Nervous-arthritic diathesis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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More commonly known as "urine acid diathesis," a neuro-arthritic diathesis is a disease that results from a malfunction in metabolic processes and manifests itself as excessive CNS excitability and some other signs, in particular allergies.
The appearance of the disease is usually associated with adverse heredity and with a number of external factors, for example, with malnutrition, both the baby itself and the mother during pregnancy.
ICD Code 10
- M 05 - M 14 - inflammatory polyarthropathy.
- M 10 is gout.
- M 10.3 - gout caused by a disorder of kidney function.
- M 10.4 - Other secondary gout.
- M 10.9 - gout, unspecified.
Causes of neuro-arthritic diathesis
The main cause of the disease is considered to be genetically determined inheritance by maternal, but more often on the paternal line. Nerve and arthritic diathesis can occur in a child whose parents are ill with gout, calculous cholecystitis, urolithiasis, obesity, diabetes, IHD, atherosclerosis. Inherited, in the first place, the violation of metabolic processes.
Secondary factors of the development of the disease are:
- illiterate nutrition of the mother during pregnancy (eg, compliance with the protein diet);
- malnutrition of the child (preferential use of foods that contain a large amount of animal protein - for example, meat, offal);
- negative environmental factor.
The pathogenesis of neuro-arthritic diathesis includes the following disorders:
- high excitability at any of the reception stages;
- disorder of purine metabolism with increased purine content in blood and urine;
- a decrease in the acetylating properties of the liver.
Many scientists suggest that the neuro-arthritic diathesis is inherited in an autosomal dominant type with reduced penetrance, especially in the female sex. There is also a hypothesis about polygenic inheritance. This once again proves the importance of external factors in the development of the disease.
Predisposition to allergy and other pathological reactions in patients with neuro-arthritic diathesis is also explained by the fact that one of the properties of uric acid is the inhibition of the production of cyclic nucleotides. Decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood, increased lipolysis during fasting (for example, with repeated vomiting, abnormal appetite), during infections, stresses, excessive intake of animal fats with food lead to ketogenesis and the formation of ketoacidosis with a possible coma.
As a rule, by about 10 years, acetone seizures in a child disappear.
Symptoms of neuro-arthritic diathesis
The clinical picture of neuro-arthritic diathesis depends on the type of disease. There are 4 such types that are distinguished under the guise of neurasthenic, cutaneous, spastic and dysmetabolic syndromes.
- The first signs of a neurasthenic syndrome are the appearance of an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, deterioration and shortening of sleep in a baby. As you grow up, the child becomes more and more excitable, can react violently to the slightest touch.
After reaching a child of 2 years of age, he begins to noticeably outstrip other children in development. At this time, the following signs are also observed:
- mood instability, capriciousness, short temper;
- motor excitement;
- insomnia, anxiety;
- increased susceptibility of odors;
- unexplained attacks of vomiting or coughing;
- manifestations of enuresis;
- loss of appetite, emaciation (in girls it is sometimes possible, on the contrary, increase in body weight);
- speech disorders (stuttering, too fast and stuttering speech);
- pain in the muscles, in the abdomen, in the head;
- excessive defecation;
- the smell of acetone from the mouth (mostly in the morning).
Symptoms of dysmetabolic syndrome appear at an older age:
- joint pain (usually at night) due to the crystallization of urates in the joint fluid;
- soreness and burning sensation when urinating (due to damage to the urethra by the salt crystals);
- acetone crisis (increase in blood levels of ketone bodies).
In turn, the symptoms of the acetone crisis are:
- epigastric pain with an increase in temperature;
- abrupt weight loss;
- loss of appetite, dehydration;
- in severe cases - loss of consciousness, convulsions.
The crisis can last from 2 hours to 4-5 days, after which there is a sharp improvement in the condition of the sick child. •
Clinic of spastic syndrome is expressed in such signs:
- spasm of bronchi;
- migraine;
- heart pain;
- difficulties with defecation;
- increased blood pressure;
- renal and intestinal colic.
It is possible to develop an easy course of bronchial asthma.
The first signs of skin syndrome are found from about 10 years of age:
- rashes on the type of urticaria;
- angioedema, eczematous eruptions, atopic dermatitis.
Nervous-arthritic diathesis in children is diagnosed much more often than in adult patients. Nevertheless, among all the types of diathesis encountered, this disease is found only in 2.5% of cases.
Consequences and complications of neuro-arthritic diathesis
Nervous-arthritic diathesis means the body's tendency to develop certain pathological conditions. The disease can go to the defeat of the urinary system (kidney stones, nephropathy, nephritis), and excess uric acid in the bloodstream can trigger the development of gout and inflammation of the joints.
Disturbed metabolism in neuro-arthritic diathesis often causes endocrine disorders (diabetes, obesity), atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, heart diseases. Regular irritation of the central nervous system can lead to neuralgia, migraine and various manifestations of neurological symptoms.
In order to avoid such consequences, it is important to start treatment of metabolic disorders in a timely manner, as well as to strictly adhere to recommendations regarding lifestyle and dietary principles.
Diagnosis of neuro-arthritic diathesis
Defining diagnostic procedures for neuro-arthritic diathesis are urine, blood tests and some other methods.
- The analysis of urine is one of the most informative for the diagnosis of neuro-arthritic diathesis. In addition to color and other external estimates of urinary fluid, attention is drawn to the chemical composition. Even at the onset of the disease, an increased amount of salt crystals is determined in different combinations. The primary content of these or other salts indicates the formation of certain deposits, which helps to select the correct treatment scheme.
- Blood tests can indicate the development of inflammation, as well as identify the level of urea, nitrogen, creatinine. The content of these substances is the determining factor in the development of diathesis.
- Instrumental diagnostics is presented, first of all, by ultrasonic research - this is the type of diagnostics that is used already at the first signs of the disease. Salt crystals show themselves on the ultrasound image, as echopositive inclusions, and as the process progresses, you can see the elements of sand and stones.
- Before the use of ultrasound, the main diagnostic method was the method of radiography, which in recent years has been used only to refine certain details. Stones measuring less than 0.3 cm, as well as urates, are not displayed on the X-ray.
Differential diagnosis is performed with all kinds of neuroses, rheumatism, infectious arthritis, pyelonephritis, chronic infectious diseases, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In addition, there is a congenital defect of purine metabolism, such as the Lesch-Naychen syndrome.
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Treatment of neuro-arthritic diathesis
The basic principles for the treatment of neuro-arthritic diathesis are the observance of a certain regimen and diet. A sick child should be protected from stress, excessive intellectual loads. Parents should not allow such a kid to watch TV for a long time or play at a computer.
The procedures of hardening, gymnastics in the mornings, walks in the fresh air will benefit.
Medicines are prescribed by the course, up to 2 times a year:
- mineral and vitamin-mineral preparations with obligatory content of potassium and calcium;
- anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroid drugs);
- hepatoprotectors (hepabene, carpel, essential);
- drugs that reduce the production of uric acid;
- soothing agents (valerian, novopassit, fitosed).
When there are signs of development of an acetone attack, the following treatment is used:
- orally glucose water, tea with sugar, fresh, alkaline water without gas;
- drinking fluid every 10-15 minutes;
- feeding on demand, low-fat and carbohydrate food;
- cleansing of the intestine (you can put an enema;
- hepatoprotective drugs;
- cyanocobalamin inside or intramuscularly;
- with debilitating attacks of vomiting and dehydration - intravenous infusions of solutions of glucose, saline, vitamin C, etc.
Surgical treatment is used for the full development of urolithiasis on the background of neuro-arthritic diathesis. Large stones are removed by surgical procedure. Small formations can be crushed by electromagnetic waves (procedure of remote lipotrypsy).
Nevertheless, even surgical treatment can not guarantee a complete cure of the patient. Removal of stones does not prevent their further formation. Changes in diet and periodic preventive treatment of the patient must be observed throughout life.
Homeopathy with neuro-arthritic diathesis
Doctors-homeopaths are sure that, thanks to the holistic approach of homeopathy, one can not only cure the disease, but also save the patient from individual hypersensitivity of the organism. For a competent choice of a drug, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in this field.
- Brionia alba is a drug used for articular inflammatory processes with limited amplitude of movements.
- Cesspool is a drug that helps restore appetite, relieve swelling of the joints, flatulence, stabilize the composition and characteristics of urine, soothe and eliminate irritability.
- Formic acid - a drug that is used for joint pain, provoked by the presence of urate and protein in the urine. Eliminates pain, normalizes blood pressure.
- Purity - added to the water during bathing, helps relieve pain in the joints.
- Lithium carb - improves the patient's condition in the presence of uric acid in joint cavities.
- Potassium carbonate is a drug that eliminates the negative impact of errors in the patient's diet.
Experts argue that the earlier the treatment of the disease is started, the more favorable the outcome.
Alternative treatment of neuro-arthritic diathesis
Treatment with herbs on the background of a diet and a regulated lifestyle of the patient creates favorable conditions for the restoration of disturbed metabolic processes.
With nerve-arthritis diathesis successfully used cowberry infusion: 20 g of cowberry leaves - 200 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour, filter, drink 1 tbsp. L. Up to 4 times a day.
During the attacks of the disease using herbal remedies that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic properties. Such plants include:
- flowers of cornflower blue;
- calendula;
- peony;
- juniper berries;
- buckthorn (bark);
- the color of elderberry;
- nettle leaf;
- horsetail;
- birch leaves.
Stabilize metabolic processes and help to remove uric acid from the body:
- St. John's wort;
- chamomile;
- color of a linden tree;
- the color of elder.
A good effect is given by baths with a decoction of broth, chamomile color, lovage.
Diet with neuro-arthritic diathesis
Eat when the disease is desirable on schedule, at the same time, avoiding periods of fasting and overeating. The menu should consist of such products:
- products of dark flour;
- milk products;
- vegetables;
- cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet);
- fruit;
- eggs (1 piece per day).
It is necessary to limit the use of such food:
- mushrooms;
- animal fats;
- sweets;
- meat in any form;
- fish in any form;
- sugar;
- nuts.
Absolute exclusion is due to such products:
- coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
- by-products;
- canned food, pâté;
- herring;
- broths based on meat or fish;
- carbonated sweet water;
- beans (peas, beans).
It is also better to exclude greens, sorrel, cauliflower.
The main purpose of the diet is to restore the acid-base balance in the body of the patient.
Diet should always be combined with drinking. This refers to a fairly frequent use of alkaline liquid - mineral water, tea with lemon, fresh fruit juices.
Prevention of neuro-arthritis diathesis
Preventive measures consist in the appointment and observance of a certain daily routine and food intake. It is important to monitor mental stress, isolate the patient from stress, fears and negative emotions.
Welcome feasible physical exercises, hardening, special food, not allowing penetration into the body of purines, limiting the formation of ketone bodies and urea. The patient is recommended to be more out in the fresh air, periodically hold sessions of massage and manual therapy.
How to prevent crises of the disease? If the patient's condition worsens, strict bed rest, strict adherence to the diet, and the appointment of a course of hyposensitizing therapy are necessary. Periodically, it is necessary to take multivitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by a doctor. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene - care for skin and mucous membranes.
It is impossible to adhere to hunger and protein diets, and to limit the amount of liquid.
The prognosis of the disease is determined by such factors as early detection of metabolic disorders, the appointment of timely treatment, adherence to diet and day regimen.
Many medical experts say that the neuro-arthritic diathesis is not a diagnosis, but a predisposition of the body to the disruption of the metabolism and the urinary system. Therefore, if you start treatment on time and adhere to the doctor's recommendations accurately, you can avoid the negative consequences of pathology.