Inflammation of the appendages of the uterus (salpingo-oophoritis): symptoms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Symptoms of acute inflammation of the appendages have a pronounced picture.
Symptoms of inflammation of the uterine appendages are determined by the etiology, degree and stage of the disease, the reactivity of the patient's body. Acute salpingo-oophoritis is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen, especially on the side of inflammation, an increase in body temperature. With the growth of the inflammatory process, the patient's condition worsens, symptoms of intoxication appear, pains intensify and can acquire a cramping character, the temperature becomes high and accompanied by chills, the symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum may be positive.
In the chronic stage of the process, the pains acquire a dull, unstable character, intensifying during menstruation and with physical stress, after over-cooling. There are disorders of the nervous system, work capacity is reduced.
The adnexitis caused by anaerobic infection is most severe, especially in association with E. Coli and staphylococcus. Less symptomatic symptoms and a more protracted course are characterized by inflammatory processes, caused by chlamydia infection, mycollapse.
Acute inflammation of the appendages most often affects young women who have an active sexual life. At present, there is no doubt that inflammation of the appendages is connected with the method of contraception. When using IUDs, the risk of developing acute salpingitis rises by a factor of 1.5-4. With regard to oral contraceptives, many researchers believe that their use reduces the risk of inflammation (according to G. Rubin et al., Almost 3-fold).
Acute inflammation of the appendages often begins after or against the background of menstruation, following invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment (scraping of the uterus, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, hydrotubation, etc.), after surgical interventions on the reproductive apparatus. Patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum, on the inner thighs, less often in the rectum. In the presence of Chlamydia and gonococcal infection, the patient may be concerned about pain in the right hypochondrium due to the development of perihepatitis accompanying the inflammatory process of internal genital organs (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome).
The appearance of pain is accompanied by a rise in body temperature from low-grade figures to hyperthermia, general weakness, headache, nausea, less often vomiting, swelling of the intestine. Most patients complain of purulent, bloody or bloody discharge from the genital tract.
Exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the appendages has a similar clinical picture, but the onset of the disease is often attributed to a woman's hypothermia, hard physical work, mental overwork, stressful situations. Along with the increased pain syndrome for this group of patients are characterized by sleep, appetite disorders, increased irritability, fatigue, inadequate emotional reactions.
The formation of a purulent focus in the appendages can occur with the primary inflammatory process. This can contribute to: the nature of the infection (association of microbial factors); presence of IUD (especially Lips type); associated genital and extragenital diseases; inadequate therapy.
However, at present, purulent inflammatory foci in the uterine appendages can be formed gradually as the pathological process deepens. This reduces the duration of remission of the disease and increases the frequency of relapses. Each subsequent exacerbation is more severe than the previous one: it is accompanied by a temperature reaction, chills, intoxication. There are complaints from the colon, there may be a dysuric disorder.