Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A nutritionist is not the most common profession in the medical field. And not in every district clinic you will find a doctor-nutritionist. Nevertheless, it is this doctor that can help not only cure many diseases, but also predict and prevent their development in advance. That's why the profession of a nutritionist is so necessary and important.
Who is a nutritionist?
Even the ancients said: we are what we eat. This saying is quite appropriate if we are discussing the profession of a nutritionist. So who is a nutritionist and what does he do? The name "dietician" comes from the word "diet". The word "diet" means - the rules of nutrition and the proper selection of foods, their preparation, frequency and amount of consumption for food.
So, a nutritionist is a doctor who knows how to eat right. Moreover, he can choose the right diet for a patient with a particular disease. The nutritionist will tell you how to eat so as not to worsen the state of the body in case of illness, but on the contrary to alleviate his condition and promote a quick recovery.
But this is not all the possibilities of dietetics and a dietician's doctor. As is known, many diseases are the result of an incorrect way of life. One of the key elements of a wrong or harmful lifestyle is malnutrition. What we eat can easily develop a number of acute and chronic diseases in the body. Improper diet can lead to obesity.
Obesity badly affects the body as a whole and many of its systems, for example, the cardiovascular system. Obesity can lead to the formation of fatty plaques in the vessels, to a heart attack and many other problems.
Therefore, a nutritionist is not only the attending physician, but also a doctor whose advice will help you avoid treatment. His advice will help prevent the development of many diseases through proper nutrition.
When should I go to a nutritionist?
First of all, the dietician will do not apply when the health problems have already begun. If you are young and healthy, it's time to learn the rules of healthy eating and to save an invaluable gift - your health and beauty. A dietitian will help you in this.
In addition, he can assess your weight and propensity to develop certain diseases and help to develop a healthy and healthy diet. Such a diet can prevent the development of diseases and keep you healthy for many years.
To a nutritionist, people should be treated with both excessive and underweight. A proper diet in combination with adequate physical activity will help to gain or lose weight and life a healthy and fulfilling life.
If you have abnormalities of the digestive tract or cardiovascular system, you should also consult a nutritionist. A nutritionist will help if you have problems with skin, nails and hair. It is possible that these cosmetic problems are caused by "distortions" in the diet and the lack of certain vitamins and trace elements. It is the nutritionist who will help to make the right diet and restore the former beauty.
What tests do you need to pass to a dietitian?
Any doctor can ask you to give a general blood test. This simple analysis will show the general state of the body. In addition, it is better to do a biochemical blood test, check the blood sugar level and pass a general urine test.
There is another analysis that is often prescribed by dietitians. This analysis is abbreviated as TTG. It determines the level of the hormone of the thyroid gland. After all, violations in the thyroid gland can lead to increased weight and obesity.
Without these tests, a dietitian doctor will find it difficult to exclude some possible chronic diseases or the causes of a particular phenomenon. It is the tests and their results that will help the doctor make the right preventative or curative diet.
What diagnostic methods does the nutritionist use?
One of the main methods of diagnosis, which often resort to nutritionists - this is an analysis. The doctor may prescribe a referral for different blood and urine tests. They will help the doctor to form a correct idea of the state of your body.
In addition, a nutritionist can direct you to an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. After all, often people who have gastrointestinal diseases turn to a dietitian. Ultrasound can help determine what disorders have occurred in the body and what kind of diet can cope with such a condition.
What does a nutritionist do?
The nutritionist is engaged in the right choice of diet, both for healthy and sick people. For a healthy person, a dietician will help to make the right diet, which will supply his body with the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
At the same time, a nutritionist will help you to choose the right calorie intake. Nowadays, people eat a lot of "empty" food. This food is very rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, that is, it is very caloric. However, such foods can be poor in vitamins and other beneficial substances.
With such nutrition, adults and even children easily gain excess weight, but their body is starving and lacks vital substances. Such a "hunger strike" inhibits the growth of bones, cartilage, muscle tissue, nerve cells and other important parts and systems of the body.
With a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the diet, the body is not able to produce some of the most important hormones. For example, with iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland can not produce its hormone.
Therefore, the task of a dietician is to create a balanced diet, in which there will be not only "empty" calories, but all the substances necessary for a healthy life. Such a diet is called healthy. In some regions, in water or food, there is a pronounced deficit of some substances, for example, iodine or selenium. Then the nutritionist makes a special emphasis in the diet on the replenishment of these substances or appoints their reception in medical preparations. Such a diet is called preventive. After all, filling the deficit is an excellent prevention of the development of various diseases.
If a person is treated with a disease by a nutritionist, the task of a dietician is to make up a therapeutic diet. Such a diet not only includes useful foods, but it eliminates harmful foods or ways of preparing them.
The therapeutic diet can help the sick person to restore the correct process of metabolism in the body. In addition, there are many foods that have a curative effect for a particular disease. Their proper use in food can contribute to the fastest recovery of the body and recovery.
What diseases are treated by a nutritionist?
The competence of a dietitian includes quite a few diseases that can be treated with a diet. Again, an appeal to a dietician can help prevent the development of various diseases: from colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to cancer.
What kind of patients can be useful and even need a visit to a dietician? First, they are people with gastrointestinal diseases. Which is quite logical, because, first of all, any food gets into the gastrointestinal tract, so it is digested, absorbed into the blood and then it spreads all over the body.
Therefore, malnutrition is the primary cause of gastrointestinal diseases. And proper nutrition can in itself serve as a cure for various gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, and so on.
At the same time, a dietician can exclude from the diet different foods, for example, fatty or spicy food. In addition, he can advise the best ways of cooking. Can exclude from the diet fried foods or fresh fruits and vegetables, replacing them with boiled and baked food, or products cooked on steam.
Another area of activity of a dietitian is the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Malnutrition can cause abnormalities in the functioning of the heart or blockage of blood vessels. Correction of the diet will help improve heart function and avoid thrombosis and other similar diseases.
Weight loss or obesity is another disease that falls within the competence of a dietitian. Charging or proper physical activity can not produce the desired results unless supplemented with the right nutrition. Nutritionists are studying how metabolic processes occur in the human body. This knowledge can help increase the efficiency of metabolism and accelerate the reduction of excess weight.
The doctor-dietician can give consultation and at such disease, as an anorexia. Unfortunately, it is becoming "more popular" among teenage girls and young women. It's just necessary to choose a high-calorie and high-diet diet to help patients gain weight and restore health.
Another area of activity of a dietitian is viral or infectious diseases. Of course, the diet itself can not cure you of flu or cold. But it can help the body fight the virus or infection. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that some food products are especially rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen human immunity. Strong immunity itself is able to quickly and effectively cope with most infections and viruses.
In addition, the consultation of a dietitian doctor is simply necessary for the prevention or treatment of cancer. Many foods are rich in substances that neutralize carcinogens and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.
Health food can strengthen the body during the passage of chemotherapy and contribute to its early recovery.
Advices of a dietician
The advice of a dietician doctor can be different for different categories of patients. But there are general useful recommendations and rules for healthy eating, which will suit almost everyone.
One such advice concerns the frequency of eating. Sometimes people overeat for one simple reason: irregular meals. A person can not eat all day, but then eat up to the dump in the evening. Excessive feeling of hunger stimulates the absorption of excess food. It is poorly digested by the body, which can lead to a violation in the work of the digestive tract, to inefficient digestion: flatulence, bloating, frustration or constipation.
In addition, long breaks between meals cause the body to fear hunger and eat up for future use. The body begins to store nutrients and stores it in fatty tissues, which inevitably leads to obesity. Therefore, a good dietician advice is a fractional food.
It is better to eat several times a day, but in small portions than there are in one or two doses and a lot.
One more principle of a healthy diet is not eating dry. The stomach requires a variety of foods: both solid, and liquid, and hot. So you can avoid the development of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases,
Another great advice from a nutritionist is to start the day with a healthy breakfast. Some people miss this first and very important meal. They believe that not eating breakfast is a good way to lose weight. But this is not so. If you start the day with a meal, you "start" your metabolism and increase its effectiveness.
The body is preparing to digest and assimilate food from the very morning. He is not "afraid" of wasting calories, as it happens when a person does not have breakfast and keeps the body on a starvation diet since the morning. If you skip breakfast, the body is not in a hurry to spend the calories received at lunch and dinner, and puts them in reserve. Therefore, a healthy and moderate breakfast is a quick way to lose weight and lose weight.
Proper diet can significantly increase the efficiency of exercise and exercise. It will help to quickly reduce weight without causing any harm to health. Or, conversely, it helps to gain weight, but not fat, but muscle mass, creating a beautiful and healthy body.