Pain in the forearm
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sometimes happens in life so that the pain does not give anything to think about, just about it. Pain in the forearm can be different. It can suddenly sweep at the moment of sudden movement, can pull down one side of the body for a long time, it can whine all the time, it can not give sleep. Pain of any kind has always a specific reason. How to get rid of it? Let's look at this article.
Many advise - go to the doctor, and they are right. But, if "caught" at night, and for the ambulance - is not everything so bad? And, if at the moment there is no one to leave the child with? And these "ifs" are many. And the problem needs to be solved now, because any pain prevents one from living normally. In such cases, people search for information on the Internet.
Causes of pain in the forearm
- Trauma of the wrist and elbow joint, the muscles of the forearm can cause pain in the forearm. These injuries can be open and closed. In case of serious injuries, namely: bruises, subcutaneous muscle ruptures, fractures of the forearm bones, subfascial hematomas are likely to form, which can compress the vessels and nerve endings. In the course of such an action, the consequences are possible: a violation of the functional activity of the brush, which does not exclude the loss of skin sensitivity.
As for the subcutaneous ruptures of muscles and tendons, this is a rare phenomenon. In the case of partial and absolute damage, partial pain in the forearm, bruising, and problematic movements of the hand and fingers are not excluded.
- Overexertion or overload of the muscles of the forearm, for example, lifting too heavy cargo, physical activity, sudden movement can provoke pain in the forearm, sometimes to a dystrophic process. Type of pain: aching. If the hand is squeezed into a fist, the pain in the forearm increases. At the time of movement of the wrist joint, the pain can be acute.
- Purulent tenosynovitis - the consequences of panaritium or phlegmon of the hand. Symptoms: fever of the whole body, puffiness of local significance, skin hyperemia, because purulent tissue melting erupts pus. In addition, in addition to the restrictions, complete dysfunction of the fingers is possible, and the pain in the forearm is sharp and sharp.
- As a result of compaction of the transverse ligament and narrowing of the wrist channel, pain in the forearm occurs. In medicine, such diseases are called carpal tunnel syndrome, which leads to compression of the median nerve, vessels of the wrist and tendons of the flexors.
- Professional activities (carpenters, grinders, ironers, etc.) can cause some diseases: myositis. The pain in the forearm is unbearable even burning. The right-hander has a mostly left forearm, and the left-hander has the right forearm.
- Reflex neurodystrophic and neurovascular syndrome. With this diagnosis, a person suffers from aching pain, which affects not only the forearm but covers the occipital part of the head, neck, shoulder and hand.
- Scalenus and pectalgic syndrome can cause pain in the forearm. In human language, this is explained as violations of the reflex and muscular-tonic character in the pectoral muscles. Plus, the subclavian artery and the brachial plexus are squeezed.
- Pleskopatiya occurs as a result of trauma, tumor formation or radiation treatment.
- The compressed median nerve in the zone of the round pronator forms a sharp pain in the forearm.
Causes and diseases that provoke a burning, sharp, sharp, aching pain in the forearm are in fact much more, and each of them has its consequences and symptoms.
Symptoms of pain in the forearm
Pain in the forearm can be justified by various causes, respectively, and a variety of symptoms.
There is a whole group of inflammatory processes and lesions of tendons, the causative agents of which are tendinitis and tendinosis. In the case of a pathology transition to the ligament and the surrounding envelope, tendovaginitis develops. There is pain in the forearm and the functions of the upper limbs are disrupted. As a rule, tendinitis and tendinosis is a simultaneous disease as the factors of their occurrence are identical, as are the methods of treatment.
During the inflammation of the tendon, the risk of possible rupture is created. Inflammatory process is characterized by such symptoms:
- during the movement there is pain,
- passive movements may not cause pain in the forearm,
- if you touch the affected area, then there are painful sensations,
- increased local temperature,
- redness of the skin and even swelling in the pain zone,
- "Crunch" in the joints in the process of movement.
Diffuse fasciitis is one of the types of inflammatory process. Its characteristic features are that in this situation the connective shell of the muscles of the forearm is affected. Symptoms of this disease:
- pulling pain in the forearm,
- weakness of contractions in the hand and fingers,
- Skin changes resembling cellulite with small seals.
Joint dislocations have this symptomatology:
- pain in the forearm, in the shoulder, in the wrist, elbow joint, hand,
- external changes: "cone" in the joint area and near the cavity, swelling,
- The movements of the affected arm along with the forearm are limited, often even impossible.
Stress fracture is the result of physical activity. Usually such a diagnosis is found in athletes.
Fractures caused by trauma have such signs:
- the growing pain in the forearm, which also gives to the adjacent parts of the body (hand, back) in the process of movements,
- swelling and swelling in the affected point,
- subcutaneous hemorrhage,
- not a normal arm position,
- impaired mobility, including limited movement,
- possible "crunching" of a broken bone,
- if the fracture is open, then fragments of bones can be seen,
- with an open fracture characterized by bleeding and traumatic shock.
Fractures in the area of the elbow joint in most cases occur due to a fall on the elbow or a sharp contraction of the triceps. Determine the presence of a fracture in this zone can be due to such symptoms:
- puffiness and deformation in the affected cavity,
- blue, purple hue,
- in the straightened state, the hand hangs,
- to move a hand it is impossible so, as only at one attempt there is a strong penetrating pain,
- impossibility to unbend independently the forearm in case of a fracture with displacement.
Arthritis is another form of inflammatory process, which is determined by the following symptoms:
- stiffness and pain in the forearm,
- changes the shape of the joint,
- restriction of movements of the affected limb,
- redness of the skin,
- unusual "crunch" during the load.
Osteoarthritis is a disease formed on the basis of destruction of cartilaginous tissue on the surfaces of the joint.
Symptoms at the initial stage of osteoarthritis development:
- periodic pain in the forearm, which occurs after increased physical exertion,
- pain at night.
The clinical form of osteoarthritis has other symptoms:
- limited limb movements, more exacerbated difficulties are characteristic in the morning,
- "crunch".
Pain in the muscles of the forearm
It is logical that if the muscles are acutely painful, then this is the defeat of the muscles. Now let's look at the defeats:
- 1. Myositis. It was considered somewhat higher.
- Physical overexertion is a phenomenon that most often occurs. In this case, there is pain in the forearm, and in the whole arm. If you do not stop exercising, the pain senses spread throughout the entire arm area, including the hand. As a result of chronic overstrain, dystrophic processes are possible.
- Crick. In this case, the muscles can have a swollen appearance, and of course, is accompanied by pain, especially when feeling. Rarely, but still happens, swelling and an increased size of the forearm.
- Forearm muscles of the forearm. Pain in the forearm relates not only to the muscle itself, but also to its tendon. If the gap is large enough, then it is possible that the muscle can be detached from the tendon. The pain is incredibly sharp and strong. With muscle tearing, there are modifications: a large edema at the site of damage, a hematoma. In case of hematoma formation, the forearm is hot to the touch. The extreme consequences include the irreparable destruction of nerve fibers and muscle tissue, the result of which is the inability to bend or unbend the hand and fingers.
Aching in the forearm
It is possible that aching pain in the forearm can carry the clinical form of diseases associated with neurology, vertebrology, or has to do with metabolic, immune, neuro-reflex and neurovascular disorders, and so on.
Venous thrombosis - the disease is due to the blockage of the veins, which denies the natural blood flow. In addition, the walls of the vessels and surrounding tissues become inflamed. The pain in this case can be different: aching, convulsive, strong, sharp, sharp, dull, deaf, moderate. The danger of this diagnosis is that a thrombus can separate from the vessel wall and enter with a flow of blood into the heart, lungs or the brain.
Reflex neurodystrophic and neurovascular syndromes.
Lupus erythematosus, which is inherent in the symptoms:
- severe fatigue,
- a progressive rash on the skin,
- joint pain,
- defeat of the kidneys, heart, lungs, blood,
- weight loss,
- copious hair loss,
- inflamed lymph nodes,
- cutaneous vasculitis,
- anemia,
- swollen feet and palms.
Severe pain in the forearm
Worse than pain, only permanent, severe pain in the forearm, which not only fetters movement, but even paralyzes. What diseases can cause severe pain in the forearm?
- Gout. Surely, many people have heard that due to the large presence of uric acid in the blood plasma, salts are deposited on the surface of the joints. But, very few people know about the incredibly burning and strong pains, the root of which is in the joints of the thumb on the leg and squeezes to the forearm. The consequences include polyarthritis.
- Plexitis is an inflammatory process in relation to the brachial plexus. As a cause, most often a trauma occurs. In severe cases, there is a disturbance in the supply of tissues that affect the upper limbs. This disease has two degrees of development: paralytic and neuralgic. The first degree is due to muscle paralysis. The second - spontaneous pain in the shoulder joint.
- Hernia. Its peculiarity is that it reflects pain in the forearm, and not in the area of the cervical and thoracic spine, despite the fact that the core of the disease is there. In this case, the forearm does not change its appearance, there are no obstacles in the movement. Pain, the basis of which is this disease, can lift a person from bed at night.
Muscle Pain in the Forearm
Muscle pain in the forearm is most often explained by physical exertion, but the diseases are not excluded: tendovaginitis, tendentitis, tendon syndrome, scalenus syndrome and so on.
- Crepening tenosynovitis is the second name of paratenonitis of the forearm. At the moment of movement, there is a pain in the area of the lesion, crepitus. Inflammatory development is acute. There is a possibility that the disease can go to a chronic one.
- Tunnel Syndrome. In this case, pain arises in the hands, most often, the beginning of its appearance - the right hand. The basis for such a result can be a monotonous work. Such a diagnosis is mainly characteristic of people working at a computer. In addition, as the factor that causes this disease include:
- pregnancy,
- arthritis,
- hypothyroidism,
- obesity,
- diabetes,
- systematic, identical movements of hands,
- wrist injuries,
- bony outgrowths,
- smoking.
- Scalenus syndrome or a syndrome of anterior staircase muscle consists in the presence of spasm, condensation and even thickening of the affected muscle.
Aching in right forearm
This kind of pain in the forearm (both in the right and left) can be a consequence of various causes:
- catarrhal diseases (muscle "breaking" at the temperature),
- capsulitis - inflammation of the joint membrane. The danger of a capsulitis is that the patient may be in a state of prolonged disability. As a rule, this disease does not threaten people up to 50 years. But, nevertheless, there were recorded cases when among the patients appeared and younger people - up to 40 years. The peculiarity of the capsulitis is that pain in the forearm can be not only numb but also strong. A characteristic symptom for the capsulitis is limited movements of the hand, especially, inward. As for the causes of the disease, the consequences may be caused by trauma or appear spontaneously,
- nojushchaja a pain in a forearm «on a weather» is characterized by a humeroscapular periarthritis or traumas of joints which have been not completely cured. What is the cause of humeroparous periarthritis and its symptoms?
- First of all, the causes include trauma: dislocation, shoulder blow, unusual shoulder strain, and so on;
- degenerative development within the spine, leading to trophic dysfunction near the joint tissues;
- diseases that affect the reflex processes relative to the shoulder joint, say, myocardial infarction.
Drawing pain in the forearm
It is often found in people who have resorted to anticoagulant treatment, designed to inhibit blood clotting. In the course of which, a sudden hemorrhage in the muscles of the forearm is possible. Pain in the forearm in this case can be aching and pulling. In addition, the forearm increases in size, there are hematomas. With all this, the presence of an injury is not necessary.
Similarly, if you "pull" the shoulder and forearm, it is possible that an overload was performed on the shoulder, formed by gravity or sharp movements.
Sharp pain in the forearm
This includes diseases that have been treated with symptoms of acute pain. Similarly, a strong sharp pain in the forearm can mean the presence of such diseases:
- cervical osteochondrosis - in simple words, sounds like this: if you consider the spine as the main motor system, then like any mechanism, it needs a lubricant that softens the friction process, in this case, the intervertebral discs. At the moment of movement, these discs touch each other, and in the absence of a lubricating film, the discs wear off and sag, which causes a sharp pain in the forearm. Cervical osteochondrosis is the absence of unnatural lubrication;
- capsulitis;
- bursitis - the name comes from the word "bursa" - the periarticular bag. It is in it accumulates fluid, which has a softening effect on the joint in the process of movement. Inflammation of this bag is called bursitis. In addition, that during the development of the disease there is a sharp pain in the forearm, there may be mechanical changes: swelling, redness of the skin, increased temperature in the local sense, limited movements.
Aching in left forearm
The left side of the trunk is loaded with vital organs such as the heart, left kidney and ureter, spleen, pancreas, part of the stomach and the like. Aching pain in the left forearm can be completely unrelated to muscular and bone diseases. The possibility of having problems related to cardiac diseases is not excluded. If it is really about the heart, then in this case the pain in the forearm flows into the hand, including the hand. The pain in this case has a somewhat numb nature, the effect of a stout hand. In this situation, a person can not sleep or lie for a long time on the left side, as the hand begins to grow numb and whine.
Pain in the left forearm may have a different meaning:
- inflammation of tendons of the left shoulder,
- tendonitis of the biceps,
- bursitis,
- deposition of calcium salts,
- injuries,
- tumor,
- humeroparous periarthrosis,
- impigment syndrome,
- calcification of the forearm,
- arthrosis and arthritis.
Pain in the forearm and elbow
Often it happens that the pain in the forearm affects the elbow, and sometimes the affected nerve or inflamed joint in the elbow can give in the forearm and even in the neck. Here as with a toothache: one tooth hurts, and the painful zone of coverage affects the entire jaw. So, let's look at the causes of pain:
- affected joint cartilages and bones: arthritis, arthrosis, chondocalcinosis, synovial chondromatosis, elbow joint injuries, elbow joint osteophytes, ulnar joint tumors, gout;
- the affected musculoskeletal apparatus, including such diseases as bursitis and epicondylitis of the elbow joint, tendonitis, dysphasic fasciitis, the syndrome of the cubital canal;
- problems associated with the nervous and cardiovascular system, which provoke pain in the forearm, in the elbow and in the neck: neuritis of the ulnar nerve, myocardial infarction, neurotrophic arthropathy Sharko, hemophilia, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.
Above we considered the variants of diseases on the basis of which pain in the forearm and in the elbow may occur. But, in addition, there are mechanical effects, which in everyday life are called injuries: dislocation, fracture, sprain, tear, rupture and so on.
With a fracture of the elbow joint, painful sensations are acute. The cause of this pain is not only a broken joint, but also damaged nerves, vessels, tissues that were affected by bone fragments. And, as you yourself understand, in the case of the affected nerve, pain can lead a person even to a loss of consciousness. In addition to painful signs, it is possible to determine fracture of the elbow joint due to the non-natural bone crunching in the damaged area. And also the movements of the hand become limited, sometimes impossible. External changes are also present: deformation of the joint; bruising, as a result of damage to the blood vessels.
Pain in the forearm and in the elbow joint, caused by the ischemic contracture of Volkmann, is one of the most dangerous, as the factor of its origin lies in acute violation of arterial blood flow in the hand due to damage or squeezing of the edema of the vessels.
Symptoms of Volkmann's ischemic contracture: pale skin on the arm, limb becomes cold, impaired skin sensitivity, weak (or lack thereof) pulse, swollen fingers.
As a result of rupture of the tendon of the elbow joint, pain in the forearm affects the entire arm in the same way as in this case, as a rule, the main force of mechanical action is directed to the biceps or biceps arm muscle. The fact of tearing of tendons from muscles is not excluded.
Acute pain in the forearm, but more often in the elbow, can talk about the formation of osteophytes - pathological outgrowths on the plane of the cartilaginous and bone tissue. The cause of a possible diagnosis are: incorrect calcium metabolism or deforming stress.
Chondromatosis is explained as a bone or cartilaginous growth in the joint. As a result of this action, the bone and joint are deformed, the diseased limb is shortened. The inflammatory process, which is an inseparable phenomenon of this disease, increases pain in the forearm, at the elbow. With regard to the clinical situation, there are inherent symptoms: pain at the moment of flexion and elbow extension, swelling, tight joint movements, contracture formation, hypertrophy near the joint muscles.
Pain in the forearm or in the elbow of the aching character may be due to the presence of a tumor. General malaise of malignant processes is characterized by weakness, fatigue, fever, lack of appetite, weight loss. As for the pain itself, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, it does not particularly attract attention to itself. But over time, painful sensations acquire an obsessive aching character, even at night. The more progressive the disease becomes, the more intense is pain. And, most importantly, it is impossible to eliminate soreness with an anesthetic.
Epicondylitis (inflammation of the ligamentous apparatus of the elbow joint) forms pain in the forearm and elbow with loads on the arm, that is, in a calm state, the pain does not disturb. The signs of this disease include such phenomena: the absence of violation of the movements of the hand, there are no external changes, when the joint feels, pain arises.
Neurology distinguishes a disease that can cause pain in the forearm and elbow, known as the syndrome of the cubital canal - the strangulated nerve in the ulnar canal. This disease does not appear "from not to where", the factors of its formation are microtraumas of joint bones or genetic predisposition. In addition, the syndrome of the cubital canal to neurology is neuritis - inflammation of the ulnar nerve.
Hemophilia is one of the provocateurs of pain in the forearm and elbow area, as it is characteristic of frequent hemorrhages in the joint zones, including the elbow joint. If we talk about the factor of the causative agent of the disease, it is a genetic predisposition, which is related to the wrong process of blood clotting. Hemophilia makes itself felt even in childhood, when the body is most susceptible to injury.
Pain in the left forearm
Pain in the forearm on the left side may indicate the presence of any of the above diseases. Plus, the pain of pain is different, accordingly, it is necessary to distinguish the types and forms of pain. If the painful syndrome covers the area from the shoulder to the elbow, then often this phenomenon may indicate a myocardial infarction. The pain in this case can be strong, and maybe - numb. The source of the pain itself rests in the chest, but often gives to the left side of the trunk, neck and even stomach. The disease manifests itself as pallor, heaviness in the chest, dyspnea, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
If the symptoms are as follows: nauseous pain in the forearm, in the left shoulder and under the left scapula; on the left side of the neck - can signal not about diseases associated with the spine, but with the heart. The variant of myositis is not excluded. In the case of myositis, the steam room and massage are dangerous things.
Pain in the left arm
There are cases when pain in the forearm, it would seem, arises from not from where. In particular, the person is lost in conjecture, when the pain covers the left area of the forearm and the rest of the hand. He begins to think about possible injuries or the uncomfortable position of the body in the process of sleep, which, incidentally, is not ruled out.
When the left arm hurts and even breaks in such a way that it is difficult to lift it, it speaks of a probable chronic tendovaginitis. Often, tendovaginitis has an infectious origin, for example, a cut in the arm.
In the case of a pinched nerve, the pain in the forearm is so strong that a person can not hold a small piece of bread. In the treatment of special popularity are used: ointment with heparin, balm Karavaev.
Pain in the right forearm
There are many tips to eliminate pain in the forearm, whether it's right or left. But, to be honest, listening to them is extremely dangerous, because it is recommended to use physiotherapy, massages, water procedures, steam baths for one disease, and this method of treatment is contraindicated. Therefore, before engaging in treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and after the established diagnosis, to resort to methods of treatment.
Above we have already considered the names of diseases that can provoke pain in the forearm, pain in the left forearm. Some of them (arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, capsulitis, bursitis, pinched nerve, hemophilia and so on) can cause pain in the right forearm, shoulder and right arm elbow.
Pain in the shoulder and forearm
What can cause pain in the forearm and shoulder? As a rule, we ourselves are to blame for the presence of such problems, as the lack of care for our health in the future promises us problems with joints, bones, strangulated nerves, overstrained muscles, and so on. How exactly can the way of life affect the possible pain in the forearm and shoulder in the future?
First, the inactive activity, the incorrect position of the body in the process of sleep (even an uncomfortable mattress, the open window near the bed - a draft), incorrect posture, the same type of movement or monotonous position - affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
Secondly, hypothermia (quenching without special preparation, diving in cold water, clothes not according to season) - the probability of chapped nerve endings, muscles;
Thirdly, those who wish to have an ideal body, sometimes with excessive fanaticism, go to their goal, which leads to stretching or rupturing of the muscles, as well as injury to the joints and bones. As for people whose work requires lifting heavy objects (loaders), then do not forget to read safety and labor protection. In any case, there should be indicated the maximum volumes that can be lifted to a person without the use of lifting equipment. But, no matter how it was, health is more important than work.
But there are things that are not subject to our efforts, let us assume a hereditary predisposition to a certain illness (arthritis, hemophilia) or accidental household injury (dislocation, fracture).
Sharp pain in the forearm
One of the most unpleasant, even painful, sensations is a sharp pain in the forearm, which is explained by such diseases:
- arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis,
- arthrosis,
- tendonitis,
- neuritis of the brachial nerve.
Let us consider in more detail. So, arthritis can cause infernal pain in the forearm, deformation of the affected joint. This disease can occur at any age, even in children. The causes of arthritis:
- Infections of various kinds, for example, tuberculosis, ARVI, ARI, FLU, colds, STDs and so on. Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus are the main pathogens of arthritis;
- Mechanical impact on the shoulder and forearm, such as surgical intervention in the joint, trauma;
- Genetic predisposition to joint diseases. But to say for sure that arthritis is an absolutely hereditary disease can not be. But, if the family had patients with arthritis, it is better to undergo the examination for the purpose of prevention;
- Weak immunity, smoking, hypothermia, increased body weight.
Arthrosis is usually peculiar to the elderly. As for the symptoms, there is a possible acute pain in the forearm, even with the slightest movements, which is aggravated by the load on the shoulder or arm. In addition, the patient's arm becomes practically immobile, especially when it is raised. Osteoarthritis just does not appear. To form it, you need a reason, let's say rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis. Disturbance of metabolism in the joint can provoke arthrosis.
Tendonitis and tendonosis were considered above.
Neuritis of the humeral nerve. Pain in the forearm in this case, the patients are confused with joint pain in the same zone, although in fact, the joint can not be touched at all. Here, the pain sensations are similar to toothache in the way that the nerve itself is abscessed. The opacity of this disease lies in the fact that neuritis of the brachial nerve can lead to peripheral paralysis, as a result of which the hand hangs lifeless.
Diagnosis of pain in the forearm
Diagnosis of pain depends on the nature of the disease. If, for example, a person falls on an outstretched hand, then there is no point in seeking an answer thanks to the ECG, or, conversely, in the absence of injuries, it is foolish to look for a turning point. But, in any case, if there is pain in the forearm, then there is the very reason for its occurrence.
At the doctor's reception, first of all, you feel the pain zone: forearm, shoulder, elbow, neck and so on. This is done mainly to exclude diseases requiring radical treatments - surgery, for example: tumors, intervertebral hernias, osteomyelitis, meningitis, epidural abscess, retropharyngeal abscess, thrombosis and much more.
In some cases, the diagnosis suffers from difficulties, as some diseases are difficult to determine, for example, humeropathy periarthropathy, mainly associated with damage to soft periarticular tissues. Pleural shoulder periarthropathy has several varieties:
- tendonitis of the rotator cuff. In this case, the pain in the forearm is diffuse, accompanied by a limited lateral plane of the shoulder. When the shoulder is raised, the pain intensifies;
- Subacromial bursitis, according to pain, is analyzed as follows: slight pain at the moment of raising the arm above the head;
- tendonitis of the biceps. Pain in the forearm and shoulder is associated with tendon disease;
- arthritis;
- adhesive capsulitis, let's say, the finale of diseases related to the pathology of the brachial tissue or to neurology, namely, with respect to the shoulder joint. Here the pain in the forearm is very strong, sharp and sharp.
The exact diagnosis of the usual feeling is not complete. Nowadays, medical examination is accompanied by x-ray, ultrasound, MRI or other computer devices. Similarly, a blood test helps to determine the presence of infection, metastasis (with cancer), lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements (calcium). Most importantly, do not rush to conclusions, because the same symptoms can have completely different causes.
Treatment of pain in the forearm
Before talking about how to treat pain in the forearm, I would like to recall what doctors are competent in this matter: -
- orthopedist - congenital diseases; diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system;
- Traumatologist - a doctor who treats everything from dislocations, ending with severe injuries and open fractures;
- the surgeon is a generalist who specializes in various fields, from gynecology to heart disease;
- rheumatologist - a specialist of narrow meaning, or rather, in the field of connective tissues, joints. Also specializes in rheumatic heart diseases;
- vertebrolog - deals with the treatment of diseases of the spine;
- neurologist - it is clear here that the doctor solves neurological problems;
- osteopath - has to do with a number of diagnoses:
- diseases of the spine and joints,
- diseases of the ENT organs,
- neurological diseases,
- diseases of internal organs (digestive system, whose diseases can also cause pain in the forearm),
- children's, men's and women's diseases,
- results of injuries,
- pregnancy and childbirth.
- oncologist - heals cancer diseases of any complexity,
- cardiologist - eliminates the problems associated with the heart.
The pain itself can be eliminated with pain medication, but it is impossible to solve the problem in this way. And so, how to eradicate the reason for the pain? Initially, you should make sure of the diagnosis, after which the treatment is performed:
Injury of the wrist and elbow joint
Treat yourself is not something that is not recommended, but is strictly prohibited as this act can lead to disability. But how to eliminate pain in the forearm and in another pain zone with pain medication, a couple of tips can be given. As the most effective drugs to eliminate pain in medicine are known: "Ibuprofen", "Ketanov".
Consider ways to use them and contra-indications:
- "Ibuprofen" is a children's drug intended for the elimination of various types of pain, including toothache. Recommend the children "Ibuprofen" from the age of three months. The dose is set individually, depending on the degree of pain symptoms. The maximum dose for an adult is 12 tablets. Children from one year, if 1 tablet - 200 mg, then 20 mg / 1 kg of baby weight, that is, with the body weight of the child 10 kg - 200 mg. This figure is divided into 3-4 reception. With arthritis, the maximum dose to 40 mg / 1 kg.
Side effect: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, nervous state, insomnia, tinnitus, impaired vision, high blood pressure, puffiness, hemolytic anemia, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, Quincke's edema, bronchial obstruction syndrome , allergic skin reactions.
Contraindications: ulcers of the intestine and stomach, ulcerative colitis, problems with liver function, bronchial asthma, blood diseases (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), heart failure, diseases regarding vision, pregnancy 3rd trimester and lactation period, individual drug intolerance.
Overdose: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tachycardia, bradycardia, tinnitus, headache, drowsiness, inhibition, impaired renal function.
- "Ketanov". Many people resort to this drug even with the aim of stopping toothache. Despite the popularity of these inexpensive tablets, I would like to say that no matter how strong the pain in the forearm would be, one should remember that there is a notion of "norm", the excess of which can lead to undesirable consequences, for example, arterial hypertension. As for this means, arterial hypertension is not the only by-product. The list of side effects is very wide: nausea, vomiting, hives, dry mouth and much more. Contraindications include personal intolerance to the drug, age to 16 years, diseases of the digestive system, including ulcers, pregnancy and lactation. As for the dosage, then again everything depends on the intensity of the pain. But still, the recommended proportion is this: 10 mg every 3 to 4 hours. The maximum daily norm is 90 mg.
Overexertion or overload of the muscles of the forearm
Pain in the forearm in this case in the process of movement increases. Accordingly, bed rest, rest, absence of unnecessary movements is the best solution. Forcible attempts to make hand movements can aggravate the situation. Insignificant overstrain is removed by the absence of movements of the diseased part of the body until complete recovery. If everything is very serious, and there are suspicions that a tendon rupture is possible, then one should be concerned about the arrival of the ambulance, as the need for surgical intervention is possible. As a first aid, you need peace, ice, raise your injured arm, squeeze the rupture zone and fix it.
Purulent tenosynovitis
Purulent tenosynovitis is treated surgically, that is, surgically. Yes, there are in our time wise people who order on the Internet Chinese pills and make infusions of herbs to treat this disease. But, if you think logically, if these drugs would be effective, would people throw out money for operations? No, of course. But, the fact remains a fact, and you can not delay with surgery. During the operation, the tendon vagina is opened to clean the affected area from pus. Warm baths are produced every day with the addition of potassium permanganate. Also apply bandages moistened with hypertonic sodium chloride solution before cleaning the wound. Then use ointment dressings.
Reflex neurodystrophic and neurovascular syndrome
How to treat pain in the forearm with this diagnosis? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, as these diseases have, in a way, subgroups. However, all of them include as medical procedures, physical education, physiotherapy, gravitational therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation, drug treatment.
At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the treatment process consists of creating a stationary state of the lower limb with a gypsum longus for 2 weeks. In parallel, a Novocain blockade is being carried out according to Shkolnikov. It will not be superfluous to resort to electrophoresis, consisting of Novokain, No-Shpy, Trental, Retabolil, B vitamins, which is prescribed for the lumbar spine. When the gypsum lingeta is removed, proceed to the next stage of treatment: massage; electrophoresis, containing calcium, phosphorus, vitamins; physiotherapy. The purpose of physical exercises is to increase muscle mass, prevent the development of deformation, stimulation of natural processes.
Any degree of disease requires hyperbaric oxygenation. Equipping affected areas with oxygen enhances the healing process, respectively, oxygen therapy is the basis in the treatment of neurostrophic syndrome. Among other things, great importance is attached to improving regional blood circulation and normalizing trophic development. Thanks to this treatment, not only pain in the forearm is eliminated, but also optimization of muscle strength occurs, the condition of the skin is rehabilitated, and the volume of movements is restored.
Scalenus and pectalgic syndrome
It consists of local factors that affect the front staircase, while at the same time compresses the brachial plexus and subclavian artery. In the course of this, pain occurs in the forearm.
This disease has two degrees of development: functional, which does not exhibit organic changes in blood vessels; Organic is characterized by stenosis and occlusion of the subclavian artery. In the course of the development of the disease there may be changes such as gangrene, acrocyanosis, hyperhidrosis, thrombophlebitis and so on.
Treatment of this syndrome consists of inpatient care, the complex of which includes anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocid, Vol-Taren, Butadion), corticosteroids, muscle relaxants (Mido-Kalm or Skutamil-C), novocaine blockade blocks pain in the forearm), Novocain electrophoresis, X-ray irradiation, Phonophoresis, intra-articular hydrocortisone injections. After stopping inflammatory processes resort to the following methods: hydrogen sulphide, radon and rap baths, mud applications.
Consider ways of using drugs:
"Indocid" - should be taken during or after a meal. An important part of the reception, which should be remembered: the tablet should be swallowed without chewing and drinking with a lot of water. The daily dose for adults: 25 mg 2 - 3 times. If necessary, the daily portion is increased to 100 mg, divided into 4 doses. With gout up to 50 mg three times a day. For children from 14 years, the recommended daily dose: 1,5 - 2, 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The received amount is divided into 3 - 4 admission.
"Vol-Taren" - a drug that, although it contains the instruction, should not be used without the supervision of a doctor. It is the doctor who establishes the dose as this means is intended for the treatment of several diseases (gout). In addition, the different degrees of disease progression requires a different dosage.
"Butadion" will quickly eliminate pain in the forearm, as it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Produced in two forms: ointment and tablets. Butadion is recommended for other diagnoses: thrombophlebitis, rheumatism, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, gout. Again, the methods of use are strictly negotiated with the doctor. Typically, the doses are as follows:
- tablets: 10 - 15 mg 4 - 6 times a day during or after meals. The maximum portion per day is 6 mg;
- ointment is applied, but not rubbed 2 - 3 times a day.
"Mido-Kalm" or "Skutamyl-S" is used for 20 mg 3 times a day.
Disease of the nerve plexus. The patient may feel acute and severe pain in the forearm. Neurology also distinguishes other diseases, such as the squeezed median nerve in the area of the round pronator.
It is also worth knowing that there are other problems that can provoke pain in the forearm.
- Myositis,
- Inflammation of tendons,
- Joint dislocations,
- Fractures of bones,
- Osteomyelitis,
- Arthritis,
- Osteoarthritis,
- Insufficiency of arterial blood circulation,
- Venous thrombosis,
- Post-thrombophlebitic syndrome,
- "Trapped" syndromes of the forearm,
- Damage to nerve fibers,
- Osteochondrosis and hernia of the spine,
- Violation of the water-salt balance,
- Inflammation of subcutaneous fat,
- Myocardial infarction,
- Gout.
In this section, but a little higher, we said that to eliminate pain in the forearm, it is possible with the established diagnosis. But there are moments in life when the results of tests are not ready or not handed in, ultrasound or other computer diagnosis is not performed, and the pain is excruciating. What to do in such cases. Scientific medicine offers several painkillers "Ketanov", "Naiz", "Diclofac", "Indomethacin", "Ibuprofen".
In alternative medicine, such methods are known that can alleviate pain in the forearm:
- rub the sick joint for the night with such a potion:
- flowers of lilac - 3 tablespoons,
- Burdock root - 1 tablespoon,
- hot pepper - 3 pods,
- medical alcohol - 1 liter.
All the listed ingredients are infused within 24 hours, and the product is ready for use.
- rub ointment with a shoulder joint every evening:
- melted lard - 100 gr,
- crushed dry sabelnik marsh - 3 teaspoons,
- St. John's wort - 3 teaspoons,
- chopped red pepper - 1 tablespoon.
All components are mixed, and the ointment is ready.
- Acetic compress is also effective if it is painful in the forearm. The correct proportions of the compress are: a liter of water and 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar. In the resulting solution, a linen cloth is wetted, which is applied to the sore spot. To get an anesthetic effect, you need to create heat, for example, put on a tight woolen sweater or wrapped in a woolen scarf. This procedure is done at night, and in the morning you should thoroughly wash the applied solution.
Prevention of pain in the forearm
Based on the foregoing, it can be seen that pain in the forearm can arise for various reasons related to neurology, traumatology, a lack of trace elements (calcium), salt deposition and so on. For 100% exclude the possibility of diseases of any kind is impossible, as we should not forget about heredity, unforeseen circumstances: injuries, infections and so on. But in some cases we ourselves are provocateurs for the appearance of a disease.
Daily exercise improves blood circulation and prevents stasis in the joints. But again, excessive efforts can aggravate the situation. In general, if you use gymnastics for preventive purposes, you should do everything in order, not forgetting the warm-up of the muscles before starting the exercises (to avoid stretching), and about proper breathing.
Young fashionistas would like to apply a belt to one place when they are in a cold frost in trousers with a low waist or in a skirt resembling a belt. On the absence of a headdress speak at all. Pain in the forearm (and not only) is guaranteed in these cases. How can people not understand that a chilled muscle or nerve can lead to disability !? Clothing for the season also should be attributed to preventive measures.
Each of us at least once in my life, but did a repair. For some reason, at this point, we forget that to move furniture or take out the boxes someone will have to. And, as usual, this "someone" - we ourselves. And with improper lifting of the load, pain in the forearm can occur, as a result of an unusual load on the shoulder and arm. In this case, you need to be careful not only with respect to the correct taking of the container, but also the calculation of its mass.
Pain in the forearm can prevent a preventive examination. Often, timely diagnosis prevents a number of possible problems.