Ingrown nail
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The growth of the nail in the area of the nail roller, mainly from the side and on the thumb in traditional medicine, is called onychrictosis. A common problem at any age causes a lot of discomfort and pain, damaging the soft tissues of the finger, causing inflammation and suppuration.
Inability to properly cut the nail plate, wearing tight shoes and, as a result, ingrown nail with a focus of pathological granulation, often pose a danger to the health of the patient. The causes of ingrownness can also be: fungal infection, trauma, flat feet and other orthopedic disorders. Fungus deforms, thickens the nail plate, which contributes to its introduction into soft tissue. Experts recommend avoiding too tight, air-tight sock and pantyhose. A full breath and blood supply to the toes help the nails grow, assuming the right position.
The ingrown nail has its own risk group, to which the doctors refer:
- people with diabetes, atherosclerosis, varicose veins;
- elderly patients due to age-related impairments of blood circulation in the limbs;
- pregnant women, in whom the load on the legs increases with the increase in the fetus.
Why does the nail grow?
Factors affecting the introduction of the nail plate into the surrounding tissue, quite a lot. The main reason for the statistics is incorrect, inaccurate circumcision of the nail. Do not use a manicure / pedicure to expose the nail holes, to give the nail plate an oval or wedge-shaped shape. Cut the nail in a straight line, and sharp edges round the nail file. Correctly cut the nail plate not deeper than the top of the cushion.
A problem like an ingrown nail occurs as a result of:
- wearing tight, not the size of shoes (especially for lovers of high heels);
- longitudinal / transverse flatfoot and a characteristic external deformation of the thumb on the foot;
- trauma, frostbite;
- hereditary predisposition;
- increase in weight (for example, when carrying a child);
- defeat of a fungal infection.
Why does the nail grow in pregnant women? In addition to the increasing burden on the feet, women in later terms can not self-prune their nails, and their husbands are often uninformed in these wisdoms.
Symptoms of ingrown nail
The main complaint of patients with ingrown nails is a constant pain, concentrated in the area of the nail roller, which increases with the wearing of shoes and movement.
The disease begins with a small ulcer in the place of permanent traumatization of the soft tissue nail. The infection quickly joins the process, the purulent secretion begins to ooze from the wound. The response of the body will be increased tissue growth in the area of the wound surface - pathological granulation, in color resembling raw meat (hence the name "wild meat"). From this point on, the disease is of the chronic type, when walking becomes difficult.
Ingrown toenail
Such a trifle, like an ingrown toenail, gives a lot of problems, inconveniences, sometimes it does not allow us to lead a habitual way of life. As it turns out, very many people suffer from this disease.
Home therapy in the form of lotions, ointments, trays, etc. Is effective only at the beginning of the pathological process, when there is no abundant accumulation of pus and tissue proliferation outside. Severe cases, especially if the ingrown nail is a consequence of mechanical or any other damage, require the help of a qualified specialist.
Based on the feedback of the patients themselves, alternative and conservative treatments do not bring the expected result. Strangely enough, but surgical removal of the nail has many opponents. Firstly, the operation itself, despite local anesthesia, is rather unpleasant because of the large blood loss and pain of the healing period of the wound surface. Secondly, a finger without a nail plate loses its aesthetic appearance, it gives discomfort when wearing shoes. Thirdly, surgical intervention without correction of the nail gives a large percentage of relapses.
According to the patients, the most acceptable way to treat ingrown nail of the lower limbs is laser correction. Therapy is considered to be as gentle as possible, characterized by a minimum period of rehabilitation, helps to align the direction of nail growth.
If you find the first signs of anxiety symptoms, namely: pain when walking and wearing shoes, slight swelling of the side of the finger, do not postpone the problem with the words "will dissolve itself", and go to a consultation with a specialist. This will allow you not only to save money, but also reduce the complexity of treatment.
Ingrown fingernail on the arm
The growth of the nail plate on the fingers is a rather rare pathology. Symptoms of the disease include swelling, redness, tenderness of the nail roller zone. Provoke a similar phenomenon can:
- damage or injury;
- incorrect nail cutting;
- insufficient blood supply to the nail bed area;
- excess of calcium;
- individual features of the structure of the nail plate (thick, curved shape, etc.);
- mycosis;
- hereditary predisposition;
- non-observance of personal hygiene standards.
The development of a small sore is the response of the body to an alien body - an ingrown nail on the arm. The inflammation that has begun develops into a granulation of tissues, which interferes with daily work with a strong pain syndrome.
If it is impossible to cope with the problem on its own or the process acquires a heavy current, it is better to visit a competent surgeon. The doctor will examine the hand, prescribe an additional examination and prescribe the necessary treatment. Methods of laboratory diagnosis will be a general blood test and a check of the sugar level. If there is obvious inflammation, you will need x-rays.
The ingrown nail on the arm is treated with laser therapy, which has the maximum therapeutic effect with a minimum of relapses. The procedure is characterized by a short recovery period.
Why does the ingrown toenail hurt?
The pain syndrome with the growth of the nail plate in the surrounding tissue is due to the rupture of the integrity of the skin. Compare this discomfort can be a splinter or a fragment of glass, caught in the finger. The degree of pain varies from the stage of the pathological process, the nature of the course of the disease, and also the individual characteristics of the patient. At the first stage, the pain is insignificant, similar to a pressing, bursting feeling. Attachment of infection, which is observed in the second stage, increases morbidity. Patients complain of pulsation, walking causes lameness. The third stage is the transformation of acute inflammation into a chronic form, when the pain syndrome is particularly acute, and movement is sometimes completely impossible.
If you have an ingrown nail, seek medical assistance immediately. The started inflammatory process is hard to treat, it threatens with serious consequences, up to the amputation of the finger.
Ingrown toenail in the child
Cases of onochryptosis in children are detected as a result of wearing incorrectly picked up shoes. Babies are equally harmful to buy excessively narrow, pressing and not breathing shoes, like open rubber flaps. Factors of ingrown nail plate can serve as injuries, bruises, congenital or acquired orthopedic disorders, infections, as well as heredity. Among the reasons that cause the introduction of the nail into the skin roller, there are: incorrect nail cutting and not the fulfillment of elementary hygiene rules.
The ingrown nail of the child should be immediately shown to the doctor. As a rule, attempts at home treatment do not have any effect at all or bring temporary relief. Surgeons recommend surgical intervention or laser correction.
In an infant who does not know how to walk, ingrown nails necessarily operate. In this situation, the cause lies in a congenital defect and conservative methods here definitely will not help. Children under 10 years of age are under general anesthesia. Nail plate only in cases of urgent need to remove completely. After surgical manipulation follows a string of dressings. With the purpose of lowering the pain syndrome, removing puffiness and inflammation of the house, warm salt baths are used at least once a day. After the manipulation between the fingernail and the dermal roller, a cotton wool curl is placed. On the appointment of a doctor, ointments of local action are sometimes used.
Of course, it is better not to bring the matter to the operating room, so it is important to monitor the condition of the nails, check the shoes for convenience and fit the size of the growing leg. Parents of adolescents need to be constantly on check, as shoes have to be changed frequently and to control the cutting of nails.
The ingrown nail at the initial stage will help to adjust the master pedicure cabinet with the help of modeling materials. For example, put on a nail something akin to braces. With such a corrective plate, you can safely wear shoes, play sports, and the result will be stunning - properly growing, no longer nipping into the skin nail.
Ingrown toenail in pregnancy
Pregnancy often accompanies the puffiness of the legs, and wearing this tight shoe is fraught with thickening, deformation of the nail plate and ingrowth of the nail.
Factors provocateurs of the problem:
- unqualified nail trimming, improper care;
- close shoes with high heels;
- hereditary causes;
- deformation, various forms of foot flatfoot;
- fungal disease;
- pathology of the circulation of the fingers;
- injury.
With the intrauterine growth of the baby, the future mother, it is increasingly difficult to do a pedicure, and future dads do not always know how to properly cut their nails. Therefore, in order not to get such a nuisance as an ingrown nail, it is better to go to a cosmetology room.
The presence of discomfort during movement, swelling and redness near the nail plate - an occasion to start a timely, gentle treatment. Pregnant women do not undergo local or general anesthesia, which makes operative intervention in very advanced cases very painful. Optimum ingrown nail during pregnancy is treated with a laser method, which is considered to be the most effective and sparing. The thermal ray acts briefly, almost painlessly (although each person has a pain threshold), evaporating the pathological focus on the skin, treating the nail plate from the fungal lesion and removing the ingrown tip.
Consequences of ingrown nail
Prolonged flow of onochryptosis is accompanied by compaction of the granulation zone, the nail plate undergoes structural changes, its shape is distorted. The advanced stages of the disease are difficult to treat, the inflammatory process spreads to the bone. Often the nail exfoliates, and the pathology covers the entire foot entirely.
For patients with diabetes, the effects of ingrown nails, even at the initial stage, can turn into gangrene. The danger is onychroptosis in cases of a weakened organism susceptible to infectious disease.
Inflammation of ingrown nail
The ingrown nail shows itself painful in the corner of the finger during movement. Inconvenient shoes exacerbate the problem - there is redness, swelling. Untimely treatment can lead to suppuration, which threatens the transition to a chronic stage. In the place of deformation, connective tissue will begin to expand and a granulation focus will be formed.
Inflammation of an ingrown toenail can move to the tissues of the finger, and then the entire foot. The most serious consequences of chronic inflammation are - periostitis (periostitis) and osteomyelitis (damage to bone structures). Sometimes the process of inserting the nail plate into the skin roller provokes the attachment of a fungal infection when the nail thickens, changes shape, begins to turn yellow and crumble.
The inflammatory process of mild form is subject to conservative therapy. The patient should wear comfortable, loose shoes, and to remove pain, make herbal baths. In complex cases, antibiotic, surgical and laser treatments are used.
Suppuration of ingrown nail
The appearance of pus in the area of ingrown nail is the most uncomfortable moment, indicating the neglect of onychroptosis. Inflamed wound is the most susceptible to infection. The presence of suppuration characterizes the necrosis of tissues. In addition to a very swollen finger, any movement delivers incredible anguish.
Suppuration of the ingrown nail is extremely difficult for the surgeon. Especially neglected cases require cutting out the entire nail plate, which in turn increases postoperative rehabilitation. The nail grows long, as a rule, as a result has an irregular shape and requires special care.
The inflammation that occurs should not be brought to the formation of pus, it is better to immediately consult a specialist who will carry out the necessary treatment, and the healing process will be easy and short. Modern techniques will help to quickly cope with the pain syndrome and adjust the growth of the nail plate.
Complications of ingrown nail
The chronic course of the disease has a greater number of complications. Provocators often act such diseases as: diabetes, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the limbs of the obliterating species, which disrupt the blood supply of soft tissues. As a result, the regenerative capacity and immunity decrease.
The following complications of ingrown nails are distinguished:
- lymphadenitis / lymphangitis - involvement in the infectious process of the lymphatic system with inflammation of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymph nodes increase and hurt;
- development of abscess - is characterized by swelling, redness and suppuration of soft tissues. Mandatory surgical intervention;
- osteomyelitis - infection with purulent infection of bone structures. Heavily treatable, may need amputation of the finger. Diagnosis is based on radiography;
- gangrene - blackening of the skin, indicating the irreversibility of necrosis of soft tissues. Requires amputation of part or all of the finger.
Relapse of ingrown nail
To date, in clinical practice, there are over one hundred modifications of surgical treatment of onychrictosis. Re-ingrowth of the nail plate after surgery is observed in 40% of cases. The return of the problem is due to:
- incorrectly selected surgical tactics (for example, in the presence of a large peri-endothelial shaft, surgery with correction of the roller is recommended, if in this case only marginal resection is carried out, the recurrence of ingrown nail is very high);
- unprofessionalism of the doctor who incorrectly cut off the nail and insufficiently processed the growth zone of the nail plate, etc .;
- patient's non-compliance with postoperative rules (inability to part with narrow shoes, improper nail circumcision);
- trauma, fungal infection.
As can be seen from the listed ingrown nail arises through the fault of both the doctor and the patient. It is very important not only to find a competent surgeon, but also to comply with all his recommendations during the rehabilitation period.
Who to contact?
Pedicure and ingrown nail
Agree that it is impossible to give the nail the right position for growth after a bruise, trauma or to correct an inborn defect. For this reason it is necessary to resort to the help of professionals. Every pedicure master at least once faced the problem of ingrown nail. To achieve a prolonged effect, it is not enough to cut the ingrown edge of the nail plate, so the specialist should know the method of tamponing the nail on the side, be able to install Fraser staples.
The simplest and at the same time effective at the moment is the way of modeling by means of B / S-plates. The technology is similar to the installation of bracket systems in dentistry. The correcting plate causes the ingrown toenail to rise and grow in the right direction. The technique, developed initially for fine nails, gives excellent results, perfectly holds on the nail, is hypoallergenic, is not noticeable, does not interfere with the conduct of active lifestyles (for example, sports) and does not injure soft tissues.
Applying acrylic on the surface of the nail lifts its corners and prevents ingrowth. The procedure of building up is carried out twice a half a year. The client does not feel any discomfort, and his nails look well-groomed.
Pedicure and ingrown nail have become synonymous with medical hardware correction, which excludes the steaming of feet in water. In the apparatus pedicure use special disinfectant creams, suspensions for rough skin, hard and ingrown nails. Moreover, the effect of the remedies extends only to the dead layers of the epithelium. The advantages of a hardware pedicure include the absence of injuries and infection. Medical pedicure is the only salvation for diabetic clients who have a decrease in temperature, pain and other sensitivity.
What if the nail grows?
If your family has had cases of ingrown nail plate, it is likely that you will suffer the same fate. According to experts, an ingrown nail is a problem that is often inherited.
What if the nail grows? First of all, follow the elementary rules that prevent this disease. Give preference to comfortable, "breathable" shoes, matched to the size and your individual characteristics. Use individual insoles if there are orthopedic foot diseases. Do not neglect hygienic standards - wash your feet before going to bed, do not use someone else's shoes, wear rubber slaps in public places (bath, pool, etc.). Take care of timely and correct manicure, as well as pedicure. If you can not cut nails carefully on your own, ask the professionals for help.
How to care for ingrown nails?
In order to prevent the ingrowth of the nail plate into soft tissues, it is necessary to follow simple rules:
- in places of public use (bath, pool, etc.), wear accordingly, do not use other people's slippers or slippers;
- everyday shoes should be comfortable, free, of breathable materials;
- do not forget the basic rules of hygiene;
- Cut the nail carefully, not deep and straight, if necessary, contact a professional;
- In case of a finger injury, consult a specialist;
- Do not delay with treatment if the first anxiety symptoms are detected.
After the treatment, be sure to ask how to take care of the ingrown nail during the rehabilitation period. You definitely need dressings. The doctor may prescribe the use of an ointment, an analgesic, or antibiotics. Only by fulfilling all the prescriptions can we achieve a speedy recovery and prevent relapse.
Correction of ingrown nail
Modern correction of ingrown nail is carried out by carbon dioxide laser. The newest equipment allows to remove with the greatest accuracy and accuracy only the ingrown part of the nail plate. The methodology has several advantages:
- safe and bloodless;
- requires less anesthesia;
- the laser beam does not affect healthy tissues;
- thanks to the bactericidal effect, the laser provides an absolute infectious sanitation;
- The treatment zone is not sewn, there is no need for special care;
- the wound surface quickly heals;
- effective and aesthetic.
Laser treatment is not suitable for patients with the problem of blood coagulability, diabetes mellitus, as well as elderly people with trophic changes in the epithelium.
Correction of ingrown nails is provided by the use of special plates. The device is similar to dental braces. On top of the previously defatted nail plate, apply a photopolymer glue and attach a hypoallergenic plate that simulates the growth of the nail. Secure the device with gel. The progressive method is deservedly popular due to its convenience, efficiency and painlessness. A patient with such a plate does not experience discomfort, wears his favorite shoes and leads a habitual way of life.
Use of correcting plates is undesirable:
- children under 6 years;
- patients with mycosis, psoriasis and other diseases;
- Only with the permission of the doctor is established in the adolescent period and diabetics.
Treatment of ingrown nail
Conservative therapy in addition to warm baths with salt, soda and manganese includes the use of a water-alcohol 0.5% chlorhexidine solution. Antiseptic impregnate gauze and lay between the nail plate and the skin. The compress is changed as it dries, providing a constant presence of the composition in the wound zone. Manipulation helps to reduce mechanical damage to the skin roller, reduce pain and accelerate the healing process.
Previously, the ingrown nail was fixed with an X-ray film, which reduced the risk of mechanical injuries and helped to smooth out the nail plate. At the present time special braces, springs, having the same role, have been invented. Miniature devices - imperceptible, do not interfere with wearing shoes, reduce pressure on the nail plate and gradually adjust its shape.
The presence of the focus of granulation with suppuration indicates a complex course of the disease and requires surgical treatment. The operation is performed with local anesthesia with novocaine (0.5-1%) or lidocaine (2%). The doctor should inquire about a possible allergy to these medications.
Treatment of ingrown nails by surgery is carried out in several ways:
- partially or completely remove the nail plate - it takes about three months for the full nail to resume, while the exposed nail bed will be as sensitive as possible and subject to the slightest mechanical effect;
- plastic nail roller - spend with the purpose of re-ingrowing the nail. On the side of the finger, the skin is excised, and the wound is sutured with nodal sutures. The skin roller no longer contacts the nail;
- Laser treatment is less traumatic way of correction of the nail plate. It allows to remove granulation, infection, as well as spores of fungi.
The doctor by ingrown nails
A specialist in foot diseases who has knowledge of orthopedics, who owns manicure and pedicure techniques is called a forgery. In addition to congenital or acquired deformities of the foot, the field of activity of this doctor is all diseases that cause problems on the foot, including ingrown nails. The main purpose of the sub-calculation is to identify problems in the early stages, in order to avoid surgical intervention. Podopoga can be called a mediator between a patient and a highly specialized specialist - surgeon, dermatologist, orthopedist, endocrinologist, etc. Despite the knowledge in the field of traumatology, surgery, hygiene, etc., the specialist-subordinate is engaged in any one pathology - post-traumatic massage, treatment of diabetic foot or ingrown nail plate.
The doctor on ingrown nails does not give a diagnostic conclusion, but if he suspects a fungal lesion, signs of diabetes or the need for surgery, he sends the patient to the necessary specialist.
When a characteristic symptomatology of an ingrown nail is found, a surgeon is needed. To assess the stage of the pathological process is enough: visual examination, blood delivery (including sugar). If there is a suspicion of complications (transition of the infection to the bone), the doctor will recommend taking an X-ray examination. Since any disease can be eliminated only by identifying the root cause, you should exclude the fungal lesion of the nail plate. To this end, you will be referred for consultation to a dermatologist. An endocrinologist will help differentiate diabetes.
So, the podog is engaged in the recognition of the problem in the process of its origin, helps in the processing of the foot, heals the ingrown nail at the initial stage without surgical intervention, and also gives recommendations on personal hygiene and nail care.
Where is the ingrown nail treated?
Assistance to a patient with a diagnosis of ingrown nail without accompanying complications is provided in the outpatient clinic (outpatient clinic). The absence of granulation and suppuration will be an indication for conservative treatment, which can also be a preparatory stage for surgical intervention.
Where is the ingrown nail treated in neglected form of the disease? The accumulation of pus, the presence of a bleeding wound surface of the skin, throbbing pain - all this requires a visit to a medical center or a surgical room. If you are intimidated even by the thought of a scalpel, then you can use the laser cabinet service, where the heat layer is burned with a layer of epithelium. Traditional surgery, like laser correction, has a long period of up to 3 months of rehabilitation, for which the skin is restored and a new nail grows.
Methods of treatment of ingrown nail
Slightly ingrown nail can be treated independently, resorting to warm salt baths and recipes for alternative medicine. In case of a slight suppuration, it is advisable to use "Vishnevsky", "Ihtiolovaya" or fresh aloe leaf, extracting pus and preventing the spread of infection. The ointment is evenly distributed on a bandage folded into several layers, which is applied to the affected area of the skin, insulated from above with oilcloth and fixed with a bandage. In the case of aloe, the leaf is cut in half and applied to the tumor by the flesh, after cutting the spines. Such therapy is better to spend on a dream coming. In the morning, try to cut the nail plate yourself and again apply the ointment. In case of intensification of pain syndrome, active accumulation or expiration of pus from the wound, it is necessary to seek medical help.
How to get rid of ingrown toenails?
The modern cosmetology room has effective means of combating ingrown nails. To correct the physiological and aesthetic defect, the master, who has passed the course of training of the technology "Stop-N-Grow", can. The technique, which came from the USA, consists in mechanically separating the nail plate from soft tissues using a special plastic instrument (scab). The device serves as a guide for the correct growth of the nail and after six months of wearing the client forgets about the problem called ingrown nail, as well as the accompanying problems - pain and chromate. This technique is applicable to the big toes only in adult clients. For cases of ingrown nail plate on the hand or in children, a modeling program based on the use of artificial materials has been developed. The nail is corrected by changing the force of its tension, which facilitates the exit of the nail plate from the roller.
Methods of treatment of ingrown nails are divided into:
- conservative - baths, lotions, plates;
- surgical - partial or complete removal of the nail, dissection and scraping of the tumor site;
- laser correction - exposure to high temperatures allows the ingrown nail to evaporate with the simultaneous elimination of the granulation zone and infection;
- radio wave therapy - gentle procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After cutting the skin, for 6 seconds, the growth zone of the nail plate is treated;
- folk remedies - are relevant, as well as conservative treatment, at the initial stages of the disease.
Baths with ingrown nails
At the initial stage of the disease, when the nail has grown slightly and there is no pus, you can place the limb in warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or baking soda. The procedure for reducing inflammation should be repeated three times a day for 15 minutes. Try to gently cut off the ingrown tip, then continue to do the bath until complete recovery. To soften the skin with the nail plate will help saline solution, which immerse the limb at least two times a day.
Chamomile baths with ingrown nails are advisable until the process has passed into a chronic form. To prepare the broth you need 2 liters of boiling water, 6 tablespoons. Dry mixture of chamomile and a saucepan with a dense lid, in which the infusion is aged for about an hour. The filtered broth is warmed up and for half an hour the leg is lowered into it. After the procedure, you should try to remove the ingrown nail, treat the wound with an antiseptic.
Nippers for ingrown nails
Nail clippers for ingrown nails have a distinctive feature - they have an elongated, thin cutting surface. Such a tool allows deep penetration of the nail plate and virtually painless removal of the ingrown corner.
When choosing the cutters, the material from which they are made plays an important role. Preference should be given to stainless steel, specially processed under vacuum, which causes increased strength and hardness of the tool.
As for the method of grinding, the best option is the diamond abrasive wheel of the manufacturer. Cutting edges processed on both sides will not require sharpening for several years of use and will do just fine, both with thick nails and a thin skin. It is a pleasure to cut the cuticle with such a tool, since they do not provoke the appearance of burrs.
Removal of ingrown nail
If the ingrowth of the nail plate is accompanied by suppuration, severe pain syndrome and other complications, then operative treatment with partial or complete resection of the nail is prescribed. In modern clinical practice, complete removal of the nail plate is prescribed in extremely neglected cases.
Removal of ingrown nails is carried out in the following ways:
- instrumental;
- traditional surgical;
- laser;
- radio wave.
The method of "closed surgery" includes instrumental excision. The procedure is carried out with local anesthesia with a special instrument. Removal is subject only to a small part of the nail plate, and the edge of the nail is treated with the drug to remove the cells of the growing part of the nail. The advantages of the technique are - effectiveness (the risk of recurrence is minimal), painlessness, quick healing, the possibility of manipulation in persons with circulatory problems of the extremities.
The success of surgical removal of an ingrown nail in many respects depends on the skill of the operating doctor and the quality of tissue suturing. The operation, as a rule, takes place in conditions of active bleeding, which makes it difficult to obtain a long-term result. After surgery, the tissues heal for a long time, causing a lot of inconveniences and a strong pain syndrome, the probability of re-ingrowth of the nail plate is great.
The use of laser or radio wave correction is recognized as the best means of treatment that do not require suturing. The procedures are characterized by minor bleeding, exclude infection, and a rapid recovery period.
Conspiracy from an ingrown nail
Our ancestors ingrown nail since ancient times were treated by conspiracies, which were an effective remedy along with herbs and drugs prepared by healers.
To believe or not to believe in the healing power of words is a private matter for everyone. Although in our age, such spells have become a kind of fairy tales and miracles. For adherents of non-traditional healing, who firmly believe and are able to create affirmations and various attitudes to healing, conspiracy from ingrown nails:
- "Like, like a cat's claws grow, so the Nails do not grow into nails. My word is strong ";
- "Granny-scratch, scratch, scrape on a cat-dunnyu, on her claws, slaves of God NAME fingernails, so that they do not grow into handles quick or feet fast, which I rule, then I will correct. Amen".
Self-expression is pronounced, looking at the ingrown nail plate, any day.
The problem of "wild meat" can also be solved by conspiracy. To do this, you need a piece of raw meat (put to the left of the patient), over which the installation is pronounced on a moonless night: "In a dense forest there is a house, and under its door lies a beast. An animal of meat is waiting. I'll go to the slave NAME, take her wild meat and throw the wild beast, so he lets in the door. Upon entering the house, I will find the icon under which the lamp is lit so that the illness from the slave NAME is gone and burned. Through the forest is dense, the house of a stranger, the wild beast, the door is secret and has not returned. Once I'm baptized, crossed another time, crossed for the third time, I turn to the wild beast. Take the wild meat from the slave NAME. Amen. Amen. Amen". Take the meat away from the house and throw it away. After getting rid of the disease, a person should not eat meat products for a year.
Prayer from an ingrown nail
Church prayers truly bring long-awaited healing, even in the most difficult cases, forcing one to believe in the Divine conduct of the hardened atheists. Witness the history of life.
Operation to excise an ingrown nail plate very often gives relapses. So it was with one boy who had to take out several surgical interventions a year. It is not known how long the traditional treatment would last until a miracle happened and thanks to the prayer for the health of the nail the child began to grow in the right direction. Of course, the boy's parents took about six months of daily reading of the coveted lines from the prayer book, backed by a prayer for recovery.
Believing people say that the prayer from an ingrown nail is the right way to forget about the disease. For healing are suitable - "Panteleimon's prayer", "for recovery". Any conversion to God from a pure heart brings good to the beggar. If you only know "Our Father" and this may be enough, the main faith according to which you will be given.
Prevention of ingrown nail
The main prevention of ingrown nails is a qualified haircut of the nail plate. If your nails are prone to ingrowth, or to care for them yourself is difficult for any reason (for example, because of the form), it is better to go to the office of medical hardware pedicure to a competent master.
The presence of foot deformities increases the risk of the disease, so use orthopedic products to solve your individual problem.
Watch for a change in weight, since an excessive increase in weight can provoke increased pressure on the feet, as a result of which the shape of the nail plate is often distorted.
Fungal damage also threatens the nail modification, so it is important not to start the disease and prevent the spread of the infection.
The ingrown nail is a nuisance that starts with a little discomfort, but can pour into a huge, intractable problem. Only a timely appeal to a specialized specialist will help to avoid serious consequences for your wallet and health.
ICD-10 code
In the International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision of the ICD-10, we find that the 12th class of "Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue" includes the encodings L00-L99, among which the abbreviation L60.0 (diseases of the appendages of the skin) corresponds to the name of the diagnosis - ingrown nail.