Mini abortion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Mini abortion is a procedure that allows you to terminate a pregnancy at an early age with a minimally invasive and low traumatic method. The availability of this procedure is high, as well as the possible indications for its conduct. But there are some peculiarities in the technique of carrying out and the cases in which this is shown, what must be taken into account before such a procedure. Before doing any operation, even if it is a low-traumatic procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with possible complications and to know the degree of risk to which you are going at the same time.
Basic information about mini abortion
This procedure is performed only in medical institutions, but it can be done at will, and not only for medical reasons. This greatly expands the use of this method in everyday use, which is both good and bad.
The first indication for a mini-abortion is the desire of the woman herself to interrupt her pregnancy. The attitude towards abortion is not discussed in this article, because each case is unique and individual, so the desire of a woman is considered an indication to this procedure. In addition, there are other indications for a mini-abortion. This is, first of all, a huge group of cases of interruption for medical indications. If the family has a pathology that is genetic and is inherited, this can be an indication for a mini-abortion with the consent of the woman. Also, the indication may be a congenital malformation diagnosed in a child during pregnancy. Another absolute indication for abortion is rubella in a woman during pregnancy.
Another group of indications is relative. This group includes infectious diseases of women in the early stages of pregnancy, which can cause pathology in the unborn child. Such indications include active acute cytomegalovirus pathology, herpesviral pathology, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, AIDS. All these diseases require careful monitoring, so in case of pregnancy, it is necessary to explain to the woman the possible harm and offer interruption at an early date.
Up to what time can I do mini-abortion? This issue is very important, because with incorrect indications there can be serious complications. First of all, it is necessary to say that termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman is possible only up to twelve weeks, for medical reasons, pregnancy can be terminated up to twenty-two weeks. In the early stages, non-invasive methods of abortion are possible - a medical abortion up to six to seven weeks. This method consists of drug stimulation, which ends with a kind of mini-abortion. Further surgical methods are performed - this is a curettage of the uterine cavity or surgical abortion up to twelve weeks. After this period, only a medical termination of pregnancy can be carried out. As for the mini-abortion, the optimal period for this intervention is five to six weeks. Further carrying out of the given procedure is not recommended to spend in view of occurrence of possible serious complications.
Contraindications to the mini-abortion are very wide, which must be taken into account when planning this pathology. All contraindications can be divided into relative and absolute, as well as general and local. Absolute contraindications are cases in which this procedure can not be carried out in any case. These include, first of all, ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you will not be able to eliminate such a pregnancy, but you can only cause severe bleeding. This is one of the local contraindications. Also contraindication may be concomitant acute inflammatory diseases of internal or external genital organs. It is very important that this procedure also does not aggravate the course of chronic adnexitis. The presence of a cervical cyst or endometrial cyst of the uterus is also a contraindication to this procedure. General contra-indications to mini-abortion are acute inflammatory processes of other organs and systems, oncopathology in the active phase, as well as blood diseases, which are accompanied by a violation of its coagulation.
The advantages of mini-abortion are, of course, its low traumatic nature, which is important, especially if a young woman is the first abortion. This is due to the peculiarities of the procedure. Such intervention makes it possible to significantly reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period and after the procedure, in the absence of complications, a woman can go home. This also applies to rehabilitation related to the next pregnancy, because after a mini-abortion, a repeated pregnancy can be significantly faster than after a surgical abortion.
As for the shortcomings of mini-abortion - then this is the timing of it. After all, this procedure is possible up to six weeks of pregnancy, when not every pregnancy can be detected, especially in women with ovario-menstrual cycle disorders. The technical procedure is also a disadvantage, because not every hospital, especially the state hospital, can carry out this procedure. More often this technical support is not cheap, therefore, where it is possible to make a mini-abortion it is quite expensive, since in most cases these are private clinics.
Do not forget about the complications. What is dangerous mini-abortion? First of all, with insufficient aspiration of the fetal egg and its membranes, the remains of the decidual membrane are possible, which, with prolonged persistence, can lead to chorionepithelioma. This is a malignant disease that has an unfavorable prognosis. Therefore, a mini-abortion at a later date is prohibited, because then the contact of the fetal egg with the endometrium is very tight and it is possible to leave tissue particles, which will cause such a transformation. Also, mini-abortion is dangerous for the development of bleeding, although this is a minimally invasive method, but with damage to a large uterine vessel, bleeding from marked to insignificant discharge is possible. If the rules of asepsis or antiseptics are violated, or if the woman has accompanying inflammatory diseases of the genitals, then mini-abortion is dangerous for the development of ascending infectious diseases involving the ovaries, fallopian tubes or organs of the urinary system.
These are the main points that must be taken into account before carrying out this procedure.
Mini abortion technique
Preparation for the mini-abortion procedure should be comprehensive in order to avoid possible complications, both abortion and pregnancy in the future.
It is necessary to accurately determine the duration of pregnancy, because this procedure is very limited in time. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the woman on the armchair, to find out the possible length of pregnancy by the date of the last menstruation, and also to conduct additional research methods. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound study that will answer all possible questions about the period of pregnancy, the exact location of the fetal egg and the presence of concomitant pathology. It is also very important to conduct a bacterioscopic examination of the smear from the vagina. This allows to exclude the inflammatory process and makes it possible to carry out invasive interventions without the risk of an ascending infection of the internal genital organs. These are the general rules of preparation for this procedure, which all women must pass through. If there are any concomitant diseases with a woman, then it is possible to consult specialists on this or that problem.
Anesthesia during mini-abortion is chosen by a specialist and depends on the duration of the intervention and the presence of concomitant pathologies. More often, mini-abortion is performed under general anesthesia, which allows a woman to relax and the post-operative period takes place in a less stressful psychological setting.
The technique of mini-abortion may be different if it is any abortion at the earliest possible date.
Mini abortion with the help of pills is an affordable and easy method due to the possibility of carrying out it on an outpatient basis, but under the strict control of the doctor. For this purpose, hormone-containing preparations are used. This type of abortion is carried out in two stages. The first stage is the adoption of a progesterone antagonist, which provides rejection of the fetal egg from the uterine cavity and causes, in fact, involuntary miscarriage. In this case, the woman is under the supervision of a doctor. After the rejection of the fetal egg, it is necessary that it comes out under the influence of contraction of the muscular fibers of the uterus. Therefore, the second stage of medical abortion is the taking after 48 hours of prostaglandin preparations. These drugs stimulate uterine contraction, and the fetal egg leaves the uterine cavity in the form of bloody discharge. After that, after a week, it is necessary to undergo a repeated examination and ultrasound examination, like monitoring the condition of a woman.
Mini abortion at home involves the use of various methods, herbs that stimulate premature contraction of the uterus and the yield of the fetal egg. But such methods are very dangerous, since they can provoke heavy bleeding with serious complications. Therefore, it is impossible to use such methods, especially given the availability and ease of a qualified doctor's consultation and conducting a professional abortion.
Mini abortion with the help of vacuum aspiration works on the principle of a home vacuum cleaner, only it has a capacity of thirty times greater. In this case, this method should be carried out under the supervision of ultrasound, which allows you to determine exactly where the fetal egg is. In this case, first dilate the cervix with laminaria or prostaglandin, and then introduce a sensor, which under the supervision of ultrasound is sent to the embryo. After that, attach the device, which produces the exhaustion of the fetal egg. This is the main principle of this method.
Surgical mini-abortion is a premature termination of pregnancy in the early stages, which can be carried out up to twelve weeks. Therefore, this method is most widely used, after all, it is on 9-10 weeks that pregnancy is confirmed. At the same time, the scraping of the uterine cavity with the internal functional ball of the endometrium is technically done, which is a very traumatic procedure, in comparison with vacuum aspiration. Therefore, if possible, a mini-abortion with vacuum aspiration should be preferred.
Mini abortion in uterine myomas can also be carried out if the myoma is local and manifests itself as a node in the uterine cavity, which is located submucous. Then surgical mini-abortion is the most justified method of treatment, which has priority. Using a vacuum can cause bleeding, so it is not recommended.
Consequences and complications of mini-abortion
It is always necessary to remember the possible complications of any actions, even if these are minimally invasive methods, they can still have a serious impact on health.
The consequence of a mini-abortion, which is considered the most serious, is a bladder skeleton and chorionepithelioma. These complications can develop with incomplete abortion, when there remain parts of the decidua that tend to malignant growth. Also, the complications of the very procedure of the mini-abortion itself is bleeding, which can have both a pronounced character and the character of minor bloody discharge. The discharge after the abortion can last several days, and besides the bloody nature, they can have the form of purulent, then you should pay attention to this, since this already indicates a serious pathology of the inflammatory nature.
Pain in the abdomen after a mini-abortion is also a common symptom, as irritation of the uterine cavity is carried out, and the response is a spasm of muscle fibers and pain in the abdomen. Such pain can be normal and should not have a pronounced character or a long time to bother. Therefore, any intense pain requires a second examination and examination by the doctor.
The temperature after a mini-abortion can rise in normal conditions to subfebrile digits, if such a rise is above these figures, then you need to think about a possible reason. This can be caused by inflammation after a mini-abortion, which develops with exogenous infection or after activation of the internal foci of infection. That's why not only careful examination and preparation for mini-abortion is necessary, but in some cases it is necessary to undergo preventive post-operative antibiotic treatment.
Bloating after a mini-abortion may be due to digestive disorders after anesthesia, when intestinal paresis occurs. Thus in the early period such complication can arise, then it is necessary to start an intestine with a special diet.
Sex after a mini-abortion must be postponed until the next menstruation, when the cycle resumes and after the first menstrual period the risk of complications decreases.
The rehabilitation period after a mini-abortion depends on the method that was used. If there was a vacuum aspiration, then this period is not long - a month. If it is a surgical abortion, then the rehabilitation period is the longest from three to six months. During this period, do not recommend becoming pregnant. Care of the genitals after a mini-abortion does not differ from such under normal conditions - this is the daily hygiene procedures, sometimes there is a need to use an anti-inflammatory suppository or antibacterial candles, with the development of the inflammatory process.
Can I get pregnant after a mini-abortion? This question interests all women who decide on this step. This is really very important. The answer here is unambiguous - you can normally get pregnant if you follow all the doctor's recommendations about the rehabilitation period and timely examination, of course, in the absence of complications.
Mini-abortion is an operative measure, which involves the abortion of an early pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate not only the presence of indications, but also possible contraindications. You should take the time and careful preparation to avoid complications. In any case, this decision is made by a woman and it is necessary to think carefully before carrying out any manipulations, not only with her own health, but also with the life of the unborn child.