Intestinal colic
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Intestinal colic is a painful attack in the abdomen, in the area of the intestine, resulting, as a rule, by sharp urges to defecate. Pain often resembles muscle cramps when the intestine is intensively and too actively working. Such colic can arise as a result of overeating, malnutrition, inflammatory reaction in the intestine, and also for many other reasons.
Causes of intestinal colic
Colic in the intestines are caused by spastic contractions of the thick or thin section. Most often, such spasms originate from the small intestine, gradually capturing the entire length of the intestine.
Gut spasm is most often the result of irritation. The reasons for this irritation can be listed quite a lot:
- diseases of the stomach, pancreas, and even diseases of the oral cavity do not allow for a good treatment of food that enters the intestines insufficiently digested;
- overeating, taking too much food in one sitting;
- the use of poor-quality or stale food;
- the use of unusual, exotic food;
- bacterial lesions of the intestine (salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.);
- poisoning with fungi, poisons, other toxic substances;
- poisoning with salts of heavy metals (for example, lead);
- stressful situations, excessive nervous tension;
- helminthic invasions;
- intestinal obstruction.
Symptoms of intestinal colic
As a rule, the signs of colic develop suddenly, manifested by acute sharp pain in the abdomen, which sometimes can give back to the waist. Such an attack can trigger a rise in heavy weight, a sharp fast run. But in most cases this condition occurs some time after a dense dinner.
Pain in the abdomen is cutting, gradually increasing. The patient is unable to determine the posture, he writhes and tries to change the position of the body to reduce painful manifestations. During the maximum spasm, the patient moans, screams, a state of strong arousal can be observed.
If the seizures are prolonged, then gradually the soreness can be smoothed out, subsequently increasing again. Pain is given to the lumbar and inguinal region, the genitals.
Because of the irritation of the nerve endings of the peritoneum, gas removal and defecation is disturbed, therefore, flatulence, nausea, headache occurs. People who are prone to hypertension have high blood pressure.
After prolonged colic, the patient is exhausted, apathetic, looks tired, exhausted.
If the colic results in a sudden diarrhea, the patient feels a sharp relief, although a drawing pain in the abdomen may be present further.
Acute intestinal colic
Attack colic is always acute, manifested by cramping pains, a burning sensation in the intestinal region. Such a state does not arise by itself, without cause. After the end of the attack in any case it is recommended to visit the doctor and find out the cause of the disease.
The following signs indicate that the attack is acute:
- pain in intestinal colic sudden, unexpected, usually taken by surprise;
- periodic, more often short-term, intestinal spasms are felt;
- the stool is liquid, heterogeneous, with various impurities (mostly mucous), offensive;
- During an attack (only) muscles of a stomach or belly strain.
Patient's state of health sharply worsens, appetite disappears, constipation becomes diarrhea.
The temperature in intestinal colic is more often normal if the condition is not caused by an intestinal infection. Otherwise, there may be a rise in temperature to high figures (up to 39 ° C), the symptoms may resemble a catarrhal disease along with intestinal problems.
Sometimes the patient experiences false and painful urge to defecate. Pain can be observed throughout the surface of the abdomen, or predominantly in the right ileal zone, resembling an acute attack of appendicitis.
Intestinal colic in adults
Intestinal pain in adult patients can not be treated as an independent disease. This can be a symptom of a large number of various pathologies of the digestive system. In other words, it is impossible at first sight to determine the root cause of this state. This can be a violation of the function of the digestive tract, spasms of smooth muscles, allergic manifestations.
Signs of intestinal lesions are unchanged: painful attacks, spasmodic pains, increased gas formation, upset of the stool, mucus in the feces. When you feel the stomach is determined by the pain, but the muscles of the abdominal press should not be strained. The temperature is normal. The attack can last several minutes, then a short or longer break occurs. The total duration of the attack is from several hours to several days.
The severity of general condition in an adult patient depends on the presence of other concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, if colic develops against a background of gastritis, then nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, heartburn may accompany the disorder of the stool.
A frequent guest in adults at the same time with a spasmodic attack is obstruction of the intestines - a mechanical disturbance, or a violation of the motility of a certain portion of the large intestine. The result of such a pathology may be full paralysis of the intestine, narrowing of the lumen of the intestine, which in any case requires emergency medical care. Sometimes you have to use a surgical procedure.
Intestinal colic in pregnant women
Sudden attacks of cramping pain in the abdomen can frighten any pregnant woman. Not understanding what is happening, a woman often falls into a panic: the best way out in this situation will be urgent medical consultation. In emergency cases, it is recommended that an ambulance be called immediately.
Intestinal problems during pregnancy can arise due to malnutrition, or hypodynamia - a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that for normal working capacity of the digestive system it is necessary not only to observe a special food regime, but also to practice gymnastic exercises on a daily basis, to walk in the park or simply in the courtyard, completely eliminate from your diet such foods as soda, smoked and fried foods.
During pregnancy, overeating is categorically not welcomed: the digestive tract is already squashed by an enlarged uterus, and we even more complicate its life by eating large amounts of food. All this complicates the digestive process, worsens the passage of food elements in the intestines, which depresses the work of the intestine. Hence - constipation, alternating with spastic attacks of diarrhea.
Cessation of spasms and pain in the bowels will help antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverin), however, a referral to the doctor under any circumstances should be mandatory.
Intestinal colic in children
The digestive tract consists of several departments where different processes of digestion and absorption of food components take place. For example, in the cavity of the stomach there is a splitting of proteins, in the 12-duodenum - the splitting of fats, etc.
In case of digestion disorders (for example, with pancreas, bile ducts, inflammation of the stomach walls, and also with certain hereditary diseases), problems with proper digestion of food can occur. Clinically in childhood, it can manifest as a digestive disorder, accompanied by a decrease in appetite, bloating, stools, the appearance of fat or mucus in feces, general discomfort, decreased motor activity.
Depending on the cause of this condition, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Perhaps it will be a reception of enzymatic agents, or other treatment, depending on the situation.
Help with children's colic should be selected individually and differentially. Each specific situation should be considered by the doctor separately, taking into account the age of the small patient, the mechanism of the appearance of the disease state, the individual tolerance of the constituents of the ingredients of this or that preparation.
Intestinal colic in newborns
In the first months of life, a newborn child may suffer intestinal colic. This is a kind of spasms in the tummy that appear paroxysmal and flow with pain and increased capriciousness of the baby. In many cases, seizures arise from the inability of the digestive system of a small organism to change its life conditions. This state of the disease is not.
The first food of a newborn baby is usually mother's milk. At first, the infant uses it in relatively small amounts, so it is digested and digested without problems. For several weeks, the needs of a small person in food increase, and intestinal colic may appear, indicating that the children's intestines do not cope with the tasks set.
After the child has eaten, he presses his legs to the tummy and becomes restless. Can cry, blush and strain. This is the sign of the child's intestinal colic.
What can help the child in such cases?
- Massage of tummy.
- Moving the baby from the back to the tummy.
- Warm hot-water bottle.
- Sometimes it is necessary to revise the baby food (perhaps, switch to another mixture). A change in the mother's diet is also helpful if the baby is breastfed.
Diagnosis of intestinal colic
Diagnostic procedures for spastic seizures are usually simple, as the doctor in most cases already outwardly determines the essence of the problem. Complexities can appear only in the presence of malabsorption syndrome or inflammatory diseases. In such situations, the procedures may be somewhat different and sometimes even require a short-term hospitalization.
The initial diagnosis is established on the basis of the examination and several questions:
- age, lifestyle, the nature of the patient's diet;
- accompanying illnesses;
- when and after which the discomfort appears to have appeared;
- the nature of defecation and feces;
- associated symptoms;
- that took the patient, whether it became easier or worse after the taken medicines.
Additional studies may include the following procedures:
- coprogram (laboratory analysis of stool, due to which it is possible to determine the enzymatic activity of the digestive system and digestive properties of the stomach);
- feces on eggs worm (the presence of parasites in the feces can also provoke the appearance of colic);
- sowing feces for the presence of intestinal and typhoid-paratyphoid group of intestinal infections;
- analysis of faeces for the presence of dysbiosis.
Information obtained during the research helps to make an assumption about the true cause of intestinal colic, as well as to identify malabsorption syndrome (with lactase deficiency), food allergy, gluten intolerance, cystic fibrosis, intestinal parasites, infectious lesions or dysbacteriosis, or reject suspicions of these diseases.
If there are inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs, then sometimes such studies as gastroduodenoscopy, cholecystography, colonoscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs may be required.
Who to contact?
Treatment of intestinal colic
To treat intestinal colic is recommended under the supervision of a doctor who will accurately establish the cause of such condition, and also in time will detect possible deterioration of the condition and will provide the necessary help. The basis of treatment is the effect on the cause that caused the development of intestinal colic. Therefore, it would be wrong to give universal advice on treatment, since a competent treatment strategy is required depending on each specific case.
In order to eliminate painful spastic pain, it is necessary to work on them. But one treatment option can be if the patient has normal diarrhea and functional bowel disorder, and completely different - if the patient develops intestinal obstruction, which usually requires urgent hospitalization and even surgical intervention. Therefore, to act independently, without the knowledge of a doctor, can not always be right and sometimes leads to sad consequences.
However, intestinal colic, of course, is necessary. For this purpose, use antispasmodics, which relax the spasmodic smooth musculature of the intestine. If there is no vomiting, then medicines are consumed inside. In other cases, injections or rectal suppositories are indicated.
The following therapies are most often used:
- two tablets of drotaverine (No-shpy), tea with mint;
- pills of an extract of belladonna (it is possible analogues - Bekarbon, Besalol, Bellalgin and so forth), 1-2 tablets. One time;
- tablets, suppositories or injections - papaverine with platyphylline (1-2 tablets once);
- activated carbon - 1 tablet 0.5 g per 10 kg of the patient's weight;
- the enema introduction of a warm infusion of mint with chamomile (about 200 ml).
Uncomplicated functional intestinal colic may subside after the gases have passed away, and a single liquid stool will occur. The patient is not recommended to eat food for 10-12 hours after the attack: you can drink unheated tea without sugar with a white cracker.
What to do with intestinal colic?
Help with intestinal colic should correspond to the patient's well-being.
If he connects his condition with errors in nutrition, if he has pains and spasms in the intestines, but there is no vomiting and fever, then it can be helped at home. Use the tools described above.
If the patient has a suspicion of an infectious disease or intestinal obstruction, he should be urgently hospitalized in an infectious or surgical department. In such cases, any delay or passive observation can significantly worsen the clinical picture and course of the pathology. Even if the stomach was washed at home, antispasmodics, analgesics were used, the patient was treated with cleansing enemas, then with infection or obstruction such procedures can create only the illusion of improvement. In fact, this can only lead to a belated delivery of the patient to the doctor, which only worsens the prognosis of the disease.
In the hospital, the patient will be provided with all possible assistance simultaneously with the necessary diagnostic procedures. And after setting the exact diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy:
- when an infectious disease - antibacterial treatment, mainly by broad-spectrum antibiotics;
- with spastic obstruction - spasmolytic therapy, paranephalic blockade;
- when paralytic obstruction - the use of ganglioblokatorov, paranephalic blockade;
- with mechanical obstruction, surgical intervention can be indicated.
Therefore, it is very important, with the slightest doubt, to consult a doctor, so as not to provoke the development of adverse consequences.
Medications for intestinal colic
- Activated carbon is a sorbent (a preparation that can absorb toxic substances, gases, fermentation products, etc.). Used for increased gas production, digestive disorders, poisoning. Take from the calculation of 0.5 g of the drug per 10 kg of weight, usually not more than 30-40 g at a time.
- Sorbeks is a granular analogue of activated carbon, which binds harmful compounds during poisoning and promotes their excretion from the body. The effect of the drug lasts almost two days. In this case, Sorbex helps with errors in nutrition, an overabundance of alcohol in the body, poisoning with poisons, drugs, poor-quality food. Take 1-3 capsules, preferably on an empty stomach (you can pre-wash the stomach or cause vomiting). The maximum amount of the drug taken at a time can be 8 capsules.
- Atoxyl - enterosorbent IV generation. It neutralizes toxic substances, microbial and food allergens, products of bacterial metabolism, which are formed as a result of putrefactive processes in the bowels. Atoxyl is used in acute form of intestinal disorders, with food infections, salmonellosis, poisoning, enterocolitis, alcohol and septic intoxication. Before use, dissolve 1-2 bags of sachets in 150 ml of water.
- But-shpa is a well-known spasmolytic medication that eliminates spasms in the stomach or intestines. Take tablets at 0,04-0,08 g to 3 times a day. At admission, care should be taken for individuals prone to low blood pressure.
- Spasmalgone is a combined remedy that combines the effect of an antispasmodic and an anesthetic drug. It is used to eliminate spasms, pain in stomach or intestinal colic. Assign 1-2 tables. Up to 3 times a day, but not more than 6 tablets a day. Do not recommend taking Spazmalgon for more than 3 consecutive days.
- Spasmomania is a blocking agent for M-cholinergic receptors. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles in the intestines, reduces the number of peristaltic movements, eliminates spasms. In addition to the intestines, the drug does not work on other organs. Take 1 tablet a day, for 2-3 days. Do not appoint children under 12 years.
- Buskopan - relieves spasms, reduces the secretory activity of the digestive glands. Can be used in both intestinal and renal colic. Assign Buskopan on 1-2 tablets. Morning, afternoon and night. You can use the drug in suppositories, 1 pc. Three times a day.
Treatment of intestinal colic by alternative means
Phytotherapy has always been regarded as an effective and harmless treatment, devoid of many side effects, which have medicinal medicines. In intestinal colic, the action of medicinal plants should be aimed at restoring the working capacity of the intestine, inhibiting the development of pathogenic bacteria and stabilizing the microflora.
Independently or in the form of fees use such plants as alder cones, oak bark, sorrel, leaves of strawberries, caraway seeds, blueberries, mint, melissa, chamomile, St. John's wort.
Eliminate signs of inflammation, detoxify bacteria and exert an astringent effect on the following medicinal preparations and mixtures:
- berries or a leaf of a bilberry, mint, a root of a mountaineer, we mix chamomile color in equal shares, we fill in with hot water (90 ° C), we insist. We use warm infusion several times a day for half a glass 15-30 minutes before meals;
- the root of the tent, the color of the immortelle, cumin, bilberry (berry or leaf), sage is poured hot water and insist. We use half the glass 15 minutes before meals;
- the root of the tent, the color of the immortelle, caraway, blueberries, sage mix, pour boiling water. Infusion is taken in 100 ml 3 times daily before meals.
With diarrhea the following mixtures are recommended:
- root of the blood-groove, shepherd's bag - we make a decoction, take up to 4 times a day;
- leaf plantain, St. John's wort - we prepare the infusion, take 100-150 ml 3-4 times a day;
- color of chamomile, a sheet of mint, bark of an oak - infusion we drink on 150 ml up to 4 times a day.
Reduce the intensity of fermenting and putrefactive processes such combinations of grasses:
- cones of alder, oak bark, bird cherry - 250 ml of infusion during the day in small sips;
- color of chamomile, caraway seeds - prepare the broth and drink 100 ml before meals.
If the colic is accompanied by constipation, it is possible to brew fees based on the buckthorn bark, licorice, anise fruit, fennel, elderberry color.
In order to suppress the putrefactive and fermenting process in the intestine, it is advised to use a tincture of garlic, 15 drops to 3 times a day, for 20-40 minutes. Before meals.
Nutrition with intestinal colic
The most important condition for the successful treatment of intestinal colic is a special diet based on the use of dietary table number 4. Such a diet is used for dysfunctional bowel diseases, which are accompanied by disorders of stool (diarrhea).
The diet for intestinal colic has the following objectives:
- maintain the strength of the body during the disturbed digestive process;
- reduce inflammation;
- to eliminate the reaction of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestinal cavity;
- normalize intestinal function.
The diet has an underestimated caloric content due to a reduction in the amount of lipids and carbohydrate foods, with a normal amount of proteins, with the exclusion of all sorts of foods and substances - irritants of the digestive tract. The menu removes food ingredients that enhance the enzymatic activity of the digestive organs, as well as those that favor fermentation and putrefactive processes. All products must be liquid or semi-liquid, chopped, boiled or cooked in a steamer, not very hot and not very cool. The optimal mode of food intake - 6 times a day in small doses.
The average daily calorie content of the diet is determined approximately in 1800-1900 kcal.
Recommended for power supply:
- white rusks, not rough, without preliminary roasting;
- degreased first dishes, weakly soured broths, broths on cereals (based on semolina, rice cereals);
- meat products without fat and fascia, minced meat without fat, meat soufflé;
- low-fat fish, fish meatballs, steam cutlets;
- fresh low-fat cottage cheese;
- Cooked eggs no more than 2 pcs. Per day;
- porridge of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, not containing milk and butter;
- vegetable broth;
- fruit or berry only as a jelly, jelly;
- tea without sugar, coffee, without the addition of sugar and cream, a warm drink made from rose hips.
Excluded from the diet:
- any bread, buns, rolls, pies, cakes, etc .;
- rich and fat broth;
- fatty parts of meat, fat, sausage, etc .;
- oily, salted, canned fish, caviar;
- milk and other milk products, except for low-fat cottage cheese;
- fried scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs;
- macaroni, vermicelli, beans and peas, pearl barley and barley cereals;
- fresh vegetables with fruits;
- pickles, pickled food, sauces;
- sweet foods, including jams, honey, compotes, etc .;
- butter, spread, culinary fat;
- drinks based on milk, soda and chilled drinks, juices.
The approximate menu of such a diet can look like this:
- For breakfast: Oat flakes on the water, a glass of green tea and crackers.
- Snack: Blueberry broth, cottage cheese;
- For lunch: A cup of low-fat broth with the addition of semolina, steamed teftel, jelly.
- Afternoon snack: a drink from the dog rose, cracker.
- For dinner: Fish fillet steamed, buckwheat garnish, tea.
- One hour before sleep: baked apple without skin.
To adhere to such a diet should be to persistent improvement of the condition, after which it is necessary to gradually add to the diet the usual foods and dishes. It is not recommended to abruptly switch to normal nutrition, as this can cause a repeated exacerbation of the disease.
Prevention of intestinal colic
In order not to disturb the natural digestive processes and not to provoke the failure of digestion and assimilation of food, one must think in time about the prevention of intestinal disorders. If the colic has been previously disturbed, it is better to consult a doctor.
It is necessary to balance your diet, not to overeat and not lean on fried, spicy dishes, to limit the use of sweets and soda. The emphasis in the diet should lie on vegetable dishes, cereals, meat and fish cooked in a double boiler, stewed or baked in their own juice.
It is definitely recommended not to forget to drink a sufficient amount of liquid and eat fresh sour-milk products.
Among the measures for additional prevention are:
- exercise, physical activity, daily walks;
- Unloading days;
- massage of the back and abdomen;
- the use of herbal teas with the addition of mint, chamomile, caraway, fennel.
Our health largely depends on our lifestyle and dietary principles, so timely take preventive measures by everyone.
Prognosis of intestinal colic
With timely care, the prognosis of intestinal disorders can be favorable. In the opposite situation, colic can worsen and lead to the development of complications and chronic disorders of the intestine.
Whether the colic will pass without a trace, or leave after itself the consequences, depends on the causes of this condition. The usual functional disorders in most cases end well. If you follow the prevention measures, you can even avoid repeated relapses of the disease.
Often recurring colic can later "turn around" irritable bowel syndrome, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis and other digestive tract disorders. Therefore, if you are inclined to this kind of pathology, it is strongly recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle, do not overeat, do not get carried away by harmful food. Intestinal colic by themselves, without cause, does not arise. And the reason is most often that when and how we eat.