Mammary glands in boys: structure and diseases
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Milk (or as it is also called breast) iron (from Latin glandula mammaria) refers to paired epidermal glands producing a specific secret - colostrum and milk. When we hear this combination, the majority invariably represents a busty beauty, or at least a representative of a weak half of the population. But this body, as such, is not a tribute to belonging to a certain sex. There are mammary glands in boys and already adult men.
Anatomy and structure of mammary glands in boys
But in this article we'll talk about future real men. Let's try to figure out what is the anatomy and structure of mammary glands in boys? What is their difference?
As studies show, in girls and boys until the time of puberty, there are no differences in the structure of the breast. Differences in structure and progression begin to be observed already from this point, and the difference is directly related to the degree of development of the gland itself. In already adult representatives of the stronger sex, the mammary gland is present, but it remains in its infancy. In women, it develops and is designed to feed a newborn baby.
Just the absence of a breast in a woman or, conversely, developed breast in an adult male is an anomaly that, in many cases, requires correction, since it is associated with pathological changes affecting the endocrine system.
This gland is located on the front side of the torso between the third and seventh rib. The gland itself is surrounded by fatty tissues. It is their number and location that determine the shape and size of the female breast. In boys and men, this layer is also present, but it is rather insignificant. An exception is obesity. How regrettable it sounds, but this phenomenon in regard to children, to date, is not uncommon. On a hot, sunny day in the streets of modern cities, you can meet a child who clearly sees the chest. This process in medicine has its own term - false gynecomastia.
Anatomy and structure of mammary glands in boys, as well as in girls, is such a picture. In the center of the breast, there is a brown pigmented circle, termed the areola. Its shade can vary: from dark brown to light pink. The size of this spot is individual and depends on the age of the individual and his individual data. On the surface of this circle, rudimentary processes can be discerned-they are the underdeveloped sebaceous and sweat glands, the so-called Montgomery glands, which are about fifteen. They are involved in the lactation process in women giving birth, in boys they remain underdeveloped.
In the center of the areola there is a nipple, which is capable of having a relatively different outline: conical, barrel-shaped, cylindrical, funnel-shaped and not having a definite shape. The state of the nipple can be protruding, retracted and practically flat.
The skin of the nipple and the pigment circle around it can be quite smooth or furrowed. On the perimeter of the nipple, from peak to base, is marked with noticeable circular bundles of smooth muscle fibers.
Until the moment of puberty, both in girls and boys, the mammary glands have the same potential for its development in the functionally active gland. At this time, glandular tissues, of which the iron consists, continues to develop slowly. This is due to neoplasm of cells and intracellular structures forming duct channels.
The gland considered by us does not have muscular fibers in its composition, therefore it can not retain its weight. Similarly, the breast can not be "pumped". The chest support device is fascia.
The posterior wall of the mammary gland is fixed to the clavicle by Cooper ligaments - connective tissues that strengthen it and connect it to the fascia. The posterior surface "looks" at the large pectoral muscle. It is between these walls and there is a small layer of fatty tissue. In this case, its presence allows the breast to provide the necessary mobility.
Diseases of mammary glands in boys
It's not sad, but many illnesses are "younger". It is not uncommon for boys to have breast diseases. Patients in this group were diagnosed with:
- Gynecomastia - increase in the size of the mammary glands, developing on the basis of hyperplasia of glandular passages and connective tissue. This disease can have both a physiological and pathological character. The disease can be localized in one mammary gland, which leads to breast asymmetry, and can be symmetrical in nature and affect both glands. Its reason is:
- Injury.
- Failure in the synthesis of male sex hormones.
- The effect of a number of drugs.
- The result of hereditary pathology.
- Diseases affecting the thyroid gland.
- Pseudo-gynecomastia - aesthetic and physiological abnormality is more associated not with pathology as such, but with the accumulation of fat tissues in the chest and the stretching of the muscular and glandular tissues. Usually this happens when the child has excess weight. And as statistics show, in recent years, children suffering from obesity are becoming more and more.
- Physiological gynecomastia is a reversible pathological abnormality observed in completely healthy children. It can occur during two periods of time: at the time of birth and the first few weeks after delivery, as well as during puberty. This fact is explained quite simply. This is due to a sharp drop in the level of hormones in the baby's blood. In the first case, the parent hormones cease to flow through the placental barrier. In the second - the child's organism undergoes significant changes in connection with the transition to a new status. Statistics show that with this metamorphosis it collides every five to seven boys out of ten (in the period from 12 to 15 years). And 90% of them are self-terminated after a year or two.
- Fibro-cystic disease or mastopathy. The growth of connective tissue in the gland. The number of glandular cells also increases. It is through this that the seals begin to form. This pathology is not considered a precancerous one, but, nevertheless, some of its forms are capable of being regenerated into malignant tumors.
- Cancer is a terrible disease diagnosed in children is rare, but such cases, nevertheless, have been recorded, so this should be remembered. If the pathology is recognized late, the cancer cells through the circulatory and / or lymphatic system spread throughout the body, catalyzing numerous tumor neoplasms. If the disease is recognized late, when it is already at the last stage, it can not be cured, with timely and early detection and treatment, complete recovery is possible.
In any case, if parents observe a swelling in the nipple area, the child should be shown to the pediatrician and, if necessary, examined to determine the cause of the pathology.
Breast compaction in boys
It is not uncommon for cases when, during puberty, the mammary gland is tightened around the nipple in boys. If this is not related to pathology, this fact is the result of hormonal adjustment and, mainly after its normalization, the problem is solved independently, and the seals dissolve without leaving a trace.
Such a clinical picture can occur in boys aged 12 to 14 years. In this case, the adolescent can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations: swelling of the nipples, slight burning, increased sensitivity, itching, the appearance of pigmentation and a pulling feeling in the chest. Perhaps even the appearance of excreta. This picture refers to deviations, suitable for the term physiological gynecomastia.
Approximately two thirds of adolescents, one way or another, is confronted with this symptomatology, which can be different only with the intensity of its manifestation.
If after the end of the adolescent period (up to 18 years) the symptoms in question do not disappear, it is necessary to seek the advice of a qualified specialist.
Swelling of mammary glands in boys
Many do not even think that a similar problem can affect a strong half of the population, including male boys and adolescents. Swelling of mammary glands in boys can affect two main stages in a child's life - birth and puberty.
After childbirth, the delivery of maternal hormones that are previously invaded through the placental barrier terminates in the newborn's body. It is the fact of a sharp change in the amount of hormones that can provoke the appearance of this symptomatology. In case of detection in the baby of such a deviation should not worry. This is a variant of the norm, which will "resolve itself" during the next month.
At an older age, the baby may encounter such a manifestation in the period (on average) from 12 to 14 years. This is due to the growing up of the child and the transition of his status from a teenager to an adult man. At this time the body of a teen produces both male and female hormones. If there has been a surge in the production of estrogen, the consequence of its increased formation is swelling of the mammary glands. In most cases, the volume increase affects the area of the areola, but there are cases when the growth of the breast itself was observed. After the balance of male and female hormones levels, the swelling of the chest passes.
These two circumstances refer to the physiological norm and are quite understandable.
But this aesthetic deviation can be caused by other problems. One of these reasons can become overweight, and what was taken for swelling of the breast is the deposition of fat structures in the thoracic region.
Provoke this problem can and a number of diseases associated with a malfunction in the endocrine system of the child. As a result of pathological deviation, there is an increased division of the glandular cells and, accordingly, the proliferation of tissue - gynecomastia.
Swelling of the mammary glands can be a temporary provoked course of taking certain medicines. In this case, it is sufficient to cancel the drug or to complete the course of treatment, as the situation with the problem considered in this article is normalized.
If the source of the symptomatology is a certain pathology, then only arresting the disease or introducing maintenance hormone therapy can restore the boy's breast to its original natural size. In case of a situation, when the therapeutic measures adequate for this clinic do not bring the expected result, there is only one way out - surgical intervention, which doctors try to use as rarely as possible. Experts initially try to try all the non-radical methods of influence. And only after no method has received its positive continuation, the doctor decides on the operation.
Increased mammary glands in boys
Anatomically mammary glands in representatives of the strong half of humanity does not differ from women. Is that the level of development. If we talk about childhood, it is practically impossible to distinguish the girl's breasts from the boy's breast, up to a certain point. But this applies to a healthy child. In the case of pathological changes or at certain periods of life, one can observe an increase in mammary glands in boys.
If the child's hormonal background "does not jump", then there are no problems with the mammary gland, it does not develop, remaining in its infancy.
But there are still two options, when the increase in mammary glands in boys is physiologically justified. This is the moment of birth and the next few weeks (it can be two or four). During this period, many newborns have a slightly larger mammary gland than usual.
As already mentioned above, this situation can be repeated in the period when the boy begins to turn into a man, that is, during puberty, which mainly affects the age from 12 to 15 years. It is for this period that the greatest disagreement in the production of various hormones occurs. And if "women take the upper hand", then, just, and it is necessary to observe the development of the breast according to the female type. But if this situation is not associated with any pathology, then after the restructuring of the teenager's body is over, the size of the breast returns to normal.
As a variant of the development of such a picture with a healthy body - wearing inconvenient, substandard laundry, which irritates, rubs or causes an allergic reaction (mainly underwear made of synthetic material).
Another reason that has nothing to do with the disease, but still has a significant impact on the child's body, is the way of life of his parents and, accordingly, his:
- Hypodinamy. Despite their natural mobility, some kids do not want to run and jump, preferring to sit at the computer or lie under the TV.
- Add the wrong food, rich in carbohydrates, fatty and high-calorie food.
- Reduced the rate of removal of fluid from the body.
- The result of this life is the overweight of the baby, and sometimes obesity.
But an abnormal increase in the organ under consideration is also possible. Many diseases can lead to such a picture. Provoke this symptomatology is capable of:
- Violation in the field of metabolism, a failure in metabolism.
- Severe kidney and liver pathology.
- Rehabilitation of exhaustion.
- Inflammation of the testicles.
- A tumor localized in the chest area, both cancerous and benign.
- Neoplasms affecting the testicle.
- Other diseases in which the production of androgens decreases.
Therefore, if the parents have even the slightest suspicion of a pathological source of the problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Pain in the mammary gland of a boy
If a child complains not only for discomfort, but for the appearance of pain, then do not hesitate. It is advisable to show the baby as soon as possible to a specialist. After all, the pain in the mammary gland in a boy, most likely, is caused by some disease or pathological external influence.
The cause of pain in the area of the breast can be provoked by hormonal disorders, which can be identified only by the endocrinologist. But this is not the only reason that can cause soreness of the nipples and breasts in the child.
The pain can be caused by:
- The period of puberty. At this time, when touched, the nipple region can be painful. But such symptomatology is temporary and after the normalization of the hormonal background, the size of the breast will return to normal, and the pain disappears.
- Lead to the pathology in question and is capable of allergy. Pain is one of the manifestations of the body's response to internal or external influences.
- The cause of the pain may be a trauma in the chest area.
- Diseases affecting the pituitary gland.
- Pathology affecting the work of the adrenal glands.
- The testicles failed. The pituitary gland, adrenal glands and testicles are triumvirate, responsible in the body of the strong half of the planet for the production of male hormones. Failure in the functioning of at least one organ leads to the dominance of female hormones in the body, which leads to the result under consideration.
- Gynecomastia.
- Diabetes.
- Rarely encountered, but the most dangerous disease is breast cancer.
Inflammation of mammary glands in boys
Mastitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the breast. It affects not only the body of women. Inflammation of the mammary glands in boys and even newborns is not nonsense, but modern realities. This disease occurs in the body of the child according to the same scheme as in the weak half of mankind.
In a newborn child, this disease can appear as a consequence of infection of the body. After all, in the womb of the mother, the fruit received along with the blood and part of its hormones. After birth, their quantitative level dropped sharply. Such a mismatch leads to a decrease in the vital forces of the baby and if it is not saved in this period it is quite possible to get into the body of a pathogenic flora or virus. In particular, the breast may be infected, and the result of inflammation may become mastitis.
Primarily, based on the mechanism of destruction, this disease is most dangerous in the first month of life of the child.
Most often, the pathogens of this disease in a small patient become such microorganisms:
- Intestinal bacillus.
- Staphylococci.
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Streptococci.
The main source of the disease in boys is:
- A significant drop in the body's immune forces.
- Injury.
- Another violation of the integrity of the skin.
- Subcooling.
- Disbalance of the quantitative ratio of male and female hormones caused by pathology.
Preventing the disease or identifying it at an early stage helps to protect the human body from many problems with its health in the future. Diagnosis of the pathological deviation considered in this article usually begins at home, when parents notice a swelling in the nipple area of the child. In this case, it is not superfluous to show the boy to a pediatrician.
The second option may be a routine examination of the pediatrician or treatment of parents with another problem, when the doctor notices the discrepancy between the size of the glands in the age and sex of the child.
A special place is occupied by differential diagnostics aimed at revealing a more severe pathology, such as mastopathy, especially purulent inflammation of the mammary glands, tumorous neoplasms (both benign and malignant). At occurrence of an alarming symptomatology it is necessary to spend urgently complex medical examination and to take adequate measures to a cupping of a problem. And the sooner this is done, the less the patient's body will suffer. After all, in a child's body, the disease can progress much faster.
The first thing the pediatrician prescribes after the initial examination is a blood and urine test that will respond to the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the child's body, and also the level of hormones in the body can be estimated.
Without fail, a small patient is sent for ultrasound examination of the breast area. Such a survey will identify the pathology of changes, the extent of inflammation and affected tissues, the stage of the disease. After analyzing the results of the research, the attending physician is able to diagnose the disease. If he still has doubts, it is possible to consult other specialists or a consultation of doctors.
Only after the correct diagnosis has been made, the physicians can proceed with the preparation of the treatment protocol and directly the treatment itself.
If the necessary hygiene rules are followed, infection can be avoided.
If the pediatrician had a suspicion of the presence of an abscess or malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland, then the kid is given a biopsy with further histological examination, as well as magnetic resonance imaging and / or mammography.
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Treatment of mammary gland diseases in boys
Most of the above cases of abnormalities in the mammary gland in boys do not require any medical intervention. But even in this situation, you should not take control of the gland. But there are pathologies that require immediate therapeutic intervention. Treatment is carried out on the basis of data analysis and instrumental diagnosis.
If mastopathy is diagnosed, anti-inflammatory drugs are introduced into the protocol of treatment, antibiotics may be prescribed. This may be drugs belonging to the group of amoxicillins (osmapox, grunamox, amotide, chiconcillum, amoxicillin-ratopharm, flemoxin-solutaboxylaxyl), phenoxymethylpenicillin (ospen), penicillin moxyclav, amoxyla, augmetin) or cephalosporins (prozoline, aksetin, kefzol, zeclor, lysolin, zinnate, verceph, ospexine, ketoceph, taracef).
In parallel, the child undergoes a massage, which is done by either a professional masseur or mother at home (after appropriate training).
With gynecomastia, the stages of therapy depend on the source of the pathology. If it's physiological gynecomastia, there's no cure. If such a picture caused excessive weight of the child, the first thing to do is to review the regime and diet of such a patient, in this case, supportive therapy is also possible.
The cause of the disease in the synthesis of male sex hormones or diagnosed a disease affecting the functioning of the thyroid gland, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs that correspond to a particular clinical picture.
If the result of gynecomastia is a hereditary pathology, then the boy begins to receive replacement therapy, that is, the hormone, the production of which is insufficient. In this case, this refers to the male sex hormone.
In rare cases, doctors can decide on surgical intervention. Basically, this method is used when a small patient develops a progressive purulent process and forms inflamed abscesses. In this case purulent formation is opened, the cavity is sanitized, if necessary, drainage is put. After this, rehabilitation therapy is carried out using broad-spectrum antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. Mandatory and medicines that work to increase the immune forces of the child's body.
The situation is worse when the cancer character of the pathology is suspected. After additional examination, a small patient receives treatment corresponding to the stage of malignant pathology.
It is worth noting that self-treatment can lead to irreparable consequences. After all, what is applicable for a single diagnosis can be unacceptable categorically for another.
For example, in the inflammatory process, which proceeds in the tissues of the breast, heating is categorically unacceptable. If a patient has infants, all procedures associated with a hard massage are also contraindicated. After all, the skin of the baby at this age is very gentle and can be damaged even with little exposure.
Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use the methods of alternative medicine, without agreement with the treating pediatrician. Only in a bundle of "parents - a pediatrician" you can get the expected result, that is full recovery.
Not the least place in preventing the emergence and subsequent development of pathological changes associated with the mammary gland in the boy's body is associated with proper body hygiene and the implementation of a set of recommendations put forward by pediatricians. Prevention of these manifestations is:
- Hygiene of the body, including the chest. This fact applies not only to women and girls, but also boys and men:
- Daily shower.
- Pure linen, preferably of natural materials.
- Qualitative cosmetics: baby soap, shower gels and other cosmetics should be marked - "for children."
- Hardening: contrast shower, air bath.
- Proper balanced nutrition. Fractional mode of food intake.
- Healthy lifestyle. It's not a secret that many teenagers, in order to appear older, start smoking early, trying alcohol and drugs.
- Timely and adequate treatment of infectious diseases.
- The child's clothing should be the size. Parents are required to control that the son was dressed in the weather. Freezing, as well as increased wrapping, adversely affect the baby's body, reducing its protective forces.
- It is necessary to maintain the immunity of the baby at a high level.
- The child should spend enough time outdoors in moving games.
- Regular ventilation and wet cleaning of the premises where children live.
- It is necessary to avoid mechanical injuries to the chest. Timely heal bruises, abrasions. If necessary, seek assistance from a specialist.
- Do not abuse prolonged exposure to open sunlight.
- At the slightest suspicion of pathological changes, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician as soon as possible.
- No self-treatment.
Only by observing these fairly simple rules can we hope that the child's organism will not be negatively affected, and the pathological process will not receive its destructive development.
The answer to this question is ambiguous. It all depends on the cause of the changes affecting the mammary glands in boys. If we talk about the natural periods of rebuilding the child's organism (the period of birth and puberty), then the prognosis is clearly favorable, and there is no need for any treatment.
With timely access to a qualified medical professional in the case of diagnosing mastopathy, with adequate therapy, you can guarantee a complete cure. The main thing is not to miss the disease at its early stage, because over time the acute form gradually turns into the chronic condition of the disease. Chronic mastitis can not always be completely eliminated. In this case, the probability of relapse is high.
If the pediatrician diagnoses gynecomastia, then with a correction of nutrition, lifestyle and effective therapeutic therapy, the child quickly gets rid of the disease. An exception can only be hereditary pathology. But there is a way out and he is behind substitution therapy.
Treatment of abscesses, mainly, is carried out by means of surgical intervention. After such a procedure, a scar remains, which reduces the aesthetic aspect of the human face, from the point of view of physiology - coarsening and tightening of tissues.
As a rule, many people associate mammary glands with the breast of an adult woman. But as medical statistics show, natural and pathological changes can affect the mammary glands in boys. At the same time, the severity of the problem does not become less of this. Therefore, if the parents have questions or they have found swelling of the mammary glands in their son, the correct decision will be to show the child to a specialist, mainly a district pediatrician. He will assess the situation, explain the change, if necessary, prescribe the necessary examination, consultation of other specialists and treatment. A categorical recommendation to all parents - do not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment! This approach can only harm your baby! After all, in some cases, no treatment is required, it is enough to wait out a certain period and the problem will be solved by itself. When a disease, its attempts to cure adults, in most cases, cause even greater damage to the body of the child. Therefore, be attentive to your baby and be cautious in your actions. After all, the main postulate of medicine - DO NOT HURT!