Numbness of hands in sleep
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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For all his life to any man at least once, but had to feel when feeling numb hands in a dream.
Such a symptomatology indicates a violation in the circulatory system in the limbs of a person and has a scientific name - paresthesia.
Causes of numbness of hands in sleep
"Arms" and hand phalanx can also "swell" in a completely healthy person, but if this symptomatology is manifested often enough, it is worthwhile to think about applying for advice and diagnosis to a neurologist.
The most common causes of numbness of hands in a dream:
- An uncomfortable posture in a dream, due to which the nerve endings are squeezed by spasmodic tissues: tendons or muscles surrounding the nerve processes. In the people such symptomatology is called - "lay your hand". This is due to the fact that with an "uncomfortable pose" there is a squeezing of the blood vessels, partially or completely blocking the flow of plasma fluid to the extremities - this provokes the symptoms of leakage. In this case, it is only necessary to change the posture, and the symptomatology gradually begins to pass. In this situation, there is nothing dangerous, and worries about the temporary discomfort, it's not worth it.
- The second, the most common cause of numbness in the hands of doctors called osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. This diagnosis, due to a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, can be found in 70% of the world's population, especially such a percentage is high in the most developed industrial countries. This disease provokes the pinching of the radicular end of the spinal nerves. Pressure on the nerve leads to swelling of the surrounding tissues, and hence to the appearance of pain symptoms that are observed in the head, neck, shoulders and hands. The pain causes muscles to contract - a spasm of muscle tissue occurs, which compresses not only the nerve processes, but also the blood vessels.
- Physicians know the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome, which can occur for several reasons.
- Professional human activity, coupled with monotonous movements of the same type of upper limbs and, in particular, hands and hand phalanxes.
- Continuous work on the computer keyboard.
- Failures in the work of the endocrine system:
- Myxedema is a pathology expressed in complete or partial failure of the work of thyroid secretions.
- Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by a deficiency of insulin in the patient's blood.
- The syndrome of the anterior staircase can also be provoked by cervical osteochondrosis when the corresponding part of the spine is affected. In this case, there is pressure on the sensitive nerves of the limbs.
- Physiologically justified changes in the human hormonal background:
- Period of pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding time.
- Climax (the onset of menopause).
- Overweight.
- Rheumatoid arthritis is a pathology of connective tissues with a predominant lesion of small joints.
- Injuries from shoulder, forearm and arm.
- Tendosinovit - an inflammatory process that occurs in the synovial lining of the tendon.
- Iron deficiency.
- Lack of vitamin B12 in the body.
- Raynaud's disease - the disease is expressed by angiotrophoneurosis with a predominant lesion of small terminal arteries and arterioles. The upper limbs are affected (as a rule, the defeat goes symmetrically, both hands).
- Polyneuropathy is a disease caused by multiple lesions of peripheral nerves.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Smoking and alcohol.
Drawing a conclusion from the above, the causes of numbness in the arms in a dream can be quite serious diseases, so ignore such a symptomatology is not necessary, especially if there are accompanying manifestations (dizziness, nausea, weakness of muscle activity, and others). To determine the diagnosis, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist.
Symptoms of numbness of hands in sleep
Paresthesia is one of the most common complaints with which patients turn to a doctor and the most important is to correctly establish a diagnosis, because any tactile change in sensory receptors may indicate a fairly serious disease.
What are the symptoms of numbness in the arms in a dream:
- Complete or partial loss of sensitivity of the tips of phalanges or the entire limb as a whole.
- Sensation of "goosebumps" on the skin.
- Convulsions.
- Burning and tingling.
- Throbbing pain.
- Muscle spasms.
- Tremor of the upper extremities.
- Hands begin to freeze.
- The skin becomes abnormally pale.
- Severe numbness with pain.
If such symptoms are observed regularly, then it is not necessary to postpone the trip to the doctor, since one of the life-threatening diseases, which it is desirable to recognize as early as possible, can manifest itself.
Numbness of fingers in sleep
The main cause of leakage, arising in the hands during sleep, is a malfunction in the circulatory system. If there are no pathological changes in human health, then it will be enough for him to purchase an orthopedic mattress and a pillow - the problem will be solved. After all, these bed attributes are designed in such a way as to maximally repeat the outlines of the lying body, supporting the spine in a relaxed state, avoiding the vestiges of nerve endings and blood vessels. Numbness of fingers in a dream can also arise due to uncomfortable clothing with tight cuffs. The solution to the problem is simple enough - to buy a new pajamas. At night, you should take off all your jewelry. Do not throw your hands behind your head in a dream. After all during rest the heart of the person works less intensively. Therefore, blood can simply go badly into the vessels of the hands.
But the numbness of fingers in a dream can also speak of more serious diseases affecting the body. If paresthesia is accompanied by a constant pulling pain symptomatology and a crunch in the cervical vertebrae - one can safely assume that the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The decrease in the sensitivity of the fingers can also testify to the initial form of atherosclerosis, or the pathology of the elbow joint.
It is better to undergo examination from such doctors as a neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, to uniquely identify the cause of the pathology and, if possible, adjust your lifestyle or undergo a course of treatment.
Numbness of hands in sleep
Quite often, doctors associate the appearance of a feeling of leakage with the progression of such a disease as carpal tunnel syndrome. The main impetus to its development experts call long-term work in the same position, with increased stress, which falls on the hands.
The numbness of hands in a dream can also occur due to the infringement of the middle nerve localized in the carpal tunnel. With prolonged loads on the wrist (carrying weights, monotonous work on the computer, etc.), there may be swelling in the tendon area, which also compresses the nerve, blocking the sensitivity of the wrist. Especially this discomfort is manifested at night, when the body's biophysical processes are slow.
Very few people want because of "trifles" to address to doctors, but it is not necessary to be so careless, numbness of hands in a dream can be an indicator and more serious pathologies, for example, illnesses of Reynaud. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in both hands, especially the phalanx. The cause of this symptomatology is a violation of blood microcirculation in this area. Concomitant manifestations of this pathology can be called emerging pain, especially in cold weather, hands begin to unfoundly freeze, and the skin becomes unnatural, bluish shade. All these are clear signs of the initial stage of Raynaud's disease.
Unwillingness to go to the doctor can lead to the progression of such a disease as polyneuropathy. This pathology, mainly, affects the nerve endings of the hands and phalanges of the fingers. The impetus to the development of this disease can be diabetes (with this there is enough even a slight increase in sugar in the blood). Polyneuropathy can also provoke a deficiency of vitamins (especially vitamin B12), anemia, professional activity, infectious diseases of the body.
Paresthesia can be a consequence of changes in the hormonal status of the body (pregnancy, lactation, menopause), as well as disruptions in the endocrine system, the result of trauma.
Numbness of the left arm in a dream
Quite often patients complain of numbness of the left arm in a dream. The appearance of such symptoms may become a harbinger of deeper and more serious diseases in the human body. The reason for the direct pathology:
- Stress, a state of panic, an overstrain of the nervous system.
- Dehydration of the body.
- Uncomfortable position during the rest period of the left hand.
- Reception of some medicinal medicinal preparations.
- Hypothyroidism is a persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones.
- If, in addition to losing sensitivity, a person feels pain in the chest, nausea, breathing becomes superficial and frequent - these symptoms can indicate a heart attack.
- Any injury is damaged in the area of the shoulder and forearm.
- Menopause.
- Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease accompanied by pain and weakness in muscles and joints.
- Stroke, especially if the numbness of the left arm in a dream is indicated by discomfort in the lower extremity of the hand, accompanied by speech system malfunction, vision problems.
- Diabetes mellitus, the physiological manifestations of which affect the growth of nerve cells.
- Migraine - headaches, accompanied by spasms of blood vessels.
- Avitaminosis, in particular the lack of vitamins belonging to the group. Although this deviation is not so significant, it is still possible to undergo research.
- Intervertebral hernia, capable of replacing the nerve. In this case, the person additionally feels a slight tingling sensation in the left hand.
- Raynaud's syndrome, whose characteristic is spasmodic and abnormal reduction in the cross-section of blood vessels of the left hand. This disease is most often a consequence of hypothermia, contact with toxins, after the experienced stress. Encourage the development of this syndrome in the state of angina pectoris, the presence of tumor tumors in the wrist area, smoking, malnutrition, as well as chronic alcoholism.
- Damage to nerve endings that function in the wrist area can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, which in turn provokes loss of sensitivity by the left limb. Accompanying manifestations can be quite severe pain, muscle weakness, burning, tingling in the forearm and shoulder area, as well as completely the whole arm.
- Transient ischemic attacks. On the heart problems may indicate numbness of the little finger on the left hand.
Numbness of hands after sleep
The night has passed, it's time to take the morning exercise, and the hands do not obey their master? If the sensitivity in this situation is restored quickly enough, then there is no need to panic. But in the case when the numbness of the hands after sleep has become frequent, it is not worth waiting for "weather from the sea". It is necessary to urgently seek the advice of a specialist and determine the cause of these signs. In case of delay, the latent pathology remains without treatment and the degree of the disease is aggravated.
It is worth analyzing your clothes, maybe the reason is a tight cuff or an elastic band that squeezes the blood vessels. Importantly, the position of the upper limbs when performing this or that action, if the hands are long enough above the head or function in an uncomfortable position, is also capable of provoking numbness in the hands after sleep.
But not only external factors can cause functional discomfort. In the presence of many diseases of internal organs, anatomical defects and systemic pathology such deviations from the norm are possible. Therefore, when there is discomfort in the hands, you should consult a specialist.
Numbness of fingers after sleep
How unfortunate it sounds, but almost all the pathology in recent years has significantly "grown younger." A few years ago, numbness of fingers after sleep - it was the prerogative of the elderly, and today, thanks to computerization, this pathology is observed in a fairly large number of young people, especially those that spend a long time near the mouse and computer keyboard. This order of things leads to a mismatch in the network of blood vessels of the wrist and phalanges, which leads to unpleasant signals that the body sends.
Having woken up in the morning with numb fingers and reduced their sensitivity, it is first necessary to analyze the situation in order to understand what can provoke numbness of fingers after sleep.
- If this is an uncomfortable posture leading to the swelling of the upper limbs - you must try to change the pose.
- The problem is in uncomfortable pajamas - change the night wardrobe.
- An inconvenient bed - you may need to change it or buy an orthopedic mattress with a pillow.
- If the problem is not this, but the patient's professional activity is associated with a monotonous burden on the hands, try to take small breaks in the work, conducting a preventive warm-up.
- It is not superfluous to undergo instrumental diagnostics and clinical studies, since low blood glucose levels and glandular anemia can provoke swelling.
Do not let things go by themselves, because, at first glance, such minor discomfort can be the first "swallow" of a more serious illness.
Numbness of the right arm in a dream
The first thing that is worth appreciating, waking up, feeling the numbness of the right hand in a dream, is the quality of the bed on which the respondent slept. If you have an old mattress and a high feather pillow before your eyes, then it is likely that the discomfort in the upper extremities is provoked by them. After all, if, lying in such a bed, the neck and shoulder area is numb, there is stagnation of blood, which breaks the normal blood circulation in the head region - neck - shoulders - hands. In this spinal cord nerves of the cervical spine do not receive sufficient nutrition, and indeed they are responsible for tactile sensitivity of the skin of the upper limbs and, including the right arm. Therefore, after a night spent on such a box, for some time a person does not feel his hands. If the reason for this - is to replace the old headrest with an orthopedic pillow.
The second most common cause of discomfort can be called osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. For advice it is necessary to apply to specialists. But even before consulting a doctor, you need to analyze your lifestyle in detail. If the professional activity refers to sedentary work or the patient simply leads a sedentary life or, on the contrary, the organism experiences excessive loads, everything can adversely affect the health of the spine. Hence, the osteochondrosis, which experienced blood vessels and traumatizing radicular nerves, provokes the numbness of the right arm in a dream. In this scenario, it is worthwhile to take as a rule to do a health and preventive complex of exercises aimed at returning the spine to flexibility and greater stability. Excellent in this situation, and suitable for long walks and swimming in the pool.
It is worth paying special attention to weight. In case of its obvious redundancy, it is necessary to take measures for weight loss, because extra pounds - this is an additional burden on the spine, which, unable to withstand, responds with constant pain in the back. The pressure on the joints also increases. Obesity provokes the development of arthrosis and osteoarthritis, one of the signs of which is loss of sensation in the affected arm. Weight reduction will remove many medical problems, including those considered in this article.
Diagnosis of numbness of hands in sleep
To find out the reason, which caused the loss of sensitivity in the upper limbs of a person, it is advisable to go through a complex examination of the body. After all, the motivating cause may not be one, so having decided, for example, with osteochondrosis, it is not superfluous to check the heart, the endocrine system.
Diagnosis of numbness of hands in sleep includes consultation of such specialists as orthopedist, cardiologist, vertebrologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, neurologist. In most cases, in order to make the correct diagnosis, the patient will have to undergo:
- Radiography of the spine.
- Roentgen of the joints.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the joints and parts of the spine.
- Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of blood vessels.
- Electroencephalography.
- Laboratory research:
- General analysis of urine and feces.
- Blood for hormones.
- An expanded blood test.
- Blood for sugar.
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
- Control of blood pressure.
Only after receiving the results of all studies can we speak of a reason that forces the hands to grow thin and lose sensitivity.
Treatment of numbness of hands in sleep
As already mentioned above, the spectrum of diseases and external influences is wide enough to unequivocally describe the treatment of numbness in the hands of a dream, after all, after the diagnosis is made, to remove unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate its underlying cause. If the inconvenient bed or nightwear is the motivator of the leakage - it is only necessary to purchase an orthopedic pillow, and preferably also a mattress, or buy a soft comfortable pajamas.
When diagnosing one of the internal diseases, the doctor appoints a treatment protocol aimed at arresting the pathology of this particular organ or system. In most cases, this is a complex treatment consisting of medical therapy, if necessary, and surgical intervention, as well as various physiotherapy procedures, specialized gymnastics and massages.
For example, if the cause of swelling is osteochondrosis or interdisk hernia (other orthopedic problems), the disease can be managed with conservative methods and with surgery (if decompression of the nerve root is necessary).
It is not superfluous to receive vitamins. This is especially true of vitamin B12. The path of the drug is attributed directly to the doctor, since the drug can be administered into the body as subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, or intralumbly (directly into the spinal cord). The method of administration depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. With different pathologies, the dosage is also different. For example, in the case of severe iron deficiency or posthemorrhagic anemia, the amount of vitamin administered is 30 to 100 μg. The medicine is taken two to three times during the week. If the disorders are associated with diseases of the nervous system, the dosage changes somewhat and is determined by a figure of 200 to 400 μg. Injections are administered two to four times a month.
People who advocate vegetarianism and do not consume fish and meat need to enter into the treatment of ordinary brewer's yeast, which in a large assortment are sold in any pharmacy.
If the problem is associated with the spine or frequent hypothermia of the body, one of the methods of complex treatment of numbness in the hands of a dream can be a massage that has a beneficial effect on the capillary system of a person, with a nerve infringement, an experienced masseur will easily cope with this problem. There are several methods of acupuncture that a person can do on his own.
- It is necessary to put a ball the size of a tennis ball on the palm of your hand. Brush it in each palm, massaging the surface.
- Clamp the same ball between the palms and roll it for a while.
- With your left thumb and forefinger, massage each phalanx and palm of your right hand. Then the actions of the hands change.
- It will not be superfluous to carry out massage procedures using aromatic oils, for example, lilac, 10 g of camphor alcohol diluted in one liter of water at room temperature.
- Carry out a general hand massage: stroking, kneading, patting, rubbing.
The doctor, similarly, can ascribe such a procedure as an amplipulse with the use of ampullum analgin. This is a physiotherapy technique based on the effect on the biological organism of simulated sinusoidal currents. The frequency of such currents is 2-5 kHz, and their amplitude characteristic is 10-15 Hz.
In case of detection of stagnant phenomena and circulatory disorders, when diagnosing Reynaud's syndrome, the vessels should be maintained with ascorbic acid.
It is taken orally at the rate of 50 - 100 mg per day. In this case, a single dosage should not exceed a digit of 0.2 g, the maximum daily dosage is 0.5 g.
But do not use this vitamin, if a history of the patient has a tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis or the patient has an increased sensitivity to this substance.
It is necessary to correct and nutrition: to introduce in the diet more citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), from drinks in this situation will help decoction of the hips.
If the problem of leakage in the tunnel syndrome, the treating physician, usually, ascribes injections of glucocorticoids (hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands). For example:
- Esperon. The drug is used for the purpose of muscle relaxant effect on the patient's body. The drug is administered with a starting dosage of 0.6 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight. When using Esperon, diluents usually use special water for injections, or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, as well as a 5% dextrose solution.
- Triacort. Ointment is applied with a thin layer on the disturbing area one to three times a day. The course of treatment is indicated by a doctor and usually ranges from five to ten days, in more severe cases up to 25 days. Start with the concentration of the active substance in the ointment 0.1% and then, in the presence of a positive effect, go to a dosage of 0.025% with further gradual cancellation.
But with preparations of this orientation it is necessary to be cautious enough. In combination with diuretics, they can cause arrhythmia. They suppress immune processes, block or slow down the work of heparin, insulin, various vaccines. Glucocorticoids have a toxic effect on the patient's body, so in combination with them, they usually prescribe drugs that support the work of the liver.
- Carbamazepine. The dose of the drug is prescribed by a doctor especially individually. The starting amount of the drug is from 100 to 400 mg. Given the clinical effectiveness, and based on medical need, the dosage can be increased, but not more than 200 units with intervals of one week. Frequency of reception - from one to four times during the day.
The duration of the treatment course depends on the course of treatment and is adjusted by the attending physician.
- Phenytoin. The medication is administered internally with a primary daily dosage of 3 to 4 mg per kilogram of patient weight. Gradually, the dose is increased until the necessary therapeutic effect is obtained. On average, this is 200-500 mg per diem taken in one or more receptions.
When medically necessary, the drug is administered intravenously in an amount of 15 to 20 mg per kilogram of body weight of the patient. Intramuscularly one-time it is allowed to administer 100-300 mg of the drug.
Not the last place in the treatment of numbness of hands in sleep is occupied by physiotherapy exercises. A small complex effectively restores muscle tone, improves blood circulation, develops joints, makes the spine more flexible, which can not but affect the expected result.
Throughout the centuries our ancestors fought this disease and their methods.
- You can try a mixture of celery and parsley. Grind them in a combine, a blender or a meat grinder for 1 kg of each of the products. Introduce a glass of honey into the gruel. To stir thoroughly. Take in the morning on an empty stomach four tablespoons.
- For a liter of sunflower oil, add about 100 grams of ground black pepper. Put the mixture on a slow fire and hold for half an hour. The resulting liquid is rubbed into the skin of the hand.
- Efficient and tincture of red pepper and pickled cucumber. Knife the cucumber and pepper. Pour half a liter of vodka into the mixture. Put for a week in a dark place to brew. This tincture rub, massaging, hands.
- Not bad results shows and porridge from the pumpkin, which is warm superimposed on the whole arm (from the shoulder to the phalanx). Top the food film and wrap it with a woolen shawl.
- Mix 10 ml of camphor alcohol and 50 ml of ammonia. The received structure to grease, rubbing, a problem hand.
- Tie a red woolen thread on the wrist of a bracelet. Wear until complete recovery.
Preventing numbness in the hands of sleep
In order to protect yourself as much as possible from this problem, it is not necessary to exert much effort. Prevention of numbness in the hands of sleep includes:
- Constantly monitor your blood pressure, which can trigger a stroke.
- Keep the condition of the kidneys in check. Swelling can cause numbness of the limbs.
- Morning exercise will give vivacity and significantly reduce the risk of a feeling of leakage.
- A comfortable place with an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
- Comfortable pajamas.
- Refusal from smoking and spirits.
- Avoid mental and physical overloads that negatively affect the nervous system.
- Walking in the fresh air before going to bed.
- Compensate for a sedentary lifestyle, aerobics, fitness and other active recreation. Or at least take for the rule of work and work from the walk, stop using the elevator.
- Do not discount the periodic preventive examinations of specialists, and if necessary, in a timely manner to undergo a full course of treatment of the detected pathology.
- Massages.
- Normalize the mode of work and rest.
- Avoid hypothermia, especially frequent. It is necessary to dress according to the season, in accordance with the weather.
- Watch your immunity, avoiding infectious and colds.
Forecast of numbness of hands in sleep
In the conduct of a correct lifestyle, adhering to simple preventive recommendations, the prognosis of numbness in the arms in a dream is very favorable.
Many people consider the numbness of the hands in a dream as unpleasant, but not fatal. But from the above, it is clear that this is not so. It is almost impossible for a person to determine the cause of the pathology independently. Therefore, for help, you need to contact a graduate. Only a doctor, having on hand the results of biophysical and laboratory studies, will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. Do not neglect the signals in the form of a symptom that the body sends you. Adopting adequate measures, you can permanently get rid of this symptomatology.