Metallic taste in the mouth: a sign of illness
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The main symptom is the actual metallic taste in the mouth. It can be different in intensity - from mild, barely perceptible to sharp, suffocating. There may also be sore throat, burning sensation in the nasopharynx, mucous membranes, a feeling of dryness, and even pain in the nose, throat. There may be signs of conjunctivitis, eye damage.
Nausea and metallic taste in mouth
Usually nausea combined with a metallic taste in the mouth is one of the signs of poisoning. Nausea indicates that dyspeptic syndrome develops, there are signs of acute abdomen. The taste of metal suggests that the poison has already penetrated the blood. If the taste increases, it means that the poison continues to be absorbed into the blood. It is urgent to provide a person with emergency care, stop the further penetration of the poison into the body and take steps to eliminate the toxin that has already entered the body.
An ambulance must be called for urgently, because an acute abdomen is a syndrome that belongs to surgical pathologies and requires immediate surgical intervention. When calling, the physician should be informed that a poisoning has occurred, try to describe in as much detail as possible the sensations and preceding events in which this happened. Hospitalization is required, surgery may be required, since there is a risk of peritonitis, which affects the entire abdominal cavity, develops infectious and toxic damage to the internal organs, up to sepsis and death. If the diagnosis of an acute abdomen is confirmed, surgery is urgently needed. Failure to provide urgent operational assistance in the first 2-3 hours is fatal. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, it is enough to wash the stomach to clean water, drink a sorbent, which will remove the poison from the body. Then it is necessary to conduct further detoxification treatment.
Metallic taste in the mouth after eating
In some cases, a metallic taste in the mouth may appear immediately after eating. First, you need to make sure that the food that was consumed was of high quality. The similar picture can be observed at the use of low-quality food, canned fish. A characteristic flavor may appear in pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, intestinal disorders and some liver diseases. Alcohol intoxication, botulism, food intoxication, toxicoinfection, may have similar symptoms. Also here are some cases of food allergy, increased body sensitization.
Metallic taste in the mouth in the morning
This may be one of the signs of dysbacteriosis, a violation of the microbiocenosis of the oral cavity, intestines. Entering Escherichia coli in uncharacteristic biotopes, for example, in the oral cavity, respiratory tract, can lead to a metallic taste in the mouth in the morning. A similar picture develops against the background of a viral infection, catarrhal diseases, in case of poisoning, or after drinking alcohol, some medicines.
Sour metallic taste in mouth
A sour metallic taste in the mouth may indicate poisoning with heavy metal salts. Similarly affects the body chlorine. With the appearance of such a sensation, you need to drink a sorbent. The sooner this is done, the better. Well helps activated carbon, white coal - sorbeks. If there are no other signs, this will be enough to neutralize the poison and gradually bring it out. If there are concomitant symptoms, for example, fever, general deterioration of health, nausea, headache, you need to call the doctor, and even better to help. Try to remember as much as possible the previous day: what you ate, what you breathed, where you were. Analyze if you could get poisoned. Severe poisoning is indicated by dizziness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and lack of air.
Bitterness in mouth and metallic taste
Usually the appearance of bitterness and metallic taste in the mouth indicates poisoning by chemicals. Sometimes it can be a sign of gallstone disease, liver damage, gallbladder disease. Bitterness can occur with bile stasis, biliary tract dysfunction. It is possible to distinguish poisoning from the listed diseases by specific signs indicating poisoning. Thus, the characteristic features of poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, general weakness, decreased activity, and appetite. Against the background of poisoning in a person, sweating, as a rule, increases, heartbeat quickens, the body becomes covered with cold sweat.
If you do not take action in a timely manner, do not provide emergency assistance to a person, other symptoms appear - pupils dilate, coordination of movements is disturbed. Asphyxiation may develop, especially if a history of a tendency to allergic reactions. With no assistance, symptoms gradually increase, increase, and everything can be fatal. In cases of pancreatic diseases, digestive disorders, consultation of a gastroenterologist is required.
If a metallic taste appears in the mouth when coughing, this may indicate the development of tuberculosis, or pulmonary hemorrhage, hemoptysis.
Dry mouth and metallic taste
If dry mouth and metallic taste are the only symptoms that a person feels, this may indicate dental disease, gingivitis, stomatitis. It can also be a sign of normal dehydration, or a severe allergic reaction, in which the level of secretory immunoglobulin A and E significantly increases, which are synthesized by mucous membranes. But if other symptoms join these symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, diarrhea, poisoning may be suggested. In the future, if you do not provide emergency assistance, the condition worsens.
Almost always, a burning sensation in the mouth and a metallic taste indicate poisoning by chemicals that have entered through the oral cavity. That is, it can be assumed that there was a chemical burn of the mucous membranes, the oral cavity, the esophagus. Sometimes the surrounding tissues and respiratory tract are involved in the pathological process.
Headache and metallic taste in the mouth
When a headache and metallic taste in the mouth, it is necessary to take an anesthetic, or a means of normalizing cerebral circulation. For example, you can try drugs such as no-spa, analgin, spazmalgon, pirocetam, spazmolgon. If this is a typical violation of blood circulation, overwork, the pill will help. Otherwise, it can be assumed poisoning, or hypoxia, which develops as a result of chronic lack of oxygen, an excess of carbon dioxide, physical inactivity, stress, overwork. In any case, it is definitely not possible to say what exactly caused these symptoms, therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.
Dizziness and metallic taste in mouth
A typical sign of poisoning, which almost always develops through the inhalation of toxic fumes through the respiratory tract. A person needs to be brought to the fresh air, or to open all the windows and doors to ensure maximum air flow. You also need to undo crush clothes, release the throat. Drink plenty of water. It is worth to drink milk, or any other drink with astringent properties. It is necessary to call an ambulance and ensure the patient peace If the condition worsens and nausea occurs, induce vomiting. If you lose consciousness, give the victim a smell of ammonia.
Metallic taste in mouth and salivation
Abundant salivation can be a sign of gastrointestinal lesions, exacerbation of gastritis, enteritis, and may indicate the development of an infectious disease. Diseases such as rabies, polio, hepatitis, are accompanied by a strong salivation. But in combination with a metallic taste in the mouth, most often indicates either poisoning or a viral disease. Similar symptoms can be observed in case of poisoning, and even a cold, while taking antibiotics, during hormonal therapy.
If it is poisoning, you need to call an ambulance. Poisoning may indicate increasing salivation, viscous saliva, the appearance of blood impurities in the saliva. There is a sharp pain in the stomach, profuse vomiting, bleeding. If you don’t help at this stage (inject an antidote, wash the stomach, give sorbents), a person may lose consciousness, his body temperature rises or falls sharply, his pulse slows down, his blood pressure decreases. This gives serious complications in the kidneys and liver. As the condition worsens, liver or kidney failure, heart failure, up to multiple organ failure and a comatose state develop. Reinforced uncontrolled salivation is almost always a negative symptom, with no assistance rendered injected fatal.
Temperature and metallic taste in the mouth
An increase in temperature in itself can be a sign of an infectious disease. Most often hyperthermia is accompanied by bacterial diseases, less often - viral. If the temperature is combined with a metallic taste in the mouth, we can assume the development of an intestinal infection, parasitic invasion, or the development of fungal microflora. Such symptoms are accompanied by severe candidiasis, mycoses. It can be diseases of the kidneys, liver.
In addition, food poisoning manifests itself in a similar way. When poisoning, the basis of pathogenesis is a violation of metabolic processes in the body, resulting from exposure to toxins, which in various ways penetrate the body. Symptomatology has approximately similar features for various types of poisoning, regardless of the route of penetration of the virus into the body.
Any poisoning, whether it is poisoning by chemicals, bacterial or viral toxins, fungal exotoxins, or plant poisons, is accompanied by disturbances in the basic metabolic processes at the cellular, tissue, and organism levels. Temperature is a sign of the systemic effects of poison on the body, in which immune mechanisms are involved, other body defense factors, an inflammatory, or reparative process develops. A metallic taste in the mouth is often a sign of damage to the liver, pancreas, and digestive disorders. When poisoning, in the first place, the digestive processes are disturbed, increased irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract develops, damage to the mucous membranes develops.
If a person does not promptly provide emergency assistance, dehydration develops (from the cells, tissues, the body as a whole, a large amount of water is removed, the cells, and subsequently the tissues) are destroyed. May result in the death of the organism.
Metallic taste in the mouth and zaedy
Bars usually develop on the background of metabolic disorders, both at the cellular and tissue levels. This may be a sign of infection, including bacterial and viral. So papillomavirus, herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus viruses, Zoster often manifests itself. A characteristic feature is that jams combined with a metallic taste in the mouth can indicate viral liver or kidney disease.
Metallic taste in the mouth after alcohol
The appearance of metallic taste in the mouth after drinking alcohol may be associated with poisoning. This often happens after excessive use of alcohol, or against the background of poisoning with a poor-quality product, substitutes, which include methyl alcohol. This often happens with alcoholics who abuse alcohol, drink long and systematically, and often get drunk.
But often this picture is observed in those who have not drunk for a long time, or in those who drink rarely. With the pathology of the liver, kidneys, increased load on these organs, similar symptoms of intoxication are observed. In addition, it may indicate that the liver and kidneys do not cope with the load, and can not neutralize the poison. In this case, detoxification therapy is usually required: you should drink a sorbent, for example, sorbex, activated carbon. It is better to consult a doctor. If necessary, he can prescribe hepatoprotectors.
Metallic taste in the mouth of the crown
If you recently received a crown, then in the first days after a visit to the dentist, you may be haunted by the feeling of metallic taste in your mouth. There is nothing bad and scary about it. It just may say that the crown is quite fresh, was made not so long ago. After all, crowns are often metal. Often they are covered with gold dust on top, which creates a characteristic taste. Usually, after a few days, these feelings disappear. But, if they continue to bother you after a week, consult your dentist. You may have an increased sensitivity of the teeth (gums), and the doctor will advise you a special toothpaste, or spray, rinse. There are many remedies that can reduce sensitivity and normalize sensations.
Metallic taste in the mouth with a hangover
With a hangover in the mouth can appear not only metallic, but any other very unpleasant taste. Often this indicates that the body is neutralizing the poison, and you feel the byproducts of this neutralization in the mouth. It must be understood that the poison (alcohol), entering the body, undergoes splitting and numerous transformations. There is an enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase).
The mechanism of its action is aimed at splitting alcohol, which enters the body, and turning it into various energetically capacious compounds. It is worth noting that in some people this enzyme has a low enzymatic activity. Such a person does not tolerate alcohol, quickly gets drunk, does not feel sick in the morning. Alcohol in his body is not completely broken down. As a result, instead of energy, intermediate metabolites arise, which have a toxic effect on the body, put pressure on the kidneys, liver, spleen, and cause digestive disorders. A similar picture is observed if a person drank an excessively large amount of alcohol, and alcohol dehydrogenase cannot process this amount. Then, too, often the decay products remain in the body, which leads to the development of intoxication.
The best way is to take a sorbent, which will help to neutralize and remove excess alcohol, and its products of exchange. Well acts sorbeks, activated carbon, enterlolel. Many alternative and homeopathic remedies work well.
Consider some alternative recipes.
- Recipe number 1.
In a common alcohol (500 ml), add a tablespoon of spring adonis grass, calamus swamp grass, marsh wild rosemary leaves, birch leaves and buds, a pinch of black henbane leaves. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
- Recipe number 2.
They take in equal parts the grass of the highlander pepper, the grass of the mountaineer cheshed, grass of the medicinal tributary, oregano, the roots of Dyaglya medicinal, pour 500 ml of alcohol. Drink a third of a glass per day.
- Recipe number 3.
As a basis take vodka or pure alcohol. Then add about a tablespoon of the following components: the grass of the jaundice gray, the grass of larkspur retina, Hypericum perforatum, the leaves and fruits of wild strawberry, the herb of the thousandth small. Stir, then set aside and provide an opportunity to insist. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
- Recipe number 4.
In a common alcohol (500 ml), add a tablespoon of Icelandic lichen thallus, nototkov inflorescences, bark and fruits of ordinary viburnum, boiled grass, and leaves of European ungulates. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
Metallic taste in the mouth after poisoning
After poisoning, an unpleasant metallic taste can remain in the mouth for a long time. This is due to the processes that occur in the body under the influence of toxin. Violation of the functional state of the body, manifested primarily in the form of a violation of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Synthesis of enzymes, bile is broken. Congestion develops, the composition is disturbed, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the microflora, and the processes of digestion are disturbed. As a result, there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth. In severe poisoning, the liver ceases to cope with toxic substances that enter the blood. Toxins do not appear outside, but remain in the body, they begin to have a toxic effect on the body as a whole, on the blood. The composition of the blood changes, the erythrocytes are destroyed, free hemoglobin is eliminated. It is he who creates these sensations in the oral cavity, since hemoglobin is based on iron.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that poisoning can provoke an allergic reaction of varying severity. As a result, a huge release of biologically active substances, histamine, occurs in the body, various chemical transformations occur. Mucous membranes intensively synthesize proteins, inflammatory mediators, immunoglobulins, including A and E. All this can cause different tastes in the mouth.
Persistent permanent metallic taste in mouth
It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of why the persistent metallic taste in the mouth can bother you, because there can be quite a few reasons. They can act both individually and in combination, creating a single picture of the pathological process. In any case, you need to be examined by a doctor, find out the reason, and only on this basis, select the appropriate treatment. Basically, only etiological treatment is effective, that is, aimed at eliminating the cause itself. Otherwise, the result will not be.