Nutrition with menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Climax is a complex physiological and psychological period in the life of women, requiring attention and a special approach. It lasts for several years, normally in the average from 45 to 50 years of age. What is important is what the woman does during this period, especially nutrition with menopause.
Proper nutrition with menopause
Proper nutrition with menopause means a healthy diet. What is always harmful is doubly harmful in menopause.
Nutrition with menopause should be regular, food is cooked in an oven, microwave or steamer from fresh products containing nutrients essential for the female body, minerals and vitamins.
At the same time, you should limit the use of certain products - sausages, sausages, offal and smoked products, butter, coffee, flour confectionery. From sharp and salty foods, fast food, too fatty and hot food, as well as sodas and alcohol, it is better to give up completely.
What products are useful for menopause? They are large enough that the diet does not seem fresh and tasteless, but was full and balanced. An indicative list of products for saturation of the body with the necessary substances:
- low-fat milk products: calcium;
- vegetable oils, nuts: polyunsaturated fatty acids;
- sea fish: monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids;
- porridge, bran: cellulose, vitamins B;
- bright vegetables and fruits: vitamins, microelements;
- asparagus, strawberry, peach, dried fruits: boron;
- linseed oil and seeds: to ease the condition with hot flashes;
- salad, sea kale, cashew: magnesium;
- brown rice, legumes, avocados: reduce swelling of the breast;
- garlic, onions: stimulate immunity, reduce blood pressure and sugar.
You need to drink enough, but not excessively. Clean water, home-made juices and compotes are the best option. Coffee and tea should be limited, as they adversely affect the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
There is a category of useful products "for the mood". This is grapes, unleavened yeast bread, brown rice, sea kale, wheat, black chocolate. They regulate metabolism and improve mood.
It is unlikely that there will be a woman ready to completely abandon the sweet, but choose less harmful delicacies under the power of each. This homemade pastries, marshmallows, marmalade, pastilles, some natural ice cream and chocolate.
Nutrition with menopause after 45 - 50 years
Climax is early, artificial, pathological. The normal transition from the reproductive period to menopause occurs at the age of 45 to 50 years and is associated with a natural decrease in the production of female hormones.
Nutrition with menopause after 45 - 50 years should be directed at:
- reducing the risk of age-related diseases;
- weakening of tides;
- prevention of excess weight.
In connection with the slowing of metabolism, taking place against the backdrop of serious hormonal changes, it is desirable for a woman to change her way of life and taste habits in particular in this period. A few tips on nutrition in menopause.
It is desirable to reduce calorie content and the number of servings, and women with excess weight - a little to lose weight (but without fanaticism, so as not to get the opposite effect). Full people are more difficult to tolerate hot flashes and risk buying varicose veins, in view of the additional burden on their legs.
- Eat often, but a little: in the morning - more nutritious, but supper is replaced by a light snack. Enter in the menu more fish - a source of protein and healthy fats. Meat only use low-fat (chicken fillet). Other varieties and smoked products - unless on holidays.
Fried to replace with boiled, stewed, baked, steamed, in a multivark. Salt the food not in a saucepan, but in a plate, replace salt with seasonings and sauces. This will help to avoid edema and high blood pressure.
An important trace element in the period of menopause is calcium. It is washed out of the body, because of what the bones become weak and brittle, prone to fractures. For replenishing the mineral in the menu must be present cheeses and a variety of dairy products, seafood, canned fish with bones.
It is useful to pay attention to soy: it contains a natural analogue of estrogen, which when menopause begins to be seriously missed. Soymilk, meat, tofu cheese can fill this shortage.
And, finally, about alcohol. You should know that strong drinks are high in calories, they also stimulate excessive appetite and provoke hot flushes. An exception can be made for dry red wine, which is an excellent antioxidant.
Nutrition for menopause in hot flushes
Tides are a very unpleasant symptom of menopause, which causes women a lot of discomfort. It is caused by a decrease in the number of the main female hormone estrogen, a substitute for which in the body there. Therefore, menopause is regarded as an exceptionally high stress for the body, due to which immunity decreases, various diseases develop, down to nervous breakdowns and mental ill health.
Nutrition for menopause in women with hot flashes should exclude foods that stimulate hot flashes, and include special foods to facilitate the flow of the process.
- Similar in structure to female sex hormones are phytoestrogens. They act as weak estrogens: weaken tides and reduce vaginal dryness. Most of these components are found in flaxseed. According to some information, the amount of phytoestrogens in these seeds is tens or even hundreds of times higher than in other plants. Therefore, nutrition with menopause should take into account this product.
A daily portion of flax to maintain the female body - 1 2 teaspoons. The seeds can be ground and added to porridge, pastries, yoghurts. Linseed oil is filled with salads; it lowers cholesterol.
With problems associated with menopause and menopause, the soybean product is effective. Softens the disorder and reduces the risk of a malignant tumor of the breast by three times. These properties are germinated cereals, flour and milk from soy.
Vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, is also on the list of components required for menopause. It facilitates hot flashes, reduces the dryness of the vagina and swelling of the breast. For enriching with vitamin E in the menu it is necessary to introduce legumes, potatoes, brown rice, yolks, vegetable oil, asparagus, avocado.
Rich phytoestrogens and other vegetable food: fruits, vegetables, as well as medicinal herbs - the root of valerian, mint, oregano, sage and others. Phytohormones can slightly "deceive" the body, forcing to imagine that there are more estrogen than actually. Due to this, the feeling of discomfort is significantly reduced.
Food for weight loss with menopause
Among the symptoms accompanying menopause, there is a tendency to weight gain, which is manifested in most women. Together with the extinction of reproductive functions, accumulation occurs in the waist, hips, and the second chin. Why is this happening?
Physicians give this phenomenon an understandable physiological explanation. It turns out that with a decrease in the activity of the ovaries producing hormones, in part this function begins to be performed by the fatty tissue (it produces the sex hormone estrone). Therefore, women do not need to get involved in confectionery delicacies and other products that contribute to the accumulation of such stocks.
To overdo it, you need to competently approach the diet, remembering that the need for calories and metabolic processes decrease with age. So, after a 50-day dose is not more than 2100 calories. Each woman can choose for herself the right nutrition with menopause.
Food for weight loss with menopause should include:
- vegetable oils (for the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins A, E);
- cellulose (for intestinal stimulation);
- onion, garlic, vegetables (to maintain immunity);
- exotic fruits such as durian (contains estrogens);
- soy (contains phytoestrogen;
- seafood (for saturation with useful fats and minerals).
An important place in the diet with menopause is drinking. Pure water after forty years should be drunk more than before. Water participates in digestion, prevents constipation, normalizes the activity of the blood-bearing and cardiovascular systems. When there is a shortage of water, blood becomes thick and there is a risk of thrombus formation, and this is fraught with strokes and heart attacks. Also, a lack of fluid provokes non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In order to prevent pathology, it is desirable for women to periodically monitor blood sugar levels.
Prevent these risks will help such a drinking regime: drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, several glasses throughout the day and one hour before sleep - the last portion. In total, about two liters.
Nutrition in the menopause for the preservation of youth
Why do many women wither quickly with menopause?
- Firstly, the amount of estrogen and progesterone drops sharply in the blood.
This is a key factor in aging. At the same time, the number of male hormones that stimulates hair growth on the face, and sometimes the formation of a rash, increases.
- Secondly, the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen decreases.
These components are responsible for the hydration, density and elasticity of the skin. Due to their lack of skin, the skin becomes more dry and thin.
To increase the level of nutrients in the body, they should be introduced from the outside, including food and beverages. That is why nutrition in the menopause for the preservation of youth is very important.
In addition to accelerated aging, climacteric changes lead to neurovegetative disorders (hot flashes, excessive sweating, pressure jumps, dizziness, palpitations) and psychoemotional disorders (mood swings, depression propensity, fatigue, insomnia). Especially negatively affects the health and appearance of early menopause.
Nutrition with menopause suggests the rejection of bad habits: smoking and alcohol. Nicotine adversely affects the skin of the face, provokes osteoporosis, cardiovascular and tumor pathologies. Alcohol is indicated in very moderate doses. So, according to the recommendations of American doctors, one portion of alcoholic beverage per day is allowed, namely: 50 ml of strong, 150 wines or 300 ml of beer.
Due to the correct diet, the body is filled with missing useful substances and does not gain extra pounds. The recommendations of American scientists on nutrition during menopause are that all the products are divided into groups and every day eaten a little:
- 150 - 200 g of cereals (up to half - whole);
- 2 - 3 servings of vegetables, about two - fruit;
- low-fat dairy products (equivalent to 3 cups of milk);
- up to 180 grams of low-fat meat, legumes and nuts.
After menopause, there is a special need for certain substances, for example, vitamins of group B, D, C, E, in calcium, iron. They support immunity, act as antioxidants. If a woman does not receive enough of these substances or the body does not absorb everything, you can, on the advice of a doctor, take medicine products: mineral-vitamin complexes of various composition.
Restriction is imposed on animal fats, sweets, and salt. Women in menopause can not ignore physical activity, rest and full sleep, which contribute to good form and well-being.
Psychologists advise not to consider menopause as a joyless and dull end to the best that has already taken place, but to take for granted, this new stage of life, to appreciate the benefits and enjoy them. Active lifestyle, properly organized nutrition with climax will help to cope with the challenges: prevent premature aging, maintain health, shape and presence of the spirit.