Pain in the groin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in the groin in men and women can occur after an injury. In the case of injuries involving stretching of the inguinal muscles, ice can be applied - the cold has an anesthetic effect and the ability to remove puffiness. With various physical exercises without preliminary sports training, for example, when trying to sit on a twine, the muscles are stretched excessively, which can lead to negative consequences. Careless cycling can also cause injury. In such cases, as the main treatment is recommended at first a resting state, reducing the load on the muscles.
What causes pain in the groin?
The cause of pain in the groin in men may be vesiculitis, which causes an inflammation of the seminal vesicles that results from the infection. To the appearance of such a disease may lead to a malignant lifestyle, a long stay in sitting, associated with the professional activity of a person, excessive cooling of the body, resulting in a decrease in the performance of the immune system. Also, the reasons may be a long-term residual, or, in addition, excessive overall activity, various chronic diseases of the mucosal system. Characteristic symptoms for this disease are pain in the groin, an increase in body temperature, a severe pain, a significantly higher level of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the mouse. In the treatment of antibiotics, anointing drugs, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. If there is no treatment, the disease may go into a chronic form: this is accompanied by abnormalities of emesis, by ejaculation, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.
Such a disease, like colliculitis, can also become a cause that causes a bulge in the groin. This disease occurs as a result of infection in the emis- sion channel of sexually transmitted infections, but also causes of stagnant phenomena in the groin area, which are associated with negative factors in the general area. There is a general weakness of the organism, a violation of erection and emptying, a groin in the groin and in the area of the back passage. Treatment is performed with the help of antibiotics and physical therapy, it is prescribed only by a doctor.
Epididymitis, or inflammation of the appendage of the testis, most often occurs as a result of chronic diseases of the mucosal system. Pelvic injuries, joints, and midshocks can also regulate this disease. The body can irradiate in the groin and the pussy. After a thorough examination, an appropriate method of treatment is prescribed, a strict observation of the restorative regime is recommended. The pain in the groin in men may occur in because of the stone in the mochetochnik. In the pussy, an acute part appears, which may be expelled in the groin.
The pain in the groin in men and women can be caused by the herpes virus. To avoid this disease, it is necessary to refuse from random sex relations. In men, the herpes simplex virus can lead to such diseases as prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland), urethritis (inflammation of the emptying canal), in women - such as a capillitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina), endometritis (inflammation of the inner mucosa of the uterus), etc.
When you show a bulb in the groin of the stalk, the veracity of the hernia. In the groin, swelling occurs as a result of muscle weakness. Providing a diagnosis and appoint an adequate therapy can only be a doctor.
Almost any infection in the pelvic area is capable of supporting the spine in the groin.
Pahovy lymphodenitis is the most common cause of lesion of lymph nodes. At an early stage the treatment is successfully performed with the help of antibiotics, physiotherapeutic procedures, the condition of the skin is recommended. If the disease is started, a fecal form of lymphodenitis may develop, in this case there is a place for surgical intervention.
With urethritis, the emaciation canal is attached. The disease is caused by such symptoms as burning, itching, and painful and discomfort sensations when emitting. The causes of this disease can be overcooling, heavy physical exertion, various chronic diseases of the organism. In the treatment of urethritis, it is recommended to observe the diet, to consume more liquid. Daily use of water for each individual.
Cystitis is accompanied by an inflammation of the wall of the mochevogo bladder, is observed, in general, in women. Symptoms: a sharp pain in the groin, frequent and painful emanation. Tlchkom to the development of cystitis may be a prolonged cooling, both single and partial, as well as the development of the organism, stagnant moss, various diseases of mochepovye organisms.
Who should I contact if you have pain in the groin?
Considering the abundance of symptoms and the severity of the signs of diseases, never engage in self-medication. If you feel discomfort and a bull in the groin, immediately contact a specialist. To make the correct diagnosis and appoint an effective treatment will help such prekotra as: a surgeon, a therapist, a gynecologist.