muscles, causing constant pain and, as a consequence, limitation of mobility and changes in posture.
Specific (secondary) pain in the side when breathing in is a consequence of trauma or various diseases. The result of ignoring such pains will be further development of the disease and the emergence of complications, leading sometimes to an emergency situation, and the problem will have to be solved not by conservative methods, but by surgery. For example, rib fracture can be complicated by further displacement of the fragments, violation of pulmonary ventilation, hemopneumothorax, even a minor rupture of the spleen leads to constant blood loss, since such injuries usually do not pass on their own. Diaphragmatic hernia most often leads to inflammation of the esophageal mucosa due to regular spontaneous ingestion of food masses from the digestive tract located below. As a result, at least chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer develops. More rare but dangerous complications are hernia impingement, perforation and bleeding from the esophagus.
The consequences of ignoring the pain in the left side when breathing in can be many, depending on the cause of the symptom, and they can be both not significant and the most deplorable - from disability to death.
You can significantly reduce the likelihood of pain in the left side when inhaling traditionally - by maximizing your lifestyle to a healthy one, giving up unhealthy habits, trying to eat a full diet, move more, however, avoiding physical overload. Useful hiking, swimming, exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal press, any kind of exercise that gives pleasure and allows you to feel toned. Such a lifestyle will ensure good immunity, digestion, normal weight, mobility and correct posture, as well as high stress resistance.
Pain in the left side when breathing in is just a symptom, in most cases not posing a serious danger (neuralgia, muscle spasm). However, if it persistently accompanies you for several days, it is necessary to be examined. This can manifest a serious and even life-threatening pathology, the prognosis of which depends on the speed of care.