Obstructive bronchitis in adults
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Obstructive bronchitis, one of the types of complex, extensive inflammatory process of the bronchi, taking place with complex symptoms. To an acute form of obstructive bronchitis are predisposed, mainly, children in early and preschool years. Obstructive bronchitis in adults manifests itself, often, in exacerbations of its already chronic form. Both the acute form and exacerbation of the chronic process of obstructive bronchitis pass equally hard.
What causes obstructive bronchitis in adults?
It would seem that adults who have sufficient life experience, quite strong immunity should not be exposed to frequent broncho-pulmonary diseases. However, practice shows inverse data. Obstructive bronchitis in adults is a very common problem and many factors cause this, most of which are provoked by people themselves. In the beginning, it is necessary to name the reasons independent of the person which are capable to cause an inflammation not only in bronchial tubes, but also in other organs. It's bacteria and viruses.
The virus can not be seen, do not avoid meeting with it. These small "animals" are in any organism in large numbers and with any gaps in immunity are ready to "explode" by a rapid demographic increase in their species. Obstructive bronchitis can occur against the background of any viral infection. The most common disease is caused by influenza and parainfluenza viruses, adeno- and rhinoviruses, as well as a simultaneous combination of viruses and bacteria.
Exposure to frequent catarrhal diseases and the presence of foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx are yet another predisposing factors for the onset of obstructive bronchitis. It must be remembered that any infection is capable of spreading both in ascending and descending order.
It's not for nothing that doctors recommend keeping bed rest during colds, especially when it comes to such an insidious disease as influenza. There is such a commonplace expression "the cold in the lungs has gone down." So, bronchitis, in particular obstructive, as well as pneumonia, can become a severe complication of simple acute respiratory disease or influenza.
Now it is necessary to pass to bad habits, and it is concrete to smoking. Many information sources that advocate the fight against smoking, inspire the public with a terrible thought - from smoking develops lung cancer. Yes it is. But the cancerous lesion of lung tissue does not come from everyone, but any smoker has bronchitis.
The concept of "chronic smoker's bronchitis" has appeared in the medical community for a long time and characterizes the specific breathing, with shortness of breath, a strong coughing that worries a person mostly in the morning. After another cigarette smoked, a fit of coughing decreases noticeably, after which it returns again. This fact is accepted by smokers as the main relief of the situation, so they "cure" their cough, each time destroying their bronchial tubes definitively.
Obstructive bronchitis in adults can develop not only in immediate smokers, but also in those who are called "passive smokers". Frequent inhalation of nicotine smoke, especially in the human body predisposed to frequent colds and other diseases, against a background of greatly weakened immunity, can serve as a favorable platform for joining the broncho-pulmonary inflammatory process.
In addition to tobacco smoke, obstructive bronchitis often affects people involved in so-called harmful production: work in mines, metallurgical plants, in construction and agriculture, in printing and railway services. Employees of enterprises with an increased occupational health risk are at risk for bronchopulmonary pathologies.
Until recently, it was believed that chronic obstructive bronchitis is a disease most often affected by men. Observations of the last ten years have shown that the statistics for this disease are almost equal between men and women. The point is that the female population became more involved in smoking, and in the deterioration of the overall ecological situation, and that the woman's organism is less resistant to the destructive effect of such widespread "voluntary poisons" as alcohol and nicotine.
How does obstructive bronchitis occur in adults?
It has already been mentioned above that adults, in their main mass, suffer from a chronic form of obstructive bronchitis. During the period of remission, there is a constant cough, often dry, with a small amount of sputum, which is mostly mucous. Constantly or periodically there is shortness of breath.
During exacerbations, the outgoing sputum changes. It becomes either muco-purulent, or completely consists of a purulent detachable bronchial secretion. In severe cases, sputum may occur with streaks or even blood clots, the so-called hemoptysis. The cough is constant, strong, against a background of specific wheezing.
Dyspnoea is another symptom of obstructive bronchitis. It can appear from the first moments of the onset of the disease or join later, but is necessarily present. The intensity and severity of dyspnea depends on the severity of the disease, on the presence of concomitant complications and other chronic diseases that can worsen at the same time.
In patients with obstructive bronchitis there is an increased period of inspiration, in which not only the respiratory musculature but also an additional group of muscles of the back and shoulder-scapular region participate in the expansion of the thorax, in the absence of oxygen, blueing (cyanosis) of individual sites appears, most prominently it is expressed in area of the lips and on the nail plates.
It should be noted the general malaise of the patient, increased sweating, which increases with increasing dyspnea or cough, aches, pain in muscles and joints, increased blood pressure and body temperature. Shortness of breath, even insignificant, always provokes a feeling of fear and anxiety, therefore, obstructive bronchitis in adults has a negative impact on almost the whole organism.
How to recognize obstructive bronchitis in adults?
Obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed quite simply. In most cases, most symptomatic itself is symptomatology. By auscultation it is not difficult to determine the characteristic sounds, moist hlypes, in the lungs, indicating inflammation of the bronchial divisions, which is subsequently confirmed by an X-ray photograph. Of all instrumental diagnostic methods, x-rays are the most effective in this disease. Additionally, more detailed diagnostic methods are prescribed, which may include:
- Spirometry
- Biopsy of bronchial tissue
- Pneumotachometry
These methods allow to determine the degree of bronchial involvement, the severity of the inflammatory process, the reversibility or irreversibility of changes occurring in the broncho-pulmonary tissue.
In addition to instrumental methods, a laboratory study of biological material is carried out: blood, urine and sputum.
How is obstructive bronchitis treated in adults?
Treatment will depend directly on the form of the course of the disease. In the acute form of obstructive bronchitis, full-scale drug therapy is carried out, which is aimed at suppressing viral activity, relieving bronchial spasm, restoring respiratory function, facilitating sputum evacuation, relaxing pectoral muscles.
Begin with the appointment of effective antiviral drugs, the introduction of an abundant drink in the diet. It is mandatory to conduct special massage procedures aimed at relaxing the musculature of the chest and dilution of sputum (percussion massage). For the removal of bronchial spasm use antispasmodics, among which the most popular is a drug such as no-shpa.
Appointed drugs aimed at removing shortness of breath - bronchodilators (berotek, asthmopen), relief of the cough reflex - mucolytics (for example, lazolvan). A good action is provided by special exercises of respiratory gymnastics. The use of antibiotics is advisable only in case of concomitant pathological process of microbial genesis.
Obstructive bronchitis in adults in the form of a chronic process requires the use of methods designed to combat specific symptoms. This approach is called symptomatic treatment. The main goals are to slow the pathological process, reduce the number of attacks of exacerbation and their duration. Of great importance in this period is the complete refusal to smoke, the change of profession, if it is associated with harmful production, as well as the improvement of living conditions, if they are assessed as unsatisfactory.
Of the drugs prescribed bronchodilators and bronchodilators, mucolytics and preparations of xanthine series, for example, theophylline. If there is no result from the selected treatment or it is insignificant, then drugs from the category of corticosteroids are administered.
Prevention of obstructive bronchitis
In childhood, a favorable outcome of acute obstructive bronchitis is considered the norm. The older the person, the more difficult the full recovery without chronic consequences. Recovery largely depends not only on the age of the patient, but also on the presence of concomitant diseases, which, in some cases, aggravate the course of the process of obstruction. The most effective preventive method in this case can be called the habit of a healthy lifestyle. Full nutrition, including food rich in vitamins and microelements, pay special attention to the microclimate in everyday life and at work, to work on strengthening its immunity.
Obstructive bronchitis in adults can develop as a secondary disease in the presence of an outbreak of a chronic infection, so it is very important to take all the necessary measures in time to treat acute and chronic diseases.