Pain in constipation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in constipation occurs due to the heavy movement of feces. A problem can arise at any age. Such symptoms even torment newborns. It is believed that this pathology is most common in children. Therefore, it is important to know the main causes of this problem and how to fix it.
ICD-10 code
The international classification of diseases includes absolutely all ailments. But at the same time, each disease is indicated by its unique code. Bowel disease noted K00-93. K00-K93 Diseases of the digestive system. This group includes certain ailments. K00-K14 Diseases of the mouth, salivary glands and jaws. K20-K31 Diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, K35-K38 Diseases of the appendix (vermiform process). K40-K46 Hernia. K50-K52 Non-infectious enteritis and colitis. K55-K63 Other bowel diseases. K65-K67 Diseases of the peritoneum. K70-K77 Liver disease. K80-K87 Diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas. K90-K93 Other diseases of the digestive system.
The category K55-K63 include other bowel disease. K55 Vascular bowel disease (Atherosclerosis of the mesenteric arteries).
K56 Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia (intestinal obstruction). K57 Diverticular bowel disease (Diverticular disease, Diverticular disease of the intestine, Diverticula of the stomach and duodenum). K58 Irritable bowel syndrome (Irritable bowel syndrome). K59 Other functional intestinal disturbances. K60 Fissure and fistula of the anus and rectum (anal fissure, chronic paraproctitis). K61 Abscess of the anus and rectum (acute paraproctitis). K62 Other diseases of the anus and rectum.
K63 Other bowel diseases. K63.0 Intestinal abscess (intestinal abscess). K63.1 Intestinal perforation (non-traumatic). K63.2 Intestinal fistula. K63.3 Intestinal ulcer. K63.4 Enteroptosis.
K63.8 Other specified bowel diseases. K63.9 Bowel disease, unspecified.
K63.8 Other specified bowel diseases. K00-K93 Diseases of the digestive system. K55-K63 Other bowel diseases. K63 Other bowel diseases. K63.8.0 Dysbacteriosis.
Causes of pain in constipation
There are a lot of factors influencing this process. So, there are several basic classifications of the disease and each of them arises against the background of its causes. The first type of constipation is alimentary. It is caused by insufficient intake of plant fiber. Its large amount is found in fruits and vegetables. The problem may be associated with an insufficient amount of fluid intake. This significantly slows down the process of bowel movements and leads to pain.
The second type of constipation is hypokinetic. It is characteristic of people who move very little. This is due to sedentary work. This group includes bedridden patients.
The third type is reflex. Observed due to problems with the digestive system.
The fourth type is toxic. It occurs on the background of a strong intoxication of the body with chemicals. Long-term use of certain medications can lead to its appearance. These may be antispasmodics.
The fifth type is endocrine. Developed due to reduced activity of the thyroid gland or ovaries.
The sixth type is mechanical. It is provoked by the presence of an obstacle in the large intestine. These may be scars or swelling.
Naturally, constipation and pain when it occurs not only because of the above factors. Often the reason lies in the constant nervousness. Depression, trauma and neurosis inhibit the work of the intestine. So, there are cases when a person is not able to go to the toilet on time, because of this "constipation" occurs. Improper diet, not an active lifestyle lead to this disease.
The basis of the development of the disease can be laid three main mechanisms, they can occur both together and in isolation from each other.
The first type means increased water absorption that occurs in the colon. The second type is rather slow movement of feces. The third type is the inability of a person to defecate. Comparison of these mechanisms with symptoms allows us to determine where in the intestine the problem is observed. Dense feces are formed in the area where the fastest absorption of liquid occurs. If a person does not feel the urge, it is likely that the sensitivity of the receptor analysis was disturbed. Serve this process can cause changes in food preferences. Even emotional stress affects it. Most often, constipation pushes pregnant women and children. This is due to physiological changes and other foods.
If a person is in a hospital, the problem arises because of the constant recumbent lifestyle. A temporary delay in stool does not always mean that there is a serious illness, even if everything is accompanied by pain. Anything can arise because of the peculiar way of life, neuralgic factors, endocrine ailments.
Abdominal pain with constipation
If a person constantly ignores the urge to defecate, the occurrence of problems is simply assured. Defective trip to the toilet, in view of certain circumstances, entails the same symptoms. Contribute to all can sedentary lifestyle. It is enough to drink a little liquid to provoke a problem. Stress, mood and lifestyle changes do their bit. Such drugs as antidepressants and diuretics can provoke a problem. In an infant, everything arises against the introduction of complementary foods.
Sometimes, pain and constipation can indicate a serious problem. Pay special attention to the following signs. Danger caused by diarrhea, abruptly replaced by constipation, this indicates the presence of irritable bowel syndrome. If the problem is accompanied by fever, most likely the case is the presence of a diverticulitis. Keep the consistency of feces. Especially if it has the form of ribbons, thin tubes or balls. If only a mucus comes out during a bowel movement, this is a very bad sign. Perhaps the problem lies in serious inflammatory processes and even the formation of a tumor.
Lower abdominal pain with constipation
The chronic course of the disease is often accompanied by general malaise. The person is tired by fatigue, the stomach hurts, the headache quite often meets. Sometimes the skin changes its shade to earthy. The tongue appears dirty plaque. Toxic products that are in the body, just do not have time to get out of it, therefore, may develop anemia. Immunity suffers no less. Hypovitaminosis states are often developed. If constipation is caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissures, the problem is accompanied by severe lower abdominal pain. When defecation does not exclude the release of a small amount of blood.
The suppression of the desire to go to the toilet often leads to the fact that the intestinal walls are overstressed. Therefore, ignoring the whole process is fraught with serious consequences. Hemorrhoids aggravate the condition and lead to the appearance of pain.
Tumors and diseases associated with metabolic disorders can lead to the development of symptoms. Pain and constipation is characteristic of pregnant girls. Negatively affect all the dramatic changes in life and significant stress. In children, the problem develops on the background of introducing new foods into the diet.
Pain in the right side with constipation
Such symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the stomach, including gastritis. It is characterized by dull periodic pain sensations observed in the right side. They can arise both before eating, and a couple of hours after the meal. This symptom is not excluded on an empty stomach. In this case, patients may complain of lack of appetite, pestering belching sour air, constipation.
Pain can give to the scapula or back. This is characteristic of duodenitis. A person is tormented by vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, often there is a bitter belching.
In case of duodenal ulcer, the main symptom is pain in the right side. Moreover, it can be diverse in nature, from aching, to cramping. This condition is accompanied by certain symptoms. These include nausea, vomiting, belching and constipation.
Lead of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm and hepatitis can lead to this symptom. These are acute conditions characterized by pain, weight loss, pallor. When hepatitis manifests weakness, yellowness, inflammation of the liver. All these phenomena can be accompanied by problems with defecation.
Lower back pain with constipation.
Such diseases as inflammation of the appendages, pyelonephritis and gynecological problems in women can be the cause of this phenomenon. By the way, often inflammations of the uterus go hand-in-hand with intestinal problems. Often, a violation in one system has consequences for another.
Sharp pains in the lower abdomen can be caused by renal colic or inflammation of the appendix. It is important to correctly and timely diagnose the problem. Shooting pains indicate the presence of sciatica. Increasing discomfort can be a symptom of tuberculosis.
Often given symptoms pester pregnant women. This is especially pronounced in the third trimester. This problem may disturb people with excess weight.
Generally speaking, the causes of such symptoms may be mass and the problem is not always innocuous. It is important to diagnose the problem in time and begin to deal with it.
Constipation headache
The appearance of a headache indicates a weak intestinal work. Most likely, this is caused by a stop in the transportation of food. This process completely stops the flow of all important functions. Therefore, the body is overwhelmed with poisons that need to be brought out, and there is no way to do this. As a result, various ailments start to appear.
People whose companions are persistent constipation often complain of migraines. Persistent constipation can lead to serious consequences. This can lead to tears of the mucous membrane, as well as its inflammation.
In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, simply add in the diet a normal amount of fruits and vegetables. Fiber in them will provoke the normal functioning of the intestines and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It is important to eat yoghurts, eat a little meat and drink enough water. All this will lead only to the normal functioning of the intestines.
Leg pain with constipation
It can occur against the background of an ordinary malaise. Thus, a person is plagued by constipation, harmful substances are not eliminated from the body, his condition worsens.
To provoke this phenomenon can and various diseases. These include porphyric neuropathy. The pathogenesis of this disease is not installed. Attacks of the disease can begin with minor pain in the stomach. Often, everything is accompanied by pain in the legs and constipation. In extremely severe cases, paralysis is observed. Perhaps the complete disappearance of reflexes.
This condition can occur on the background of taking certain medications, especially barbiturates. Acute infections of the body, starvation and even menstruation can provoke the disease. A characteristic sign of the presence of the disease is a change in the color of urine to a dark red hue.
Often, this symptom occurs in mental disorders. A person cannot cope with himself, he is plagued by pain in the extremities and problems with the intestines. In any case, when this symptom appears, it is worth contacting a specialist.
Pain in constipation in pregnant women
If you do not try to fix the problem, it can be transmitted to the limbs. It is usually acute. The woman is bothered by discomfort, as if pierced with a blunt object. This should force the expectant mother to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. He will talk about possible solutions to the problem.
To date, there are several ways to cope with the problem. Doctors strongly recommend drinking more fluid. Naturally, the need to monitor the consumption of food. This kind of "treatment" is famous for its effectiveness. After all, constipation in pregnant women occur against the background of the restructuring of the body.
Many women experience pain in the back with constipation. This may indicate an increased level of discharge of fecal matter that is stored in the intestine. This problem becomes more noticeable, because a new life develops and grows inside a woman. Ordinary pain arises, and is capable of being in an uncomfortable position, as well as sitting on an uncomfortable chair.
Diagnosis of constipation pain
Chronic constipation is diagnosed in several successive stages. So, the first thing a person learns is pestering his symptoms, paying attention to complaints, anamnesis. Naturally, one cannot do without a physical examination. Complete picture of what is happening complements the radiographic study. It allows you to assess the real state of the intestine, its work and to determine congenital anomalies. Irrigoscopy is actively carried out. It allows to detect the presence of intestinal obstruction.
The second phase of the study is presented by a number of other events. These include colonoscopy. The procedure requires special preparation. A person must follow a special diet for two days. This excludes all products that develop gas. First of all, it is carbonated drinks, beans and chocolate. Then a cleansing enema is performed. Only then can you begin a colonoscopy and examine the intestines.
An important role is played by biopsy sampling and cytology. After that, it is recommended to check the functional state of the intestine. To do this, take samples for the presence of bacteria, as well as hidden blood. Muscle wall manometry techniques and laboratory tests are carried out. This allows you to identify any functional impairment.
What method of diagnosis to begin, the attending physician decides on the basis of the examination of the patient and his complaints. Sometimes you need a complete picture of what is happening.
Pain tests for constipation
If you have problems with the stool, they actively study the feces. Normally, it should have an odor appropriate for the food it takes. This is usually a non-specific flavor, but if it changes, it is most likely that there is an abnormality.
If there is a weak odor, you can diagnose the difficulty of digestive reactions. This condition is characteristic of constipation, as well as accelerated removal of contents from the intestine. Sour smell indicates the presence of fermentation dyspepsia. Unsharp "aroma" - ulcerative colitis. When putrid odor may diagnose disorders of the digestive tract. Offensive "aroma" indicates problems with the pancreas.
Particular attention is paid to color. A white shade indicates obstruction of the bile duct. Light yellow tint - pathologies associated with the pancreas. Yellow color - possible disturbances in the work of the digestive organs are possible. Red shade - a clear inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
The presence of protein in feces and other foreign materials is also determined. Based on this analysis, a diagnosis is made. Naturally, for a complete picture it is necessary to carry out many of the above diagnostic procedures.
Instrumental diagnostics
The diagnostic approach of this technique is determined mainly depending on the history. A major role is played by the examination of the patient. Instrumental diagnostics is a radiography performed in the abdominal cavity. For this, the patient is placed in an upright position. Rectoromanoscopy is widely used. This study allows us to study the characteristics of the colon. Colonoscopy is actively used, but the procedure requires special preparation and is not the most pleasant. In its effectiveness, it knows no bounds.
If there is a suspicion of obstruction, conduct an extensive X-ray. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the available fluid level in the bowel loops is detected. With complete obstruction, bloated segments of the intestine will be visible. This process is provoked by excessive gas formation. More information about the procedures will tell the attending physician. Usually one of the described techniques is used.
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Differential danostik
This technique includes a number of different procedures. All of them differ in the disease that needs to be identified. So, if there is a suspicion of dynamic obstruction, the thyroid hormones in the blood serum are actively studied. This phenomenon can easily be triggered by the presence of mass pneumonia, acute pancreatitis or pyelonephritis.
If there is a suspicion of mechanical obstruction, it is necessary to immediately begin surgical repair of the problem. The exact location of the dislocation pathology is determined using a colonoscopy. If nothing is recognized, a radiopaque examination of the small intestine is performed. Barium suspension is used for this procedure. Although it is believed that this technique is not safe.
For a complete picture of the process taking place, it is necessary to examine the feces, for the presence of foreign objects and parasites in it. The blood does not give up, it is not necessary.
Treatment of constipation pain
Treatment of unpleasant symptoms depends on the reason for its occurrence. If the problem lies in the wrong diet, it is enough just to correct your own diet. Excessive gassing and heavy foods should be excluded. Usually it is fried, flour and sweet in any form. Carbonated drinks, alcohol - are prohibited. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in fiber will never allow problems with the chair. If the observance of these rules did not give any result, it is worth going to another way to fix the problem.
It is likely that constipation was caused by the presence of the disease. The treatment in this case is medication. These can be antispasmodics, laxatives, and anti-inflammatory medications. Detailed information about this treatment will be provided below. As for surgical intervention, it is extremely rare.
Constipation pain medicine
Herbal preparations based on hay grass are actively used. These include drugs such as Senaleks, Herbion and Regulaks. Use them with extreme caution. Significantly exceeding the dose can lead to the washing out of beneficial bacteria from the intestines. To resort to the use of these tools can not be children, pregnant women and people with hypersensitivity to the main component. Severe diarrhea occurs as a side effect, and the liver is also harmed. Apply one sachet or die per day.
Bisacodil preparations are used. Usually they are presented with Dulcolax suppositories. The active action phase occurs 6-12 hours after the candle is installed. Dosage is prescribed individually. Usually one capsule is enough. Use suppository can not be women during pregnancy. As a side effect, abdominal cramps and flatulence occur.
Picosulphate preparations are widely used. This is Slabikap, Guttalaks, Guttasil. They have the same effect, which occurs 10-12 hours after ingestion. Enough 5-10 drops diluted in water. Laxatives of this type significantly increase the amount of fluid in the intestine and lead to its emptying.
Lactulose preparations are applicable. This is Goodluck, Romfalk, Normaze. Their work is a bit slow. Because the main action is observed 1-2 days after ingestion. Drugs often lead to the occurrence of flatulence, provoke the excretion of potassium. It is possible to apply even at a liver failure, dysbacteriosis can eliminate.
There is also a combination drug called Microlax. It is a mini enema. It begins to act literally in 5-15 minutes. Pregnant girls need to apply it with care. Used exclusively in acute cases.
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Alternative treatment
Alternative medicine has always been famous for its effectiveness. True, before resorting to these methods, you should consult with your doctor. After all, at least you need to know the reason for the pain.
Recipe 1. Take a portion of whole flax seeds and pour boiling water. After that, everything is thoroughly shaken for 15 minutes. Next, you need to strain and squeeze the resulting decoction. He takes it to a quarter glass up to 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this after a meal. The tool has excellent sedative properties.
Recipe 2. You need to take about 20 grams of buckthorn bark and pour the ingredient in a glass of boiling water. After that, put in a water bath for 30 minutes. The process should be monitored and constantly stir the contents. After that, cool the broth, strain and use half a glass at night. This is a unique laxative.
Recipe 3. Crushed rhubarb roots should be poured 70% alcohol. And in the ratio of 1: 5. After that, put in a cool place and hold there for 12 days. Before use, the tool should be filtered. It should be consumed in a teaspoon up to 3 times per day.
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Herbal medicine
Sometimes treatment with herbs has a better effect than using drugs. So, perfectly helps to cope with problems with a chair grass hay. It is enough to take two tablespoons of the ingredient and mix them with prunes. The last component you need to take 100 grams. The resulting mixture is poured three cups of boiling water. After that, all you need to leave alone for about 3 hours and strain. It is possible to use a miracle remedy every hour for 3 tablespoons, until the intestines start working. Using this method has no contraindications. Usually the active phase is observed within 10 hours after administration. Very rarely hay can cause abdominal pain or reduce appetite. Apply the plant is necessary in the form of decoctions, tinctures and extracts.
Reception of infusion from dandelion roots has a good effect. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of the main ingredient, and pour water at room temperature. After which they are left alone for 9 hours. Then the tool can be taken in half a glass up to 4 times a day.
Homeopathy for pain with constipation
Homeopathic medicines should be taken with extreme caution. The technique has a number of recommendations for people with persistent problems with the chair.
So, Sulfuris is able to normalize portal blood circulation. This condition is characterized by the presence of hemorrhoids or itching in the anus. If a person has pronounced hemorrhoids, resort to the help of Aesculus hippocastanum.
Nux vomica helps in cases where interesting anomalies occur with the motor activity of the intestine. The rectum tries to throw out its contents, and the sphincter, on the contrary, contracts and prevents it from exiting. A person complains of a strong desire to defecate, but it does not occur. Over time, the problem is aggravated, the constant fullness of the intestine is felt.
Help cope with ineffectual urges, help Anacardium. He will provide relief. It is used by people who complain of increased symptoms during meals. This may indicate the presence of atonic constipation.
Lycopodium is helpful in troubleshooting. He copes with bloating, which occurs immediately after a meal. Patient fecal solid and small. Often the urges have no result. The patient suffers belching.
Surgical treatment
Solving the problem by surgery is practically not applicable. After all, the problem may be not complicated. If we are talking about a pregnant girl, the symptoms develop against the background of changes occurring in her body. Over time, symptoms may increase due to an increase in the fetus. With the permission of the doctor, you can resort to medical treatment.
In most cases, the problem occurs against the background of improper nutrition. A person simply needs to adjust his diet and that's it. Remove prohibited foods from it and start eating normally. The problem will recede. Exclude alcohol, chocolate and beans.
Surgical intervention is applicable in case of acute intestinal obstruction. In this case, no medicine can give the desired effect. The decision on the appointment of surgery applies the attending physician. But initially attempts are made to eliminate symptoms with medication.
Constipation, having a permanent nature can cause a lot of complications. So, secondary colitis, inflammation of the rectum is not excluded. If there are fecal masses in the body for a long time, then in the cecum, their reverse throw-off is possible with the further development of enteritis.
The problem can be complicated by ailments of the biliary tract, as well as hepatitis. Prolonged problems with the stool lead to rectal diseases. The most common complication is hemorrhoids. The patient complains of pain in the anus, they are not excluded after defecation. Accompanied by all bleeding and precipitations of the nodes.
The disease can lead to the development of cracks, as well as inflammation. Often there is prolapse of the rectum. Elongation of the colon, cancer - all this can provoke the usual inability to go to the toilet. Therefore, it is worthwhile, in time, to begin to deal with the problem and prevent its progression.
To establish the work of the intestine it is necessary to provide the body with the necessary components. The first is to worry about a balanced diet. The daily diet should be full of fiber. To do this, it is recommended to use foods such as vegetables, fruits and cereals. Whole grain bread and bran will also do.
Often, problems with the stool are caused by an acute lack of fluid in the body. Therefore, in normal need to use 1.5 liters of water. This figure does not include tea, coffee and other liquids.
Sedentary image is the main criterion for the development of constipation. You must constantly move in order to stimulate the intestines. In no case can not restrain the urge. Such delays are fraught with serious consequences. It is worth paying attention to the medications. Usually sorbents and iron-based products significantly block the work of the stomach and the entire digestive system.
The usual change of scenery can lead to a problem. Therefore, it is important to accustom the body to a certain rhythm of work. This will eliminate possible intestinal problems. Finally, it is necessary, in time, to eliminate the problems of the digestive organs.
Usually, with problems with the chair, the prognosis is favorable. After all, the reasons lie in a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, etc. It is enough just to take up your own life and the unpleasant symptoms will recede.
During pregnancy, it is impossible to eliminate the signs, but this does not mean that the prognosis is not favorable. Usually, all this is associated with a significant increase in the fetus and significant changes in the body.
If the condition is caused by the presence of intestinal obstruction or fecal peritonitis, then the prognosis is not so favorable. In the absence of efficacy from medications, everything will have to be removed surgically. This is especially dangerous for the elderly. In other cases, the prognosis is favorable. But, to guarantee a positive outcome is 100% impossible. Indeed, a lot depends on the reason for having problems with the chair and the severity of symptoms. A doctor can accurately answer this question after a qualitative diagnosis and treatment.