Obstructive bronchitis: treatment with alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Before you learn what type of obstructive bronchitis treatment with alternative means involves, you should remember that even the most harmless herb is capable of causing considerable harm to the body in which there are negative predisposing factors to it, otherwise called allergy or intolerance.
Several checked recipes
After the main accents are placed, we will consider, how all the same eliminates an obstructive bronchitis treatment by alternative means.
Decoction of the root of the spring primrose
To make it, you need: 1 tablespoon chopped root (you can buy it in any pharmacy) and a glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water a tablespoon of the root, put in a water bath for 30 minutes, occasionally stir. Cool, filter. Take before meals, 1 tablespoon, 3-4 times a day.
There is no primrose and bronchitis before you start preparing the next decoction of the herb that you are going to use for the first time, you need to carefully study information about all the side effects that it can provoke in the body. There are also personal characteristics of the body, high sensitivity, in which the intake of any herb can have a detrimental effect.
For example, a primrose. Certainly, this grass (more precisely its root) with high healing properties, is especially good for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis. But you need to carefully follow all the recommendations for preparing the broth. Any error can lead to the development of nausea and even vomiting.
The root of the primrose is an expectorant. For cooking, take only 1 teaspoon of chopped root per 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Adults take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day, children - 1 teaspoon, 3 meals a day.
The collection of the lungwort and primrose (1: 1 ratio), prepared as a decoction, is an excellent remedy for obstructive bronchitis. Take 500 ml of boiling water and pour 4 tablespoons of the collection. Insist the broth for a couple of hours, drink four times a day for half a glass.
Broth elecampane
Acquiring herbs in the pharmacies that exert an expectorant effect, pay attention to the packaging. Well, when it has information on how to properly prepare this herb in order to get the maximum therapeutic effect. This greatly facilitates the situation and saves time.
With the eleventh is just such a case. This herb is excellent for facilitating sputum discharge in obstructive bronchitis. On the packaging manufacturers give a detailed description of all stages of its preparation and use.
In a season when there is a riot of motley grass, you can treat obstructive bronchitis by yarrow, using its juice, four times a day for 2 tablespoons.
Black radish with honey
The favorite expectorant of our great-grandmothers is a black radish with honey. In the radish, you need to make a groove and add a spoonful of honey. Wait until the radish gives the juice. Take the received juice on 1 teaspoon 4 times a day, the last reception is mandatory before going to bed, after eating. It is desirable to not drink this "medicine".
Onion on honey
An excellent expectorant alternative. It is recommended to receive from the first days of the disease.
What is necessary to prepare the mixture?
- Onion - 2 not large heads.
- Honey (better lime) - 4 tablespoons.
- Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
- Vinegar (preferably apple) - 2 tablespoons.
- Enameled pot.
- Meat mincer or blender.
Bulbs, previously peeled, cook for 2 hours in an enamel saucepan, then crushed in a blender or scrolled through a meat grinder. The resulting onion gruel is added honey, sugar, carefully rubbed. Add vinegar again, everything is thoroughly mixed.
The resulting homogeneous onion-honey mixture should be taken 1 teaspoonful 1 time per hour. As practice showed, by the end of the first day of taking this remedy cough is significantly reduced. The course for taking onion on honey is 5-7 days.
The remedy should be continued even if all the symptoms of the disease have receded before the indicated time, in order to consolidate the achieved therapeutic effect.
Infusion of mandarin peel
Helps in case of a strong, paroxysmal cough. Taking this medication will require patient care and patience, because it is necessary to follow a certain scheme. The first method - in the morning on an empty stomach at once 5 tablespoons. Each subsequent hour, the number of spoonfuls per reception decreases by 1. Thus, after four hours, only 1 tablespoon is taken.
After this, a two-hour break is made. The reception is restarted in reverse order. The first hour is 1 tablespoon. With each succeeding hour, the number of spoons increases to five.
The course of treatment, on average, 3-5 days. The first noticeable results can be observed after several hours after the start of the drug. In severe situations, relief of health begins at the end of the second day after the onset of treatment for obstructive bronchitis.
The recipe for cooking tangerine
- Mandarin zander (dry, crushed) - 100 gr.
- Water - 1 liter.
- Enameled pot.
- Gauze.
- Glass jar, 1 liter.
Divide the tangerine peel into equal parts, 50 grams each. Put one part in an enamel saucepan, add water and cook over low heat for 1 hour. The pan should be tightly closed with a lid.
After an hour, remove the pan from the heat. To the broth, add the second part of the tangerine peel and let it brew for 2 hours.
After two hours, the finished infusion strain through gauze and pour into a glass jar. Infusion is perishable, so it should be stored in the refrigerator.
Viburnum on honey
Effective means for fighting with a nasty, paroxysmal and exhausting cough.
However, the taking of this remedy is allowed only if there is an accurate certainty that the patient has no predilection for allergies to honey. Otherwise, instead of alleviating the situation with a cough, you can provoke an acute allergy attack.
For preparation it is necessary to take:
- The fruits of the viburnum are 200 g.
- Honey (any natural) - 200 gr.
- Water - 100 gr.
- Enameled pot.
- Glass jar.
Fruits, honey and water are placed in a saucepan, mix well. Cook over low heat until the water is completely evaporated. Transfer the finished cooled mixture into a jar.
The course of treatment of obstructive bronchitis is 3 days. Scheme of admission: the first day - 1 teaspoon per hour, the second, third day - 1 teaspoon every 3 hours.
Infusion of buckwheat flowers
Calms a minor cough that appears at an early stage of the disease or as a residual phenomenon after the end of an acute period.
Be careful. Flowers buckwheat - a strong diuretic. It is not recommended to use this infusion with antitussive to people suffering from kidney and urinary system diseases.
Prepare buckwheat infusion very easily. For him, you need to make dry flowers of buckwheat, they are sold in any pharmacy, thermos and 1 liter of boiling water. Only 40 grams of flowers are enough for one cooking. Put them in a thermos and pour boiling water. Leave for 1 hour to get saturated infusion. All the amount of cooked "tea" you need to drink in one day.
Therapeutic course infusion of buckwheat flowers should not exceed 1 day due to the high diuretic effect.
Carrot or cowberries on honey
Good assistants with difficult sputum discharge. It is enough to squeeze out the juice from one or the other, mixed with honey, in a 1: 1 ratio. It is better to prepare small portions, so that one teaspoon per hour - in the first day and 1 teaspoon in 2-3 hours in the next two days - is sufficient for one day of intake.
Carrot juice or cranberries should not be taken, with a therapeutic purpose, more than three days. If the relief does not come and the cough does not pass, then this remedy can be considered a preventive treat.
Sage on milk
Can cope with a violent cough and reduce fever. Cook the broth in an enamel saucepan. One preparation requires a dry sage - 3 tablespoons, 1 liter of milk. Milk with sage bring to a boil on high heat. After that, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Switch off. Close the lid tightly and leave for 1 hour.
Before taking the broth strain, add honey - 3 tablespoons. Make sure that the honey is completely dissolved.
Take 100 ml, broth, 1 time per hour and by the end of the first day the cough should noticeably retreat.
Collection of expectorant herbs
It is useful in the case when the withdrawal of phlegm is difficult, despite the fact that the cough is characterized as wet.
A ready-made herbal mixture can be bought at the pharmacy, and you can cook the collection yourself by buying the raw materials you need in advance:
- Mother-and-stepmother.
- Dill fragrant.
- Sage.
- Fennel.
- Althea.
From each item, take ½ teaspoon and brew in a thermos, using a steep boiling water. Densely to cork and insist 2-3 hours.
Before taking the desired infusion strain through a fine sieve or gauze. For a more pleasant use, it is not unreasonable to add honey, not more than 3 tablespoons and allow it to completely dissolve.
The course of admission is 100 ml each. 3 times a day for 5 days. Treats bronchitis sporish (grass) Sporish, which is also a birdwatch bird, is used as an expectorant. There is another property of this herb, which is excellent for all diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - anti-inflammatory.
Grass is used in the form of decoctions, both independently and as a component of antitussive herbal dues. In the summer period of herbs, it is good to use fresh juice of spores, taking it in the form of drops (no more than 20) 3 times a day.
With a highly progressive bronchitis, you can use a mixture of herbs that will advantageously enhance each other's actions. It can be a combination of spores with flowers black elderberry or mother-and-stepmother.
The main components can be, as in the form of fresh grass, juices (fresh or canned), and in powdered powdered or powdered form.
Decoctions, juices or drops are taken three times a day. The dose of the drug depends on the age of the patient, on the severity of the disease. Ready-made broth, an adult, is taken in an amount not more than 1 tablespoon per session. Juice is taken by drops of 20 pieces.
Spores can be found in the form of tablets. The drug on the basis of sporisha in pharmacies is sold under the name "Aviculary." Before taking it is necessary to get acquainted with the contraindications and conditions of personal intolerance of the funds included in its composition. Take 1-2 tablets, as well as other products based on sponges, 3 times a day.
Miracle Grass - Mother and Stepmother
Truly, the queen of medicinal herbs. Versatile medical actions allow to use it practically at any problems with health. It is also good in the form of antipyretic and expectorant, analgesic and sudorific.
Grass Mother-and-stepmother can be used in any form. For oral administration, decoctions prepared in the proportion of 10 grams of herbs per 200 ml of water, 3 tablespoons, 12 times a day (every 2 hours) are used.
For outdoor use, it is good to use fresh leaves of mother-and-stepmother, applying them directly to the affected area, in case of bronchitis, the best place for a compress will be the sternum. If there is no fresh sheet, it does not matter. In the form of a compress, press cake (pomace) of the herb from the broth.
Onions, ginger and turmeric
Another well-known alternative means, capable of defeating microbes and viruses, is a common onion. The fact that the onion is useful is known to almost everyone, but its property of thinning sputum is little known. Onion can be used as a supplement to salads and vegetable dishes, or it can be in its own form, eating it with any dishes from its diet.
Not very pleasant to taste, but very curative freshly squeezed onion juice. It should be consumed 1 teaspoon in the morning, on an empty stomach. If there are diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, before intake, the juice of onions should be diluted, in a ratio of 1: 1, boiled water.
Ginger tea
Ginger has for many years firmly entered the life of many citizens and is valued for its unique flavor, useful for many ailments. Ginger tea softens a dry cough during a bronchitis and lowers the temperature. You can use fresh ginger root or ginger powder. For tea it is enough to take just a pinch of powder for 200 ml of boiling water or as much chopped or chopped fresh root.
Overseas turmeric
The original name of this spice is easily remembered not only for its unusualness, but also for valuable spicy properties. It also turned out that the root powder of turmeric greatly facilitates the course of bronchitis and promotes rapid recovery.
Curcuma should be generously added to various dishes or drinks. It is best to use warm milk as a therapeutic fluid with the addition of a pinch of turmeric. This drink should be consumed 3 times a day before meals.
Almonds and chicory
Alternative medicine advises not to deny yourself a generous use of almonds in the period of exacerbation of bronchitis. And chicory very effectively copes with chronic bronchitis, facilitating the general condition. Powder chicory (1 teaspoon) mixed with honey (2 teaspoons) is taken three times a day for one teaspoon.
It is easy to treat with the collection of such herbs, such as hoof, rosemary, nettle taken in equal proportions. You need 200 ml of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of collection. Infuse the broth for an hour. Divide the cooked decoction into three divided doses per day.
Herbs for infants
Without fear, you can use Mother-and-stepmother, oregano, mint, medinitsu, fruits of juniper and anise. Decoctions of these herbs can be given as a separate drink or used as a basis for the preparation of complementary foods from milk mixtures. There are no contraindications to the intake of these herbs, and the benefits in the period of acute bronchitis are great.
In addition to the curative effect on the bronchi, these herbs will strengthen immunity, have a sanitizing effect on the oral cavity and nasopharynx, improve the digestive system. Each of these herbs individually and all of them as a whole, are capable of antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.
Treatment of obstructive bronchitis with butter
This method of treatment of obstructive bronchitis is good for compresses, the medicinal mixture should be prepared for one compress. You should take equal parts of butter and honey (about a tablespoon), pour into an enamel bowl and warm well, so that the mass has a uniform consistency. Slightly cooled mass should be smeared back and chest, wrapped in cotton cloth, then a layer of polyethylene and on top put on a woolen sweater or jacket. Compresses do daily at night, for a month, although relief comes after a week of regular procedures. However, treatment should not be discontinued, since an incomplete course of procedures can affect the further development of chronic obstructive bronchitis, whose treatment is much more difficult and slower.
One of the oldest means of alternative healing is pork lard. Obstructive bronchitis, which is treated in this way, recedes quickly enough.
Treatment of obstructive bronchitis with porcine fats
In a small enamel bowl should be crumbled lard. If you take the interior fat, the effect comes faster. Salo should be melted on low heat and take warm (but not hot, not to burn the esophagus) inside 1-2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day at regular intervals. To kill an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth after consuming melted lard, you can seize it with a tea daughter of honey.
Another way to get rid of obstructive bronchitis with alternative treatment with lard is a prepared mixture of melted fat, butter and honey. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts, heated in enameled pots on a fire to a homogeneous consistency and taken on an empty stomach on a tablespoon, abundantly washed down with warm milk.
Special food with bronchitis
Promotes the early onset of recovery. The acute form of bronchitis will pass quickly to the stage of stabilization, if the body provides profuse sweating. For this purpose, some decoctions of herbs of a directed sweatshop are perfect.
You can take sage grass, linden flowers, mint, dried or frozen raspberries (not jam). To enhance the healing effect, add a little honey to the broth. Honey can be dissolved in a ready-made broth, or you can use a snack, drinking honey with a decoction. In this case, the amount of honey for one meal should not exceed ½ teaspoon.
Priority for a plentiful drink
When acute bronchitis should be introduced into the diet of a generous drink, replacing them with the basic habitual dishes. It is best to use freshly squeezed orange juice as a medical drink. Before use, the juice should be slightly diluted with water to make it less concentrated.
Everyone, from childhood knows that the best drink during illness, is warm milk with honey, lime or raspberry tea, or, better, a lime tea with raspberry jam. If you do not have anything on hand that can be used as a therapeutic drink, you can use simple water with lemon juice.
The total amount of liquid consumed during the disease should be at least 1.5 liters per day. Provided that the body receives sufficient liquid, the sputum is removed. The more liquid, the more urine is released, and together with it all the toxins formed as a result of the inflammatory process.
Proteins and Vitamins
Food, in contrast to drinking, should be fractional, small portions, but often, up to 5 meals per day. Preference should be given to protein foods. This is because by isolating phlegm with a cough, the body loses protein, which must be reimbursed with incoming food. No restrictions are imposed on fat and carbohydrates during illness.
The body needs vitamins, not only in the acute phase of the disease, but also during the recovery period. The most important vitamin for any disease is vitamin C. Just taking fruits and vegetables rich in this vitamin can be inadequate, so it's best to immediately switch to taking vitamin C in a dragee.
External means of treatment of obstructive bronchitis
Obstructive bronchitis can be treated not only with the help of herbs. For example, rubbing the chest or back with any natural fat can almost completely stop the coughing attack after the first application. Simply rub your chest and back before going to bed, wrap yourself and warm yourself up. In the morning take a shower - although, as a rule, by the morning, fat is completely absorbed.
Preparing medicines based on prescriptions of alternative medicine is a very important matter. Strictly sustained proportions of all components, adherence to the treatment scheme, the necessary number of techniques strictly in time are the main conditions for achieving the desired therapeutic effect and a positive outcome of the disease.
Eliminate - does not mean cure
Whichever alternative means is preferred, it is always necessary to remember that it is possible to cure the disease only with a comprehensive approach to the problem completely. The fight against each individual symptom does not solve the main task - to achieve full recovery. Therefore, when choosing a suitable prescription from alternative medicine, do not forget about modern medications.
When the development of obstructive bronchitis treatment with alternative drugs should go as an additional, the main emphasis should be made on the classical methods of modern medicine. In such a complex disease, some alternative recipes are not enough.